Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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To My fellow Mandalorians

The following holo message has been sent out to all Mandalorians:

My fellow Mandalorians, my name is Alden Kyr'Nau. I was a farmer, I was a husband and a father, and I was a prisoner. Now I am none of these things at all because I am a Force Sensitive. My family was taken from me by Ra Vizsla for an accident of birth. Because the Gods saw fit to let me hear the heartbeat of the universe and because I refused to leave my home, or go under a knife to deafen myself to my gift. I was dragged in chains from my family to be imprisoned and await death.

For what he has done to me, I hate Ra Vizsla. And perhaps you may think that means I would join Mia Monroe in overthrowing him. No. She is as much a monster as he. Many of those I suffered with in prison have lost family to that wretched woman. I would never follow one who would rain fire down upon her Vod.

Perhaps, then, you may think that I wish to kill them both. I do not. If history has taught us anything, it is that we are mightiest when we stand together. When Mandalorians kill Mandalorians there are no victors, only wasted warriors who could have served us all. I was never a fighter, but I am learning to wield a blade. And I will never raise it in anger towards another Mandalorian. They are a Vod no matter who they serve. I will use it to defend all Mandalorians.

If you feel the same way, I urge you to come to the Rhyloth system, within the borders of the Confederacy of Independent Systems. Their leaders have agreed to help us gain a new planet to create a new Mandalore. A place where the exiles, the Force Users, and those who do not wish to follow a mass-murderer or a psychopath can live in peace when they are not plying their trade. I urge you to join The House Naak.

Alden Kyr’Nau, Alor of The House Naak

As this letter suggest House Naak is a temperate third-party option for Mandalorian players. This sub-faction will be a lot laxer and free-form than the others offering refuge for exiles, the opportunity for mercenary work for fighters, and just generally being a bit less overtly aggressive. We already have a few interested parties including myself:

[member="Rena Namadi"] | [member="Muad Dib"] | [member="Darth Metus"] | [member="Liset Vereen"] | [member="Adora Namadi"] | [member="Hal'kanor"]

The writers behind these characters have either expressed interest in joining directly or being recruited through a thread down the line. If you are interested post and/or PM me. There will be one large private thread for those who want to join off the back. For those who want to be recruited, we can set up those threads here or on discord.

Oya ner vod!

Edit: I misunderstood something. The CIS will be attempting a dominion of Relovian and House Naak will be playing a role in that. We don't have it quite yet.
[member="Alden Kyr’Nau"] hey man, Death Watch hasn't been in power fully yet, and haven't been around long enough to be there when you were a child. We never said we would murder force users simply for existing, we're just kicking them out and killing them if they fight us, no one would be burned alive for such a thing either. While you could chalk that up to fanatic NPCs, the timeline you have laid out doesn't really work here. Maybe you could just have your character feel FU's deserve to be Mando too and that discrimination would weaken Mandalore etc.?
[member="Silas Mantis"], what are you talking about? I made no mention of Death Watch being alive when Alden was a child. Are you referring to the accident of birth line? Because that related back to the fact that Alden was born a force user and years later The Death Watch decided to ostracize them. As to the burning, I have indeed chalked that up to NPCs. During the round up his family fought when they showed up to collect him. He was out and when he returned he was subdued and taken to prison. Glad I could clear that up for you.
[member="Alden Kyr’Nau"] for your first point, I simply thought you mentioned your parents, my apologies. The timeline is still technically a bit off, as DW while having verbally told FU's to GTFO hasn't done much to enforce it yet except kill those who openly resist as they're busy fighting a war, but again you could chalk that up to NPCs. If that's all there is, then I suppose I'll see you on the battlefield.
But yet you say this...

My family was taken from me by Ra Vizsla for an accident of birth.
The Civil War isn’t over yet so Ra could not have done this. All he did was say Force Users were banned from Death Watch, not from the Mandalorian people. So unless Alden was Death Watch when Ra took over this makes ZERO sense.
[member="Silas Mantis"] yeah no problem. As for the timeline, it may be a bit screwy I get most of my understanding of whats going on from Muad. He told me a bunch of force users were rounded up and put into Sindari prison so I went off that. My goal in this isn't to oppose or deal with the Death Watch. It's just to give force wielding Mandos an option for a faction to join that isn't Mia.
[member="Damon Riggs"] please see my above answer. Also, it would be appreciated if you could take any further grievances you have with the story to a PM. This thread is for gather interested force using Mandalorians who want a third party. Not to discuss if this characters back story one hundred percent gels with current events.

Jor Kvall

Ain't found a way to kill me yet
Alden Kyr’Nau said:
I urge you to come to the Rhyloth system, within the borders of the Confederacy of Independent Systems. Their leaders have agreed to give us this planet to create a new Mandalore
Taking a planet as charity instead of conquering it yourself? To make a new Mandalore, no less?

Weak, fam.
[member="Jor Kvall"] Two things, first that has actually changed a bit as I had a slight misunderstanding. Didn't update the letter appropriately when I added in an edit to that. We will actually be participating in the dominion of Relovian down the line which is the planet we will be getting.

The second more relevant point goes back to what I've said before. This is a thread for recruiting to a new faction. Please keep irrelevant comments about it out of this thread. If you have concerns or criticisms you are welcome to PM them, but posting in the recruitment thread is not appreciated.

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