Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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To Kill A Ghost.

Ossus, the toxic planet. Once a lush paradise, it was ravaged so very long ago. And it was here that the Sith Lord Darth Vulcanus was slain by one of his own sons, [member="Graxin Rade"]. Yet even after his death his spirit lingered, haunting the man. But it was not enough for the dark spirit. Soon he branched out to his other son, Krest, and both of their apprentices. [member="Terras Rigel"] , Krest's own apprentice, was the first to be attacked by the spirit, and what lead him to the planet now.
Krest was dressed in his usual outfit, but the blue and red scarf was tucked tight around his mouth and nose. The planet wasn't exactly the easiest one to breath on, and while his scarf offered some ease, it did little to help. There was a pare of goggles strapped onto his face, used so he could at least keep his eyes open as he stepped through the haphazardness area.
A hand rested upon the hilt of his sword, gripping the leather covered metal until his knuckles turned white. Already he could feel the darkness of his former master, and it sickened him. This was not a place he wanted to be, but a place he needed to be. With him should be both of his apprentices, Terras and [member="Ruby Wilded"] , Graxin and who ever he might bring, and [member="Minna"] and [member="Gherron Vael"] . He was not a fool to think that he could fight his dead master alone, and he was not about to leave his apprentices to deal with the Spirit should it trap him and the rest within his tomb.
Speaking of, it was there. The jaggedly carved cavern in which his masters body, and spirit, resided. This was not going to be fun.
Minna stood by her friend's side, looking towards the cavern in which it seemed Krest had come for. Their task in hand both intrigued and worried her. For one, she knew little about Krest's past besides the major happenings, so coming to deal with a major figure of his past would certainly uncover areas Minna did not know of. However, the danger involved made her incredibly uneasy. Despite Krest being a master, and the fact that they had many others with them, she couldn't help but notice the massive risk they were undertaking. During the battle of Schesa, Minna had gone into a blind rage after the Chiss had shot Krest. If he were to be hurt this day, or worse, she was unsure whether she could control herself. A flicker of ease came over her, as she remembered that during that battle she had walked a path of balance, too close to the dark for her liking. Now she was a Jedi, a follower of the Light. Surely, the Light would keep her under control... and keep Krest safe...

Walking up to the group, Gherron felt the dark side emanating from the cavern. Peering inside, he asked himself for the hundredth time why he was even helping the man who tried to kill him. Eventually, he would have to come to terms with that. He reminded himself that Krest was likely under the control of the dark side then. Even if he wasn't. a Jedi like himself had no place in holding grudges, no matter how bad they were. Sighing, he looked at the zabrak, noticing his tension. In a way, it kind of made him feel good, knowing how calm he was when the other was so tense. "Been a while, Krest. You sure you're ready for this?"

[member="Minna"] [member="Krest"]

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