Eternal Father
While the madness and destruction of war raged throughout the center of the galaxy, things on the fringes of the galaxy were relatively quiet in comparison. However; shadows moved with dark intent even there, for the will of the Dark Lord was all encompassing, and his agents numerous beyond count. A darkness was beginning to stir in the galactic west, as the engines of devastation began to churn and howl with a furious hatred. The forges of the foul King Zambrano burned endlessly as his unholy servants toiled endlessly for his glory, crafting foul machines of destruction, and birthing untold horrors from the gestating slime and muck from which evil is given breath. The master looked down upon the creation of his monstrosities, and he found it to be worthy. However; that was not what occupied his mind, it was the arrival of his chief servant, the former Vong sealed within the flesh-armor of Vulcanus whose horrid name was Dredge, that had turned his thoughts to new horizons.
His servant had brought him a new tool, a new life to be broken upon the anvil of his malice, and reshaped by the hammer of his will. His name was Cryax Bane, the leader of the Red Raven crime syndicate that he had to deal with previously in regards to themselves and the Black Sun. The Red Ravens were a new player to the game the Sith played across the entirety of the galaxy, and despite the words of his compatriots, he did not have much belief in the Ravens. Thus, when Dredge brought forth their leader bound and gagged, the Sith Lord's mind was ablaze with new possibilities. Demanding that his new prize be left in his care, the monstrous Dredge complied to the will of his master, and departed Panatha to endlessly sew chaos in Vornskr's name.
Now the Sith turned his gaze away from his monstrous birthing pits, and began his descend into the rotten earth. Down through twisting corridors, through horrifying torture chambers of ever shape and size, and past the malignant screams of the damned as they burst forth from the lips of the suffered. His prize had been chained in the central dungeon chamber, bound to a massive stone slab surrounded by several hooded servants who analyzed his physique before their Lord arrived. When he did, they bowed low and scattered to the far corners of the chamber, where they would remain unless called upon. The Master looked down upon his captive, and his mouth split wide into a vile grin.
"Well, well, well. What a delightful treat my servant has left for me."
[member="Cryax Bane"]
The musical accompaniment to this post: Link
His servant had brought him a new tool, a new life to be broken upon the anvil of his malice, and reshaped by the hammer of his will. His name was Cryax Bane, the leader of the Red Raven crime syndicate that he had to deal with previously in regards to themselves and the Black Sun. The Red Ravens were a new player to the game the Sith played across the entirety of the galaxy, and despite the words of his compatriots, he did not have much belief in the Ravens. Thus, when Dredge brought forth their leader bound and gagged, the Sith Lord's mind was ablaze with new possibilities. Demanding that his new prize be left in his care, the monstrous Dredge complied to the will of his master, and departed Panatha to endlessly sew chaos in Vornskr's name.
Now the Sith turned his gaze away from his monstrous birthing pits, and began his descend into the rotten earth. Down through twisting corridors, through horrifying torture chambers of ever shape and size, and past the malignant screams of the damned as they burst forth from the lips of the suffered. His prize had been chained in the central dungeon chamber, bound to a massive stone slab surrounded by several hooded servants who analyzed his physique before their Lord arrived. When he did, they bowed low and scattered to the far corners of the chamber, where they would remain unless called upon. The Master looked down upon his captive, and his mouth split wide into a vile grin.
"Well, well, well. What a delightful treat my servant has left for me."
[member="Cryax Bane"]
The musical accompaniment to this post: Link