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To Die At The Right Time [Open to Red Ravens, PM for invite]

"A great man's greatest good luck is to die at the right time."

There was a dark cloud over the Dragon Palace Casino today as the Red Ravens were gathered on the main casino floor to say goodbye to [member="Lysle of the Hydian Way"], the former Vice President of the Red Ravens crime syndicate and the man behind the organization’s rise to power in the Outer Rim. The casino had shut its doors for the event and the silence of the usual din of Pazaak tables, Jubilee Wheels, and Lugjack machines gave the room an eerie pall.

The casket was closed. No one asked why and Cryax didn’t offer a reason. The only thing that was publicly known about Lysle’s death was that he had been gunned down during a bloody uprising on the planet of Makeb by an assailant that Cryax had identified as Genevieve Lasedri.

The Chiss President, dressed in a black funeral suit, stepped in front of a large group of mourners, most of them Red Ravens, some of them personal friends, allies, and even former enemies of Rigger’s. The Chiss cleared his throat and spoke into the headset mic hooked around his ear. Knowing that the late crime boss wouldn’t have wanted a great deal of pomp and circumstance, Bane had a short speech prepared, and gave it without a teleprompter.

“Lysle of the Hydian Way was the very essence of courage, of duty, of brotherhood. All over the Outer Rim, Rigger was a symbol of freedom who proved that men can make their own destinies out from under the thumb of overbearing nanny governments like the Republic. Possessing natural ruthlessness and cunning, he needed no one’s permission to take what was his. Some called him an outlaw, and yes, that he was. But I called him a good friend. Lysle Rigger believed in me when no one else did. He had a prescience for spotting talent in people, and much like the betting here at this casino that he built, he played to win. Please join me in having drinks tonight for Lysle of the Hydian Way and to say goodbye to the man who made all of this possible.” His voice choking up near the end of his speech, the Chiss waved his hand around the room indicating the lavish, sprawling casino the man had called his home.

Cryax then walked over to the lid of the casket and trailed his hand across it. “Goodbye Lysle,” he simply whispered. As a doleful silence lingered in the air, the Chiss crime boss addressed the crowd once again, and in grim voice asked:

“Would anyone else like to say a few words on Lysle’s behalf?”

[member="Patricia Susan Garter"] [member="Keira Ticon"] [member="Tmoxin Temi"] [member="Isaac Ideus"] [member="Cross Ikon"] [member="Zenva Vrotoa"] [member="Chiasa Kritivaas"] [member="Nickolas Imura"] [member="Foebacca"] [member="Geneviève Lasedri"] [member="Colap Ticon"] [member="Paige Argous"] [member="Davik Tren"] [member="Daxton Bane"] [member="Kezeroth the Malevolent"] [member="Xalus"] [member="Val Cardin"] [member="Tungsten"] [member="Roadblock"] [member="Gaajo the Hutt"] [member="Linx Darlko"] [member="Erud'ryz'ladre"] [member="Joran Del-Finn"] [member="Neskar A'toll"] [member="Deborah Waller"] [member="Jarven Zexxel"] [member="Logan of Little Coruscant"] [member="Nei Laa"] [member="Razer Sin"] [member="Asteria Starcatcher"]
Jarven had considered it more respectful to come here without his helmet on. Forget the people who stared and who cares if they knew what a Gank looked like. He didn't care that they saw the dark brown fur that covered his neck and made for a thick solid beard and moustache. Tonight was about Lysle, a man he knew little about but already mourned deeply. He didn't have the words to say, so instead, he went up to the casket, put his hand on it, pulled out a small media device, and set it on top of the casket. He pressed the play button and it started to play soft music, not too loud to be disturbing, but loud so that people who came up to the casket could hear the lyrics. After that, he quietly and forlornly made his way back to the mass of people who had gathered there that night.
Lysle was dead.


Was dead.

Chiasa was having trouble coming to terms with this. Lysle couldn't be dead. She wasn't dead. The Ravens weren't dead. How could Lysle be dead? He was the Ravens. How could it be so? How? Who could have done it? How could the have dared?

She could feel her muscles tightening and her jaw clenching. Someone would die for this. Someone would burn for this. This would not stand. They would die. Their family would die. Their friends would die. Their city would burn. She would hunt the galaxy for them. She would unite every warring faction and meld them into one perfect killing machine for this one goal. Lysle would not be forgotten.

But not now. This was not the moment for that. Not yet. Closing her eyes, she turned her head to the side for a moment, and when her eyes opened again she was to all appearances calm. Anyone open to the Force would feel a white hot firestorm of rage reined into a a dark cold enduring anger.

There were a few non-Ravens present, but they were no longer a secret, they were a galaxy-wide presence.

"The Red Ravens are more than any individual, but we owe our birth to Lysle Rigger. The family we all enjoy now, he started. His absence will be felt. Keenly. But we endure. We are strong alone, and together we are unstoppable. This is a blow, but it is nowhere near a killing one for the Ravens, and as long as we live, so too will Lysle, in our memory."

"This is to Lysle!"

She raised a glass

"Gone, but we'll make damn sure he's never forgotten!"

She slammed back the drink and threw the glass at a wall, where it shattered.

Not her usual style no, but for this one evening, she was sister to every thug present. For this one evening, they were equals.
Linx was still a newcomer of the Red Ravens and hadn't met Lysle before his unfortunate demise, but for some reason he still felt like he was indebted to show his respect to his fallen brother. Linx wasn't high on large crowds and even though miraluka lacked ocular glands he could still feel the awkward stares of his peers and master as he made his way up to final resting tomb of Lysle. "I can't speak on the kind of man that you were because your time ended before we got to cross paths" linx used his force sight to observe the many auras that were packed into the viewing, the entire room had a solemn, depressing feel, sadness could be felt in the souls of them all "But from the feelings connected to your loved ones here, you were a great leader, one that'll be missed dearly!" He finished as he touched the casket and then made his way back to his seating .
Even though the security at the Dragon Palace Casino was normally air-tight, today it would get even tighter. Tmoxin Temi, the new Seargent at Arms of the Red Ravens stood at the back of the crowd, and with one hand, tightened her earpiece. The earpiece was connected to a comlink at her wrist, embedded in a piece of clunky gold jewlery. The comlink was DES protected and provided constant communication to the Raven agents which were hidden throughout the crowd as mourners as well as to Cryax Bane. The strengthened security measures were all to show the Red Raven's President that she meant business and wouldn't fail in any attempt to protect him or the entire Raven clan for that matter. Even at their own gatherings.

Tmoxin wore an elegant black blazer, black pants and heels.


"Coverage on the western door, please" she barked into her comlink bracelet. A security agent moved into position as instructed.

[member="Patricia Susan Garter"] [member="Keira Ticon"] [member="Isaac Ideus"] [member="Cross Ikon"] [member="Zenva Vrotoa"] [member="Chiasa Kritivaas"] [member="Nickolas Imura"] [member="Foebacca"] [member="Geneviève Lasedri"] [member="Colap Ticon"] [member="Paige Argous"] [member="Davik Tren"] [member="Daxton Bane"] [member="Kezeroth the Malevolent"] [member="Xalus"] [member="Val Cardin"] [member="Tungsten"] [member="Roadblock"] [member="Gaajo the Hutt"] [member="Linx Darlko"] [member="Erud'ryz'ladre"] [member="Joran Del-Finn"] [member="Neskar A'toll"] [member="Deborah Waller"] [member="Jarven Zexxel"] [member="Logan of Little Coruscant"] [member="Nei Laa"] [member="Razer Sin"] [member="Asteria Starcatcher"]


[member="Cryax Bane"] [member="Tmoxin Temi"] [member="Patricia Susan Garter"]

Razer had just walked in, quietly, and took a few quick glances around, so far all good. Razer didn't know this man very well, but he was apparently important to the Ravens, not that this part mattered to him. He was here cause he was asked to be here, and thus he respected the wishes of Cryax. The Vahla felt it was probably important to Cryax for Razer to be here. As he listened to the Chiss give a speech, and it was heart touching for sure, Razer could feel the emotions coming in from everyone about this funeral, then a Twi'lek spoke up, and toasted to the dead man's reputation, Razer smiled. He noticed security moving in as another woman spoke into her comlink, Must be head of securit, he thought to himself.

Zenva Vrotoa

The Crimson Devil of Nal Hutta
How could this happen? Why did this happen? Common place at funerals. Zenva understood their pain, and anger all too well. She had done this for far too many brothers. Today was not a day for armor and guns. The Ravens had seen enough of that for the time being. Today was about respect. Dressed in a simple black dress and plain low cut boots, Zenva watched as those before her spoke on Lysle's behalf.

The first, simple and solemn. The next full of rage. As the woman passed her aura washed over Zenva like an inferno, causing the Zabrak to flinch away. Lysle had been close to her it seemed. The third was odd. Detached some how. No matter.

Zenva began up the walk way, stopping before the casket. Her head lowered as she spoke a prayer in her mother tongue. Turning than to address those who had gathered to pay their respect.

"I regret that I have never meet Lysle Rigger. What I know of him is here beside you and built around us all. Comrades. Brothers and sisters." She paused to nod to Cryax, "True friends. Lysle was a father to The Ravens. A true patriarch, and gathered to him what can only be called a clan. He has shown us what is expected of great leaders. To give the whole of themselves in defense of their clan. Rest now, Hydain Way. You have more than earned it."

Turning back to the casket, Zenva drew out a pair of dog tags, taken from some of the rebels that had attacked Makeb, and laid them on the lid. "Mementos brother. When you reach the next life, remember what it is to be a hunter. To be a Raven."

Zenva turned to face Cryax again, "My people have an oath we speak when our patriarch is slain in battle. The Reckoners oath.

To all that cross us. This is our solemn oath.
We are free, bound only to each other. My life is yours, yours is mine. Harm one, harm all. The survivors must avenge. Whatever is taken from the Clan, the Clan recovers tenfold.’

‘The iceberg travels upstream, choking it off at its source. The river runs dry, dead and forsaken, yet the iceberg endures. The river has made a terrible mistake and the Clan now rises to destroy it.’

"We will kill you. We will burn your fields, steal your treasure, destroy your house, and enslave your children. We will murder your spouse, poison your pets, and blasphem on the graves of your ancestors. We will do all this, and the only way to avoid it is if we cannot find you.

We've already found you."

She bowed one final time to the president before returning to her seat.

Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy
Patricia stood off to the side of Cryax a good ten or so feet, dangling from her small chest was a Tenloss sub machine gun. The little boxy sub machine gun was at rest with her hand resting on the trigger housing unit her finger straight and off the trigger. She wore a short black dress and beneath that she had two Czerka machine pistols and few spare clips of ammo attached to her legs. She honestly could not care less about the dead crime lord, her job was to protect [member="Cryax Bane"], not Lysle. It was a shame that the man died but she wasn't about to cry over a dead man she didn't know that well. She did enough of that on Manaan when her men died fighting the Sith.

So Patricia just stood there silent and pretty waiting for this funeral to be over and everyone could get back to work. She wasn't a cold woman by any means but Lysle and company were murderers and why should he have to cry for someone who filled plenty of caskets during their lives? She wouldn't, and a part of her was glad he was dead so there was one less of him in this galaxy. So she just stood near Cryax providing security for the funeral in case one of the man's old enemies decided it would be a good idea to bomb it or shoot it up.
I looked around at the people assembled here, for the funeral of Lysle Rigger. Sure, he'd tried to capture me once. His girlfriend had tried to capture Rikki on another occasion. He'd all-round hated me for not bending my knee and giving him my little corner of the underworld. But, he'd been a great rival, and an even better business partner. I stood up, brought my whiskey with me, and stepped up to the podium. Smiling sadly at Cryax, Chiasa, and Zenva, I began to speak.

"Lysle Rigger was the single most annoying human being I've ever been forced to interact with. On more than one occasion, we tried to blast each other to bits with all we had. The Novas, the Blazing Chains, and the Valhalla Federation all rose and fell indirectly from the effect that the man now eternally sleeping in this ugly box next to me had on the galaxy."

I took a long pull of my drink, and continued.

"He disapproved of every single breath of air and drink of alcohol I took, and was never afraid to say so. However, he is probably the reason that I am no longer wandering around the galaxy with a fleet of half-working ships. He is one of the biggest reasons I am now Grand Admiral of the Shadow Navy, and I would have liked to thank him for that."

Raising my glass, I grinned like a monster and felt a tear flow down my cheek.

"To the first true rival I have had in nearly a thousand years. May he eternally lose at sabbac to his heart's content."

[member="Patricia Susan Garter"] [member="Zenva Vrotoa"] [member="Razer Sin"] [member="Tmoxin Temi"] [member="Linx Darlko"] [member="Chiasa Kritivaas"] [member="Jarven Zexxel"] [member="Cryax Bane"]


[member="Patricia Susan Garter"] [member="Cross Ikon"] [member="Cryax Bane"]

Razer felt something in the force stir in the force as the blonde woman came into view, to which Razer automatically knew who it was. Making his way through the crowd, snickering at the speech Cross gave, hoping also the Hapan admiral never saw him, he walked slowly to her. Coming up behind her, he simply spoke in a soft, and yet very familiar cold tone. The crazy thing about Razer's new body was that it resembled a lot like Romeo, and even his voice echoed like Romeo's.
"I see Romeo's baby momma is here for the Ravens."

Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy
[member="Razer Sin"]

Patricia didn't so much as flinch when the man walked behind her and spoke, she had been tracking every movement from everyone in the room and someone who looked like Romeo and came up behind her was a big one on her priority list. She knew who the man was, she wasn't about to leave her baby at home with people she didn't know. The agent began to tap the trigger housing unit on the sub machine gun softly in a gesture to show that she didn't really appreciate the man walking up behind her in a funeral for her boss' dead best friend that she could give two craps about. The woman's stomach began to swell a bit and her baby bump was starting to come in slowly. A look of annoyance flickered across her face when the "man" approached her, to be honest he looked as womanly as her and it would take a second glance to tell Razer was a man.

"What do you want Razer? I'm working." She said very annoyed and briefly.

"And this isn't the greatest place to talk." She gestured to the crying and mourning people in the room, hopefully Razer's idiocy would catch on that this wasn't really the greatest of times to start Sin family drama like it was a crappy vampire movie.
Funerals are, generally, a somber affair, and this one was no exception. There were a number of individuals that had assembled for the occasion, many of them Ravens, others affiliated to the syndicate in some way. It was a small crowd compared to the number of people that likely frequented the casino on any other day, and with good reason. Lysle Rigger, one of the founders of the Red Ravens, had died in what was assumed to be some kind of uprising, though the specifics had never been released to the general public. The casket itself was closed, leaving upon the crowd a semblance of finality. What was done had been done, and they had the choice to either dwell on the past or move forward, and it seemed most had chosen the latter.

Kerrick wasn't there to mourn or pay respects, at least not in the traditional sense of the word, but had come in a suit all the same. Before this, xe hadn't known of the man Lysle, but after listening to the few short speeches gained something of a respect for him. Really, xir reason for attending was more of a personal one, and as simple as the fact that it was xe who had found and subsequently rescued [member="Cryax Bane"], the Chiss that called the event in the first place. It was out of regard for him that xe stood in the crowd, remaining silent throughout the brief eulogies, paying a bit closer attention to what [member="Cross Ikon"] had to say, but nothing more.

There weren't many other people of interest save the Chiss and the red-headed male, the latter due to a familial relationship more than anything else. Maybe something interesting would happen after all.

[member="Razer Sin"], [member="Patricia Susan Garter"], [member="Zenva Vrotoa"], [member="Tmoxin Temi"], [member="Linx Darlko"], [member="Chiasa Kritivaas"], [member="Jarven Zexxel"]


[member="Patricia Susan Garter"] [member="Cross Ikon"] [member="Cryax Bane"]

Razer smiled as he looked at the people in pain, it fed his power, and his blood red eyes came back to rest on Patricia. "I'm not here to start drama, but explain something Romeo is hiding from you." He leaned in to her so only she would hear his words, to others, this may seem like he was saying, "Hail Hydra." but it wasnt that at all.
"Romeo...the Sins...the child you carry is of a bloodline far stronger then we knew, and Romeo only just found out. What he is, what we are, what you a heretic in the eyes of the One Stih's Ember of Vahl." Razer leaned back away from her. She smelled amazing to him, but he knew Romeo would destroy him if he tried anything. "Romeo told me through holonet a few months ago...Patricia, you must understand how important this is, and how important you are to him. Everything he did, said, he was in a bad place...he's still going through this change...but he will be back to normal, I promise." He said all in a hushed whisper.

Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy
[member="Razer Sin"]

It took everything Patricia had in her small body and then some to not turn around and start punching the man's teeth out one by one when he dropped Romeo's name. She loved the man with all her heart and she was carrying his child to prove it, yes she was in a career where being shot at was a regular requirement but she was going to approach [member="Cryax Bane"] soon about settling down on body guard duties until the baby was born. But that was a conversation for another time, right now she had to deal with Razer and his moronic timing.

Patricia's eyes swelled with the softest of tears at the news of Romeo and while yes she was still wholesomely pissed off at the guy behind her she still missed Romeo and wanted him there as she gave birth to their second child. So Patricia gritted her teeth and began to tap on the sub machine gun a bit more aggressively.

"You have fifteen seconds Razer, explain what the hell is going none of this cryptic bull @&$? then go kindly shut up, and sit down before I make you." She said promising the man that she could put in him holds and make him hurt in places he didn't even know existed. It wasn't polite to play with a pregnant woman's emotions.


[member="Patricia Susan Garter"]

Razer sighed, and sat down as fifteen seconds wasnt enough time to explain this all. The woman wasnt even Vahla, didnt know her children's heritage, or her lovers, though it made sense. Romeo hated to talk about it. Taking a breath, he began to talk again in his hushed whisper. "Vahl spoke to Romeo, he's going on a pilgrimage to find out what happened to the Vahla. Romeo, and all Sins are descendants of her. The Sith's cult worship her as a goddess, though she was just a Vahla, powerful in the force. This is all we know so far, Romeo is going to find out more. So far, only I, you, and he knows this." Razer stopped, and took in a deep breath, wow he said that all really fast.
"He leaves soon, its going to be just him, and the Ryuk's crew...Toligon is Vahla as well, so she would understand this well, and is loyal to only should get in touch with him before he might get to leave with him if you can talk him into it. Honestly, you're safer with him, then being here."
Nomad could be found near Cross, when seated, he was wearing a fine, jet black blazer, a white shirt underneath it. He was also wearing jet black trousers and shoes. Unsure why, Nomad got up to the stand and spoke.

"I never knew Lysle personally, but I knew one thing, he was a great man. He gave everything he could to this place and it will never the the same with out him. He will be remembered in the songs of legend, this much I know" he finished. He wasn't one for words and he didn't have much to say. he went to sit back down next to Cross.
Dak wasn't technically invited but since the DPC main floor was closed and scuttlebutt abounded that a ginormous funeral party was underway for the former VP of the Red Ravens, Lysle of the Hydian Way, she squeezed into her tightest neon dress, put on her heaviest makeup and limboed under the red ropes to hit this partay!!!! I mean, this very sad, solemn funeral.

Dakita had also heard through the grapevine that a new Zeltron was interested in joining the Red Ravens. It wouldn't be a party without another Zeltron! She sliced into the Red Raven contact list and messaged [member="Leilani Paaie"] to have her come on down to the Casino and meet some of the Ravens in person. The somber atmosphere wouldn't last when the drinks and spice started to flow. She was always excited to hang with her own species as it placated her occasional homesickness for Zeltros.

[member="Jarven Zexxel"] [member="Chiasa Kritivaas"] [member="Cryax Bane"] [member="Linx Darlko"] [member="Tmoxin Temi"] [member="Razer Sin"] [member="Zenva Vrotoa"] [member="Patricia Susan Garter"] [member="Cross Ikon"] [member="Kerrick Sereta"] [member="Nomad Crimson"]
The message was unexpected Leilani’s fingers slid across the keys as she read it. Because a funeral was, well it was definitely a different way to be introduced around and meet people and if she understood this was a solemn occasion.

She understood that the color for such times was a dark color. Leilani only had a few dresses that were dark in color. The traditional dress of a zeltron was bright colors and there were times that she wore them. But she would wear the black dress that still hugged her body like a glove the idea was to fit in her line of work often called for it. She could be a disappointment to others of her species. But she could use a drink; after all she could drink quite a bit.

Who was this person that had passed?

Within the hour Leilani found herself outside of the place, she nodded politely to the one at the door. He looked her over and seeing nothing out of the ordinary he allowed her to pass.

Inside she exhaled and looked around, now where could she find [member="Dakita Calfur"]

Puppet Kyrios

Asteria, wearing her black mourning dress, choked up at all of the speeches and had to excuse herself to go into a corner and let the rare tears fall. She had never actually known Lysle other than a colleague and her better, but the fact of losing someone so dear to her fellow Ravens just brought the tears on in an unstoppable force. She felt William's hand on her shoulder as he pulled her into a comforting hug, and was ashamed of her tears for one moment.

"I won't say 'don't cry', for not all tears are evil, and some are because you've been strong for too long."

Asteria broke down into quiet sobs at that and half collapsed to the floor, shaking.

"Wh-why does e-everyone I-I know h-have to d-die so soon and painful? I wish that somethings had never happened."

William stroked Asteria's hair and hugged her even tighter so she stopped shaking.

“So do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.”

(OOC: See if you can find all the references if you dare.)

Davik Tren

The Friendly Fiend
Davik stood erect and silently to observe the processions of the famous man that the Ravens had lost in battle. The young man had come dressed appropriately in a dark suit that seemed to echo the moods that was most evidently being felt by even the newest members of the organization. Davik had not even met the met the man that lay so still and lifeless as he had on the holofeed back on Makeb, though the gravity of the sorrow around him was nearly drowning. As Cryax continued in his proceedings, the young spacer felt it necessary to bow his head to the duracrete in respect for the fallen hero.

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