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TKO High School Shockboxing Rules!

Fable Merrill

As directed by Michael Bay.
[member="Kaili Talith"]

Fable made a mental note to compliment the blonde after the match, both for her good form and general hardiness. She was a talented shockboxer, the sort of woman Fable really did delight in fighting. Skilled, tenacious, lit from an internal flame. Granted, that look in the blonde's eyes suggested that she might want to murder her, win or lose.

It said something that Fable wasn't too worried. For one, she was pretty dumb and confident. B, she was incredibly hard to murder. Third, she was more worried about getting punched in the head than whatever came next.

Recognizing that her opponent was out for blood, Fable brought her guard in to block that straight punch, the force of the blow rattling down her forearms. The crowd had been whipped into a bloodthirsty frenzy, as what they likely expected to be a low-impact 'chick fight' was quickly developing into an all-out slugfest, with both skilled competitors going (as far as the crowd could tell,) full-tilt.

Fable stepped in as suddenly, throwing two heavy hooks that made the air whistle and crackle. Both were relatively easy to dodge. She kept up the assault and went for a brutal jab... and then the bell rung. A referee separated the two boxers and sent them back to their corners for a one-minute break. The first round was over.

Fable slumped into her corner and spat into a bucket, eyes focused on her opponent as she rehydrated.
None of this equipment made any sense to him.

There were gloves. And electro-thingyamawhatsits. And then this thing called an athletic supporter. Which, what was it supposed to be supporting? It looked like the ladies underwear in those Zeltron catalogs that [member="Joza Perl"] read.

...which, he only knew about because he'd had to clean her bunk on the Alderaan Queen after the Exocron expedition. There had been all kinds of questions he'd had for Sor-Jan Xantha after that adventure. -- the cleaning Joza's cabin one, not the Exocron one -- but SJ said that the clone wasn't supposed to know those things until he was bigger-er.

He was bigger-er than [member="Tabigarashu Madara"]. Didn't that count for something!?

Aw, feth. He couldn't even get into his Eukgar'gam without [member="Briika Tor"] helping him. He definitely wasn't going to be able to figure this mess out. Luckily, [member="Lok Munin"] was there. For something. There was this ring, and these people were telling Three he was supposed to go up there. Which, sorta worked because then he could ask his question to Lok.

"Do... do you know how any... any of, like, this stuff works?" the boy asked, holding out his shockboxing gloves with a shrug.
The cheers of the crowd didn’t really help with Kaili’s subconscious struggle. Her ego was slowly fed by the occasional call of her name, bruised by the occasional boo that was thrown into the mix. In the end she did what she could do drown them out, turn them into white noise and keep her head in the game. Fable blocked her attack and it didn’t take the brown haired force of nature to retaliate with an attack of her own. The blonde weaved between the hooks, dodged them like a feather to wind and as the jab came flying in her direction Kaili stepped to the side and raised her arm to direct it away from herself.

Her left hand rose for the response but was caught by the bell. The round was over, the girl could breathe again.

She took her seat in the opposite side of the ring. Sipped from her water bottle and stared at the brunette as the timer counted the moments until they had to get back to it again. One deep breath was followed by another. Kaili wasn’t going to meditate, the shockboxing ring would be a weird place to have her first, but she had to recollect her thoughts. The way that her mind was set ablaze by the lure of competition wasn’t who she was and she knew better than to react in the manner that she did.

Or rather, she was fully aware that it was part of who she was but still expected herself to keep it under control before it kept got control of her. If ever there was a time to remember what mother had taught her about such things, perhaps now was it. It wasn’t the time to debate dark or light either, Kaili needed that flame inside of her. Shockboxing wasn’t a game of hugs and to expect such things was foolish.

The buzzer called for her presence and the girl opened her eyes, rose to her feet and got back into the center of it. The crowds grew louder the closer the two combatants got to one another. Betting counters were set ablaze, figuratively, at what had happened. Indeed, the ‘chick fight’ was turning to anything but.

Gloves touched again, the round was on and Kaili wasted little time getting right back into it. Her fist tied up into knots, her grip cramping within their metal confines before easing up. Her left hand jabbed towards Fable’s face before it was quickly withdrawn and replaced with a right-handed uppercut trying to sneak through the woman’s defenses.

And so far she hadn’t even resorted to kicks, so perhaps that little monster voice within her head was contained.

… Or perhaps not. Nine rounds remained.

[member="Fable Merrill"]

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