Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Titan of the Shards


Tsavong sat atop the Obelisk, smoking his hooka and playing cards with his droid guest. It was quite unusual for a droid to be seen in the appearance of a Yuuzhan Vong as high ranking as Tsavong, but he did not mind. This appearance, as well as others, would continue to influence the Yuuzhan Vong's culture that their people had indeed changed their ways since the Great Invasion nearly 800 years prior. The creature before him was playing rather, well, though.

Tsavong got a call from the front office.

"Visitor here to see you sir."

"Send them up."

Tsavong ushered the droid away with a promise that they would resume shortly, and began puffing on his hooka as he awaited the visitor to elevate to the top level of the Obelisk.
[member="Tsavong Kraal"]

I walked out of the elevator into the top of the Obelisk. The room was amazing, showing a taste and brightness that I'd never expected from a Yuuzahn Vong. The man himself was standing, with a grim expression that was belied by his eyes moving up and down, trying to guess whatever he could just by looking at me. Possibly trying to figure out where he had seen me before.

"Hello, Lord Kraal. Nice to see you again. I'm slightly hurt that you don't remember where you met me."

"It's right on the tip of my tongue..."

A forked tongue split out between his lips and slithered around for a second, dripping slime on the floor, before receding. He offered his hand to the droid in a gesture of respect.

"Where.... do I know you from?"

Tsavong couldn't quite place the creature, but then again, he wasn't too fond of mechanical, lifeless entities. Something about this particular... apparatus... told him that not all was what it appeared and that Kraal should give the thing a chance to prove itself. Tsavong gestured for them both to sit.

"Do you... drink?" He poured a cup of jawa juice for himself, assuming the apparatus did not.
"How much do you remember about our initial assault on Copero? You may remember the incident with the Jedi legion that attacked me and Mala Kulan."

I waited for a response, as the Vong smugly poured himself a drink. I sat down, the large, four-armed man across from me. If I had eyebrows, i'd have raised one, possibly with a joking smirk. But I'm a crystal in a droid body. What can I do?
"I'll take that as a no," he said, sitting down on the couch across from [member="Bond"] with drink in his hand. He slurped loudly from the container and smacked his lips a couple of times.

"Copero? You were on Copero?"

Tsavong sat back, relaxed.

"Good times on Copero. What legion do you fight with?"
"Legion? I'm unattached. Darth Praelior or the Empress sometimes send me on missions, but I have never been assigned permanently."

I looked at the Vong to see his reaction, imagining that my response was probably odd to hear, for somebody who'd been in as many battles as I had.

[member="Tsavong Kraal"]
"So a mercenary then?" He asked [member="Bond"] inquisitively, leaning forward on the couch. The Myrshavong's bright green eyes displayed a sense of curiosity, his hatred for the inorganic withdrawing for but a moment. "Do you offer anyone your services, or only those within the One Sith empire?"

He sat back a bit more relaxed and took a swing from his jawa juice.

"Just what is it you work for? Credits? Glory? The One Sith?"
Bond said:
"Oh, I sure hope the third option leads to the first two. Cos I sure work for the One Sith. I'm a card-carrying Sith Knight."

[member="Tsavong Kraal"]

"Interesting," Tsavong replied. "Very interesting."

He leaned forward.

"Who is your Master? Surely you have some one who trains you in the Dark Arts of the Sith, as I have come to understand of your kind." He paused inquisitively. "And how are you able to possess such powers..."

He ended his train of thought.

"You're a droid?"
I looked up at the question. If I'd had teeth, they would've been gritted. I hated being mistaken for a droid. But there was really no way for anybody to actually tell what I was.

"I'm no droid. I'm a symbiote, who's taken possession of this droid as a permanent body. And my teacher was Darth Praelior. She taught me a lot of stuff that I couldn't understand, but much more important stuff that I could understand."

I thought about it for a second and then continued

"Really, I learned most of the actual Force techniques I know from other Force-Sensitives of my species. Darth Praelior was a big help in teaching me concentration, though. And patience. And how to make these weird Sithspawn that explode on people...."

"INTERESTING," Tsavong declared. "Very interesting."

He had no idea such a species existed.

"How would you be interested in a side-job?" He said, excitedly. "To earn some credits on the side? Titan Industries is making substantial waves in the technology sector, and we could use more..."

Tsavong regarded Bond and looked him over.

"...employees with potential for great things."

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