Alric Kuhn
Handsome K'lor'slug

Affiliation: Intergalactic Solutions
Manufacturer: Intergalactic Solutions
Model: MCH(Mobile Corporate Headquarters)
Modularity: Minor
Production: Limited
Material: Quadanium Steel
Classification: Mobile Command Center
Length: 470m
Width: 320m
Height: 950m
Seventy Five Torpedo Launchers
One Hundred Point Defense Lasers
36 Dropships
24 Gunships
Special Features:
-Advanced Sensor Array
-Reinforced Hull
-Standard Encryption Network
-Escape Pods
-Long Range Communications Array
-Standard Life Support
-Standard Shielding
-Heavy Repulsor-Lifss
-Landing Struts
-Drilling Pikes
-Titan Industries Equipment
Maneuverability: 18
Speed Rating: 18
Hyperdrive Class: 2 (Backup 5.0)
Atmospheric Landing: The Mobile Corporate Headquarters of MCH was designed as a ship to be able to safely breach the atmosphere of almost any planet. This ship was designed vertically to reduce drag upon its features, it had heavy ventral armor and its shields concentrate around its bottom. This allows the MCH to shift and enter a planetary Atmosphere with no real issue, moving itself down and placing itself firmly within a planets atmosphere. Once within the atmosphere the MCH has more than its engines to keep it afloat. All around the ship are several Heavy Repulsor-lifts, each one designed to allow the MCH to float nearly indefinitely above a planets surface, giving it time to find a landing place suitable. Once landed the MCH extends its landing struts, massive pillars that extend out from the ship itself and puncture into the earth, from there drills are pressed even further into the ground to secure the MCH in place.
Corporate Set Up: The MCH as a design was created to be Mobile Headquarters for Titan Industries. This means the ship serves a function as a base of operations for anything that Titan Industries might want to do on a planet. The ship comes equipped with a huge amount of space which can be filled with mining equipment, construction equipment, or anything that Titan Industries might desire for future use upon a planet. Most of the MCH's use is to land on already populated planets where Titan Industries has been allowed to set up operations. The MCH finds a place to land, then sets up as a normal Corporate Headquarters placing itself firmly within the outskirts of a city to begin operations. Titan Industries Permanent Headquarters are then built around the MCH.
Armament: The MCH has nearly no armament to speak of, the only weaponry that it holds is a set of seventy five torpedo launchers that can be used for either Proton or Concussion torpedos. These launchers serve dual purpose, one they act as the one line of defense the MCH has, and the other is the reshaping of worlds. At times the MCH cannot find a suitable landing position on a planet, the Torpedo launchers are then used to make such a place. The other defense is a simple set of one hundred point defense lasers. Compared to other ships of its size, the MCH is pathetically defenseless.
Speed: As one would think from such a ship, the MCH is all around a very slow and unmaneuverable vessel. It is lumbering and large, taking a long time to do anything in space an even longer in atmosphere. This renders the ship rather defenseless, and combined with its armament it makes the MCH a very soft target. This is why the MCH is almost always accompanied by a portion of Titan Industries rather large corporate fleet.
The Mobile Corporate Headquarters were designed by Titan Industries to fill a niche roll in the expansion of Titan Industries.
The entire Vessel was designed to essentially become a very large building. This was achieved through the addition of thick quadanium steel, heavy repulsor lifts, and a dozens of support struts throughout the entire vessel. All of this means that even on planets with heavy winds, powerful gales and strengthened gravity the MCH will always stand tall no matter what it is struck with.
The Ship itself as described above is not at all a combat vessel, it was designed to be a planetary support ship.
When the MCH lands on a planet it settles itself into the ground, settling in place and using its ground struts as well as several drills to hook itself into the planets surface. Once the ship is secure the MCH basically becomes little more than a building. Within the MCH one finds anything and everything one would find in a Corporate Headquarters and more.
The ship has crew quarters, equipment, laboratories, and half a dozen other facilities that one might require when setting up a base of operations on a new planet.
Within the MCH one finds hangars, huge storage areas, and extra reactors that aid in the construction of an operational bases. MCH's were designed to be the spearhead of operations on new planets, landing, settling down, and then allowing Titan Industries engineers, designers, and researched to expand into whatever operation is desired on said world. Because of this the MCH can be filled with different sorts of equipment, from mining to simply setting up an office building.
It should be noted that though the MCH is capable of taking off from a planet after it has settled into place more often than not it is simply incorporated into whatever Titan Industries is currently attempting to fulfill on the planet.
Development Thread: N/A
Intent: To Create a way for Titan Industries to expand its operations and quickly set up new headquarters on planets
Who Can Use This: Titan Industries
Primary Source: N/A