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Character Tionne Thanewulf vol.3

Tionne Thanewulf

People change. Now I'm a lamp.

Nickname: Tio
Faction: Formely Jedi Order/Galactic Republic(44BBY-19BBY), Galactic Alliance(850 ABY), currently unaffiliated
Rank: Master
Home planet: Coruscant

Physical characteristics
Human Variant(1/2 Hapan, 1/4 Kiffar, 1/4 Human)
Age: Appears around 36-37
Gender: Female
Height: 170cm
Weight: 50kg
Stature: Lithe
Eyes: Green-grey
Hair: Natural Ginger
Skin: Fair with freckles
Force sensitive: Yes

Mental characteristics and traits:
Character Alignment:
True Neutral
Myers-Briggs type: INTP
Ennagram type: The Investigator
Big Five Personality test:

  • Curious over Cautious
  • Organized over Careless
  • Reserved over Energetic
  • Detached over Compassionate
IQ: High
Disorders: Machiavellian personality
Education: PhD in Astrophysics/Cosmology, PhD in Xenobiology, with extra courses taken at Bachelor/Master level ranging from Economics, to Interplanetary relations, Politology to History(all from University of Coruscant)

[+] Force Powers FTW - Tionne relies on Force powers, rather than weapons while being specially trained in mental, stealth and camouflage related Force Powers
[+] Super Aware - Thanewulf is aware of Force illusions, which usually don't work on her, unless she wills it
[+] Erudite - Exceptionally educated with terrific thirst for knowledge
[+] Sly as a Fox - Cunning and mildly devious, which intensifies with age
[+] Resourceful - She can make things work when others give up
[+] Big Data - Innate ability to extract general concepts and causal links from large amounts of data
[-] No Poking with Light Stick - Tionne is a mediocre duelist at best, after 850ABY she does not even own a lightsaber
[-] Use Somebody - manipulative and scheming when goal-oriented
[-] Sarcastic - her humor is an acquired taste
[-] Rogue Mentalism - She has a history of invading minds of others without their consent
[-] Lone Wolf - prefers to be alone
[-] Frail - lack of physical strength and constitution
[-] No Second Language - No talent for languages, speaks only Basic

Tionne is a natural redhead with somewhat exotic, captivating features.

Chapter 1: The Height and Fall of the Republic through the eyes of a Jedi Watchman
The character of Tionne Thanewulf can be best described as troublesome combination of both the worst and best features of three distinct individuals in her family: her father Harald Thanewulf, mother Severina of Hapes and her gradfather Arslan Moxla. Tionne was born in 48 BBY as a child of Harald who held position of associate professor of physics at University of Coruscant at the time and Severina of Hapes, a member of the Hapan court and relative of Queen Mother who was sent to Coruscant to obtain a degree in engineering to aid with her career in the Hapan Royal Navy her family had envisioned for her. Not Severina's first choice, since she was interested in science from a very early age and wanted to simply become a scholar, not a commander of a fleet of ships just because she was a woman. But the chance to get off-world was not to be missed and Severina enrolled at University of Coruscant at age of 17. She first met Harald during an introductory physics class when Severina was just in her freshman year. Genuinely intrigued by the recluse scientist, she took elective courses he taught and later even applied to be his student assistant on a Republic-sponsored project on spatial physics conducted to better understand the properties of hyperspace. The more time they spent together, the less Severina wanted to go back to Hapes. As her studies neared their end and in a desparate attempt to escape the clutches of her own family, she seduced Harald and gave birth to Tionne in secrecy just two weeks prior to graduation day. However, her family soon found out of her plan to abandon the Hapes Consortium and stay on Coruscant with Thanewulf and the child. Tionne's mother somehow thought that the fact that she gave birth to a girl would somehow cause Queen Mother to have a change of heart and allow her to pursue her own career while not severing all ties with the Consortium. This scenario would've been much more likely if the Consortium did not find out who Tionne really was and what her true heritage was. Harald would only partially the truth about his own lineage a few years into the future, while Severina would never find out while the news of her starting a family with Harald Thanewulf was so controversial in the eyes of her kin. When Tionne was only six months old, Severina returned to Hapes under direct order of Queen Mother. She was prohibited from ever contacting both Harald and her daughter, under the threat of Harald losing his professorship over their "affair". Her family made it painfully clear they would use every ounce of political influence to have him expelled from the University. Harald would later tell Tionne her mother died when her transport was ambushed by raiders, but the girl would eventually learn the whole truth in her early teens.

The first four years of Tionne's life were spent with her father, with the professor juggling between his duties as a researcher and parent. The ginger maned girl spent most of the time in the lab with him, where Harald sometimes talked to her about his work as if he was talking to one of this teaching assistants. The older the girl was, the more she reminded him of her mother - she was an exceptionally bright child with meek playfulness that drew an instant smile on his otherwise absent-minded visage. Tionne would've probably followed in her father footsteps if one afternoon Harald didn't accidentaly put her favorite toy on the uppermost shelf of book cabinet as he was cleaning up the living room. Tired and feeling filthy, Harald slipped into the shower to prepare for his evening lecture at university. As Tionne woke from her afternoon nap and went searching for the toy, she found it stashed far beyond her reach. Firstly, she tried pushing the chair against the cabinet and climbed it but was still unable to reach it. Her eyes searched the perimeter to find something taller to stand on, but found nothing. Frustrated, Tionne extended her small hand upwards and willed the toy into her hand, which flew directly into her opened palm just as Harald was entering their modest living room half-dressed. A triumphant "hah!" escaped from the girl's mouth, while her father just stood in a state of shock, knowing he would now lose Tionne just as he lost her mother. On the other hand, he would be the last person in the world to try and hinder her potential; first thing next morning he contacted a few Jedi Masters he knew in the Jedi EduCorps to tell them his daughter is most likely Force sensitive. Later that day her midichlorian count was tested, more than confirming Harald's suspicion. By the end of the week, Tionne was relocated to the Jedi Temple and traditionally, all ties to her family were severed. Or so the Jedi thought at first.

In her early years in the Temple, Tionne trained with the younglings as a Jedi Initiate and had the opportunity to recieve instruction from some of the greatest Jedi in the waning years of the Republic. The instructors quickly noticed she was substantially more intelligent than other children of her age, but also noted a sense for mischief and difficulty in following orders which she deemed unreasonable. What made matters worse - her ability to make other children see the absurdity of some of the indoctrination the Jedi were imprinting into minds of young Force sensitive individuals. In other words, she was somewhat of a bad influence. As Tionne grew up, her individualistic nature and unbending will became her trademark. In an attempt to mellow her, the EduCorps placed her in an advanced education programme where she would keep her mind busy. She was the topic of many heated discussions in the Council of Reassignment; some Masters deemed her untrainable despite her above-average Force sensitivity, while others pointed out the unique combination of her talents would be a welcome addition to the Order. When she passed the Jedi Initiate Trials at the age of 13, Tionne took part in tournament which sole purpose was to showcase her abilities with lightsaber to Knights and Masters in hopes one would select her as a student. Since Thanewulf was never much of a duelist due to her frail physique and having only mastered Soresu fully, her tactic involved using Force powers on fellow students which they haven't learned, but she was intimately familiar with from early childhood. Attempting to control the actions and minds of others was frowned upon, but Tionne insisted the game was rigged to begin with, as the tournament only let students show their lightsaber skills under a strict set of rules. She would've been expelled from the Order for calling the competition "a painfully boring grinding to determine who was the most worthy mindless drone" in front of the Council of Reassignment if it weren't for Demitri Drahmin, a Kiffar Jedi Master who's sole vote saved her from prompt expulsion. Since Drahmin's five year post at the Council was ending, he agreed to take Tionne as his student and sole responsibility. It would later be revealed this particular combination of master-student was not a coincidence as Drahmin had foreseen it long before Tionne even set foot in the Jedi Temple. The Kiffar used his leverage in the Order to have them allow Tionne enroll into University and take examinations remotely, after Harald had passed away from an incurable, hereditary neurodegenerative disease just three days prior to Tionne's Initiate trials.

Once Tionne first boarded Drahmin's ship and the vessel had reached space above Coruscant, the Jedi Master tossed a datapad to his padawan before he set coordinates for the Outer Rim. Inside the datapad was an extensive file on Tionne Thanewulf, dug from the depths of the Archives. Inside was her psychological profile, records of aptity in the Force, but also a supplimentary file on her origin, a document which would help her fill in the bits and pieces of her identity and answer the questions that troubled her through her formative years. Drahmin let the girl read without uttering a single word. That day Tionne found out her father was not just any orphan from the streets of Coruscant who was lucky enough to end up in a normal foster-home, but the son of Jedi Master Arslan Moxla and a nameless courtesan he visited frequently. The Order was able to infer this by comparing Tionne's DNA to vast database of DNA of members of Jedi Order past and present, a random test someone ordered at some point to try to explain her odd behavior. Moxla was a maverick, part-time member of the Kiffu Guardians, a man who enjoyed pleasure more than the Jedi allowed, but also served as one of the The Order's best investigators. Tall, handsome man, with shoulder-length raven black hair and the same, green-grey eyes as Tionne. A black tattoo of clan Moxla adorned his bony brow. Young Thanewulf had many questions which Drahmin patiently answered: Moxla and his own master were friends, so this is how Drahmin knew Moxla had progeny somewhere on Coruscant. The only questions which remained unanswered were about Moxla's current whereabouts.

Most of Tionne's teen years were spent traveling the galaxy with Drahmin who now served as a Jedi Watchman, simultaneously learning about the Force and passing university level exams. Drahmin's training was unconventional: he taught her to be self-reliant and resourceful, purposefully encouraging the development of character traits which would prove useful should she be ever left by herself. He constantly reminded her how unnatural it was for long periods of peace to last for millenia, as the Kiffar deemed conflict and war were an integral core part of sociology of every sentient species. For this very purpose, the Kiffar had taught her techniques of how to hide her own Force signature or manipulate matter when trying to escape conflict through Force powers such as Phase, which Drahmin's master had learned from An'ya Kuro herself. Drahmin also used every opportunity to show her the true nature of affairs in the galaxy, the levers of power and the charade of democracy. In a world of grey, he used to say, those who see only black or white are forever blind. Over many years the two spent together, Tionne figured out he was speaking about the Jedi, despite Drahmin never quite voicing it. Upon completing university requirements, Tionne was granted a PhD in physics in 28 BBY and a PhD in xenobiology in early 27BBY where some of her doctoral work contributed to the final phases of The Outbout Flight project. She became knighted in early 26BBY. Due to her natural aptity in mentalism, she started to serve as Jedi Watchman firstly in the Inner Core and then in the Outer Rim. Over the course of next five years, she travelled the galaxy far and wide and witnessed the birth of Confederacy of Independent Systems firsthand. Her reports and assesments sent directly to the Council were firstly dismissed and ignored, as the Order was sure CIS was a group of extremists and nothing more. Only the beginning of the Separatist crisis and the attempted assassination of Chancellor Palpatine gave instant credibility to Tionne's fieldwork, but it was not until the very start of the Clone Wars that Tionne was appointed as an informal "eyes and ears of the Order" as Jedi Master Tholme's and Quinlan Vos' attempted to organize an elaborate spy network which would track CIS activities for the Jedi. Tionne's name and record was erased from the official archives and she became an undercover agent, often walking CIS-occupied worlds without anyone even realizing. Her approach was much more sophisticated than that of Quinlan Vos; instead of simply snooping around the Galactic Underground and using brute force, she tracked trails of credits between companies, planets and individuals. Her analysis spanning over the entire duration of the Clone Wars, detailed in thousands of files she sent to Tholme, had led her to believe events the Jedi thought were random were not random at all; they were connected. Her attention was especially drawn towards Nastra Magrody's publication record which was coauthored with his student Bevel Lemelisk; they were running simulations of hypermatter annihilation which were far too potent to be ever used in a ship. Tionne started to suspect even more when Magrody dismissed the possibility of a superweapon being built in a holoshow air in late 21 BBY, while his research stated otherwise. She reported all of this to Tholme, together with her suspicion that the entire conflict of Clone Wars was somehow too orderly; she compared timelines of numerous galaxy spanning wars to that of Clone Wars and found striking results. There was just too little chaos, which was a defining feature of wars. Tholme didn't seem too impressed, so Tionne wanted to meet with him in person. As soon as she requested to see Tholme, Thanewulf was quickly summoned to the Council at the request of a Senate committe, to survey strange hyperspace activity around Bimmiel. The request was not unusual as Tionne often joined other Jedi scientists on missions, albeit it was awkwardly timed. Nonetheless, the redhead thought nothing of it.

Tionne would only later find out Tholme's communication was tapped and that she had been communicating with Palpatine himself for over a year and a half, with the Chancellor replying personally, while Tholme recieved generic reports one of Palpatine's confidants wrote up. Tholme's communiqués also never reached Tionne - they were completely replaced by Palpatine's own words. His replies were rife with disbelief of Tionne's theories, but every single message contained almost a playful form of praise - "You are either crazy or very very clever, Jedi Thanewulf. You amuse me." Once Tionne reached Bimmiel in a scout ship and initialized scans, a message arrived for her and the ginger maned Jedi unassumingly opened it, with Palpatine's form condensed into a 25 cm statue springing to life inside the pilot's cabin. He greeted her, almost warmly, and thanked her for her service in the Republic. He then told her she is not going to find anything on Bimmiel other than her own demise. He confirmed to her directly her theories were correct - he was indeed the architect of the Clone Wars. Then he confirmed that he is aiming to build a superweapon, but unlike the Jedi who were obsessed with finding a person whom they can blame - their mysterious darksider - Tionne was asking a different question - why was someone doing this in the first place? What threat was large enough to justify the construction of a superweapon? Surely, it was not intended for the CIS. In this regard, Palpatine compared himself to her - they were both interested in the greater good. Finally, he expressed his deep regret Tionne would not be a part of a world he was going to build, but he couldn't risk the Jedi learning of her findings. With those final words, a group of CIS ships dropped out of hyperspace and before Thanewulf could even reach the yoke opened heavy fire. Her ship was immediately hit. In a few moments, seven unfamiliar ships appeared out of nowhere and flew past Tionne's ship to engage the small CIS armada, while a flash of bright light knocked Tionne unconscious as another direct hit completely fried the circutry of her tiny space vessel.

To be continued...



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