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Times are a-Changin' (Galactic Alliance)

Light Rises

Work was still needing to be done. Caita Xen was grateful for all the work that the GADF and the New Jedi Order were doing for the Alliance, but there were certain things that just needed a finer hand and a more cautious mind to affect any real change. That was why she was meeting with the Omega Pyre’s Prex, a president and businesswoman, apparently. She was a bit nervous, knowing the other was a Force user, and a really tough nut to crack. This, of course, was all that she heard about miss [member="Aeron Kreelan"] from Coren Starchaser, one of the former Pyre Members who now worked as an advisor for the GADF.

The Sullustan Chief of State had been granted an honor guard, lead by none other than Starchaser himself, and was to be delivered to Fondor, where she to meet with the Prex. Aboard the ShortFin, one of Starchaser’s own ships, and one of the more advanced shuttles the Alliance had, Xen took the time to prepare.

The trip wasn’t that long, apparently Coren could do some space wizard things to make the trip faster. And they had landed, and were shortly escorted to a room to meet with the Prex.

Mission here was simple. Grant the Pyre sponsorship as a PMC for the Alliance, that worlds such as Fondor, Thyferra and Yad’Dul will join the Alliance officially, but remain, as they are, under Pyre/Protectorate control, and in return, the Alliance can utilize the Pyre’s technology and ship manifest.

She only hoped Coren would keep quiet.
There was no Protectorate in the 'Verse.

There was no Lord or Lady Protector.

And while the vestiges of the former Protectorate still lingered across their former territories, there yet remained the single entity that had remained true since before the Protectorates conception.

Omega Pyre.

A company of Private Military Contractors, the Pyre had long grown into a massive corporate entity that had pushed forward the birth of the Protectorate. Fondor, Thyferra, Yag'Dul... all these were corporate controlled worlds of the Pyre since long before the Protectorate took hold. They were the cogs that would churn out the mighty ships of the Pyre, the training of their men, and the supplies necessary to support them.

However, with the fall of the Protectorate, Omega Pyre needed the support of another in order to prosper. But beyond that, it had a dire need to stick it to the Sith. It was for this instance that brought them to this point in time.

"Chief of State Xen." Aeron would grant a nod of greeting, the delicacies of introductions done with. Blue eyes would stare out at the Sullustan.

"Forgive me for my curtness... but I was never the Lady Protector." a half joke, "I think we both know why we are here. The Pyre has supported the Galactic Alliance as a contractor... I think it is time we look at the big picture and realize we could support each other in more ways than one."

Light Rises

There wasn’t a lot of things in this verse that needed to be. Caita Xen had done her research, she’s followed the path of the galaxy. Silver Jedi, the Omega Protectorate, the Republic, they were the good guys, and now one was working with them, the second wasn’t existing as it once had and the third was allying in with Sith to end other Sith? Enemy of my enemy was still dark side and could still turn. Xen was not going to risk her Alliance on a whim and a prayer.

But the Protectorate evolved, they became the Omega Pyre, and Xen wanted them on her side.

They were contractors, sure, that was fine, but if they could run worlds their own way? Maybe they’d be more than contractors, maybe they’d be citizens, and train the budding military. It was all she could hope for. The Sullustan nodded as she was greeted by the Prex.

She could feel Coren sizing up the Prex, and that was obnoxious.

“Prex Kreelan, I appreciate you seeing me.” She nodded to the Prex’s greeting. “You are right. And unlike our contemporaries, I prefer to have things done quickly. The Alliance is looking to declare war on the One Sith. We’ve already struck their capital. We need the Pyre.”

It was really simple.

[member="Aeron Kreelan"]
[member="NPCs by Corey"]

Aeron gave another nod. There were seats offered for her to take, but the Icarii thought better on her feet. Daring out towards the viewport, blue eyes would scan the horizon before returning to the Sullustan Chief of State.

"The Pyre was the original backbone this side of the 'Verse while the Republic and the Mandalorians set up their sectors. It took root under the guidance of then Prex Cira, overseeing Fondor, Thyferra and Abregado-Rae as total corporate owned worlds. The latter gained its independence under the Lord Protector Ach-Kay, but Yag-Dul soon took its place once the Pyre spread its influence."

Aeron's torso would turn back to the Sullustan, and she set her feet a foot apart, spreading them as her arms came to cross over her chest.

"I want to continue that. I am willing to bring in the Pyre as a full member of the Galactic Alliance. You will have Fondor shipyards at your disposal as well as our complete source of technology." that was no small offer. The Pyre and Former Protectorate fleet was by far one of the most renown in the 'Verse. Having them with the Alliance meant a greater strength in navel power.

"But I want to ensure the continued oversight of the Pyre over Fondor, Thyferra, and Yag'Dhul." there was no quarter when it came to that. "and I want the full support of the Alliance in helping what remains of the former Protectorate fleet to be maintained."

Light Rises

Xan knew the history books well enough. Who controlled what, and which worlds were the places the Pyre held as its power. These worlds were also very useful. Having a Commander for the GADF being a son of Corellia, this corner of the galaxy was well known to the command structure. Fondor was a strong world, it was a world they needed. Thyferra? That one had even more that they needed. They were working with Silk Holdings, yes, but Theyferra produced Bacta, it was needed.

Finally, there was Yag’Dhul, a shipwright world, from the Sullustan’s memory. All very strong worlds, and places the Alliance could use. If it meant making a deal with people the military trusted? That was fine for her.

“I would very much enjoy the concept of the Pyre pledging to a full membership within the Alliance. Worlds are left to govern themselves, choose who they follow, which flag they fly under, and their style of government. Pulling in the Pyre would mean the worlds under your protection and guidance would remain as such. Trade, diplomacy and military assistance is all that we require. Unifying the individual states within our collective against a common foe.

“But no Senate to try to control everyone. We allow them to come to us and work with us on their own accord. I feel this move will be beneficial to both of us.” The Alliance and the Pyre.

[member="Aeron Kreelan"]
[member="NPCs by Corey"]

There was a quirk in the corner of Aeron's lips.

"Yeah, well... the Protectorate had their Exarch's...the Pyre does not. As long as we maintain a voice when it comes to our space and in the overall arching of things, I think we can do just fine without a Senate." she'd state wryly. Was it rather dictatorship? No, more like the old Corporate Sector Authority.

Not that working with the Pyre didn't give them a good paycheck every two weeks.

"Those are terms I can settle with." Aeron would tell the Chief of State.

Light Rises

“Exarch? Ruler?” Caita Xen looked to the Pyre and tipped her head to the side. She figured that was the ruler. Pyre is a company, and a very solid one at that. “You would maintain sovereignty over your worlds. So long as the Alliance doesn’t get wind of things being run in a manner that either echoes the dark side, or oppresses the peoples, we will not intervene as an umbrella. We don’t have time for that, and frankly, worlds should be run how they want.”

“I feel we’re on the same page, truth be told. We will be working on marching our fleet in this direction, to Fondor, Thyferra and Yag’dhul, to pull them into the fray. We will offer protection, and a basis for a military, as long as you provide your goods and services, and pledge the Pyre to the Alliance, so long as it fits the needs of the people and the galaxy.”

She wasn’t going to ask them to enlist, they could join the battles in their own fashion. The worlds would need to have a focal person to discuss matters with the Chief of State’s staff. And the technology and shipbuilding would need to occur.

[member="Aeron Kreelan"]
[member="NPCs by Corey"]

"Well one won't have to worry about Exarchs in the Pyre," Aeron would say to soothe over that quick. "The Pyre runs these worlds as a corporatocracy." she gave a slight shrug.

"And I'm the Prex." she scrunched up her features as she attempted to explain exactly what that meant. Granted, it was a title... but the entire company was still under one name.


"I guess you can call it the Chief Executive Officer...I'm just a bit more hands on." but in other news.

"If we are in agreement, then we can draw up the documents and signed them all legal like."

Light Rises

Xen nodded. This Prex, she liked her. She was the type of person who cut through the bantha poodoo and handled the situation to the best o her ability. It was refreshing. “Corportacracy, as long as you’re not run by Sith, like the Techno Union, we’ll be fine.” She looked over to Coren, who was watching from the door, she knew that the Commander was here to represent the GADF, even if this was more a state-funded issue.

“I’m in agreement. I, like our Supreme Commander, have always been in love with the concepts and direction of the Protectorate. Getting to work with you, side by each, will be a younger Xen’s dream.” She nodded. “I don’t wish to sound like a fangirl, as the youths say, but I respect what you stand for, and I will be looking forward to our work together.” Rolling her shoulders, she nodded. “Lets get this written up, we can sign documents and make this all official.”

Then maybe they could send the fleet out here, start working.

How long before they could move their borders?

[member="Aeron Kreelan"]
[member="NPCs by Corey"]

"You and me both, Chief of Senate Xen," Aeron would say with a crooked grin.

Both females would settle the terms, the documents written, reviewed, and once agreed upon, signed. With that, Omega Pyre was no officially a part of the Galactic Alliance. Not just as a contractor, but as an entity of equal footing.

The support and the sponsorship of the new government entity would bring about the glory of the former Protectorate Navy. A navy that was now under Galactic Alliance purview in the fight against the One Sith Empire.

"So..." Aeron began with a faint grin, blue eyes for once glittering with devilry.

"What do you know of the Spirit of Drunkenwell..."

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