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Approved Tech Tilly’s lightsaber

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  • Intent: Personal Weapon for Tilly Zoticus

  • Image Source: SWTOR
  • Canon Link: n/a
  • Primary Source: Lightsaber
  • Permissions: homemade
  • Manufacturer: Tilly
  • Affiliation: Tilly
  • Market Status: Closed-Market
  • Model: N/A
  • Modularity: Is Doube bladded both sides are the same color and can be broke into two sabers due to a connector in the middle.
  • Production: The scale is Unique
  • Material: Lightsaber components, Kyber crystal
  • Classification: lightsaber
  • Size: Large
  • Weight: Average

  • Kyber crystal (yellow)
  • Can break in two two sabers or be used as a double bladed saber.
  • Can cut through many materials with relative ease
  • Due to being able to break apart into two sabers, can be hidden on body easily.

  • Cortosis will short the blade if in contact
  • Due to older metals on the hilt, can overheat if overused.
  • Due to being bright can easily be spotted in the dark

Is much like a regular light saber, much like how Asajji uses her lightsabers, Tilly uses them in the same sense due to having read about Asajji in the Dathomir Tempe where she was born. Though not Tilly’s first choice of defense, it’s handy to have even if she just uses it for a flashlight.
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T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Tilly Tilly

Simple and solid.
  • You cannot delete any feild from the template, so please put back the Permission field with N/A to the OOC area:
    Permissions: (Please link any Marketplace purchase approvals or other permissions to use other Writer’s submissions as part of the submission)
  • About the image source, pleaes link the SWTOR's imdb link or the game's official homepage.
  • Please link your bio to the Manufacturer and Affiliation.
  • You forget to add the Market status to your template, please edit, and in your case it will be Closed market.
    Market Status: (Closed-Market (Any character can use this if they have explicit permission through, for example, a marketplace purchase), Open-Market (May be used by any character without permission from the Manufacturer))
  • Please add the Kyber Crystal to the Materials.
  • It is a melee weapon, so you have to add the following fields to your template:
    • Classification: (Dagger, Sword, Whip, etc.)
    • Size: (Please choose a size between Extremely Large, Very Large, Large, Average, Small, Very Small, Extremely Small)
    • Weight: (Please choose a weight between Extremely Heavy, Very Heavy, Heavy, Average, Light, Very Light, Extremely Light.)
  • And the Lightsabers have special features, and more strength and weakness what you wrote, so please add these to the template:
    • Kyber crystal (you can write the colour here too)
    • Can cut through many materials with relative ease
    • Cortosis will short the blade if in contact
If you don't understand something, or you have any question about your submission, how you can make it more unique or something, feel free to ask here, in this topic. I'll help you.
Tilly Tilly

Simple and solid.
  • You cannot delete any feild from the template, so please put back the Permission field with N/A to the OOC area:
  • About the image source, pleaes link the SWTOR's imdb link or the game's official homepage.
  • Please link your bio to the Manufacturer and Affiliation.
  • You forget to add the Market status to your template, please edit, and in your case it will be Closed market.
  • Please add the Kyber Crystal to the Materials.
  • It is a melee weapon, so you have to add the following fields to your template:
  • And the Lightsabers have special features, and more strength and weakness what you wrote, so please add these to the template:
If you don't understand something, or you have any question about your submission, how you can make it more unique or something, feel free to ask here, in this topic. I'll help you.
okay i think i fixed it. if theres anything i missed or need to add please let me know! Thank You
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