Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Tier 7 - Roll out, Revamp, or No Dice?

We talked about this back in October.

Things have been crazy, but I wanted to bring it back up again.

Should we roll this out? Revamp it/ Change it? Or just let it fade?

Here is what we came up with at the end of that discussion, with the consideration of rolling it out in November.

Things got crazy and I think it got forgotten.

Tier IV to Tier V
  • Sign a contract with two more major factions OR Tier V+ companies.
  • Make an additional three mass-produced products.
  • Complete five miscellaneous threads.
  • Complete a project of sizable proportions.
  • Obtain the sponsorship of a major faction.
  • Complete corporate espionage operations against competitors.
Tier V to Tier VI
  • Sign a contract with two more major factions OR Tier V+ companies.
  • Make an additional four mass-produced products.
  • Complete six miscellaneous threads.
  • Successfully complete a project of immense proportions.
  • Obtain the permanent sponsorship of another major faction.
  • Complete corporate espionage operations against competitors.

Tier VI to Tier VII
  • Sign a contract with two more major factions OR Tier V+ companies.
  • Make an additional five mass-produced products.
  • Complete seven miscellaneous threads.
  • Successfully complete a project of impressive proportions.
  • Obtain the permanent sponsorship of another major faction.
  • Obtain a contract from a Major Faction to aide in the construction a Flagship.
  • Complete corporate espionage operations against competitors.
Any corporate espionage operations can be done against a PC or NPC company.

[member="Spencer Jacobs"] [member="Gerion Ardik"] [member="Silara"] [member="Camellia Swift"] [member="Ordo"] [member="Jared Ovmar"]
Those look good.

I forgot about our discussion of corporate warfare. I'd still like to see that happen over the span of several threads. Espionage itself is something one can do as a tier 2 company, I'd like to see literal financial battles and strategic trade disruption and such. Wallstreet-style stuff.

I also think Tyrin is correct on his notion of flagships being a bit too specific to one industry - perhaps we can change the wording of this to something that would encompass a flagship or something of equal or proportionate significance?

[member="Cira"] [member="Gerion Ardik"]
Cira said:
Obtain a contract from a Major Faction to aide in the construction a Flagship.
This isn't good for companies that focus on things other than shipbuilding. There's also no reason a flagship can be distinguished from any other major project.

Cira said:
Complete corporate espionage operations against competitors.

Cira said:
Any corporate espionage operations can be done against a PC or NPC company.

The point of requiring corporate espionage for Tiers V and beyond was to actually instigate competition and corporate warfare. If we let people just sabotage NPC companies, then there's very little point. It just becomes another miscellaneous thread. Further, we need to actually put a number on the espionage operations required to be conducted for each tier.
[member="Gerion Ardik"]

This isn't good for companies that focus on things other than shipbuilding. There's also no reason a flagship can be distinguished from any other major project.
So you would recommend removing the Flagship requirement?

What would you add in it's stead? Or should it even be replaced and simply left alone?

Gerion Ardik said:
The point of requiring corporate espionage for Tiers V and beyond was to actually instigate competition and corporate warfare. If we let people just sabotage NPC companies, then there's very little point. It just becomes another miscellaneous thread. Further, we need to actually put a number on the espionage operations required to be conducted for each tier.

Then what is your recommendation? Can you provide an example? How do you picture this working with the board?
Hmmm my advancement to Tier V seems close at hand then.

I do agree for the companies that aren't shipbuilders for Tier VII, plus what if one attempted it at Tier V, would they then hold onto that effort to reach Tier VII?

Also what's the difference between sizeable and immense? Like what example would you use?
The Admiralty
Let it just fade away.

Few if any people actually reach the Tier V mark, not even talking about the VI one. If we suddenly see a huge leap in interest and people start bringing in their tier requests? We can consider adding new rules, extra requirements and additional tiers.

At this point I don't see the point, but that might be just me.

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