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TIE/HA Hawker

Ashkur Kilslee


  • Intent: Create a cool new incarnation of the epic TIE Fighter designed to fight the X-wing
  • Image Source: Everyone's favorite Fractal Sponge, Interior shot from Elliot Davis
  • Canon Link: TIE/HU Hunter
  • Permissions: (Please link any Marketplace purchase approvals or other permissions to use other Writers' submissions as part of the submission)
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TIE/HA with S-foils in Closed Position.

  • Military-Grade Shielding
  • Atmospheric Flight Capabilities
  • Military-Grade Life Support
  • 50-jump navicomputer
  • 1 Week of Life Support Rations

  • Mission-Programmable Multi-Function Displays
  • Mission-Programmable Heads-Up-Display
  • Advanced Avionics Package and Flight Control System
  • Waterproof Construction
  • Advanced S-Foil System
  • Lock S-Foils in Attack/Maneuver Position: Like it's intended opponent in the more advanced variants of the X-wing, the TIE Hawker's S-foils allow it great versatility, being able to choose between unleashing the brute force of its mighty payload or kicking its engines into overdrive, allowing it breakneck speed and nigh-unrivaled maneuverability
  • Advanced Controls: The avionics package and flight control system is state of the art - allowing the starfighters to be fine-tuned for the pilots entrusted to fly them. With this precise tuning, the hands of a highly experienced and expertly skilled pilot can push the envelope right up to its breaking limit.
  • Armed for Bear: The TIE Hawker isn't joking around when it shows up for battle. With 2 Phased-Pulse Cannons, a pair of chin-mounted Ion Cannons, and a missile launcher carrying a loadout comparable to an X-wing or a Y-Wing, this fighter is designed from the ground up to ruin somebody's day, somewhere.
  • Decisions and Tradeoffs: The S-foil system bring a great deal of versatility to the Pilot's toolbox but it does come with tradeoffs. The increase in speed and maneuverability that comes with folding the S-foils into their closed position requires shunting all of the power from the weapons systems into the engine, locking them out completely.
  • Limited Visibility: The Heads-Up Display and sensors displays help out a little bit, but when it comes to it, having a real visual on an enemy is an important part of situational awareness, and like almost all TIE Fighters, this is something the Hawker is lacking in a big way. Careful management of sensor data and a good set of wingmen is essential in these fighters
  • It's the Pilot in the Box: The TIE Hawker is an extremely high-performance space fighter, especially with its S-foils closed. The variety of advanced systems, fine-tuned flight controls, and the breakneck speeds and maneuverability achievable with the S-foils folded, require an experienced and expertly skilled pilots with the training and equipment to withstand G-forces capable of incapacitating or killing most sentients. Only TIE/INx Aces are selected to be trained for the Hawker.

The TIE/HA Hawker is the newest elite TIE-Fighter line, designed, like the TIE/HUs before it to rival an advanced and dangerous new generation of X-wings. With many of the newest X-wing lines focusing heavily on providing a defensive edge, it was decided to the best way to combat this trend was of course to double down on offense, and for this reason the Hawker is armed with a pair of advanced Phase-Pulse cannons, a pair of chin-mounted ion cannons, a missile complement comparable to a heavy fighter, and improved maneuverability even with its s-foils deployed.

However, a fighter can't simply operate on offense alone. As a defense, rather than enhancing the armor or shields, the designers of the Hawker designed an advanced s-foil system, that, when set into the folded position, allows the fighter to reach breakneck speeds and pull of maneuvers that would be impossible in lesser ships. Combined with flight controls and avionics designed to be fine-tuned to each pilot's personal flying style, these fighters are capable of impressive feats, and pushing the envelope to its very edge.

The high performance, advanced subsystems, and prohibitive cost of the Hawker require that only the very best of the TIE Fighters Corps are entrusted with these fighters.
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