Garik Reed
Active Member

RANK: Acolyte
AGE: 40
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 6’11”
WEIGHT: 154lbs
EYES: Yellow
HAIR: None
SKIN: Grey
+Intelligent: Ti has a genius level intellect. He catches onto things quickly, and can generally tinker with most technologies.
+Strong Force Connection: Ti is very skilled in Force abilities. Generally able to learn new techniques with ease.
-Weak: Ti is not very strong, and can’t take much pain and damage.
-Apathetic: Ti is not keen to the emotions of others, nor does he care for them. This can make making allies a difficult skill for him.
-Superior- Always assumes others are weaker than him, unless they prove otherwise.
APPEARANCE: Tall and slim Pau’an, rather large head, and yellow eyes. Often seen wearing red robes. Ti has enough muscles to hold himself up, and move small object, however it’s clearly obvious to any observer that the Pau’an could easily be bested in a fight.
BIOGRAPHY: Born on Utapau, Ti was destined to be a leader of his planet, due to his Pau’an blood. He did just that, quickly climbing the ladder of Pau’an society, Ti was soon given control over a utai team of laborers. Enjoying the work, Ti flourished, and was quickly promoted. Being the manager of a large group of Utai’s Ti felt proud of himself. He soon became known for pushing his workers to the point of near death. Some saw this as cruel, but higher ups saw potential.
However, everything changed one day when a few of his workers decided to disobey him. Ti saw this as unforgivable. Enraged, Ti felt pure anger flowing through him. He attacked one of the utai, and when another Pau’an decided to attack him, he killed him. But it was your everyday kill, no. Something had come to life that day inside Ti. He felt something more powerful than he had ever known, and watched as his fellow pau’an fell to the ground, gasping for air.
That very day, TI was exiled from Utapau. Normally, he might have been killed, but the only proof that Ti had killed the man was Ti’s own experience. And he certainly wasn’t going to risk death. So, he chose exile. While on a transport to the core worlds, he told a fellow traveler of his story. As stranged, cloaked man, but Ti seemed to want to tell him. The man had given him coordinates to go to, and he decided he would follow them.
SHIP: None