Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Thunder Struck [Siobhan]

[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]

Although she had sensed something about to happen, Abaigeal nearly jumped out of her skin when two bodies hit the ground pulled for the roof tops. Without any arguement, she ducked for cover at Sio's order behind the rubbish bins. Her hands over her head a natural reaction of protecting herself, which of course does very little. As the blaster bolts pinged around them, she took her saber in hand and hip blaster in the other.

She took a quick look around one of the bins, only to see grenades falling toward them, what went through her mind is unprintable, but the threat was quickly removed with Sio's strength in the force and the grenades thrown back with great effect.

Abaigeal prepared, ready to attack at Sio command. As the wave of the force hit, destruction ensued as well as the deaths of some to the attackers, Abaigeal jumped up and began to return fire. Some of the stunned thugs stumbling about from the wave now lay dead on the ground from her shots. But she is unsure of the numbers, and so went to the wall of the buildings as cover. Running forward with continous fire Abaigeal would soon be close enough to employ her saber.
[member="Abaigeal E'ron"]

Siobhan registered with a measure of annoyance that, alas, it was quite impractical to run for her. Firstly because her flesh leg was still not cooperating and secondly because, contrary to what certain holovids might have you believe, running while wearing thigh-high leather boots was not a good idea at all. Undoubtedly the aforementioned boots possessed what is popularly called sex appeal and it was always entertaining to use them to kick a ruffian in the nuts. But, alas, if you tried to run with them you would probably trip. But that was fine, for she had the Force and had majored in extreme brutality. From where she stood she estimated that about half a dozen thugs were still standing, though she could not be certain that more might not be waiting in the wings.

Abaigeal was already charging into the fray, putting thugs under fire. In a sense this might be a good field test for her, since Siobhan could not yet be sure of her abilities. A Zabrak thug putting Aba under fire with his blaster pistols suddenly found himself facing the unfortunate fact that due to Siobhan's telekinetic might his pistols were crushed into little pieces. Falling into a rage he pulled out his vibrosword and crossed the distance, charging Siobhan with a battle cry.

Siobhan felt a prickling, a warning through the Force and then suddenly a lightly armoured Garhoon came from the flanks, baring his fangs. Then a torrent of lightning leapt from his hands towards her. Alas for the space vampire, he was no master, and so the blast of electricity was intercepted by a glowing sphere in Siobhan's flesh hand. Her face was illuminated in an eerie manner by the glow of energy. In this moment the Zabrak attacker had reached her and moved to deliver a savage blow to her head with his sword...

Except whilst in motion the sword was suddenly stopped by an invisible force as she seized it with her iron grip. The thug snarled hatefully and tried to escape the invisible force and distract her by ramming his boot into her knee, but before he could move his sword had suddenly switched directions and was being brutally rammed into his nuts. Giving him a disdainful look Siobhan simply lifted him with her mind and sent him flying towards the Garhoon at astounding speed. True to the nature of his species, the vampire still had good reflexes and dodged quickly with speed that had to be enhanced by the Force, but this success was short-lived when Siobhan crushed down upon his heart with her telekinetic power, causing cardiac arrest.
[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]

It seemed to Abaigeal that of late she had been getting lots of experience using her force powers, especially around Elpsis and now her Aunty. With her lightsaber ignited, Abaigeal was able to block and in some cases return the fire bolts back and take out some of their attackers with a solid hit. With her arms strengthened with the force, her legs pumping with the energy provided by it, Abaigeal was upon them fast.

And yet she had to wonder why she had charged into the fray so quickly and without much thought to her life? It was not for heroics, that was the last thing on her mind, but she had in her a need to protect and so Lady Sio was that one to protect even though she is powerful and resourceful enough to take them all more like. But was this some sort of death wish? In a sense yes, it would solve everything, remove all the guilt she feels over her mother's death. But that would not be the answer either, but would simply dishonour her mother for her sacrifice.

Now was not the time to contemplate however, it was simply to late and so Abaigeal moved in and with lightsaber in hand she took down two of the men with a sweeping arc as the saber cut through them. She only had a moment as the men fell to her feet, raising her hand she pulled their cover away and opened up their position. One more of the attackers fell before she felt the burn of a blaster bolt hit her leg. The pain searing through her body and the fabric of her clothes melted to her skin, Abaigeal yelled out with the pain but was still able to walk as the bolt had grazed her thigh.

She made for cover in a near by building, pushing open the door with the force, she entered to regroup as she leaned her back against the wall by the entrance. She tried to find Sio through the narrow view from the door.
[member="Abaigeal E'ron"]

Siobhan had been advancing forward but not fast enough to link up with Aba's charge. The girl was brave, spirited and other words a bit like Siobhan in her younger days. Yet there seemed to be something else motivating her as she charged into the fray, heedless of her own safety. Something Siobhan could not put her finger on. Guilt? That was something she could understand.

After all, there had been things the Countess had wanted to run away from as well. I'm gonna have to knock some sense into you before you get yourself killed, she thought to herself grimly. This may have been a tad hypocritical of her to think. However, then she heard Aba's cry of pain when the searing red kill-bolt struck her thigh. Siobhan was not able to see where the girl had been hit, though it seemed Aba was still able to walk and moving for cover. That was good for her. It was very bad for the few thugs that were still alive.

Aba's spirited charge had slain a good deal of them, but more scum was showing up. Perhaps one of the surviving low-life had been able to call for backup. Either way it did not matter. As short as their acquaintance had been, the daughter of Iella had managed to activate Sio's deeply ingrained protective, maternal streak. Needless to say this was bad for the aforementioned contracting, vaguely thuggish fellows. Suddenly without warning Siobhan rose into the air as a strong wind sprang into existence around her.

Driven by her power, the wind propelled her forward at astounding speed, far faster than her weakened body would have allowed her if not for the Force. Aphotic energy writhed through her as filled herself with the Force. She could hear shouts as the thugs tried to reorganise, then there was the sound of blaster being fired and red kill-bolts sweeping towards her.

A burning pain surged through her body when her shoulder was struck, but the heat was absorbed by her power and she pushed on. Electricity cackled across the open palm of her hand, then a torrent of lightning shrieked from it. Agonising cries were heard when thugs, struck by the onslaught, fell from the rooftops towards their doom, but Siobhan was not done yet and dragged her electrical judgement forth across the alley in front of the building Aba had sought cover in.

Lightning set to melt clothes and roast flesh. Realising that survival was the prime imperative, surviving thugs turned tail and fled, but Siobhan was not feeling merciful at all. So she simply intensified her speed and swept through the air. She sought power inward and it rippled from her in an outburst of telekinetic might. This was bad for the thugs as they were hit by it with the speed of a freight tram. Ouch. Forensics would have its work cut out for it since the limbs and innards of the aforementioned thugs were spread across the now very blood-splattered streets. Siobhan descended from the air and touched down upon the ground near the thoroughly wrecked, thrashed speeder. She took a deep breath and gripped her cane. She looked across the street to be certain no more attackers were coming for now, then limped towards the door behind which she felt Aba was.
[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]

Sio came into view, and what Abaigeal witnessed was nothing short of extraordinary. She could not help but move to the door way to watch, her eyes wide with the sight of the power issuing from the woman. The dark energy rippling through the air, filling Abaigeal with a sense of it, and it felt good. The whole area soon became a 'war zone', bodies and debris fell around the area .. they had little hope against her. One woman, with the power of gods, flying no less. It was like the very air crackled.

And then it did.

From her hands shot electricity devouring everything in it's path and the stench of burning flesh met her nose. Telekinetic might saw to the rest and added to the smell, with the fresh blood letting, that metallic smell of iron.

As Sio approached her position, Abaigeal limped out, looking from the destruction back to her with a face full of wonderment. And yet a fear, fear for herself and her friend. In this moment, Abaigeal knew they both had to train in the force, as one day their luck would run out and come face to face with a foe of this magnitude. Somehow Abaigeal knew she just had to convince Elpsis to grow in strength in the force. But Elpsis is not an idiot, deep down she too would realise this, fight it! but she would see the reason of it.

"How? ... how did you do that?", she asked as if a child watching a magic show.
[member="Abaigeal E'ron"]

The moment of seemingly near-omnipotence had passed. Now Siobhan was a woman with a bad limp. Relief was evident in her features when she saw that Aba was alright, though she still gave the girl a one-over, checking for any injuries. The child-like wonder, so at odds with the fact that physically Aba resembled a woman in her early twenties, that could be heard in the girl's question reminded Siobhan...of herself. Back when she had been younger. When Adril had saved her life on Nar Shaddaa. Of course, there were a number of differences, but it still seemed a good comparison to her. "You can do great...and terrible things with the Force, if you get the right training for it," Siobhan said softly. Then went right into Mum mode again and took Aba's hand into hers.

"Are you alright, are you hurt? You shouldn't have charged off without me. You could've been killed." Her tone leaving no doubt that she would consider that eventuality a bad thing! As far as lectures went, this one was fairly mild. Maybe the look on Aba's face and the tone of her words had pulled at Sio's heartstrings.
[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]

A pang of sadness swept across Abaigeal's heart and soul as Sio took her hand.. as a mother would. Abaigeal returned the gesture with a gentle squeeze. She dropped her gaze to the ground remembering her mother and the way she would comfort her in times when she needed it. Even at the end.

She swallowed hard, trying to push down emotions rising to the surface, unfettered and raw, but lacked the ability to do it, did not really want to. They reminded her of her loss and the reason for it, it was her fault. She would never forgive herself for it. "Thank you", came a soft reply, but the reason for the gratefulness unknown to her. Maybe it was the contact, the physical contact of someone that cares. Tactility, something Abaigeal craved, and she had for a long time now. Not the physical kind one receives from lovers or friends, or the indulgent physicality of a one night stand, but the love of a mother.

"I am fine, a little burnt I think", she now looked to her wound. "Are you ok?", she finally asked looking back up into Sio's face. After a moment's pause, Abaigeal hoped to dare to ask...

"What you speak of, the force powers one can learn with training, I would like to learn. Would you consider teaching me?".
[member="Abaigeal E'ron"]

Siobhan's empathy was quite weak, but she felt the wave of emotions that seemed to be overtaking Aba. She let go of the girl's hand, then reached out to gently raise the girl's chin so that she was looking her in the eyes. "Yes, I will," she said firmly, confidently, though she kept her tone gentle.

"I'll teach you how to protect yourself, dear. Come with me to Firemane HQ, we can get your employment contract signed, start with training. Maybe get you some new clothes later." It seemed she had fallen into full Mum mode and she gave Aba a hopefully encouraging smile. Then she suddenly wrapped one arm around the girl and pulled her into a hug like a mother would. The embrace was rather loose, so that if Aba did not want the contact she could disentangle herself without difficulty.

"I'm not perfect by any stretch of the imagination, but I'll take good care of you. We can have a healer look at your wound. Would you like to go flying?" In the light of Sio's prior demonstration of telekinesis, it was probably evident that in this case flying did not mean use of a speeder.
[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]

Everything was happening fast. This 'chance' meeting had been the very thing Abaigeal had hoped for, or rather did not dare to hope for. It felt good, her arms around her, a mother's touch she had missed so very much and without any resistance, Abaigeal hugged Lady Sio back and drew her in to feel the warmth of her body. "Thank you", she whispered lowly that even Sio may not hear. Although Abaigeal has a lot going on in the sense of her 'make-up', sith blood and all, but there is a very large slice of her mother, some of her looks in the eyes especially, but more so .. her mother's cheeky personality, which in time as they get to know one another, Abaigeal will reveal. This also included the nature of the Corellian, which meant she would be guarded at first but once trust is establish, her loyality will know no bounds. Which she hoped that Lady Sio would also be able to trust her.

She pulled back from Sio's embrase only to smile widely, "I think I need a new pair of pants", she looked down at her wound which trobbed with pain. "And maybe a fresh pair of knickers, after watching what you did, I think I might have soiled myself"... she grinned with the silly jest.

Yet, she cocked her head slightly at the invitation of flying... "You mean... " she pointed to where Sio had landed and destoryed pretty much everyone and everything, "You mean, like ... what you just did? .. .. .. oh hell yeah!".
[member="Abaigeal E'ron"]

Siobhan chuckled slightly. "There should be some fresh clothes for at the base and we can go shopping later on. Buy you some nice things!" She seemed rather enthusiastic about that. Probably not normal employer-employee interaction, but she had a very maternal personality these days and enjoyed mothering over 'her' girls. Of course, accusations of nepotistic treatment were never far and in all likelihood there was a degree of truth to them, but Siobhan did not really give a hang.

As for Aba's reaction to the prospect of flying and her words, that was just...adorable. She was such a sweet kid! "Yeah, I do, dear. Hopefully without random goons interfering," she said very dryly. "Don't let go of my hand and hold on tight. I won't let you fall," she promised, voice firm and yet fond. Then she took Aba's hand in hers, holding on tightly to it. The Countess took a breath as she exerted herself to make the Force flow through her.

Truth be told, when it came to use of energy utilising the Force to fly was probably very wasteful, but Siobhan felt like showing off. Moreover, the idea seemed to make Aba happy and she certainly deserved some joy in her life today after what she had probably been through. Through Siobhan's exertions an invisible bubble came into being, wrapping itself around both of them. Then suddenly the two of them lifted off into the air. At first quite slowly since it obviously took more concentration to lift two people instead of just yourself, but soon with increasing speed as they left the street behind them and were propelled through the sky, giving Aba a good view of the city beneath them.
[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]

She gripped Sio's hand as tight as she could without crushing her. As much as it was an exciting prospect, the idea of flying without the use of a ship was scary, but the good scary. As nervous as she was, it excited her and as they took off from the ground, Abaigeal could not help but look down. Raising up higher until she could see the tops of the roofs there was no sign of any more bandits waiting to take pot shots at them, even if their were, they would rue the day they came here. If they lived to have the opportunity to rue.

Now clear skies faced them, and Abaigeal smiled as the air turned to wind over her face. "This is amazing!", she yelled, not really need to yell but the thrill began to take her away. At this moment she cared little for clothing or ships or thugs, but with not only the horizon on the horizon, but her future was dead ahead of her as well.

"Thank you Lady Kerrigan", she said more formally this time, most grateful to a lady that had taken her under her wing, bad pun but still. All Abaigeal wanted to do was too make her proud, just like she would like to have made her mother proud.
[member="Abaigeal E'ron"]

Totally under her wing! "You're welcome, dear. Flying is fun...just absurdly energy-intensive," Siobhan declared, sounding quite happy about the effect she was having on the little girl. It was good to see her get some joy from the experience.

Wind kissed her skin as they swept through the air, doubtless giving those on the ground something fun and dramatic to watch. At this point in time there was a good deal of traffic in the sky, though fortunately Siobhan managed to manoeuvre deftly enough to ensure that they did not crash into a speeder or skycar because that would obviously have not been fun.

Siobhan was deliberately flying slower than she usually. For one, it was rather difficult to concentrate properly if you were also carrying another person and, moreover, she wanted to make it a more fulfilling experience for Aba. Nonetheless soon the Firemane offices came into view, though they bore a stronger resemblance to a military base than a corporate building. Then again, this was no surprise since one of Firemane's primary services lay in providing military equipment and training. Having overflown the gates, Siobhan reduced her speed and very slowly they descended down from the sky.
[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]

Abaigeal looked down as the scene fell before them, she smiled enjoying the view for up here but more so from the sense of freedom this was giving her. Even though it was Sio's ability that had them flying, she felt for all the worlds she had been set free, her spirit lifted to the skies and for once all the worries that plague her had vanished. The guilt had gone, if only for these moments, she would hang on to this for the rest of her life.

She felt the solid ground under her feet once more, her own weight now felt like a ton as she settle into her body once more. Sio had taken her to the Firemane facilities, which looked to be nothing extraordinary in a sense, but no doubt behind the facade of the buildings much would be exposed to her. What was she to do for them? What skills could this young welp of a girl be of value to Firemane and Sio?

Abaigeal looked around the compound, but waited unsure of what direction to take. "You have a strong in the force Sio", she began with a more serious face. "One day I will be the same, the same as you and my mother". What a combination that would be.
[member="Abaigeal E'ron"]

As befitting the base of a paramilitary company run by two retired military dictators, the premise was heavily guarded. Impressive turrets were arrayed as defences, protecting it against ground and aerial assault. Likewise heavily armoured soldiers were on patrol, though some had briefly stopped when they saw their boss and and unknown girl flying towards them. Further ahead one could make out soldiers drilling, accompanied by the eternal bark of drill sergeants.

The area was dominated by an imposing building that seemed like a cross between a corporate office and a military headquarters. Further away there was a heavily guarded bunker that served as an R&D facility. Barracks and storage facilities completed the scenery, along with factories. Siobhan took a deep breath once she had solid ground under her feet again. Clearly all her exertions were watching up with her again and so for the next few moments she was leaning very heavily upon her cane, as if there was a massive weight upon her shoulders.

Then she gradually seemed to recover and gently took Aba's hand into hers. "That sounds like a fun and scary combination! You'll be great one day. I know it. But don't push things too fast. You have your whole life ahead of you, sunshine," she said warmly, giving the girl's hand a squeeze before she began leading her towards the compound.

Firemane troopers saluted her on the way and she acknowledged their greetings with a nod, then a few words were exchanged with the pretty receptionist behind the desk in the office lobby, which involved business stuff and Siobhan passing on the instruction to fetch some clothes for Aba. Presumably Siobhan had plenty of paperwork to deal with, but she was not in the mood for that. Mothering over Aba was something that was far more to her liking. And so she led her charge down a corridor, towards what constituted Firemane's medbay. "Come on, dear. Let's get your leg fixed up."

The medbay looked like your standard military...medbay. Fortunately it was sparsely populated, with only a few soldiers lying in beds, most of them wounded from skirmishes with corsairs or from Tygara, where Firemane was waging a semi-colonial war with the Xioquo. However, Siobhan still took the time to either give them a nor or exchange brief words with them. Heading towards another room she knocked at a door and a moment later it opened, revealing a redheaded female Eldorai dressed in robes.

"I do hope you are not here because you have lost limbs again," the Priestess said very dryly before giving Siobhan a hug. Then she turned her attention to Aba. "Your newest charge, Siobhan? What is your name, child? What ails you? And how did you end up with this one?" Eileithya asked kindly. One would be able to perceive that she was strong in the Force, her aura radiated peace and compassion.
[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]

"I will try my best to slow down", she grinned, even though she is still eager to build her strength but Sio is right, nothing is achieved with haste. The sound of the compound lessened as they entered the medical facilities. The idea of new clothes brightened her spirits, no matter what form they took, they had to be better than what she is wearing, faded, thread bare and tattered around the hems. No designer look intended just fatigue.

The respect given to Sio as she walked within the corridors did not take Abaigeal by surprise, the woman is commanding in all aspects, her physical countenance not withstanding, in fact it only enhanced the ability and capacity of Sio. Abaigeal followed until they reached the doors to the medical area.

She hesitated. And stopped. Her eyes looking around and falling on the medical equipment and fear filled her heart. It reminded her of Kaine and his instruments of torture, and she began to break into a sweat. Abaigeal did not take notice of the interaction between the Priestess and Sio, but was pulled from her thoughts by a question.

"My .. my name is Abaigeal", she said as her eyes flicked toward the woman and tried to offer a smile. "It is a bolt graze, nothing serious, I think I am fine, I don't need attention". Which was a lie. Although the medical beds are nothing like what Abaigeal laid on under Kaine's torture, the instruments did look the same and she suddenly felt the cold. The room in the dungeons, the metal slab, the whirring of the knives and the pain. She began to shake and tremble.
[member="Abaigeal E'ron"]

Eileithya seemed to notice how suddenly Aba turned nervy and uncomfortable. Someone else might have simply put it down to nerves, but she could feel something different, being an empath. While she did not know anything about Aba's history, she could see the signs of abuse. Perhaps because she had gone through something very similar.

So all levity vanished from her face and she pulled Aba into a gentle, loose hug. "It is alright, child. No one will hurt you. You're safe. I won't use any of those instruments on you," she said soothingly.

Siobhan looked troubled and guilty when she saw how Aba was reacting and gave her hand a squeeze. "I'm sorry, Aba. It's ok. Don't be afraid," she glanced over to Eileithya. "I...don't think the medbay is the best place for her. Can we take her to your room and have you look at her wound there?" she asked.

Eileithya nodded without hesitation. "Of course, dear. Abaigeal, please follow me." Not waiting she took the frightened girl's hand and led her out, away from the medical beds, equipment and other implements that seemed to bring out such horror in Aba. Siobhan looked like she really wanted to ask the Black Orchid what was going on, but she suppressed the questions that were on her lips. With a wave of the Force Eileithya would open the door to her room.

Unlike the medbay they had been in earlier, it was lacking in medical implements. Some were stuffed in a cupboard, but not visible. No syringes, nothing to prod people with, no drugs. To a large degree this was because the Eldorai Priestess had an aversion to modern medicine due to being rather conservative in some things. Instead one would find various herbs and traditional remedies. There was a soft carpet on the floor and a comfortable looking bed. A few plants had been placed on the windowsill, along with a small statue of the Goddess Ashira.
[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]

Eileithya, is a beautiful name, which accompanies the being of equal nature. As she hugged her, Abaigeal sensed the warmth of her soul which soothed her and set her discomfort at rest. Reassured that they would not stay in the medical bay, Abaigel let out her breath, she had taken a breath since entering the place. "I am sorry", she whispered, a little embarrassed by her show of nerves. But the experience within the walls of Kaine's domain is still raw and sits at the forefront of her mind. Although better to be there than pushed to the subconscious to fester, it did little at this point, for Abaigeal to deal with. Time would come to her aid eventually.

As they entered the room, a strong smell of herbs filled her senses further easing her troubled soul. It is a room of rest and much more inviting than the bay, Abaigeal did not protest as she was led to the bed and sat down so she could remove her ruined trousers to reveal the wound. But that was not all that was revealed, the scars on her leg, precision cut ran around her thighs and downward.

To distract her mind Abaigeal looked around the room, she noticed the figure on the side board, a small statue of some Goddess it seemed. "Who is that?", she asked. But before the answer came, Abaigeal looked up to Sio. "I am sorry Sio, I could not stay in that room. And you must think me ungrateful, but that is not true. I am very grateful for all your help. I just could not stay in that room". Her eyes began to water, filling with the recall of events.
[member="Abaigeal E'ron"]

It could not be simple nerves. Something horrible must have happened in Aba's life that caused such fright inside her. It reminded Siobhan a bit about how she had reacted after being tortured by Kaelin. But she knew better than to push now. It was not the way she did things. So instead of prodding she gave Aba a hug, reaching out to cup her cheek and wash away tears if they spilled out of her eyes. "It's ok, sweetie. There's nothing to apologise for. I have an idea of what...horrible things you endured, but I shan't push. I don't think of you as ungrateful," she said in a soothing tone.

She released her charge and then Eileithya spoke up. "That's the Goddess Ashira, chief of the deities of the Eldorai, my people. Our Creator. I am one of her Priestesses," she said solemly. She considered using a portion of her empathy to help calm Aba, but then rejected that idea. It seemed wrong to her to stifle the girl's emotions just because they got awkward.

"Who keeps trying to convert my employees," Siobhan threw in, trying to bring some levity back into the conversation.

"Why, I am merely trying to show them the light and open their eyes to the wisdom of the Goddess," Eileithya responded with a completely straight face, then gestured towards a bed. "Please, Aba, lie down over there and show me your injury."
[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]

She pushed herself back along the bed and rolled to her side. The blaster bolt had hit the side of her thigh, black and nasty looking. Although the pain had dulled somewhat, it did not bother Abaigeal. Pain never does. The stirring of her Sith blood run through her veins but Abaigeal kept it in check.

"Thank you Priestess", she said, but did not take her eyes of Sio. She is close by and Abaigeal reached out her hand to take her's for comfort. Lady Sio is the closest thing to a mother for Abaigeal now. Although Sio had not pushed her to recount the events, Abaigeal felt an urge to do it.

As the Priestess began to work on her wound... "When I was .. younger", she began trying to find the words to explain. "Rebellious teenager I guess, I left Voss for Lianna. I wanted to have some fun, some food in a nice restaurant, some music and maybe a dance with boy. But I met someone that night, in the restaurant .. a man by the name of [member="Darth Vornskr"]. Before I knew it, the room was empty and there was a sickening scent in the air and everyone left, except for me. He shut down the room and I did my best", she stopped to gather herself. "But I was not strong enough to fight him and so he took me. He took me back to his ... cesspit of evil", she spat the words. "He put me in the dungeons only to have me come to him and placed on cold metal slab, so he would perform experiments and torture me under the instruments".

"My body relished the pain, oh it hurt, but it was like giving me life", she shot a look into Sio's face. "I have Sith blood in me, from my father. But my blood is at odds with that of my mother's .. but under the pain of torture .. I changed, physically. In front of his eyes, my body grew into womanhood. I did not break, the pain only increased my strength and will. But he got in the end, he assaulted my mind and I was not strong enough to fight that".

Abaigeal looked away from Sio's face, she did not wish to see her reaction to the tale, but Abaigeal's face remained stoic, lacking emotion now as if telling the tale of someone else.
[member="Abaigeal E'ron"]

While Abaigeal spoke, she would feel the power of the Force flowing from the Priestess into her leg. Eileithya narrowed her focus down to the smallest celluar level and then harnessed her power to first soothe the pain and then promote regeneration inside the cells. The wound was nasty looking, but since it was just a graze the process would not take long. Bit by bit, the burns would fade away as the body's natural regeneration process was significantly amplified. Some scarring would remain, though.

Eileithya placed a compassionate hand on Abaigeal's when she had said her piece. "My poor, brave girl. When I was a lot younger, I was rebellious and a bit foolish. I left Kaeshana and fell into the hand of pirates. I was slave to a cruel, sadistic master, a toy to his whims for many years till I...lashed out," she said finally. "I do not have Sith blood, but I believe I can understand what you went through. Do not try and shut yourself away. If you ever wish to talk, my door is open," she glanced over to Siobhan. "Do you know this...abomination, this Vornskr?" she asked.

"Yes," Siobhan said flatly, cutting off anything else Eileithya might have wanted to say. "His real name is Kaine Zambrano. I fought him on Fondor and later on Wayland. Set him on fire, but he got away." Well, the duel had been a stalemate, but she had gotten to collapse one of his lungs, dislocate his spine and burn away his hair. Venomous hatred was reflected in her eyes. "He's a complete monster that deserves to die. I'm so sorry, Aba."

Siobhan was no genius, but she slowly put the pieces together. Iella must have reacted how any mother would have. Now it all made sense. "Your mother went after Kaine and fought him, didn't she? She gave her life, so that you could escape," she said, speaking out what had been implied but not said. There was no judgement in her words, no condemnation. She knew what it was like to lose family and feel guilt for it.

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