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Thunder Struck [Siobhan]

Levantine Space
Etti V
The Wandering Mistrels Bar
[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]
Anywhere but Silver Jedi Order space, that was best thing for Abaigeal to do, get out of there. Recently the Silvers had discovered her since the death of her mother, the then grand master of their Order, and she knew they would want to speak to her and ask too many questions that Abaigeal was not prepared to answer, not yet anyway. She would have to face them at some point, she suspected that Grand Master [member="Thurion Heavenshield"] would send someone to bring her back and so she kept on the move. Abaigeal hated the idea of deceiving her old mentor but she still needed to work things out, although she had come a long way in doing so, much still felt raw to her. They are still her family, still her loved friends and she cared. But her disjointed sense of reality prevented her from seeing clearly, and she believed they hated her.

So Abaigeal finds herself seated in yet another bar, alone and trying to rid her mind of all those thoughts, the booze being to do it's job and she felt relaxed. There are few in the bar tonight, mostly couples talking or relaxing after their days work and no one seemed to pay her any attention or begrudged her presence. The bar keep kept to himself down the other end of the bar and listened to the sports as he cleaned glasses. The atmosphere very dull in a sense, no music, no mood setting lighting, just the decor of practicality. A bit cluttered maybe, with bits and bobs but just what Abaigeal needed. Dull.
[member="Abaigeal E'ron"]

Every good story has a bar. Well, not really, but it's a common trope. There was the openly seedy bar frequented solely by thugs, smugglers, hookers and the protagonist who's obliged to beat up the aforementioned ruffians. A bar fight in such a location is inevitable because the plot says so.

Then there was the 'classy' bar for the better class of people. Usually said class also had plenty of criminals among them, but they were respectable because they knew which fork to use, dressed in silk and spoke High Galatic. In between there was the common, run-of-the-mill bar. Sometimes it had dancers, sometimes not. Bith musicians were inevitable because this seemed to be their racial hat when they were not being Sith Lords.

And so the door opened with a whoosh and Siobhan stepped inside. Stressful day at work, inspecting and drilling the troops, preparing for Firemane's move into Sanctum space, suffice to say she needed a good drink. The bar she had found herself in looked a bit dull, but for a change she was not her for excitement and cheap thrills. Little did she know that this day would be far from dull, for unlike her writer she lacked meta knowledge, and so she limped towards the counter. It was getting easier to walk, but she still needed that annoying cane, though she still carried herself with an aura of command as if she owned the place. Having reached the counter she commanded the barkeeper's attention and ordered a scotch.
[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]

To lost in though, Abaigeal did not see the woman walk in, nor did she pay her much attention when she moved next to her. The bottom of the glass commanded her attention and it was more interesting than anything the bar had to offer. Especially when one swirled the contents around to see what sediment washed up to the surface, a dull and stupid way to kill time. However, out of the corner of her eye Abaigeal noticed the bar keep almost leap to attention as a low feminine voice ordered a drink with a strong lilt of command. Abaigeal raised her eyes from the glass and looked in the mirror behind the bar to see who had demanded such behaviour.

Beside her stood a brunette, head held high with a haughty look, dressed in expensive clothes and a look about her face that seemed well kempt. Abaigeal just watched for the woman for a moment in the reflection of the mirror as her drink arrived promptly.

The woman seemed completely out of place in a bar like this, Abaigeal could imagine her gracing the lounges of hotel bars high on the top floor overlooking a beautiful vista, not stuck here in this dive of a place. Not that is really was, it is clean enough, just ... dull. A bit like her life at the moment, oh she has had adventures of all types but her life lacked a solid direction and Abaigeal knew this had to change.

She sat back on her stood and pulled back her long black hair, just to do something different and an excuse to look at the woman with her own eyes. "You seem .. out of place here, there are better establishment up the road a bit that might suit you'.
[member="Abaigeal E'ron"]

Siobhan took a good sip from her scotch then glanced over to the young girl who had suddenly addressed her. She scrutinised her, not annoyed at the interruption but curious. "True, or more exciting ones. I could say the same about you though, dear. Isn't this place a tad too mainstream and dull for you? Somehow I get the vibe you're into something more adventurous." she said, an element of wry amusement in her tone. Feeling something, she stretched out with her senses and felt the Force emanating from the girl. No clear alignment to be discerned, but though not fully trained she seemed strong.

She made a gesture to the barkeep. "Give her what she wants. It's on my tab." Siobhan Kerrigan, doting mother, encouraging young girls to drink alcohol. How scandalous! Then again, she had once shown former Chancellor Aleidis Ijet how to smoke. "What's your name?"
[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]

"I have had too much adventure of late", she smiled. "Sometimes it is good to just, sit".

Abaigeal tilted the glass to the bar keep indicating her wanted another which soon arrived. "Thank you", she said as the woman offered to take the bill. She would not knock a drink back, but she also did not like being indebted to anyone. But Abaigeal had a strange feeling about her, that she was alright, you know? But the woman did have a presence about her, that screamed that she would not tolerate fools or be trifled with. And she is a force users, a screamingly loud presences through the force, she is powerful and showing it. Abaigeal like that, something she would hope to do one day, to simply not give a .. fork.

She smiled despite herself, "Abaigeal, .. E'ron", she said the name for the first time in a long time. "May I ask you yours?".
[member="Abaigeal E'ron"]

Siobhan lofted her brow in response. "E'ron...I've heard the name," she said thoughtfully. Where had she heard it again? Ah, now she remembered. There had been a funeral in Silver space...for an Iella E'ron. Their founder and Grand Master. Believed to have fallen in battle against the Sith, though the full details escaped Siobhan.

Well, this had just turned interesting. Of course, from a purely logical perspective it would be perfectly possible for Aba not to be related to her at all. After all, it was a galaxy of a million worlds, there would be thousands upon thousands of E'rons who did not share the slightest drop of blood. But...that's way too complicated and logical!

"I'm Siobhan Kerrigan, I run Firemane," she spoke. Tone implied she expected that to ring a bell because she was the self-important type. Then again, back in her day she had dropped a couple roofs and chucked Lucrehulks. "I suppose this is the stage where I ask whether you're related to Iella E'ron and what brings you here, but something tells me you're not eager for questions and answers and I don't want to pry."
[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]

She had heard of Firemane, and of the two formidable woman that run it, only reputation but still they are well known through the galaxy. And everything about the woman's countenance told her of nobility. "It is a pleasure to meet you Lady Kerrigan", she said sitting up more straight backed. She had been right Lady Kerrigan doesn't belong in a place like this which only intrigued her more as to why she would step foot in such a place. Maybe she was not such a snob after all, at least that part of the reputation might not be true. Or she was bored and wanted to look down on the plebs for a while, but she seemed not the sort really, kind of 'down to earth'. But Abaigeal's skill with 'reading' people is not that great.

"Its ok, I am related to Iella E'ron, in fact she is my mother", Abaigeal always uses present tenses when she speak of those lost, they are still around in spirit as far as she is concerned, and therefore afforded the respect of their existence.

"As for why I am here?, simply put, I am getting away from it all, just to keep out of trouble for a little while, trouble seems to find me with ease and this place fits the bill. To much adventure and one can run out of luck. I just hope my friend Elpsis is alright trouble seems to find her too". Speaking of Elpsis, Abaigeal would contact her as soon as possible to make sure of it. She is her best friend, her only friend and she loves her to bits.
[member="Abaigeal E'ron"]

There was a pause before Siobhan spoke again. "I didn't know your mother personally...but I know she was a strong woman, very brave. It probably sounds trite, but I'm sorry for your loss," she said feelingly. "If you want time to clear your head and be out of trouble, I get that. I suppose it's difficult to believe now, but when I was younger I spent much of my life on the run, with no home, having to fight at every step of the way to survive."

She still remembered Nar Shaddaa very well. However, she was mulled out of her thoughts when she considered the last words Abaigeal had said. It sounded a bit like a cosmic joke or a pileup of coincidences, but after all the crazy things she had been through, she could adjust to the 'it's a small world' concept. "Elpsis...would that be Elpsis Kallikora perchance?" she asked.
[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]

"I grew up in a cave, on Tython", she grineed at the memory of it. "My parents had decided it was for the best considering what was happening at the time, they where in the Republic back than and there was much tension between the old sith empire", Tension? they had been a constant war.

"I entered the Temple though to train in the force as one does at three years of age, had some training under the tutilage of Master Gan. But after the Silver Jedi had been formed, we moved and well life for me was great. I had a very good childhood, given much freedom but.. " she trailed off, in throught for the moment, but sometimes it is good to talk to a relative stranger. " But now I find my life much changed and yes on the run and watching my back". But Lady Kerrigan's story gave her some heart for the future, someone like her coming from bad dark times to make it so great in the galaxy?

But her attention to her past taken when she mention Elpsis, she smiled. "Yes it is, Elpsis Kallikora, I guess you know her?". Gosh it is a small galaxy at times. But than Abaigeal wondered if Lady Kerrigan knew of her for the right reasons and that Elpsis had not done something to ... oh poodoo.
[member="Abaigeal E'ron"]

Well, I'm sort of in love with her mother, who shared her memories with me. So I kind of 'remember' getting raped by the Sith monster who's Elpsis' father and giving birth to her even though those memories aren't mine. Oh, and some time ago I ripped the bastard's spine out after torturing him because he was trying to kill Coryth. It's complicated! Trying to figure out the Kerrigan-Alcori family dynamics was enough to give someone a headache.

Needless to say this was just what Siobhan thought and she did not actually say it! "Not personally, but I know her mother," she answered. "[member="Coryth Elaris"]. A Jedi Master who's a good friend of mine. And I know she's a magnet for trouble so I worry. Reminds me of myself when I was younger. If she has someone looking out for then I'm glad. Just don't get into too much trouble."
[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]

She just looked at Lady Kerrigan over the rim of her glass as she spoke, a sense of relief filled her as she realised Elpsis had not done something to tick this woman off. "Oh, I see", well she didn't really. Abaigeal does not know of the Jedi Master, Elpsis's mother but that did intrigue her however. Elpsis had not mentioned anything of her back history at least not of her mother. Seems that Elpsis and Abaigeal have more in common than she had realised. But she could not help but smile.

"It seems trouble follows not only Elpsis but myself as well, when we are together, anything can happen. Not that we going looking for it, no.. it finds us".

But curiosity was getting the better of Abaigeal, "So why are you here? not just in this boring bar, but on Etti?".
[member="Abaigeal E'ron"]

"You don't go looking for it, it just finds you. Right. Adril and I used to say that as well," Siobhan chuckled slightly. Those had totally been the good old days. "Firemane does business on Etti. We got a factory here to manufacture arms and provide training for government troops. It's one of our biggest outposts this side of the 'verse." The old Corporate Sector companies did not like her much and she did not like them. Sometimes corporate competition turned into violent corporate warfare. Then she broke roofs. This happened less frequently these days.

Soon it would probably be their temporary headquarters. "So what plans do you have right now? I take it you don't have a totally legitimate job lined up right now?" Siobhan knew from Coryth that Elpsis was a bit of a smuggler. Not a profession she liked much, but she was not feeling particularly moralistic or judgemental about it either. After all, she had been the exact opposite of pure as white snow during the time she lived on Nar Shaddaa.
[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]

Indeed what does Abaigeal do? She took a moment to think about her answer, so much running away from events of the past had her tired of it, one day she would have to face the Silver Jedi, she knew that much and that day would come all to quickly.

"No I have not job, I do jobs but they are just whatever I can get, so I guess you could say I have 'seasonal' work". Abaigeal did not really have any skils or experience in working for a company and did not even consider trying to find work like that. "I do ok though, enough to get me out of trouble", she could not help giggle at that.

"To be honest I am simply trying to stay away from the Jedi for now. I have a few issues with them I will one day need to face", the voice of immaturity speaking and much self denial, and she is lonely.
[member="Abaigeal E'ron"]

"I suppose this is the moment where I'm supposed to give you a well-intentioned but probably misplaced, vaguely maternal lecture about how you have to face your issues, overcome your self denial and return to the Jedi," Siobhan said as she took a sip from her drink.

"But I'll skip that part. I can understand the need to get away. If you're looking for something a bit more regular than seasonal work and a place to stay in, Firemane can offer that. Doesn't have to be full-time, we have plenty of freelancers and contractors. But unlike the crime lords of the 'verse we don't randomly stab people in the back. Or I can just give you a place to stay for the night and you can be on your way again tomorrow," she said softly. Apparently she was starting to fall into Mum mood. "How extensive has your Force training been, dear?"
[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]

Abaigeal could not help but smile at Lady Kerrigan, she was right to skip the lecture, it was not something Abaigeal was ready for or looking for. Facing issues of inter turmoil are not something one faces on a whim even though she knew well enough that day would come.

"Lady Kerrigan I do not have regular work, nothing steady to be able to focus on. It would be good to have something in my life that gives me some sort of purpose, other than constantly looking over my shoulder for danger or thugs. I would gladly accept any work you would offer me, thank you", she offered in sincerity.

"My force abilities are basic I guess, in some aspects, even though I had entered the temple Tython and studied there, I was only very young, my parents had taught me some things but I have not had solid constructed training. I have a natural ability with telekinesis I guess and not bad with the saber, but I have not real focus on a form".
[member="Abaigeal E'ron"]

"Ok. Great. And you can drop the 'Lady Kerrigan' part. Siobhan suffices unless we're in a formal setting, dear," Siobhan said warmly. She was clearly in Mum mode now. This one blames [member="Galina Kerrigan-Alcori"] for giving Siobhan a big mother complex. Verily, the little wildling was a very special snowflake.

She sipped her drink whilst she pondered, absorbing what Abaigeal had told her. "Telekinesis, huh? It's my specialisation, so I can say without false modesty that I can you a lot there." Oh, dear, Aba was going to learn stuff from a telekinetic battering ram. Roofs of the Galaxy, beware, you're about to get broken! "Same goes for defensive powers and aeromancy. I'm crappy with a lightsabre, so I can't help there, but Firemane's got a number of capable teachers who can." There, [member="Tempest"], you might get another training job because this writer says so. "Why don't we get out of this place and talk more at Firemane HQ?" They were not at all going to be attacked by a band of thugs and ruffians on the way there. Not at all. Well, actually they probably would be.
[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]

She had to be honest with herself, Abaigeal was happy with her lastest good future on meeting Lady Kerrigan. "I thank you for your offer and I would accept any work you might have for me". She pushed her glass away and got off the stool. Looking down at her poor excuse for clothing, Abaigeal did her best to straighten them out with her hands.

"I would like to see Firemane HQ, and I appreciate your offer to train me in the force as well. Your skills are famous", she smiled, not giving lip service but the truth. There was not too many people in the galaxy that had not heard of Siobhan.

"But what is aeromancy?", she asked not aware of this power, but the name intrigued her very much. "I don't have transport to take us there unfortuately, is it far? I don't mind the walk". Which she did not as it was this method of 'transport' that keeps Abaigeal fit and trim.
[member="Abaigeal E'ron"]

Siobhan was quite happy as well. After all, she got a young girl to train and mother over! Oh, and a potential new employee as well. Being famous was something that pleased her as well. She did have a bit of an ego after all and liked to have it stroked. "Excellent, dear. I'll take good care of you. Aeromancy is air manipulation, dear. Basically summoning strong winds, manipulating air pressure, tempests and so forth. I can show you some fun stuff at the Firemane training grounds," Siobhan said happily. She tossed a couple credit chits on the counter to pay the bill and then gestured to Aba to follow her as she headed out of the bar.

"HQ is a bit of a walk from here, but we can fly if you like," she said casually while she headed for the entrance with an evident limp, which was why she gripped her cane. Still her stance was tall and proud, as if she refused to show that she was evidently in a good deal of pain. Little did either of them realise that outside of the bar, in an alley they would find themselves in, a few fellows were lying in wait who were very eager to meet Aba!

You see, dear reader, the Black Orchid was a bit famous due to her antics on Nal Hutta. What with having killed several thugs, caused property damage and stolen the uniform of an officer of the law at the spaceport. The theft of the officer's hat was especially heinous. As it happened a few Garhoon thugs had watched her enter the bar and had now been waiting for some time. After all, a Force-user was a prize item on the slave markets of the Galaxy and a certain Hutt had been offended by hers and Elpsis' shenanigans. Besides, her blood should be very tasty!
[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]

In a short space of time, Abaigeal's life seemed to be taking a turn for the better. She became excited by the prospect of steady work, having a few credits in her pockets all the time, and learning something, not only how a business works but force training. She realised she had missed it. Abaigeal smiled wide as she follow Siobhan out the door.

"I would like that very much", she said, as she caught up to her. "To see Firemane and learn something new. If it suits to fly then we shall", Abaigeal had not a clue as to the nature of what Siobhan meant about flying as there was not starport in this place. Maybe she meant an air speeder.

As they entered the street, Abaigeal paused in step but continued with a slight frown. The force told her something was wrong, "Siobhan I think we had better make haste", she looked around the street but saw nothing out of the ordinary, but her hand found her saber hilt regardless.
[member="Abaigeal E'ron"]

Time semed to suddenly accelerate to a rapid rate as everything happened in a matter of seconds. Force Sense did not grant omniscience, even if you were a Master, but after all these years Siobhan liked to think she had good instincts, especially in the face of imminent danger.

Siobhan heard Abaigeal speak but gave no response, though she shared her analysis, since her mind was elsewhere. To be specific, her mind was focused on the rooftops of two buildings right in front of them. The Force answered her call and then suddenly two Garhoon snipers came tumbling down as if gripped by an invisible force. Their screams turned to pained gasps when they suddenly found that they were unable to breathe, then there were sickening crunches when their bodies were slammed into the ground.

Massive blunt trauma inflicted, bones broken, two lives extinguished and blood splattered the pavement. "Get down," Siobhan said calmly, then abruptly pulled Aba down and into cover when suddenly a hail of red-hot blaster bolts lanced towards them from the alley. Unbeknownst to Siobhan they were set to stun rather than kill, but having your leg go limp was not a pleasant experience either. Siobhan did not have her lightsabre with her, though she saw Aba's hand was on her sabre hilt.

The wall behind them was peppered with blaster bolts, as were the trash cans that served as improvised cover, but then she was not interested in staying put. Shouts could be heard from the alley as their attackers started to break cover and move towards them. A speeder and big trash cans seemed to serve them as cover. Good. Miniaturised balls, stun grenades, were tossed towards them through the air...and then suddenly found their movement reversed as Siobhan simply threw them back towards their assailants.

"I'll make an opening, then we attack," Siobhan said confidently as she pulled upon the tangled web of power that was the Force. Ripples could be felt resonating through it, then she unleashed a telekinetic blast that swept across the alley, blowing up the thugs' cover, crushing limbs and rupturing internal organs. Death ensued.

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