Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Three little letters, two little words



- Amani Serys Amani Serys -

He was nervous.

Why was he nervous? This day was a long time coming. He and Amani had taken things slow, together. Ever since he had invited her to Alderaan, ever since they shared their first kiss in this exact spot, they had vowed that, to take thing slow. Each step, each date, each turn and twist in the road they walked together, had been beautiful, right. This felt right, too. More right than a lot of leaps he'd taken.

So, yes, he was nervous. Stomach-full-of-butterflies nervous. But also, happier than he could ever hope to articulate.

That was all he could think of as he stood up from the rows of chairs, set up for friends and family in the simulated bio-dome within Sanctuary City. Familiar faces, beloved faces, he passed over, his own erupting with small smiles as he saw them, barely-contained joy spilling from between his lips. It showed in how he dressed, too, brilliant, shining white where there would usually be black and grey. He walked alone, headed towards the front of the ceremony, but he walked regardless, looking ahead, not behind.

It wasn't about where they were coming from, anyways. It was about where they were going. And the road ahead was bright.

He paused beneath a simple wooden arch, cool eyes taking in every little detail of this new moment, before turning around towards the crowd. Waiting calmly, impatiently, for the love of his life.

Well, first, for the cutest flower girl in the history of royal weddings. But then, the love of his life.
She was nervous, too.

The good kind of nervous. Despite all the build-up, all the preparation, none of it could fully ready Amani for the big day. It wasn’t until they were here, in the moment, that the intensity of it all bore down on her. But it also showed the fruits of their labor, of their love, finally coming together. Today would be perfect.

Amani sighed, lying in wait for the music to cue her in. The time stretched on forever in those passing minutes, and yet once she finally heard those beginning keys, she froze. Only the slightest delay as the bride steeled herself all over again, and stepped into view of the aisle. Her dress: hand-crafted by a traditional mirialan seamstress. It was long and flowing, and embroidered with intricate designs that seemed to tell a story in a language all their own.

Amani’s gaze swept across the rows of seats. Close friends and peers from across the journey of their lives. And of course, a cadre of local nobles, some of whom she didn’t even recognize. But such was the way of things. It was all drowned out when her eyes finally locked onto the man at the end of the aisle. The one she had been waiting to see. The contrast of seeing Alicio draped in stark whites would almost be amusing, if Amani weren’t so starstruck by him instead. There was another moment of pause in which she remained unmoving, before she reminded herself to take that first step forward. The rest of the steps followed.

Down the trail of flower petals, with a bouquet of her own clutched tightly in hand, Amani strode to be by the Count’s side now and forever. There was no father to walk her down; A bittersweet touch to the proceedings, but one that was overwhelmed by the joys surrounding it. Today wasn’t about mourning the past, but celebrating the future. She could practically feel these moments being encoding into her memory in real time.

Amani came to a stop in front of the podium. Just like that, she and Alicio were face to face. She looked up at him, and smiled shyly. Her voice was quiet, likely only enough for him and Mebita to hear, “…Hi.”


His nervousness, all the faces of the crowd, the simulated winds tossing his dark hair, the smell of Tythonian wildflowers, the very taste of the Force, everything, bled away into nothingness as he saw Amani.

He imagined he looked rather foolish, gloomy-sky eyes widening, a chortle of unquenchable happiness scratching from his chest, pinpricks of wet forming at the corners of his lids, as he watched Amani Serys stride down the rows of people. He was enraptured, captivated by her. And suddenly...

She was there. In front of him.


Alicio tilted his head down, his lips quivering ever-so-slightly, though whether he was fighting a smile or sob of happiness was anyone's guess. "...Hi," he returned, croaking as he fought to maintain control.

The Count hadn't even been able to get through the proposal without choking up. How would he last the entire wedding?

He held out his hands to Amani, unable to keep them away any longer. He tore his eyes away from his bride-to-be for only a moment, to nod at their officiant Mebita, before returning his gaze to Amani.

- Amani Serys Amani Serys -
"This is it…" Amani whispered with nervous anticipation, pursing her lips as if to suck the rising emotions back in. She could already see them bubbling up in Alicio's expression, which was only going to make it harder for her to stay composed in return. With her hands laid in his, they both turned to Mebita to acknowledge they were ready, before their gazes looped back into one another.

"I've been practicing," Mebita whispered in Basic, "Just tell me if I say something embarrassing, hm?" With a final wink to the couple, the elder cleared her throat and projected her voice for all to hear, "Welcome family, friends, and loved ones. We gather here today as witnesses, to join the hands of Count Alicio Organa, and Amani Serys, in marriage."

"Love has no boundaries, or borders. These two have proven as much through their faith and devotion to one another. Love is what brings us together, and it is what will keep this union strong, and everlasting."
She looked at the couple and smiled, before turning to the bride specifically, "Amani- Do you take Alicio to be your lawfully wedded husband? To honor and cherish him? Through joy and pain, through sickness and health, until death do you part?"

Amani glanced at Mebita again, then back to Alicio. She inhaled deeply, before releasing a shaky, "I do," with a smile.

Mebita turned to the groom now, "Alicio- Do you take Amani to be your lawfully wedded wife? To honor and cherish her? Through joy and pain, through sickness and health, until death do you part?"

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"This is only the beginning, Chief," he whispered, gunmetal eyes glittering like gems.

Taking Amani's hands in his, and offering the older, lavender-skinned Mirialan a sly smile in return, he listened intently as Mebita spoke. The fact that she had learned the ceremony in Basic, just for them, was nearly as sweet to him as the words themselves. Every syllable was pondered on, extracted for the entirety of it's meaning, as he worked to capture every single subtlety of the moment. Not just the blessing from Amani's village elder, but every twist and embroidery of her gown, the way her blue eyes shined, the flowers hanging from the arch they stood under...

It was perfect. Truly, and unequivocally perfect.

Amani said her vow, and Alicio felt a shiver travel up his spine. He held her hands just a bit tighter, as the question was posed to him.

Three little letters. Two little words. So hard to say, despite it being what he wanted to say most. He fought through his tight throat.

"I do."

Of course, he would wait for Mebita to say those beautiful final words. But Alicio felt his body begin to lean in all on it's own, as if pulled down by gravity.

- Amani Serys Amani Serys -
Their declarations of intent made, Mebita between the two lovers with a playful smirk, the gravitational pull between tangible to outside observers. As the words left Alicio's mouth, Vera squealed loudly in joy, earning a few chuckles from the crowd and Amani. The mirialan blushed deeply, and squeezed the Count's hands, forgetting herself for a moment. Mebita brought her back to the present as she held up a pair of rings for all to see, "Then I present to you these rings as a physical symbol of your love, and marriage." The elder gave one to each, so that they might exchange with one another, and continued.

"Amani. Repeat after me: I have loved you since the first stars were born."

"I have loved you since the first stars were born."

"And I will love you after the last star has died."

"And I will love you after the last star has died."

"I am yours, and you are mine."

"I am yours, and you are mine."

"One becomes two. And two become one."

"One becomes two. And two become one."

"I have loved you since the first stars were born."

"I have loved you since the first stars were born."

"And I will love you after the last star has died."

"...And I will love you after the last star has died."

Mebita paused a moment to signal the end of Amani's recital, "You may present the groom with his ring." Amani did so, holding out Alicio's hand to slide the ring on. Her hands were shuddering violently from emotion, though it was likely unnoticeable by the crowd. She sighed as if in relief once the ring was set in place. Mebita turned to Alicio now, "Alicio. Repeat after me: I have loved you since the first stars were born.

And I will love you after the last star has died.

I am yours, and you are mine.

One becomes two. And two become one.

I have loved you since the first stars were born.

And I will love you after the last star has died."

Once done, she would give him the same pause, and prompt, "You may present the bride with her ring." Nearly done now. A few minutes that seemed to stretch into blissful eternity. But until Mebita gave them the final cue, they could only wait.


Alicio smirked as he and Amani hovered towards each other, each just out of reach of the other. Knowing that they weren't allowed to kiss yet made the forbidden action all that more tantalizing, and one look at Mebita told him she knew it too.

Vera's squeal of happiness caught his ear, causing Alicio to snort with laughter, taking a moment to search the crowd for the little flower girl, and giving her a sheepish smile. He returned his attention to the matter at hand, taking Amani's ring gently in his palm, and looking at it pensively for a moment.

Then, he looked up, into Amani's eyes, as she recited the words to him. He had to swipe a tear away, though he did it quickly enough that he could pretend no one saw. She placed the ring on his finger. Then, it was his turn.

"I have loved you since the first stars were born.
And I will love you after the last star has died.
I am yours, and you are mine.
One becomes two. And two become one.
I have loved you since the first stars were born.
And I will love you after the last star has died."

With only the slightest of pauses, Alicio slipped Amani's ring onto her hand, though he didn't pull his own back. Instead, he laced his fingers between hers.

- Amani Serys Amani Serys -

Amani watched with glassy eyes and a quivering lip, her hand still shaking as Alicio slipped the ring on. She sniffled, flexing her fingers and staring deeply at the ring, when he pulled their hands closer. She looked back up at him, and finally, Mebita smiled contently, and spoke,

"Then by the power vested in me by the people of Mirial, by the people of Alderaan— I now pronounce you... husband and wife."

She looked at Alicio, finally revealing a joyful tear of her own, "You may now kiss the bride."

Amani was already leaning in to meet him halfway with tear-stained cheeks.


The first time they had kissed had been a small thing, in a refugee camp on Tython. An overworked Alderaanian spent time after his shift in the medical tents, helping an overwhelmed Mirialan woman with her tasks. She had left him that night with a simple peck on the cheek.

The next time, their first true kiss, exploded like fireworks. Messy, inexperienced, beautiful fireworks, that lit up the cool, Alderaanian night, bringing a perfect, accidental date to it's highest point. It had started off something... special. Sacred. Monumental, between two people so different, but so very alike in so many ways.

Every moment after, every time their lips had touched, made Alicio's life that much brighter. But none of them had been as life-changing as their next. Alicio had wanted them to go slow. It followed that he would want to take his time here, too. But he didn't.

"You may now kiss the bride."

They met on the word 'kiss'.

He swore he heard music in the air.


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