Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Three is technically a coven...


The subversion - or support, depending on who you listened to - of Falleen had gone on for hours, days actually. Far beyond a the simple gala that catalyzed the whole affair.

By now, Er'in was heartly bored of it, what had begun as a fun game had begun to drag on just a little for the workshy princesses taste - she was also somewhat drunk on Falleen pheromones and was just about aware enough to know she needed a break before she did something really, spectacularly stupid.

Which was remarkably self-perceptive of her, considering.

The square that had been built in the new 'White District' was vast however, big enough to encompass the entire of Falleen's now erased industrial infrastructure. Which was noble, if stupid of them.

She eventually found a quiet fountain, alone but for the rush of water and the flicker of lights, glancing around to ensure she wasn't seen, she kicked off her high heels and sat down with her feet in the water with a greatful sigh. She was sure apprentice force users weren't suppose to have such mundane problems.

[member="Tmoxin Temi"] | [member="Srina Talon"]​
For perhaps the first time since they landed on Falleen, aside from a necessary bio break, the pale-skinned Echani found herself without Darth Metus. She’d left him somewhere between the fried butter sticks and the cantina. She’d been gone for at least half an hour in an attempt to find the ladies refresher so it was quite likely that he was halfway through a pint of Falleen ale or in what equated to a food coma. At the very least, his preferences gave her a frame of reference of where, when, and how to find him.

A vision in pale-rose, with hair made of liquid moonlight, the Echani wove between the lizard-looking natives that walked on stilts. Their painted faces were in a state of permanent laughter, frozen in a state of joy, and it was that thought that left her a little unsettled. All of the lights, stalls, and lanterns seemed to blend together and eventually she realized that she’d gotten a little turned around. Most of the revelries were still going strong, even though the festival had technically reached its zenith, no one seemed to want to wind down.

She was honestly a little tired, given how long they’d been walking, dancing, and checking up on things. Srina didn’t think she’d sat down for more than five minutes since they’d landed. She felt a little off. Not enough that she doubted her mental faculties, but enough that she thought carefully, before speaking to anyone. Srina very rarely imbibed alcohol, and hadn’t had any during the event, but she still felt wary. Perhaps it was just the pheromones that the reptilian humanoids exuded. Most people seemed to be affected by them one way or another.

It wasn’t long before the fountain came into view that she realized that she was headed in the complete wrong direction. Echani eyes also saw, through the crowd, a familiar dark-haired Hapan. Srina moved closer, smiling and excusing herself if she bumped into anyone, until she was able to reach her fellow apprentice. She was at the far end of the fountain and almost out of sight.

Curious eyes followed her posture, noting that she had her feet in the water, and the Echani came to stand to her right. “Are you feeling well Er’in Tenel?”

The question was born out of both a sense of mild concern and a faint sense of duty. Often, she found herself looking after Darth Metus’s pupils, or at least, making sure they were all right. Sometimes, it was just better to ask versus guessing, or hoping for the best. The spirit of Compassion had chosen her on Mikko. She’d scoffed at the time, but, perhaps it was a little more on the nose than she’d initially thought.

“If you’re tired you could retire for the night...Entertainment can be exhausting.”

[member="Tmoxin Temi"] | [member="[URL=""]Er'in Tenel[/URL]"]
The question seemed to start Er'in out of a reverie and she shot to her feet in an instant, the resulting splash soaking the bottom of her dress.

For a long moment, anger warred with embarassment and with the cold, calm control that automatically slid up and over her features in the presence of anyone - particularly a woman, any woman.

But today, Er'in was both too tired and too confused to sustain any of the emotions - or to control them as rigidly as she had been trained from birth and with a faintly lopsided smile she sat back down with another sigh. She was still angry - at the world, possibly, more than anyone in particular, but it was a tired emotion.

"I just needed a break." She replied to pale, beautiful Echani woman, nudging the deeply impractical shoes sitting just out of the splash radius. "If there is a technique for wearing those without effort, I haven't learned it yet. Besides, the water is pleasant and we might as well enjoy this monument to ecological folly and racial pride."

She paused, turning to look up at Srina with an expression that for once didn't hide as much as it conveyed - instead it was a look of deep interest, only mildly obfuscated by the light-amp glasses she still wore. She seemed to consider something for a long moment, then she gestured to a dry patch of stone next to her.

"Won't you join me? We've hardly spoken outside business since we met."

Tmoxin Temi | [member="Srina Talon"]
Tmoxin had traveled to Falleen specifically to meet the Hapan, though her pride would not allow her to readily admit it. But since she'd found that another Force user had been recruited from her beloved homeworld, the new Apprentice was on her mind enough that she thought it time to pay a visit. Srina Talon would be there also, another bright star in the cosmos of the Confederacy.

The redheaded Force user herself was not feeling well, but she hid it as best she could. Between her transformation into the Night Mother, and the encounter with Kyrel Ren in the Morpho facility, which left her the proud owner of a Sith Spirit named Darth Thaxis, she was quite unwell. Her exterior, however, would show few cracks.

The White District gleamed appropriately bright like its namesake.

“Retire! I wouldn’t dream of it,” said Tmoxin almost sneaking up behind the two women with a cat-like grace, catching the tail end of Srina’s words. “But if both of you are weary of festivities we can go somewhere quiet.” She wore a simple black gown with blue accents that offset the vibrant copper hair.

Around the two younger women, she felt quite matriarchal, which in a way was good because hopefully her poise and calm would conceal the dark turmoil inside. While they sat on the stone barrier around the picturesque fountain, she would stand. She always knew that eventually the darkside would consume her, but she hadn’t realized how fast it could happen, nor to the lengths it may break her in the coming days.

“I hope you do not mind the extra company.”

[member="Er'in Tenel"] [member="Srina Talon"]
If Srina held any amusement in startling the dark-haired Hapan there was no evidence of it. Her fair countenance remained that of marble, still and silent, like a fresh snowfall. Not for the first time she held a certain amount of inquisitiveness about the expressions Er’in seemed prone to adopting in her presence. One moment, she seemed entirely aristocratic, and the next, a smile tainted the highborn lady, leaving her feeling almost approachable. Echani eyes were too keen, too aware, to let it go.

The exceedingly pale-skinned apprentice noted the particular flavor of a slight mood in the air that tasted of vague ire. Respectfully, she tried to mute her sensitivity in order to give the Hapan her emotional privacy. Often, she saw things, felt things, at the will of the Force. It left her with knowledge that she shouldn’t have an insight to those around her that she hadn’t truly earned. “Perfectly understandable.”, Srina returned softly, to the notion of needing a break. Silvered eyes fell ambiguously on the water. “In my experience this kind of footwear requires testing…Just like a new piece of armor. Break them in early, wear them around before an event for a few days, and your feet will thank you for it.”

The simple dialog was interrupted when the hair on the back of her neck rose, and suddenly the voice of Tmoxin Temi, the leader of the Mandragora, popped up behind them. “Nightmother.”, Srina greeted as she turned to acknowledge the flame haired beauty. As always, her swan-like neck inclined, reverentially showing the proper amount of respect. “I would never suggest that you retire.”

It bothered her, to know that for all intents and purposes, they’d been snuck up on by someone as powerful as the Nightmother. Mirrored eyes flickered over the woman from head to toe, openly evaluating the woman, the same way she looked at anyone else. It was a habit that she had yet to break. Briefly, she sent a telepathic message to their Master, so he wouldn’t worry, before she gracefully tucked coral skirts beneath her and took a seat beside Er’in. Darth Metus could be as impetuous as he was kind when she took too long. “Please forgive my distance. I would love to join you.”

“Duty calls and I find that I forget interpersonal demands from time to time.”

Srina sat facing away from the fountain, legs tucked in a lady-like slat, posture straight as a pin. Her attention fell to Tmoxin once more, entirely incapable of looking away from her for long, not when her presence exuded such magnificence. She was both bright and dark in her mind’s eye. There was something different about her, there had been, ever since Kamino, but Srina wasn’t bold enough to pry.

“You would be most welcome Mistress Temi.”, she spoke to her elder kindly, patting the empty space on of the smooth stone beside her. There was no need for her to stand when they were all wearing terribly uncomfortable formal wear. Granted, Srina’s cotton and muslin dress was probably the least strict, but it still felt nice to relax for a moment. “Are you both enjoying the festival? I hear you can still light lanterns until after dawn.”

Dawn would make them too hard to see. Considering Srina had found the novelty weapon vendors insulting, the small Echani had been rather enamored with little lights that floated with wishes, up and away, into the night sky.

[member="Tmoxin Temi"] | [member="Er'in Tenel"]
"I'll show her..."

The gruff voice of the Sith Lord was overshadowed by the grunts of two masked Falleen. With an arm braced upon the shoulder of each, they hoisted Darth Metus into place upon a pair of stilts. Previously during the festival, the mischeivous [member="Srina Talon"] had dared to say that he would not even make it two steps on such monstrosities. Well, Darth Metus had was not the one to back down from such a challenge. Tonight, he would walk three.

The straps were set. The safety of the Falleen arms was abandoned.




The sound of a Sith Lord crashing, face first could scarcely be heard over the clamboring crowd.

"Still counts."

[member="Srina Talon"], [member="Tmoxin Temi"], [member="Er'in Tenel"]
If Er'in's response to Srina was impressive, the turmoil that visibly crosses her face as [member="Tmoxin Temi"] announces her approach is spectacular.

There's the visible expression of someone drawing on social armour, panic, alarm, confusion and distress - she catches herself half-rising to her feet even as Srina sits next to her.

A pause. One that seems like an eternity to Er'in, but is less than a second to the outside world. The woman in front of her is clearly a Hapan, which means she's under threat - anxiety, fear and every social danger sense triggers instantly. But she's not wearing glasses, which is... improbably, if not impossible. Then Er'in catches the form of address 'Nightmother' - while she's not familiar with the titles of her new life, that has to be a formal one - and one of rank. But no 'true' Hapan would adopt such a title. Anger catches her in throat, mixing with the confusion and in a remarkable, if minor feat of self-development she uses the anger to force herself back down onto her seat.

The smile that blossoms onto her face is a genuine one - it's nice not to be alone, whomever you are - and she shakes her head.

"Not at all - please, come and sit. I'm afraid you have me at a disadvantage, Nightmother. I am Pelin’a Er'in Tenel..." There's a pause, but then she decides if the term Nightmother is publically acceptable, so is hers. "... Apprentice to Darth Metus."

She smiles at Srina. Her own growing sense telling her a fascinating amount about both women, and with a sudden motion she relaxes like a cat, stretching her feet out into the water languidly.

"I cannot see them when they go above the rooftops, even with the lenses. But it's a beautiful tradition. And it makes the sky a little more like home." She laughs, almost at herself. "And I may have over indulged."

[member="Srina Talon"] | [member="Tmoxin Temi"]
How did she describe the act of possession? Certainly, Tmoxin had only an ambient awareness of the ancient Sith flowing through her veins, affecting her judgement like a subtle spice ingested only to amplify any situation. At times she felt as though she would burst from her skin, and at other moments, the Hapan was more reflective and pensive. Furthermore, a noxious emotion inflicted her, one she had not felt for a long time, often mistaken for ambition. Not jealousy, but paranoia.

The fear of her power being usurped by a young upstart, like one of the two women before her.

Strange and exotic this sensation did not easily pass. Up until now her pride and confidence had been blaster bolt-proof.
Catching the notion that Apprentice Tenel was about to rise, the redhead’s hand subtly waved her back down. It did not occur to her that either women would be able to feel the instability inside her. And why should they - everything was fine.

“Please call me Tmoxin,” she said in a honeyed, finishing school voice. “And both of you. Please indulge your elder with stories of where you came from? An interesting story from your backgrounds, perhaps?" And she waited with intense curiosity about both of them, Erin for her link to Hapes, and Srina for the absolute mystery that the Echani was.

[member="Er'in Tenel"] [member="Srina Talon"] [member="Darth Metus"]
In the distance, Srina thought she heard a crash, but couldn’t really be sure over the white-noise of hundreds of people talking at the same time. Her attention returned to Er’in just in time to see her half-stand, before almost freezing, in the presence of the Nightmother. The action was odd and the nanosecond emotional roller-coaster that followed was equally perplexing. There was no other way to put it. As far as social graces went—It was odd.

But, both women were Hapan born, and therefore full of interesting surprises. Srina found the idea of a matriarchal culture rather familiar given the state of Eshan. Yet, where men were considered lesser beings in Hapan society, the Echani did not consider males second-class citizens. Women tended to outnumber men by about seven to one and had become the backbone of the species because of it. To that end, their men were generally highly valued. Echani females could be highly protective, and almost ironically, referred to them in greetings as ‘kár'lo’. Our, or my, protector, depending on the male in question.

Srina momentarily felt trapped in a war of invisible wills. And then it was gone. As if it had never been there at all. Tmoxin Temi assured both of them that they needn’t rise, nor adhere to any sort of formality, and the pale-skinned woman slowly relaxed. “As you wish, Tmoxin.”, Srina responded kindly, doing everything she could, not to stare. The Nightmother had not seen herself in Ryloth the eve the Mandragora had come together. Srina had. She had seen and felt every bit of it.

As much as she respected Tmoxin Temi she also held a healthy dose of appropriate fear. It revolved around nothing the flame-haired creature had done personally. No, nothing so specific, she had been nothing but gracious and flawless the Echani’s eyes. It was simply based on the unknown…On Srina’s belief that nothing so endlessly beautiful could exist without some sort of hidden poison.

Srina almost felt bad for their enemies and found herself gladdened that they were on the same side.

Er’in smiled at her, pulling her out of a momentary reverie, and the gray-eyed warrior smiled back. When the dark-haired apprentice beside her stretched like an oversized cat, she almost laughed but held it in. She changed so easily. From respectful apprentice to sweet girl on the turn of a credit. They were very much so alike, in that aspect. “Forgive me for prying but I’m afraid I do not understand…”

“M—Tmoxin…You are Hapan are you not? Why must Er’in wear these lenses to see but you do not?”, she queried, curious as always, and sincerely wondering what the difference was. Perhaps Tmoxin had learned some sort of Force trick akin to the way the Miraluka had adapted. If so, it might be possible that Er’in could learn it too. Remembering that Tmoxin had a mind for science, considering her facility on Kamino, Srina also considered that.

Srina glanced at Er’in when she mentioned overindulging and silvered eyes reflected the barest tinges of humor. “You should have seen the amount of food our Master consumed. I’m not entirely certain how he can move at all.”

The little Echani half expected to find Darth Metus passed out in one of the swan boats or on a park bench. She may find herself rolling him back to his lodgings on a repulsor cart.

The Nightmother requested a story from them and Srina found herself filled equal parts apprehension and surprise. She wasn’t sure she knew of anything that might entertain a woman who likely had the most exciting of experiences. Well. Exciting, and terrifying. “I…”

She trailed off, soft voice lilting and light. Her hesitation was obvious. “I have many siblings. Four sisters. One brother. We all tend to appear incredibly similar. So much so, that sometimes, Father would mistake one of us for the other. Mother always knew.”

Srina paused. She truthfully didn’t know what to say. She wasn’t comfortable with discussing her home or the family that she’d been forced to leave behind. Her heart ached, suddenly, and she began to feel incredibly homesick. Worried. Banishing her darker emotions the poised Echani shook her head and offered the women near to her a pristine smile. It was everything smile should be. Sweet, neither too wide, nor too short. No teeth. Highborn. “I was in the military before I left Eshan. I went straight to Larinkáoi, one of our combat schools, after secondary. I wanted to become a politician but most Echani diplomats or ambassadors are required to serve in the military first. It lends a view of respect and hardship that might not be observed from the comfort of civilian life. Through that requirement, we learn pain, defeat, respect, and victory. We learn to control our emotions and do what must be done. We are not highborn or lowborn in Larinkáoi. We are the same. We are one.”

“I remained in the service of my people for many years. The longer I stayed, the more I excelled, and the less I could withdraw for political interests. It was a good path.”

A very, very lonely path. The people of Eshan both revered and feared the Spirit Seekers. But it was the life she had. Her life. Not the exciting life of an apprentice, for sure, but it had belonged to her. It was something she had made.

Now, it was gone.

[member="Tmoxin Temi"] | [member="Er'in Tenel"] | [member="Darth Metus"]
Er'in looks very much as if she'd like an answer to Srina's question about vision as well, and while she nods in acceptance to the request of the Nightmother - and having established there is less danger than she imagined, very visibly looks the other woman up and down with a soft smile, that then crinkles into an odd frown.

"I would like to know the answer to that myself - but as I'm sure you know, most Hapans are almost night blind. The stellar concentration of the cluster gives us something akin to perpetual daylight." She replies to Srina. "And... he did seem... very happy." She sounds almost confused someone with the title Darth, you know, the title that normally goes alongside 'Tyrannus' or equally terrifying names from history, should act in such a way. Even though she did the same thing herself. "But I'm hardly one to talk, I suppose. I don't suppose there's a nifty force trick to burn off calories?"

Irony of irony, even if there is, she'd be terrible at it. But she has no way of knowing that.

Her focus hasn't shifted from Tmoxin, shifting between flicking to the edges of her form - as if trying to catch something unseen, before refocusing on the not impolite but hardly subtle 'hey, there's a beautiful woman and like everyone here, I'm from a culture where men are... at a premium as mates' expression she's allowed to drift onto her face and allowed her gaze to drift into.

But you know what? If there are no rules, then she doesn't have to be polite.

"Of course Tmoxin, I am Er'in then."

She looks as if she wants to voice a question, but decides to pay her part of the fee first.

"I am a Princess of the Hapan Blood, of course. Such as Royal Blood counts for these days... I won't dwell on why I accepted my masters offer to leave, or the prison of the Royal Court. I think... all three of us understand that story, and it's going to be a boring one for all of us. But every good royal brat knows how to get an out, so I happen to be the two time adult and three time junior Hapan Sunsail Cup winner, and none of that was people letting me win... well, maybe that last time."

She smiles in genuine pleasure and pride at an old memory.

"When I was fifteen, we ripped a sail line while trying to ride a corona ejecta, lost all lateral control and the foil was beginning to tangle and tear. It was a three woman boat, back then - myself and two of my cousins. I wasn't captain for that race, but Tamina lost her nerve and wanted to call for rescue. But it was too late for that, the coronal mass would impact within minutes. So I went outside and re-rigged an auxiliary cable to the second hull's tie-offs, which halted our spin - still no lateral movement, but Tamina and Jana could pull us back in line with the ejecta plume to ride it back into orbit. But I didn't have time to get back inside - I had to huddle in the shadow between the two hulls. It was like being caught in a beautiful white wall of fire and light, without the heat."

She grins.

"As you can see, I've never lost the tan I got."

It seems somewhat unlikely she got that perfect all over tan while inside an space suit, particularly a heat-armoured one designed for the arguably insane sport of solar sailing.

"Hey, there's three of us... we could totally take my boat out sometime. Ryloth looks like an awful lot of fun to sail..."

By which she means 'the notorious sun and my desire to sail it is proof I have no sense of personal safety, or supreme confidence in my skills'.

[member="Srina Talon"] | [member="Tmoxin Temi"] | [member="Darth Metus"]
"There was a derelict ship, on the border between Mandalore and the Old Sith Empire. Decades ago."

Having been liberated from the death traps known as stilts, the Sith casually joined the trio before the fountains. It if he were watching two worlds collide without their knowing. [member="Tmoxin Temi"] was a dear and cherished friend of many years. And here she was mingling with his Apprentices. Coming to a halt beside the Elder Hapan, Darth Metus greeted her with a platonic kiss upon the cheek before continuing his tale.

"I was...what...sixteen or so...Anyway. My mentor, Halik, and my good friend [member="Zef Halo"] were sent alongside a team of our vode to investigate. Ah, chit, Vode means brothers in Mando'a. Anyway."

He then went on to recount the tale of how things went from bad to worse to nightmarish in fifteen seconds. The Mandalorian strike team soon discovered that the ship was filled with empty pods, signs of struggle, and copious sums of blood. What's more, their ride in disappeared out of nowhere. What's more? The Sithspawn-Rakghoul-Nightmare fuel looking monstrosities started hunting them down. They all barely made it out alive.

"And that is why, for all my love of Alchemy, you won't catch me making a Sithspawn."

He grinned.

"Pardon the intrusion, I overheard the stories and couldn't resist."

[member="Erin Tenel"], [member="Srina Talon"], [member="Tmoxin Temi"]
(Not a mega post, just a quick one because... because. Deal!)

For a brief moment it looks as Er'in is going to leap to her feet again, but then she visibly decides that no, she is pretty comfortable here and if Darth Metus, Vicelord of the Confederacy of Independant Systems and her master in the dark arts wants to stand on ceremony...

... he can come stand in the fountain with her, frankly. Because Srinia gets away with frankly being adorable at him, so she can at least manage louche.

[member="Darth Metus"]

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