Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Serian Loria

In the shadows, at the fringe
Because I need some...

As you might have seen, Serian is very....reclusive, so I figure one at a time would be more interesting than trying to swim through a mob because his muse just ain't feeling it.

That means...I must poke about to see who is interested.

I won't lie, I only trickled in cuz of Moross, I swear I have bad luck with factions cuz as soon as I join one they die months later lol.

So, anyone interested in posting with me? I urge you to read his full profile.

Serian Loria

In the shadows, at the fringe
I know how muses can be kinda fickle, so I put this here just to see who might be interested in writing with me so that, after a suitable amount of time passed I could then ask...

What kind of plots does your muse want right now?

Depending on what you say I can then think on if my character would be present in it and give an answer.
I hardly ever have plots in mind when I write with people, I just go with how things progress and let my character do what he does.
I like knowing what my writing partner wants as the 'environment' to better help their muses :)

[member="Felix Sin"] [member="Ashin Varanin"]

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