Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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This is Major Tom to Ground Control. - Republic Dominion of Commenor

The Republic Fleet burst out of hyperspace with an explosive fury that was like no other.

Aaralyn stood calmly behind the Admiral of the Fleet - Alarice Mollari, her hands clasped behind her back as she looked around cautiously - feeling through the Force for any signs of danger. With all that had happened, she wasn't sure. There was so much chaos and disruption throughout the Galaxy, she couldn't be sure. Had it truly been six years? Or was it all an illusion? Had the Republic and the Galaxy lost so much time?

She stepped up behind Alarice Mollari and placed a hand upon her shoulder. "The moment is at hand Admiral, deploy the fleet and contact the Commenorians - we'll prepare to depart immediately."

Aaralyn turned away from the bridge and moved away from the command crew and to the turbolift itself.

Deploy the Fleet - Blockade peacefully and assist with traffic control.
Diplomatic Relations establish with Commenorian Government
Assist in any relief efforts on the ground against rioters and looters attempting to destabilize the Government.
Immediately after the Republic's ships dropped out of Hyperspace, Sabena was set off in a J-1 Star Interceptor toward the planet's atmosphere. Her destination was Chasin City - one of the largest cities of Commenor and one heavily affected by the rioting and sudden loss of authority.

Several other Jedi and Republic service people joined the crew Sabena was in. Sabena was not the leader. It would take them several minutes at the least to rush to their destinations. Sabena knew that time was a factor in determining how many people they could save.
Aaralyn would step aboard an Aegis Class Heavy Dropship, surrounded by a contingent of Republic Troopers - she could feel their uneasiness through the Force as the sudden event that ensnared the Galaxy had taken everyone off-guard, especially Aaralyn. Although, she was no different than others - she had children to think about now. Having surrendered her Council seat to [member="Kana Truden"] - believing the woman to be the rightful successor in her place, her children were able to be born without any type of pressure or presence on their mother.

Now, she hadn't heard from either of them - nor their father. It made her uneasy, it made her definitely uncomfortable. As she ramp to the vessel closed and the ship began take-off procedures, Aaralyn looked down at the metal plating of the floor. She could only hope they were alright - wherever they were.

Now though, it was time to get busy helping others - as that was the way of the Jedi and the Republic way.

She would wait for the signal from Admiral Mollari as she made her way down to the planet - to speak with the Commenorian Government.
Commenor was a place that Chief Healer Avalore Eden frequented, and had for some time now. Ever since the fall of Kashyyyk and the influx of refugees, the obvious need for a Healer at the Chasin City Hospital had kept her coming back. They literally had her on speed dial.

She was there, already, and had been knee-deep in a chaotic mess of the hospital since about 6am. Rioters had invaded the hospital and taken over the first floor, and though Avalore was here with her Padawans, there was only so much she could do. They had patients that needed caring for - patients that hadn't disappeared yet their caretakers were nowhere to be found.

It was overwhelming, it was exhausting, and she was pretty certain it was only going to get worse from here.

"We really need help," Avalore said to her nearest Padawan, "we're running out of supplies and coherent Nurses."
Minutes passed. Sabena was still in route to Chasin City, where [member="Avalore Eden"] was busy healing others. Sabena broke into the atmosphere. The aerobraking of her J-1 shook the ship. Streaks of heated air danced around the viewport of the cockpit. Fortunately, Commenor was not a warzone and there was no anti-starfighter fire from ground placements.

Still, the minutes consumed by the transit was minutes when Sabena was not helping the people in Chasin City. Reports from the city were being fed to Sabena - and they seemed to be very grisly.
Aaralyn touched her earpiece gently as the communications channel buzzed of medical supplies having been loaded onboard the Aegis Dropship - she could only nod to the person on the other end - obviously unable to acknowledge as the communications frequency was becoming overloaded with so much chatter about the ground activities and the riots that the government was trying to quell. She quickly switched frequencies and touched her comlink, buzzing into the same channel as [member="Avalore Eden"]. "Master Eden, I understand you're a bit short on supplies?" She shouted over the roar of the engines. "I'm bringing some down from the fleet, I'll arrive within a few moments!"

Unfortunately, by the time she let go to wait for a response, the same channel had been confiscated for military purposes and was again abuzz with ground movements. So much going on, it was no wonder people were rioting and going crazy...
Admiral Molari was not the only Admiral present. Admiral Friedrich Stahlmann, veteran of Prakith, Manaan and many other battles against the Sith was here.

The sudden disappearance of so much of the crew and officers had caused chaos, and the Destiny had to be left in drydock.

Rather, he had taken control of his old ship, the Righteous and had found enough crew and officers to man several other escorts, and now led them to Commenor.

In the chaos sweeping the galaxy, it was imperative that the Republic moved quickly to restore order.

As he arrived he set up a channel to his comrade. “Admiral Molari, Stahlmann here. I will handle the blockade of the southern hemisphere and prevent unwanted movements in and out.”
"Wizzard! Hello? Hello?!"

Master she may be, Avalore was still not without her quirks.


She brushed off a strange look from a nearby patient who had been healed enough to help the Healer. The situation was so strange, so bizarre, and so worrying. Avalore wasn't even aware of the full extent of the disappearances - as a matter of fact, she was only so aware that she thought it was simply a Commenor issue and not a galactic issue. But thank goodness for reinforcements!

"Healer Eden! I have another patient I recovered from the east wing, she needs you attention immediately!"

The definitely for immediately was becoming more and more loose around here...

[member="Aaralyn Rekali"]
Deploy the Fleet - Blockade peacefully and assist with traffic control.

"What's happening?" another mech would ask with a bit of a tremble in their voice. Choli was in a bit of a panic herself. She was wearing bright orange coveralls, tied at the waist with a white tank top. She stood in the hanger struck in awe and shock.

There were tools scattered all over. They had suddenly clattered to the floor, their wielders just suddenly -- disappeared.

Was this a trick? Did the other padawans learn how to use the Force and hide in it?

"Come on guys... this isn't funny." Choli would start out, visibly annoyed.


[member="Aaralyn Rekali"] [member="Avalore Eden"]

Kiyron looked back as Aralyn entered the dropship. It'd be good to have a Jedi with this contingent. They gave some sense of order and peace to the troops. He gave her a nod as he ran over his equipment. Warden armor. Sniper rifle. Valor blaster rifle just in case. Hopefully they wouldn't be necessary. Rioters and looters could probably be suppressed without lethal violence.

A message came through on his comm. He frowned. Rioters had taken the first floor of a hospital. It would be like Alderaan again. No Sith at least. All the intel he had received had been the same. They'd been hit just as hard. Lots of information was getting fed to him through several channels and the Warden HUD.

"I can keep track of communications, Master Rekali. Requisition some channels. Establish standard lines."

His voice trailed off as he began designation channels as the highest ranking Army officer present.

Channels A through C were for ground operations. D through G for Naval operations. H through J for communication between the two. He broadcast that to everyone on the Republic communications system. He took a deep breath.

"Priority for inbound troops is to secure the hospital. Establish observation posts on rooftops in a 500 meter radius around the structure. I'll take a detachment of Rogues with me to rappel onto the hospital roof and clear the ground floor. Weapons set for stun at first until such a time as things become far too drastic to manage."

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Kashhyyk had destroyed him. The loss of life was unacceptably heavy, and it had amounted to nothing. His duties as a Jedi had broken his spirit and left him hollow, just as his mother had said they would. Lord Shaxx and the rest of his allies had all disappeared with no explanation. Ession fell under the jurisdiction of the political council, and Graxin was preparing to leave for Naboo. His mother and her husband were gone too, along with half the aristocrasty. As the son of the Queen, it was his duty to restore order.

But not before assisting the Republic. He would accompany the Jedi [member="Aaralyn Rekali"] to the surface. He did not dare speak a word to the woman, nor did he offer her any greeting. He was a faceless peacekeeper among the many the accompanied the Jedi Master.

He would support her efforts, and then he would disappear too, and not a single living soul would care. Such was the duty he owed to the galaxy for the failure on Kashhyyk.

Haytham Kaze

Judge, Judgury, Judgecutioner
Haytham always imagined what it looked like when a Fleet burst out of Hyperspace, the ships going from minuscule dots one millisecond, to thousands of metres in the next. He was certain it was an impressive thing, and already sitting in his J-1 Star Interceptor, he activated the repulsors.

Hovering for a moment, Haytham thought about the past battles that he had taken part in. Blinking once, he pressed the throttle and within a minute he was diving into the atmosphere with the rest of the Republic starfighters, Jedi, and the rest of the relief force. Today was going to be a good day, and hopefully peaceful.

And to make sure of that, Haytham was going to make sure the relief efforts were on their way to doing well, and to prevent any hostiles from interfering.
"Acknowledged Stahlmann, we need to ensure we get additional forces to the ground below." Alarice stood before the holotable and examined the chaotic situation on the ground. Several government buildings were overun by rioters - fortunately the government forces were able to hold out several key structures for the moment that had elements of the higher echelons of command within. "Do you have any additional dropships to send down in support of the advanced team? As it stands I've already sent four battalions to the northern sectors." She pulled the map up and expanded it. "The 71st and 52nd are moving to secure Chasin while the 45th and 98th Infantry are moving to Munto."

She moved the map aside. "An element would be needed to secure the University of Commenor."

[member="Friedrich Stahlmann"]
[member="Alarice Mollari"]
“Understood, Admiral. Our units are decimated by these ‘vanishings’, but I can put together 3200 effective troops from my command, mainly marines at company strength. We have the dropships to take them to the ground. I will secure the University and southern sectors, but I have been trying to get onto command to get more troops, but it’s been difficult. I can count on three more battalions from local garrisons, but they’re only useful for peacekeeping.”

He gave the orders and the troops began their moves.
Alarice remembered working a bit with Friedrich when she was at the Academy - more so, under [member="Cabbal Noir"]. She brought the holo of the man up before her, the shimmering blue image would violently jerk and shake, no doubt due to the unstable communications lines scattered through the galaxy due to the reporting of strange anomalies and people missing in the billions. "Be wary Admiral, whatever resources we have now need to be preserved as best as possible for engagements going forward."

She nodded softly, her own image no doubt would come through a bit fuzzy on the other end. The Absolution was a Justicar-Class, and was flanked by various smaller vessels - of course it wasn't anything impressive like the Remembrance-class field of vessels but it would work for what they were trying to accomplish. It was strange that various outposts across the Republic military were reporting everything from supply shortages to command cruisers running rampant without command and control.

Indeed, there was foul things at work.

[member="Friedrich Stahlmann"]
And land the dropship would - infront of the position of [member="Avalore Eden"], exactly as she said not to.

Immediately as it landed, with it's contingency of five other vessels - the sound of rocks, bottles and various objects would begin pelting the side of the ship. The loud noise of screaming and chanting would overcome the noise dampeners within the dropship and the pilot's voice would fill her ears. "Ma'am, we have a problem..."

Aaralyn would climb through the dropship and hit the hatch to the ramp, and regret it almost immediately. A bottle would fly through the opening - almost perfectly timed and Aaralyn quickly brought a hand up, using the Force to deflect it off to the side, shattering harmlessly against the interior portion of the Aegis. She grumbled low in her throat and motioned to two soldiers "Grab those crates!" She gestured to the medical supply crates, she then turned to [member="Graxin Rade"], not obviously knowing who he was more than just a face in the crowd. "Ensure these ships get to the government buildings and secure them. Diplomats will be on their way shortly..."

With that, both she and the two troopers would jump out, crates in their hands. As soon as they did - the crowds would continue to yell and attempt to overwhelm them - Aaralyn would get frustrated at this point. She had a mix of raw emotions, unsure of her children's safety and unsure of the safety of [member="Falcon Gyndar"]. The Force was something that was for sure and was still present - with that she brought it to her, calling upon it like she would any other time. Her hands extended out towards the advancing crowd, reaching out to the Living Force - speaking to it. Then without warning, she would push against the air, expanding it outwards in a sudden, explosive manner.

The crowd would spread apart and be sent in a jumbling heap of debris, limbs and mess - which of course would allow the troopers a brief moment of freedom to sprint to the location of [member="Avalore Eden"] with Aaralyn following close behind before the crowd could recover.
[member="Alarice Mollari"]
“Agreed, Admiral. The Destiny was undergoing repairs after Prakith when most of my crew vanished. I was only able to find enough to man this Destroyer. However, I anticipate that we will have enough crew within a few days.”

He consulted his maps and reports. “I have also been gathering together forces to guard our remaining bases and consolidating crews. I am attempting to get all crews that have worked on the same ships together. They will not be in a strong position to fight a battle, but for restoration of order it will be serviceable.”


Kiyron bit back a curse as the dropship landed right down in front of the hospital. So much for securing the building from the top down. They'd have to blast their way through first and then clear the building from the bottom. He got on the comm again.

"Put a dropship on the roof! Get reinforcements in there now!" He winced as a bottle shattered against his armor, but kept talking, "Tell them to disable all lifts and lock down the stairways. I'll lead a team through the building."

Muffled replies came through and he glowered and turned to someone next to him, a techie. "Strengthen the comm signals. Get it done five minutes ago." He strode from the dropship, rifle up to his shoulder and set on stun, his squadmate's hand on his shoulder as they waded out into the now toppled crowd. The rest of the squad followed. Kiyron waved his arm, holding out three fingers, "Three squads secure the rear!"

He dropped almost to a crouch and broke into an awkward jog towards the door. He paused as a rioter appeared before him, and Kiyron thumped him in the gut with the stock of his rifle and the back of the neck with his gauntlet. The man dropped and the squad went past him to the door. Half formed a barrier around the door while the others prepared to breach it and clear the building.

[member="Aaralyn Rekali"] [member="Graxin Rade"]

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Government buildings? Simple enough.

"On it." Graxin replied in a clipped voice. The dropships lifted from the ground as soon as [member="Aaralyn Rekali"] disembarked, leaving Graxin with two soldiers whom he had never met.

"Lord Rade, right?" One of the men finally spoke, breaking the awkward silence as the ships rumbled toward the government buildings. "I heard about what your men did on Kashhyyk. Inspiring stuff mate."

The Archlord grunted his reply. The title itself was just an honorific now. Ession governed itself - he was simply welcomed as a hero whenever he arrived. Something no longer earned.

"We lost half our standing army and were pushed out if the war. They were good men. Patriotic men. They died for nothing."

The soldier fell silent. It was clear where the Jedi stood on the events involving the Wookie homeworld.

"But the Republic lives on..." The Jedi Master added quietly, slicing trough the tension like a knife through butter. "And we face another crisis. Let's get this done boys, then we can go home."

"Hmm, I remained on station on Anaxes - but this is a bit different." She nodded softly, her arms coming behind her back, hands clasping together. "I can only imagine the chaos that is consuming the Galaxy at large." She sighed heavily. "We must assume that all stations are lost until we can actually get hands on." She looked to the maps that Friedrich brought up, a notice came up on the opposite end regarding fleet deployment. "Fleet has been successfully deployed, watch for vessels trying to break the blockade out of the system - scan all outgoing traffic for stolen goods." She turned to the reports from the ground. "We are receiving reports that ships have taken off with stolen goods loaded onto their vessels - with this traffic, it's going to prove interesting."

Her portion of the fleet remained in a wedge formation, with the Absolution taking point - the picket ships remained staggered at the edges to prevent blockade runners from breaking the lines and into hyperspace.

[member="Friedrich Stahlmann"]

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