Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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This is also what happens when the goat has too much time

So props to [member="Raziel"] for giving me the idea.

I sat down this morning and made a fleet calculator. You can go here and look at the results.

One of the most common complaints about fleeting is having to try and keep track of all the numbers and what not. With this, all you have to do is punch in the data for each type of ship in your fleet, and how many there are, and the sheet does the rest of the work for you.

Obviously, disclaimer, pure numbers don't decide a fight. If that were the case, the Rebels probably would have never won a fight. But for the interested, this sort of calculator makes it easier to get a better understanding of what you're up against.


There was so many numbers that I had to look away...WHAT WERE YOU THINKING MAN!?

Apart from that, this looks amazing, and it must have taken you forever to do this!

[member="Ayden Cater"]
Have made a minor addition here: Click the link for even more nerd

Now you can enter your available ships and fill out the details on one page, and then on the fleet sheet you can pick ships from a drop down and enter the # of ships. It will then auto-populate the rest of the columns.

The principle is fill out once, and use many times. Keep the "Available ships" up to date, and anyone can mix and match a fleet from it.

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