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Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Third Time Lucky-ish


Morality Policeman :)
Taci eyed the dish as it twirled and wobbled in the air so fluidly with just the absent tumbling of Asemir's fingers, hardly focused on anything but the immaculate maneuvers. Even if all she ever accomplished amounted to no more than parlor tricks and the like, she knew she would have accomplished something beyond her prior imaginations. Yet there was a bubbling thirst for more that she knew would be realized soon enough. This was a single mountain to climb, but the apprentice had already witnessed the master go far beyond what he currently seemed to require little attention to operate, as he affirmed in his own speech. If he could move a plate with hardly a thought, what else could he do when full concentration was imparted? More importantly, what could she do at that stage?

Her internal queries were partly answered when Asemir divulged his experience with something so horribly fantastic as zombies, the word alone being enough to catch anyone's attention when in serious conversation. Who knew that zombies were real? The twi'lek had only ever known them to be instruments to silly horror flicks (and maybe some not-so-silly ones). To hear of them in this context just proved that the world she knew--a moon locked forever in orbit of the homeworld of the most vile people she had so far encountered--was so much bigger than could have ever been fathomed if she had stayed there forever.

Her heart almost dropped. Did she realy want to carry on? Was she already homesick for that wretched blot on the galaxy? The universe had just gotten ten times scarier. Yes, she certainly hoped there would be no zombies in her future. Maybe it's all just a tale... And it could be. She had sensed her new friend had a good heart of sorts, but it would take some time to fully understand his personality. He probably was second-guessing half of her own sentences.

"One day, I'll do something cool," Taci began, though she tried to keep from rambling as she was known to do. "Though I guess you can't just do it, right?" Playfully, she flicked out her arm and batted at the air, slightly altering the saucer's rotation. She nearly leaped into Asemir's arms in excitement. It may have seemed like an insignificant touch, but this time it was practically immediate; devoid of a staring contest with the plate. And that was enough to make her smile. "Or maybe you can?"

[member="Asemir Lor'kora"]
"You definitely can," Asemir said with encouragement in his voice. "Like right there, you just did it, right? It doesn't seem like much, to move a plate, but it's a start. With practice and time, you'll get to the point where you can move cars and jump over buildings by just doing it. No significant effort required."

The Forgotten paused and tried to stifle a yawn. He failed miserably. "Sorry, it's been a long day. Tell you what, let's call it a night here. We've got a bit until we reach Kamino, so you can continue to practice moving things, getting the feel of the Force and figuring out what makes steps make it easier for you to get connected. Maybe it's a memory of something or a feeling or emotion or something. Something that comes naturally."

And then Asemir stopped. He thought hard about what he was going to offer next. Should I? Was there any crime in doing this? This is crazy. Shyd would probably kill him for what he would say. Or maybe not? He wasn't sure. Perhaps his techno-genius friend would have encouraged it. She probably would have, he decided. If only because it would break all kinds of regulations and rules.

"Another thing," Asemir finally said, his decision made. "Study the disk, the one that Shyd made. You're going to find references to something called Specter armor. And, hold that thought. Don't go anywhere." The Forgotten pushed his chair back and pretty much sprinted to his room. He punched in the access code to his safe and pulled out a small block of grayish-blue metal. Doubt started to creep into his mind but he shoved those thoughts aside, and returned to the galley.

He set the block of metal on the table with a heavy thud. "This is Specter armor. Shyd's briefing will talk about it, go over some specifications, that type of thing. Mostly, though, I want you to examine it. Use your natural mechanical knack to try to figure it out. Play with it. If you can, maybe use the Force to explore it. It's made of nanomachines, and they've been built to respond to the Force."

He saw the doubt as Taci looked at the cube. "Don't worry, it's completely safe. I mean, that's the armor I wear, so I trust it completely. I'm letting you have this because I think it'll give you something to work on, to figure out, while we go on this vast adventure. Maybe like a side project, a way to get your mind off the training at times. A break, if you will."

Asemir pushed the block of nanomachines towards his apprentice. "That's all I have until we get closer to Kamino. I'm looking forward to this adventure."

I'm introducing the Specter Armor mainly because I think it's a neat little thing that Asemir has that Taci may be interested in. I don't expect her to really use it as armor (unless you'd like to) or do anything with it, just more of a pet project to examine it. And also, well, who knows how this will affect her training in Mechu-deru in the future?

Taci is also welcome to lock it away in a box somewhere, too. You're call. :)


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