Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Things that go bump in the night (PM to join)

Sawa Ike

The Dark Matriarch Darth Shōjō
[member="Kurenai Yumi"] [member="Nine Lives"]

Sawa was moving and looking at them when the one they were with seemed to formulate a new plan. Her feet stopping as one hand went and slid shojo back into its sheath on her hip. She was looking at the two head off and raised an eyebrow. It seemed a mixture, them working together was important but he seemed more interested in being with the one called Skye. It was different while she looked at Kurenai and shrugged flicking her silver eyes towards where Ni-Ne was shouting and the comlink came to life. She wanted to be snarking and taunting but instead started to move as she motioned with her hand to Kurenai.

"Come." Turning back towards as she watched them go she moved silently towards where she felt her. THat pull, that heat, that hatred until she saw her. All of her glory and the sound of K1 as he was charging through the field towards her thrilling about getting to light things on fire. whatever was around here didn't much like the droids but it gave them a real chance to see some of the dangers or excitements that might be coming from all of it. She moved though seeing Ni-Ne finally and something different came... both of them might want to kill each other... or fight at least and make the other suffer but her emotions were conflicted in this when she was moving forward quickly.

"Ni-Ne." Her voice was soft, worrisome and she didn't want to have her be killed or harmed by something else that was unclean like this. Sawa moved to embrace her and look over over while she was going forward. "You are alright?" She said it more with concern to her state of being... if she was injured it could end up slowly them down in the field or in a fight. Sawa herself was going to have to work at it but she had K1 and Ni-Ne had her droid things there to fight. She was looking at her and had felt something of geniune worry but she also knew that tenderizing her a little with the creatures would only make that fire in her bigger.
The Mother of All Psy-Pires
Nine finally had reached a clearing full of leaves, flanked by her droids. There were fallen logs, and large boulders. The leaves were thick. She heard [member="Alex StormWolf"] yelling that they were being flanked.

"Uh, My Liege. You DO remember me and fire don't mix?" Rom-Jin (Vera) asked. The blue skinned woman developing a look of anxiousness.

"Well then I guess that money I sunk into making your brain is about to tell me whether or not my investment is worth it." Nine snidely responded. The snarls from the monsters drew ever closer and the tall vampire winced as [member="Sawa Ike"] came out of literally nowhere, and for someone like Nine, who did her best work in the shadows, that ability to just pop in by surprise impressed even her.

"Ike," Nine said simply, tone neutral. "Are you as good with Fire as I recall? I can strike the match, but I need the flame to get bigger. Burning them completely seems to be the only way to kill them."

Sawa's embrace brought a number of unwanted memories. The heat of her skin. The taste of her lips--

Nine snapped out of it, forcing herself to remember they were all in danger...and also not strangle Sawa on the spot for damning her to this state. She forced herself to stare into the silver eyes, the glowing purple dots at the center of Nine's own obsidian ones betraying only that ever present urge to feed. The hood was over Nine's head, so those dots were all that could be seen.

"What're you doing?" Magnus asked genuine curiosity as she laid down covering fire to slow the advance. But she had burned through a lot of her ammo already in the retreat as she caught Rom-Jin (Vera) crawling into a log.

"Trying not to become a tinderbox, my dear. Do try to keep up. Pretty please?" Rom-Jin answered.

"Oh! Ok!" Magnus called back as the first of the monsters finally began to reach the clearing.

"I swear, the only thing more annoying than 'one' of them is both of them." Nine muttered, though she could not help but admit that so far, her creations were performing excellently. She waited until they were in range.

Nine called on her old flame spell. The magic took a few seconds to coalesce through her mind as she held out her hand.

"Mother Nature, a twist of flame speeds towards my foes."

The fiery mini-twister erupted in front of her, burning a creature who was not fast enough to dodge it, the sheer amounts of foilage on the ground serving as easy kindling. The fire spread quickly through the clearing.

"Sawa, burn them! The fires must catch all of them!" Nine shouted, too easily teaming with her as she had in the past.

"Get behind us!" She shouted at Alex.

[member="Zye Woden"]

[member="Felicity Skye"]
"Get behind us!" Alex heard Nine shout as fire began to spread through the clearing. Circling to Nine and Sawa's left, Alex placed himself behind them, watching to make sure none of the Sith spawn tried to slip past the flames and overpower them. Catching movement out of the corner of his right eye, Alex turns his head and discovers the wolf headed Sith Spawn barreling towards them on all fours.

"Not tonight, Nasty," Alex yelled as he called upon the Force, turning to face the creature while extending his left arm, his hand in a claw like gesture. Suddenly, the lupine Sith Spawn stops short as if hitting an invisible wall. Flinging his arm up and to the right, Alex hurls the hideous creature with a Force Grip, right into the path of Nine's fire spell. With an ear-splitting howl of rage, the creature bursts into flame, burning like a torch.

Suddenly, Alex feels searing pain across his chest. Suppressing the urge to cry out in pain, Alex tears open his tattered trench coat and his shirt. He felt that the bacta patches should have done their work by now. Instead, Alex sees vivid red streaks following the path of circulation across his flesh, spreading outwards from the wounds. Then it dawned on him. The Sith Spawn that had attacked him back at the barn probably had venomous claws. Bacta wasn't going to do any good. This was something far more insidious, an infectious touch of the Dark Side itself.

"This isn't good," Alex gasped as he dropped to his knees, "that karking Sith Spawn back at the barn...left me a parting gift...don't let any of these things scratch or bite you...they're poisoned!"

Gritting his teeth, Alex struggled to stand. "Ok, Malcolm, you were right...I'm in over my head here," Alex groaned, thinking of the warning that the grizzled old man had given him as he was preparing to leave Tatooine.

[member="Nine Lives"]
[member="Sawa Ike"]
[member="Zye Woden"]
[member="Felicity Skye"]
[member="Kurenai Yumi"]

Sawa Ike

The Dark Matriarch Darth Shōjō
[member="Nine Lives"]

Sawa brought herself back tot he moment she composed herself until she looked around. Where they could all look at the sithspawn and someone else was approaching when Ni-Ne brought fire around herself. Sawa went into a place near her, with her and she pushed the fires all around her. Shaping it was easier as she was using what Ni-Ne had. She moved her hands around encircling the three of them with a gleam in her eyes as gold leaked and ringed the silver of them. Where she was going though with the two of them she was uncertain whiel leaving space for the droids of Ni-Ne and K1 to move around with the fire incinerating a creature.

"Always." Sawa was moving though with her hand going to her sword and she used her mind and eyes to direct the flames but she was moving around with Ni-Ne as she turned and looked itno those purple eyes speaking. "Ni-Ne... focus on me. The flames and spells you are using are powerful but they are also going to burn you out. Focus on directing my flames and coordinate your movements with mine. I have a plan." She said it and while she was looking at her like a predator she was also not looking to have things touching her for the moment. Sawa turned with her sword seeing Alex as he spoke and her nostrils flared at the scent of the poison.

"We should take the arm to keep it from rotting away or the poison influencing you." Sawa looked at him and she had Shojo in her hand while Ni-Ne had her blade... both were something from Atrisia and both were something few others could really claim as the sword in her hand practically seemed to glow with a darker aura at the thought of drinking more life energies. She had been feeding it but it was never enough the sword always made one thirst to sink it into the flesh of another and then another before she was creating a jet of blue flame from her hand and wrapping it around them shaping the power.
"It's not my arm," Alex replied as he staggered to his feet, "it got me across the chest." He opened his trench coat a bit further in order to show Sawa the ugly claw marks across his chest. "Besides, I already lost an arm a long time ago," he said with a wry grin, rolling up his right sleeve to display the cybernetic replacement. "A Dark Lady Of The Sith decided she wanted to take a piece of me with her the last time we crossed paths."

Noticing the eerie way Sawa's blade was glowing in the dark and seemed enveloped in blue flames, Alex swallowed hard. He really hoped she wasn't going to suggest carving into his chest with that thing in order to save him. On the other hand, he knew that he had do to something, and quickly, otherwise the poison was going to either corrupt him to the Dark Side or rot him from the inside out.

[member="Sawa Ike"]
[member="Nine Lives"]

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