Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Thieves Don't Win Any Prizes

Zoey noticed that her attempt at an explanation bored the kriff out of the other girl. She were stubborn, and definitely had a mind of her own, much like Zoey herself and she liked that. Without being a Lora who was just super-mean to everyone, the girl gave her sort of a pleasant resistance, a worthy opponent much like in the rink.

''Hey, we're a school team! What do you expect us to be payed? I do it because I love it!'' she tried to get her newly earned - friend, enemy, acquiantance? - to understand. Well, if they were enemies, by now they both probably knew that the other one would fight back if the other one did a stray step, and none of them would simply just back down from such a clash. That knowledge would probably keep them on the more friendly side. Zoey let Daiya hang on her and listened to her as she led them out to the long grand corridors of the arena again. Apparently, their fight was over and they now leaned more towards to get along with eachother, which was positive.

''Uh, I don't really get what you mean but... You'll have to explain it better after the game.'' she replied at the girls suggestions.

''Sure! If you remember that you promised me to keep your hands off the trophy, then we got a deal.'' she said and shaked the girls hand firmly with a smirk to her slightly freckled face. The trophy was saved, and the two girls had agreed on the terms which they would spend the rest of the night. Zoey helped Daiya to the ticket booth and the merchandise shop, easily getting her the promised goods before they needed to part - Zoey for the locker rooms and Daiya for her seat, maybe grabbing a snack on the way which Zoey provided her vouchers for.

''Sorry I'm late, coach! I ran into somethin'...'' she said raising her hands in an apologetic gesture towards the coach as she entered the locker rooms, before promptly heading to her locker and immediately started to change. The last thing was the black helmet with half plexiglass and half grate visor. Before long, she were skating in random circles around the goal in their defence zone, playing with the teeth protector back and forth outside her mouth. The crowd were settling in their seats and the game were mere minutes away, the arena playing pause rock music as both teams and crowds were readying themselves for face-off. Zoey looked up to the seats she had offered Daiya, and saw the other girl making herself comfortable. It gave Zoey some relief that the trophy was safe. For now. Could she trust the Denon girl? Time would tell, and if they would have to do with one another once more.

Daiya Daiya
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