Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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They're coming to get you, Barbara.

The camera slowly flickered on, Waylon giving a rather disturbing grin. However, the only devices that would be effected would be in downtown Coruscant, hopefully where [member="Ballen-Ist"] was currently heading through.

"Hi there! This is me and Mister Cyborg, of course!" He said, laughing like a maniac. "Me and Mister Cyborg want this, this, t-this Sith! Now, I know what your thinking, why would someone so beautiful, such as myself, want to take in a...Sith. Why you ask? For the credits, of course. So, let's play a little game, shall we?" He took a moment to adjust the camera's position, his smile returning.

"I apologize for the...interruption" He burst into laughter, staring into the screen. "You see, me and Mister Cyborg have decided to give you twenty...four...HOURS! You don't surrender, we'll have some "fireworks" for the kiddies!" Suddenly, the camera flickered off. Waylon quickly spun around, looking at [member="The Cyborg"]. "How did I do? How did I do? How did I do?" He asked, practically begging for approval.

The Cyborg

Inactive Character
The Cyborg stood on the sidelines, just beyond the sight of the holocamera, while his new... sidekick, we'll call it, spoke into it. His little speech reminded him so much of what he had projected through Omega Procreate space not long ago. [member="Waylon Novasoar"] was practically a carbon copy of himself... Hm. This could be fun. It had been a long... long... time since he'd last bene on Corusaunt. But it's ironic how times don't change! IN fact, last time he was on the planet... he was blowing it up then too! Of course, that was to frame a Jedi Knight, not to lure out a sith... Since when was Corusaunt a sithy planet, anyway? Heh.

As the holocamera flicked off, The Cyborg stared at Waylon as he began to jump around him. The Cyborg's metallic 'face' broke out into a grin, as he raised an arm to fling aside the smaller sentient. His shrill metallic laughter rang out as he collapsed against the wall. Oh, yes, this would be fun indeed... Not only would he get to hunt a Sithy- he hadn't fought a sithy in years!- he'd get to have al ittle back-up singer! And imagine [member="Ballen-Ist"]'s suprise when he expects to show up and find an idiot, and ends up meeting The Cyborg!

(Well what do y'know... It's another me. And here I thought I was the board Joker, was going to use him as my FC when I got a Hrd body and everything.... :p This will be fun. :) )
He hit the ground as The Cyborg had sent his arm shooting into Waylon's jaw. "Mister C?" He asked, staring at him. "I-" He interrupted himself as he looked back to the deactivated camera. "I don't know about this. I mean, Sith aren't exactly easy to capture...." He quickly mumbled, staring at the filthy floor. "However, worrying shall be the death of us...I mean, me! M-me, of course. N-n-not you, j-just me!" He slowly took a step back, fear on his face for a moment. "Is everything good, Mr. C?"

[member="The Cyborg"]

The Cyborg

Inactive Character
The Cyborg stared at his accomplice for a few seconds. The last time he'd fought a sith, the Sith almost ripped his body apart, and flung one of his arms in to a lava pit. Nontheless... he'd looked in to the sith of today. ... Apperantly... They... knit mittens. Mittens. This was not going to be hard. The Sith had gotten worse then the Jedi. The Cyborg's face spread in to another grin, before he turned in the ship's room, and glanced at [member="Waylon Novasoar"]. "Of course..." He started with his shrill laughter. "Now why don't you be a good little minion, and go watch for the Sithy?"
"Y-yes, Mister C!" He shouted, scrambling to his feet. He quickly turned, stumbling out of the large room. He stumbled down the hall, stopping at the entrance. He quickly ducked into a room, unholstering a DL-22 blaster pistol.
Standing calmly in the large hallway, Ballen-Ist would stare forward with bright yellow eyes. The short teenager would watch as the frantic looking individual leaped into another room, assumingly out of fear. Grinning widely, the young Knight would begin to walk forward, wearing his One Sith academy uniform as always. Though, he wore no cloak, which displayed his red skin, face tendrils, and weaponry. On his belt were two swords, one saber and the other holstered in a sheathe. Placing his hands at his sides, Ballen-Ist would be ready for the almost obvious attack that was incoming. Though, he was interested as to what the "fireworks" were.

Continuing forward, the boy would draw his sheathed sword, examining it's electrical glow as it was revealed. The blade would swipe across the air as he neared the wall, one that was next to [member="Waylon Novasoar"]'s room entrance. Thrusting into the wall with all of his strength, the pureblood would aim to pierce the blade through structure, in order to have the man see it clearly. If he had been coincidentally leaning against the wall, he would feel an unpleasant discharge of force lightning that would course through the wall. It's powerful properties were sure to affect the man if he were nearby, capable of paralyzing him for a few moments. If all had gone as planned, the Sith would continue on, aiming to find [member="The Cyborg"].

The Cyborg

Inactive Character
The Cyborg's odd smile showed as the blade pierced right through the wall. "Oh looky! The company's here!" The Cyborg's arms both dropped to the two chimera blaster rifles that hung from his waist, and quickly raised them as [member="Ballen-Ist"] strolled in. "Ooooh... Another redskin! How funnnnnn!" He hadn't expected him to show up so fast, but it was better then waiting! Besides, he hadn't put holes in a sith since... last times he put holes in a Sith. This was a long wait coming! And he opened fire. Dozens of beams of superheated tibanna gas burned through the air of the room, trying to cut through Ballen-Ist's face and chest, trying to burn holes in his body. And they kept coming. And coming. And coming. Meanwhile, The Cyborg's shrill laughter rang out above the 'pew pew pew' of the blaster rifles, echoing in the small room. "Oh i've missed the gaaaame!"

[member="Waylon Novasoar"]
Furrowing a single brow at the cybernetic monstrosity, Ballen-Ist would jerk his torso backwards, turning at the waist in order to dodge. The beam from the Cyborg's blaster would shoot straight past the young Knight, slamming into the wall of the building. It was a strange gun, though it looked rather powerful. Pushing forward, the pureblood would dart from his position, breaking into a sprint around the room. The rapid firing of the robot man's blaster prompted the boy to continue, though at a faster past. Focusing on the force energy around him, the Knight would concentrate it into his legs, causing them to move at an enhanced rate. His perspective of the outside world would be in slow motion as he darted around the room, turning his head to watch as the beams missed.

As the Knight ran, he eventually began to close in on his opponent, shortening the distance before focusing on his position. Lifting an arm, Ballen-Ist would begin to concentrate on the metallic foe's weapon, gathering a mass of force energy around it's barrel. Tightening his open palm into a clenched fist, the boy would aim to crush the weapon, and render it useless. Still holding his shining sword in his free hand, the Knight would remain ready, gripping it with two hands. His mind would begin to calm, focusing on the area and opponents around him. The Sith would take a defensive stance, planting his feet upon the ground firmly.
[member="The Cyborg"] [member="Waylon Novasoar"]

The Cyborg

Inactive Character
The CYborg laughed, a shrill laugheter that bounced off the walls and echoed eerily hunting Sithies, such fun! They always though they were above you- always thought they couldn't be beat. The irony at how quickly they were beat. The Cyborg's laugh continued as his blaster fell useless in his hand, only causing him to grasp the one that hunf at the oppisite side of his waist. Then the sith paused. "Oooooh! Ya' wanna' play defence?" The Cyborg smiled, quickly raising his blaster rifle towards the paused sith, whilst grasping something from one fo teh compartments built into his body with his other hand. He kept the small item concealed in his hand- so that the sith couldn't see. "Who makes the first move? Hmm?"
Squinting intently, the boy's vision would narrow as he honed in on [member="The Cyborg"]'s hand. With great focus, the Knight's eyes would shut only briefly, allowing him to draw on the force energy around him. Gritting his teeth in anger, Ballen-Ist's arm would lift, his gloved hand aiming forward at the cyborg's own. The force energy around the duo would begin to gather around the metallic fist, hoping to cause an extremely tight vice grip. The grasp that had begun to surround the metallic man would only increase, hoping to apply enough pressure to crush the item and the hand that held it.

Still holding his shimmering sword, Ballen-Ist would cast a glance over his shoulder quickly, trying to spot where [member="Waylon Novasoar"] had gotten off to. Had he been disabled by the attack, or was he trying to sneak up on the Sith?
He lay there, staring up at the ceiling due to the attack from the Sith. His weapon had flew to the other side of the room, out of his reach. Waylon groaned in pain, slowly opening his mouth to shout. "MISTER C! I-I-I'M IN H-HERE!" He yelped, looking back to the doorway, unable to move. "MISTER C. YOU GOTTA HELP ME!". He continued to squirm across the floor, unable to stand, still groaning in pain. "HELP ME!"


[member="The Cyborg"]

The Cyborg

Inactive Character
(Sorry for the late reply, computer died, so I can only check the forums one in awhile)

That might not have been the smarest thing [member="Ballen-Ist"] ever did... Since the added pressure on the inciendiary grenade in The CYborg's hand just made it go off. This, of course suceeded in copletely melting The Cyborg's hand in a matter of seconds, and damaging the durasteel across his entire body. Then again, it also suceeded in sending a wave of fire all around him in all directions. Since [member="Waylon Novasoar"] was behind The Cyborg, and therefore his robotic body was between the grenade and the clown-like human, he probably woudln't get instantly fried to a crisp. The Sith, however....
The crushing force that was applied all around [member="The Cyborg"]'s fist had done it's job, effectively causing the incendiary grenade to detonate before it was thrown. However, Ballen-Ist had not known that the object was a grenade, it was rather convenient that it happened to combust violently. The initial burst would cause metal shrapnel to shoot in all directions, some slicing along the boy's legs and arms as the flames ignited into the air. A slight pain would ring through the boy's body as blood leaked from his wounds, though he would do his best to convert that pain into strength. Glaring forward at the powerful inferno that was approaching, Ballen-Ist would begin to focus, harnessing his telekinesis in a far more advanced fashion than ever before.

Using the force energy around him, the Sith Knight would begin to speed up the molecules within the flames, causing them to burn at a higher temperature than before. As he lifted and spread his arms forwards, the fire would bend to his command, it's intense heat flowing around his body in a spherical fashion. Multiple beads of sweat would drip down the pureblood's forehead as he manipulated the flames, the focus needed causing much strain on his mind. On top of an obliterated hand, the cyborg that had attacked would also have it's lower limbs attack, the flames that had gathered around Ballen-Ist suddenly shooting forward in a wave of his own. The fire would slice forward like a lightsaber strike, aiming to sear through or heavily weaken the man's metallic limbs. If this was done, his movements would be rather restricted, giving the Knight the ultimate upper hand.

The Cyborg

Inactive Character
... "Ooooooh, someone thinks he's a shaper!" And that's all The Cyborg had the time to say, before aa wave of flame erupted over him, easily melting the metal that protected the joints of his lower legs, causing him to crumple to the ground an instant after the fire hit. The Cyborg was unarmed, and crippled, standing under a raging Sith Knight. So what did he do? Cybernetics were fantastic for many things, including not feeling pain. The Cyborg lunged forwards with his stub of an arm, and clamped his one good hand around the Sith's ankle. "Come here so I can BITE YOU!" And he started gnawing on [member="Ballen-Ist"]'s ankle, with sharp durasteel teeth.
The roaring flames that had surrounded the pureblood would shoot forward, causing his hair to flap wildly in it's kinetic energy. It had been empowered by the force, thus making it much more formidable than a regular explosive. Shielding his eyes from the bright light, Ballen-Ist would lower his arm as he glanced forward, seeing the metallic man on the ground. His tactic had worked, for the foes movements had been restricted. Even though this was true, it seemed [member="The Cyborg"] wanted to keep fighting, despite his current situation. Shaking his head at the foolish, possibly insane bounty hunters, the Knight would quickly shoot his arm downwards, using force telekinesis to call his saber hilt into his palm. Activating the red blade with a flick of his thumb, the beam of plasma aimed to slice through the robot's arm, preventing him from advancing any further.

He already knew who had put the bounty on his head, it was more than obvious. He wouldn't bother with questions. If allowed, the pureblood would simply leave the building, annoyed at the cuts in his skin. Hopefully [member="Waylon Novasoar"] would not get in his way.

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