Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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There is always time to expand

The way Jaxson figured it, there was always time to expand the company in a more traditional sense. While Taeli was busy with seeing things through for Project Galvani, Jaxson had been charged with aggressively expanding Aurora operations elsewhere. A duty he always took to heart, and today was no exception.

He had traveled to the Wild Space world of Hast to meet with the officials who ran the extensive shipyards and repair facilities in orbit above the planet. One of the only major shipyards out in Wild Space and the Outer Rim, the place had once been a secret New Republic facility that had had eventually been one of three yards designated for the MC90 project.

The place had seen better days, as the current overseers had done a shoddy job of upkeep, but that would soon change. It was the first of many stops on his list of things to do, and as he walked down the ramp of his shuttle, he could see the shipyard's operating officers and the planetary leader waiting for him.
"Welcome to the Hast Shipyards, Mr. Jaxson," one official said. "If you would follow me, the overseeing board is waiting for you."

"Of course," Jaxson said, following the men out of the hanger and through the facility. As they walked past the viewports, he looked out towards the rest of the system. Floating above the planet, he could make out the rest of the shipyards and repair facilities. They were quite extensive, the largest system he had seen since they had abandoned the Bilbringi yards when they left Sith space.

It was a welcoming sight for him, Jaxson had to admit. Entering the conference room, he nodded at the Mon Cal and the various other species gathered around the table.

"Thank you for seeing me today," Jaxson said, sitting down at the table and setting his briefcase down in front of him. "Shall we get down to business?"
"Indeed," the Mon Cal replied in his gravely tones. The other beings around the table looked ... apprehensive to Jaxson. Perhaps they had looked over the proposal and an argument had raged. "You and the company you work for have interest in acquiring our shipyards and repair docks, complete control for your company's use. Correct?"

"That is correct," Jaxson answered. "Aurora Industries would like to purchase the yards from the holding company that currently has the stakes in the yards, the same company that placed you all in the positions you are currently in. Price was negotiable and the workers would remain on the payroll as Aurora Industries workers."

"We have a problem with this," a Neimoidian stated from next to the Mon Cal. "We see no reason why we should relinquish control of such ... extensive facilities to you and this Aurora Industries. We earn quite a lot of money from the yards, even if orders have been slow."
"I see," Jaxson said quietly, opening his briefcase. "If you pardon my tangent, I have something I would like to share."

Pulling out a small holo-projector, he uploaded a file from his data to be projected. It had taken some digging, and perhaps Taeli going through several records, but they had found the data that would be necessary to ... stiff arm any opposition to the buy out. It hadn't been anything illegal or blackmail they had found, but simple raw economic data.

"So, let me tell a story," Jaxson began. "The story is about these shipyards, and what they used to have the distinction of doing before the Gulag Virus broke galactic society for a time. These yards were once a secret New Republic facility, one of only three that had been designated to build the MC90 Mon Cal Cruisers. That reputation brought untold resources and money into the yards, helping to expand them into the massive project they are now. But then the Gulag hit and those resources and capital dried up ... and never came back to this day."

Jaxson got up and started to walk around the table.

"The yards here are in desperate need of new management," he said. "Upkeep has fallen by the wayside while producing small orders for pirates and other groups in the Outer Rim are the only things keeping the yards running at even the little that they are now. Frankly, I'm embarrassed for you, you let the legacy of one of the galaxy's largest shipyards be tarnished and corroded."

"Now see here!" the Neimoidian shouted. "The Hast shipyards have thrived since we came along, profits are well within an acceptable range."
"Really?" Jaxson said, turning to look at the angry alien with an amused expression. "Then perhaps you would like to be the one to explain this next image?"

A click of a button on his keypad and the image shifted to the last year's earnings report filed to the sector authorities ... side by side with the real report that had been unearthed. There was a lot more red in one.

"It took a little digging to find this, interesting that the numbers are fudged for the report that went to the stock holders, but the one that got sent to each member of you here ... it paints a different picture, don't you think?"

Silence was all that met his words. He had them ... and he knew it. These scum had been trying desperately to conceal the fact they were hemorrhaging money from those they were beholden to, but with Jaxson in possession of the data ... their secret wouldn't remain such any longer. He always did enjoy crushing these corporate sleazebags.

"What is the proposal?" the Mon Cal finally asked, his expression grave. The Neimoidian had taken his seat again, his face pale. It was generally the same around the conference table.
"Even credits to cover your losses ... so roughly 81 million credits," Jaxson said, placing the datapad with the deal on the table. "In exchange, Aurora Industries essentially gains control of the entire system of facilities here. I feel it is more than fair ... considering saying no now means the offer expires and that information is made public. You take the loss, and we swoop in to gain the yards for much cheaper. Your choice, gentlemen."

With that, Jaxson closed his briefcase with a snap and waited for the men around him to decide to sink or swim.
"We ... accept your terms," the Mon Cal finally answered in his gravelly tones. They had no other options really, and it was at least a somewhat honorable way out. "The Hast shipyards will be Aurora's once the credits have been transferred to the account provided to you."

Without further ado, a datapad was handed to Jaxson and he quickly authorized the transfer of funds. He knew Taeli had also bid on several old locations from Spaarti and he would need to figure out what to do with those while she oversaw Galvani.

"Gentlemen, it was a pleasure," Jaxson stated as the transfer was complete. Aurora now controlled the Hast shipyards, they would just need some modifying and updating to current operation specs. "Now, if you would kindly leave. I have a great deal of work to do on getting these yards firmly established."

As one, the group got up and left. The Mon Cal lingered for a moment before nodding at Jaxson with some respect. It took some real guts to come after their holdings like this. He hoped there wouldn't be anymore confrontations between Aurora and his group. Things might turn unpleasant.

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