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Theodora Arwyn

"I am Queen of Talravin. If the Darkness brought me here, then I shall praise it, and make it my ally."
Basic Information
  • Name: Theodora Arwyn
  • Alias: Darth Rozalia
  • Force Alignment: Dark Side
  • Force Rank: Sith Lord
  • Species: Human
  • Races: Talravani
  • Age: 50 Standard Years
  • Height: 5'7"
  • Build: Slender
  • Eye Color: Blue
  • Hair Color: Deep Red
  • Skin Pigmentation: White
  • Force Sensitive: Yes
  • Master(s): Darth Livaria (Deceased)
  • Mentor(s): N/A
  • Apprentice(s): N/A
  • Successful Student(s): N/A
  • Significant Other: WIP
  • Parents: The Former Lord and Lady of House Arwyn.
  • Siblings: WIP
  • Offspring: [member="Roella Arwyn"], [member="Anya Arwyn"], [member="Saul Ferasi"], [member="Lewin Arwyn"]
  • Extended Family: [member="Cady Arwyn"] (Niece)
Strengths & Weaknesses

(+) Sorceress: Theodora has delved deep into the mysteries of Sith Magics.

(+) A Taste For Finer Things: As a noble of a powerful Talravani House, she has always been exposed to the luxuries of wealth and status, and can navigate the realm of politics and aristocracy with ease.

(+) Ruthless Monarch: Theodora of the House Arwyn has been Queen of Talravin for almost twenty years. She knows how to play the game of politics, and isn't afraid to get her hands dirty.

(-) Bit of A Snob: Being raised amongst the top nobility of Talravin has given her a bit of a superiority complex. She has a bit of a problem seeing those of 'mud-blood' as worthy of contribution.

(-) Not A Warrior: While possessing a lightsaber, Theodora is not adept with it, and prefers to leave the fighting to others.

Notable Possessions

  • Armor: Armor is not very queenly.
  • Weaponry: Crimson-bladed lightsaber.
  • Primary Transport: Why go anywhere when she has an entire planet?
  • Property: A very substantial Talravani estate, and the royal palace and associated lands and incomes.
  • Miscellaneous: Nope.
Notable Vessels
  • WIP

Theodora of the House Arwyn was born to a life of luxury. The heir to an ancient and proud House, she needed for nothing, but even as a child, she wanted for all. She read books of queens, fairy tales, histories, legends, myths. She had an unquenchable thirst for power, and she resolved that one day, it would be her that stories, histories, legends, and myths were written for.

Unknown to her and others, there was a dark power on Talravin that took notice of the Arwyn child that radiated with desire and undiscovered power. Another noble from another House: Imogen Varos, known to herself as Darth Livaria. The Sith had hidden herself well, but lacked an apprentice, a protege. Her senses told her that the young Theodora may be exactly what she needed.

Imogen got herself taken on as the girl's tutor, and in-between usual lessons young noble girls received, began telling of her of a greater power. A power that once harnessed, could give one whatever one wanted. Naturally, Theodora was very interested in this power, and as a young child, was inducted as a Sith Acolyte.

Imogen taught Theodora that the Sith's best weapon was anonymity. She was taught to hide her true nature, to hide the Darkness inside of her, to hide what truly fueled and powered her. She did just that, and grew into a young woman. At the age of sixteen, Theodora was invited to the current queen's court, to become a companion to the queen's own daughter. She eagerly accepted, and secretly brought her tutor and master with her. Once they were at court, they began to sow the seeds of their plans.

Theodora whispered in ears, sweet words laced with the Dark Side, promises of positions, honor, and wealth. Within four years, she had half of the court with her, swayed with bribes, swayed with promises, and swayed with Darkness. She was almost ready. As she plotted, her power in the Dark Side grew, as did her resentment for her Master, Darth Livaria. The other Sith was more powerful than her, for the moment. But it would not last forever.

Theodora was married to the nobleman of another House, at twenty-three, and had her first child, Saul. She feared that her plans may be going to waste, and wanting to move quickly, she made her move. The official story is the Queen died of choking on her wine, very tragically. What most did not know is that Theodora applied the pressure, while whispering in the queen's mind of all her betrayals and plans. The queen left the world of the living with utter fear in her eyes.

Theodora's seeds took root. Instead of the queen's daughter, Theodora of the House Arwyn was crowned Queen of Talravin. However, her treachery was not finished, yet. That night, while she and her master celebrated her new office, Darth Livaria drank poisoned wine. She died, choking, screaming, for it was a poison that did not kill quickly, or painlessly. Above the corpse of her former master, Theodora named herself Darth Rozalia.

Over the next decades, Theodora birthed several more children, but did not deem any worthy of induction into the Sith way. She bided her time, importing Sith scrolls, artifacts, and any other secrets or knowledge she could reach to further her own power in the Dark Side. Now, she waits for her children to prove themselves, to become worthy of becoming her apprentice, hiding her true nature from them until that day.

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