Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Thel Antares

Social Information
Name: Thel Antares
Faction: The Jedi Order
Force Sensitive: Yes
Force Rank: Jedi Padawan
Force Alignment: Lightside
Physical Information
Species: Human
Sex: Male
Age: 20
Height: 1.85 metres (6’1”)
Weight: 79 kilograms
Skin: Caucasian
Eyes: Light Blue
Hair: Dirty Brown


Perspective – Many consider Thel as a wise man. People often come to him for his wise counsel and unique view on various subjects.
Optimism – Thel always sees the bright side of a bad situation, often boosting the morale of those around him.
Control – He is educated in knowing what he can and can’t do. It is unlikely he will attempt something which is known to be impossible.
Intelligence – Thel is a very smart human being, however much of this knowledge is used in studies of The Force.
Force Sensitive – Like all other Jedi, Thel was born attuned to the Force, therefore he has all the natural abilities contributed to it and also has the potential to become a powerful Jedi Master.
Persistence – Once he begins a task, it is unlikely he will give up or abandon the progress he has made.

Passive – Thel has a radical hatred for violence. It is unlikely he will attempt to attack or fight those considered enemies. He believes negotiation and diplomacy can solve almost any situation. This causes his lightsaber and offensive force powers to suffer.
Trusting – Trust is very important to Thel. However, he has been known to trust those who shouldn’t be trusted, leading to undesirable circumstances in most cases.
Forgiveness – It seems that anybody can gain forgiveness from Thel, even those that it is obvious don’t deserve it.
Tritanopia – This from of colour blindness causes Thel to confuse blue with green and yellow with violet. This is not a serious disability for Thel, but can become frustrating for him.

The usual apparel for Thel is a hooded variant of the traditional Jedi robes. Beneath the hood steely blue eyes become immediately apparent, inside them one can notice seemingly limitless experience though still youthful. Many will come to trust these eyes and even become reliant on them overtime. Even when experiencing first-hand some of life’s worst atrocities, Thel will maintain a constant look of calmness and what some would describe as hope. Another noticeable feature of this Jedi’s appearance is his hair. The hair of Thel is a very light shade of brown and is usually tangled and unkempt, showing his lack of interest in his looks.

Thel had what many would consider a fairly average childhood; he grew up with a loving family and in a violence free environments. It was during this time with his family where Thel learnt much about morals and the pathway he would follow later in life. Much of this knowledge originated from his father who was a radical pacifist and often a preacher of his beliefs. From an early age in Thel’s life where it became evident to his parents that he was a force-sensitive, therefore he was sought by the Jedi Order and would later become a Jedi Initiate.

During his time as a Jedi Initiate, Thel would learn all the necessary information and skills which were required for a youngling like himself. However, his time as an Initiate was very brief as his keenness to learn allowed him to develop skills and understand information at an increased rate compared to the other Initiates. Thel would pass the Initiate Trials with flying colours at the earliest available time. Now his time as a Jedi Initiate has ended, and his life as a Jedi Padawan, Thel is on his search for a Jedi Master to help him further his knowledge of the Lightside of the Force.



Bounties Collected:

Training Received/Self-Training
Total: x | Completed: y
Kathracite, Pontite and Mephite - Thel travels to Ilum to find the Kyber crystals for his ligthsaber
Across the Trees - Thel and Jairdain travel to Kashyyyk where he begins his training.
Faction Threads
Total: x | Completed: y
Training Given
Total: x | Completed: y
Total: xx | Completed: y
Total: x | Completed: y
Total: x | Completed: y
Character Development Threads
Total: x | Completed: y
An Unexpected Encounter - Thel meets Jairdain, a master in the Force, in the caverns of Ilum.
Miscellaneous Threads
Total: x | Completed: y
Powers & Abilities

Novice Adept Master - Apex
[|] = Progression Through Rank (max: 10)

Force Powers







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