Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Wright Fit

"Fancy doesn't suit me," said the Kuati noblewoman.

Hadleigh herself is someone you might call an 'excessive drinker.' Of course there was another word people used for it, but the woman would -never- hear it from anyone's lips. Thankfully her 'problem' was kept well under wraps, and if anyone knew they kept their lips sealed; probably because they knew what was good for them.

"So where is this fabled place around the corner? And a tour sounds lovely," she chimes with her answer well implied within the words.

She found herself pondering on what the local drinks were like, if there were any. Honestly some worlds lacked in the creativity department.

[member="Kaili Talith"]
[member="Hadleigh Purkis"]

“Well,” Kaili shrugged after she pushed her chair back under her desk. “Around the corner is where you think it is. The tour… Maybe not so much.”

Leading Hadleigh out of her office Kaili then proceeded to lock the door behind them and hand the key to the employee that had first greeted their new business partner. A few quick instructions were relayed to keep it close, keep it secret, the typical management jokes as she continued to lead Hadleigh out of the store proper. The sun was still as high as ever, offering warmth that was stilled by the rolling breezes passing along the boardwalk. It wasn’t really where you would expect a droid shop to be perhaps, but at the time she had started the shop there was no boardwalk around. No, that came later as a result of what she had accomplished.

Who knew that successful businesses meant an increase for those around it?

Kaili didn’t, and if truth be told neither did she care.

Running her hand through her hair she undid what little work she had put into making herself look ‘okay’ and opted instead for something more comfortable.

“Okay then,” Kaili pointed in one direction. “Right around the corner is that way…” She then raised her hand in the opposite direction. “The tour is that way, but ends at ‘right around the corner.’”

“What’ll it be?”
Hadleigh follows Kaili out of the shop and takes in the sun.

Kuat for all its proclaimed paradise didn't have warmth of this degree. It was mostly mild, rather; comfortable but never exotic. She left her attire and styling as it were, Kuati "business-casual" for all it was worth, but on some worlds she'd still look all business.

She snickers at Kaili's revelation of the tour. "Well, I've had certainly had worse." A dry response. "I'll take that tour, then, if you'll have me."

Looking around, Hadleigh only just began to notice her surroundings.

She spent all her journey up to this point focusing on her destination that she didn't stop to notice where she had actually landed.

[member="Kaili Talith"]
[member="Hadleigh Purkis"]

Tour it was then. Kaili nodded at the redhead’s decision and proceeded to lead her away from the bar. At least for now. It started with the typical stores. Souvenirs, some of which carried the familiar Andromeda logo, some which went as far as to have Kaili’s face printed in a ‘pop art motive’ with some kind of slogan she would never in her life use. While she could object to it, this was mainly something Hadleigh might have caught in the store neighboring hers, the rest of them were a bit more… Well, regular. UV-blockers, cheap fans and similar accessories one would expect to find along a boardwalk.

“So, over the last few years we have seen a great influx of resources sent in the direction of this particular district.” Kaili leaned in for Hadleigh’s ears only. “Some seem to believe that is my doing, but truth is that we bought the property we currently use because we had caught rumor of the establishment seeking to fix this place up and boost tourism on Borleias in general.”

Kaili leaned away and continued with the tour. “To your right you have where my once-favorite Atrisian food joint used to be, but now…” She held her arm outstretched and the palms of her hand open. “Well, as you can see, they sell sunglasses and towels now.”

“Good ice cream though.” It was all about the small comforts.

“Not sure how it’s all looking on Kuat, but the last few years have certainly been kind to the people around here. It was a bit rough at first when the Republic pulled away, but we managed… I think.”
"Kuat is... Kuat was very similiar, perhaps there will be some resemblance in a few decades." Kuat had recently been the target of much conflict.

First the Omega War between the One Sith and Galactic Republic remnants tore the system apart, leaving the shipyards in disarray and allowing debris to pummel the world like orbital artillery. However, if there's one thing Kuati know it's engineering, and their efficient reconstruction had already seen great progress. Had being the key word. Now anarchists and dissension threaten the fragile peace they've found with the Coalition.

Hadleigh exhales, looking over to the fabled 'good ice cream' joint, then back to the path ahead. "Republic or no republic, Kuat is Kuat. It will never be anything else no matter whose banner claims -our- world." Purkis was but one of ten great families which held a controlling interest in their planet, but Hadleigh speaking politics would be called 'out of turn' by any of the others.

Yes. They would agree. Kuat is for the Kuati, but Kuat is also one world. One world surrounded by Alliances, Empires, and Coalitions. The Free Worlds fit their bill because of the those two key words.

"Enough about politics, though. Am I special to get a tour or is this just a sales tactic?" Hadleigh teases.

[member="Kaili Talith"]
[member="Hadleigh Purkis"]

Kuat was Kuat, and as much as Kaili was somewhat related to it she didn’t have much in the way of actual care for it. She was held, or held herself, at a distance from her own heritage. It was easier that way if you considered who they were. Less of a reputation live up to, good or bad.

“I don’t know, I think it’s pretty nice to stretch my legs after having spent the last three hours sifting through paperwork.” Kaili shrugged at the Kuati woman. “Perhaps both. I do find some pride in knowing that I have helped the area out to a degree simply by being around.” Of course, this part of Borleias was small-fry compared to a planets’ worth of people, but that was not for Hadleigh’s ears. Not yet anyway.

And of course there was more that Kaili had wanted to lambast the Republic for, but that was a discussion for another time. Hadleigh had made that much clear.

“So perhaps a delayed sales pitch that is had as a result of being the first partner to catch my interest without sending a message beforehand. Breaking the norm a bit, all that.” The tour continued down the road and into the streets, away from the boardwalk. Restaurants were slowly swapped for offices, homes for cornerstores.

They entered the new financial district.

“Speaking of which. I still don’t really know who you are.” Kaili perked her brow. “I mean, I hope you don’t mind me saying, but I don’t think just anyone could — or would, or should — take the reins of KDY.”

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