Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The wind whispers our names

The music that played was soft a gentle melody that Satine did not recognize. This place Mandalore, should feel like home to her. This was her father's people, and Nolan's family.

But it felt odd, so today she asked Nolan to show her around more to the places that were historic in nature, to places that she should know to recognize. She wore the simple clothing, pants, shirt, jacket she strayed away from the black that she usually wore. Today she wore blue pants, white shirt, and red jacket. Her flats would still make it easy to walk in, her hair pulled back not too severely.

She waited in the square for [member="Nolan Detta"]. She hoped her message had reached him early enough.
Always running late, always, Nolan ran through the streets of Keldabe, hoping Satine wouldn't be too mad at him. He had flowers and... He forgot to take off his armor. He was a dense man, more focused on the moment at hand rather then plan ahead. He turned a corner and there she was.

The most beautiful thing he'd ever laid his eyes on, even now, after how long it had taken Nolan and Satine to develop their relationship. What with the constant threat of war and Nolan constantly putting himself in the line of fire. Nolan stopped a few yards away, removed his helmet and continued to walk towards Satine.

"I'm sorry I'm late my love", Nolan brandished the bouquet of flowers as a peace offering for being late, "for you love. Now, I am to be your tourguide today, if you would please keep your hands and feet inside the vehicle at all times. Also, questions may be asked throughout, but no flash photography will be allowed. So please, sit back, relax and enjoy the ride." He said with a snarky smile.

With that, he swooped her up, kissed her nose and activated his repulsor pack and scuttled into the air to find a good place to start their tour. Satine knew little about the sites of Mand'alor and Nolan was going to show her his home.

[member="Satine D'ulin"]
[member="Nolan Detta"]

"I don't mind your being late, its the calls that say you aren't coming that bother me" She smiled "Flowers, how beautiful" She gave him a small kiss on the buyce, it was a small reward larger rewards came later.

"OH!" She giggled as he scooped her up, "Air Nolan, I'm ready tables and seat in the upright position" She had images of rocket man going through her mind, "Where to first my dear? I'm excited to learn more"

She was excited to learn and to see, this was half her heritage it was time to learn and become whole.
Nolan thought a minute. Where to take her? Let's go to a place known for history and beauty. The wind whipped her hair around and even through the helmet, her kiss warmed his skin.

We are going to the Kelita River. A famous river and home to a memorial mass grave. A large part of the reason we fight so hard. For our lost brothers and sisters that we will one day see again. The Manda is the spiritual essence of all fallen Mandalorians.

Nolan veered left and landed in the field where the Mass Grave was. Headstones lay across the field, markers of the fallen. He let Satine down and gestured to the entire area that backed up to the River.

This is the most holy place on Mandalore. This is the home of my family, and many others." Nolan took off his helmet, letting the messy mop of hair loose. He needed a trim.

[member="Satine D'ulin"]
[member="Nolan Detta"]

A cemetery a place that honored their fallen comrades. Satine looked around it was a place of sadness, grief, and yet celebration. She felt humbled to be in such a place, she looked back at Nolan, he did need a bit of a trim. She smiled, "Hallowed ground Nolan. Sanctified. But what is the Manda, that you speak of. Is it a god?"

Was there a god of war for mandalorians, or was this a god of death? She did not understand, but she understood loss. She understood having a place to go and feel them near again, to remember them and honor all that they did.

This place was holy, and yes beautiful.
[member="Satine D'ulin"]

Nolan looked down to his beautiful love as she posed her question.

"The Manda is the collective entity of all of our Fallen. When we die, so long as we have lived by the Resol'nare, will reunite with our family and friends in the After. The Manda holds our greatest warriors, friends and family, there they are pulled together to become a being otherwise known as the Oversoul. The collective conscience of every Mandalorian that has lived and died by the Resol'nare. If one falters from the Resol'nare they are deemed soulless or Dar'manda. Having no purpose for being nor respect for their heritage. It is a fate worse than death to Us. But fear not, you have your father and myself to keep you on track. Do you know the Reaol'nare?"

Nolan looked into Satine's eyes as the sun illuminated her hair, and gave a contrast to her moonlit eyes.
[member="Nolan Detta"]

Satine listened as the soulful sounds of Nolan 's voice as he told her of the beliefs of the mandalorians. She could hear his dedication in his words, the emotion that filled each word.

She took a deep breath as he asked her if she knew. This strong belief about the dead, she wondered how true it was. More she wondered if true would she be united with him there if they were married or would her own heritage present a block to it. Would she have to abandon her beliefs.

"Nolan I do not know it will you teach it to me?" What other beliefs and requirements were part of his culture? Things her Aunt did not know to tell her.
[member="Satine D'ulin"]

Nolan grabbed Satine's hand, kiss her cheek with a smile on his face. She wanted to learn. To become Vod. He was proud and in love. The best combo.

"Of course. There are six tenants. They are simplified into a rhyme to teach us as children."

'Ba'jur bal beskar'gam,
Ara'nov, aliit,
Mando'a bal Mand'alor—
An vencuyan mhi.'

"Translated to basic it's;

Education and armor,
Self-defense, our tribe,
Our language and our leader—
All help us survive.

1.Educate your offspring in the Mandalorian history and way of life.
2.Where Beskar'gam, the armor of a Mando.
3.Defend yourself, learn to fight.
4.Defend your family/clan.
5.Learn the language, Mando'a.
6.Heed the call of the Mand'alor-our leader. "

"As long as these tenants are followed, you will be welcomed into the Manda. You will be family, then I will have yet another reason to protect and love you."

Nolan winked at her, if she took the Oath, she would be accepted as Vod and it would be easier to ask a huge question he'd been trying to ask for the longest time.
Satine could hear it in his voice the devotion to this way of life. The tenants were simple she repeated everything trying to be sure to say it the way he had. Her accent made some of the words sound different.

The language was not hard for her since she had been taught some. The acts that the words enforced, words that bound them to the acts.

"Nolan I can see to it that if we were to have children they learned mandalorian ways, teach them to defend themselves " she smiled "that part I think we got covered" Emberlene. Mandalore. Clans of warriors. "I would defend you and them till my last breath. I will continue to learn. " she paused now, "I only have concerns with wearing armor all the time. I don't want to lose my own heritage Nolan I love it as you love yours. Do you trust your mand'alor? His actions. You support?"

She wanted to make sure she asker this right. To go to war for a man's word. We're they allowed to question?

Her eyes searched his for answers. It was important to them both. These things these teachings that they would both live by.

[member="Nolan Detta"]
Nolan chuckled about the armor inquiry. He looked deeply into Satine's eyes, his love was apparent in his eyes. The fact that she was already speaking of children, Nolan was extatic.

"The armor is for combat purposes, as well as identity. We could always make you a light suit that wouldn't conflict with your customs. The only time I would hope you wear it, is in battle that could end serious. I will not lose you, I will be your armor. I wear the most advanced suit my ally could make. Stand by me and armor won't be a problem. As for our Mand'alor, Azrael is a trusted friend. I support him with all I have, as well I should. He saved my butt once or twice. He shows pride in our abilities as a whole and has faith in his people. Just as I trust you, so too do I trust him."

"I have one favor to ask," Nolan took both of Satine's hands in his gauntleted hands,"will you do me the honors of becoming my riduur?"

Nolan dropped to a knee and presented a ring. A gold band, a symbol for the riduurok. The ceremony for marriage for Mandalorians.
A light suit, ok that she might could live with perhaps it was something like the body stocking she wore when working they would have to look at that. Nolan had great faith in his leader this man named Azrael.

This was all so much to consider and then he asked her will you do me the honors of becoming my riduur he wanted the rest of his life with her. With her. She bit her lip looking down at him there waiting so patiently for an answer she had to know she could accept his customs, and blend them with her own. Everything he said told her that they were so similiar that it would not be difficult. Would it? She couldn't help but feel excitement that he loved her so much that he wanted to marry her.

Her heart swelled with emotion, she loved him so much and to think of a life without him in it was only half a life. She smiled, "Yes Nolan, I would love to be your wife" She looked upon the simple band of gold, and it meant everything. She leaned forward putting her hands on either side of his face tilting his head back and kissed him. There among the most sacred of places, among the ancestors of his people to show them all that she loved him and accepted him.

[member="Nolan Detta"]
In all his years of combat experience, he loved the thrill it gave him going into battle, but nothing could have compared to the feeling he experienced now that Satine had said YES!! After the kiss finished, Nolan rose to his feet, he swept her off hers again, and rocketed into the air.


Once he reached a good height, he kissed her in the middle of the sky, the sun glistening behind the newly betrothed couple. Nothing could be a better occation than today. Nolan finished his kiss and turned towards the city. He would need something to celebrate with. They needed some bubbly!! He accelerated towards the city to the nearest jewelry store. The gold band was ceremonial, but he felt like spoiling Satine.

[member="Satine D'ulin"]
[member="Nolan Detta"]

OH! she held tightly to him, "Where are we going" she asked, had she just knocked him off his feet to where they had to fly? She was so happy that he, he wanted to spend his life with her. Who would have thought a contract and three targets would lead to this, to her melting into him. Was this what her mother felt? Had her mother felt this? And for a moment she wondered what her father would think.

To look into those eyes every morning, at the mussed up hair, and to listen to the gentle breathing of him by her side she put her cheek to his shoulder safe in his arms waiting till he brought her to where he was taking her.
Nolan slowed to where Satine would be able to hear him.

"Well I feel like celebrating a bit, and maybe get some more showy bling for you. Maybe just a necklace. To start. The ring was my mothers. She would have wanted you to have it."

Nolan descended to the jewelry storefront and set Satine down. He held the door open for her and gestured to the counters for her to start browsing for something she liked.

[member="Satine D'ulin"]
[member="Nolan Detta"]

His mother's ring. Oh how she wished she had something to give him it was a precious gift she couldn't imagine giving something of her mother's away to anyone but someone that would care for it as she would have. A gift that was one's mothers was exceptionally precious, Satine could only think of her own mother right now. Would she have been happy for her, would she see Nolan as someone worthy to have her?

Questions that there were no answers for, only assumptions.

"I love your mothers ring" she hoped he had heard her. They dropped down in front of the store, something with some bling. Satine didn't own anything like this. It was an experience to be in such a place.

She smiled at the attendant and looked into the case, everything sparkled under the lights and looked stunning. She looked over at Nolan and went to his side, "Help me pick ner cyar'ika" She knew some words, she would learn more.
Nolan followed Satine by the arm to the cases, filled with jewelry of all kinds. With her skin, he figured gold or rose gold and emeralds or topaz. Something to compliment the moon in her eyes and the caramel on her skin. Nolan couldn't believe this was actually happening, not that he knew about jewelry, but that Satine was going to be his wife.

"Try on anything you like, but I think Rose Gold would look good. And Emeralds, they go with your skin and eyes. Make you look like a princess."

[member="Satine D'ulin"]
[member="Nolan Detta"]

Satine nodded as she listened to both Nolan and the clerk. "Rose gold an excellent choice, emeralds would look lovely on you" Satine nodded and smiled is this what other women did across the galaxy when the shopped.

But then as the clerk was trying to sell them something much more than what Satine wanted, or needed she looked down and saw what would do perfectly. "this one, right here" She tapped the glass, and then looked at Nolan.

"It will represent this day, it is something we can hand to our first born daughter" It was something that would sybolize their story.
"That one?" He replied, ensuring he got the right one. "Yes, that's the one she will take. No need for a bag, she can wear it out, here's my credit chip."

He turned to Satine as the clerk pulled it out of the case, leaned in and kissed her. She was going to look even more beautiful with the necklace. "Now, since I didn't think far enough ahead, like always, I guess we'll need to plan the ceremony?"

[member="Satine D'ulin"]
[member="Nolan Detta"]

"I thought that Mandalorians didn't need a ceremony, that they spoke the words and then drank till dawn" She smiled. "The only thing I need to do before taking such vows I need to go through a purification ceremony." She only needed bathing water, and a white dress to symbolize purity.

She sighed with such contentment, "The clans will all be happy about this." She stood before him god he made her want a secret room every time he kissed her like that, every time he said her name. If this was love then she was ready to bath in it daily with him.

"But if we need a ceremony, then let us plan a day and party and invite all your friends" One of the most eligible bachelors was coming off the market.
We are Mandalorians, Nolan said proudly, the ceremony is nothing more than a reason to celebrate. A party is just what we need. We can do the vows on Emberlene, then have a real Mandalorian feast and you will meet my WHOLE family. Nolan chuckled at that last part. It was a large family and a crazy one to boot.

Nolan retrieved his credit chip, placed the necklace onto Satine's sun kissed skin and escorted her out.

[member="Satine D'ulin"]

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