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The Will of the Force blade

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The art of dancing in the light


  • Classification: Sword
  • Size: Average
  • Weight: Light
  1. Has great resistance to weapons of almost any level of workmanship and craftsmanship (like lightsabers and etc.)
  2. The ability to hit with an electric force at a certain charge during active melee combat
  3. If the host is force entity(Singing fire for example) weapon starts using opponent's force to heal physical host(Neryn, inside which Singing Fire resides)
  4. The ability to use the user's life force to inflict damage on spiritual objects and entities rather than physical ones (Force ghosts and et.)
  1. Lightweight so can strike quickly
  2. Easy to carry
  3. Whoever takes the sword by stealing or killing the owner will activate special process of sword elimination due to which terrifing amount of power will be unleashed as it is the will the Force to destroy, recreate, perfect all forms of life as a symbol of never ending cycle of chaos and creation.
  1. Almost impossible to repair if the weapon gets damaged due to it's artefact quality
  2. Possibile loss of consciousness due to the deep connection between the weapon and its owner during fighting

An artifact created by the will of the force in case the Force Entity leaves Nerine's body so that she will never know pain and will be in constant contact with the cosmic force.

It's only usage is for personal defense in case someone threatens one's life. It excels at close-range fights being a formidable opponent in the hands of a skilled user. While it is a very weak weapon against quick large scale attacks. As a creation of the ForceEntity it has a unique contract embedded into the heart and soul of Neryn meaning that only she is recognised as eternal owner of this artefact.
"As long as fire burns in space, the Force will act on thee stage"
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T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Naivia Neryn Naivia Neryn

Welcome to the Factory, I'll be your judge today.
  • Image source; here you need to link the website/hompage where you found the art, not the art itself. Please edit the link.
  • Please link your bio to the Manufacturer and Affiliation.
  • Vibranium; you can't use material or any other things from different universes:
    No cross overs. All submissions need to conform to the general idea of Star Wars. No Gundams, no Transformers, no Pokemon etc.
  • The special feature part I don’t fully understand what they want to be.
    • Using the host's strength to repel a blow from a weapon of almost any level of workmanship and craftsmanship.
    • How does this depend on physical strength? Didn’t you rather think that the weapon has great resistance, so it can even withstand the attack of lightsabers?
      The ability to hit with an electric charge at a certain charge during active melee combat
    • What kind of electricity is this? Force or technology?
      If the host is force entity, it is possible to use the specific element of the force current entity represents.
    • Please specify the forces / abilities because not all Force entity represent some element.
      The ability to use the user's life force to inflict damage on spiritual objects and entities rather than physical ones
    • What do you mean by "spiritual objects"?
  • As far as I can see, this is an item created with Force Alchemy and / or Force imbued object, so please indicate this in the Material field as well.
  • And this part, you need to add this to the Strength and Weaknesses:
    IWhoever takes the sword by stealing or killing the owner will activate special process of sword elimination due to which terrifing amount of power will be unleashed as it is the will the Force to destroy, recreate, perfect all forms of life as a symbol of never ending cycle of chaos and creation.
That's all, if you have any question, or you need help, feel free to ask in this thread.
T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Naivia Neryn Naivia Neryn

I know, I'll check it when I'll have time, this requires a bit more time than that what I can approve immidiately, and while I work, difficult to deal with a submissions that requires more serious attention. It will be check no later than the weekend.
T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Naivia Neryn Naivia Neryn

  • The image source still not good; here you need to link the website/hompage where you found the art, not the art (png/jpg) itself. Please edit the link. In my former judge post, I linked the proper link.
  • You don't edited the other thing either what I asked, so still please link your bio to the Manufacturer and Affiliation.
  • At the material, you need to specify the Force imbued weapon's material too, please add this to the submission.
  • The ability to hit with an electric force at a certain charge during active melee combat.
    The question is still, what kind of electric force is this? Force power or technology? Please specify.
  • If the host is force entity(Singing fire for example) weapon starts using opponent's force to heal physical host(Neryn, inside which Singing Fire resides)
    So the weapon is able to sense a Force Entity? And what is the "opponent's force"? Life Force or something else? And this ability use the Drain Force? Because this what you wrote here is the Drain Force and this is a Dark side ability. If yes, please add to your description, if not, please specify.
  • The ability to use the user's life force to inflict damage on spiritual objects and entities rather than physical ones (Force ghosts and et.)
    Here the spiritual entities are good now, but please write one or two example to the spiritual objects too.
  • Whoever takes the sword by stealing or killing the owner will activate special process of sword elimination due to which terrifing amount of power will be unleashed as it is the will the Force to destroy, recreate, perfect all forms of life as a symbol of never ending cycle of chaos and creation.
    Please try to pay attention to the wording and this sounds good, but conditional mode is the best mode to write to that what can happen. For example, "If someone steal the sword, or kill the owner, the sword will destroy with an explosion, what may hurt badly the killer/thief." So please modify this to similar description.
  • And because this is a Force imbued weapon, please add to the weaknesses what happen with the sword under a Force nullification or Force suppress effects.

I wrote some similar weapons (weapons with abilities); and others wrote such weapons as well, I link here some example to see what are the similar weapons which ones are already approved. Maybe these are help you too:
T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Naivia Neryn Naivia Neryn

Update on this? I have to move the thread to the Archive soon according to the Factory policy. I can give you a few more days if you need them, until Sunday (2021.11.14.), to make the necessary edits or indicate that you are asking for a few extra days for this.
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