Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Public The Wedding


Location: Serreno
Objective: Wedding Party

Lord Daimen had been invited to his sister Anya’s Wedding. The Dark Elf arrived under cover of night. There in lush forest he stood in his black robes and armor looking up at a crescent moon. He heard the sound of a twig snap and with tuay he drew his Saberstaff and ignited the bright ruby blade, only to see the face of a Lady Elf in a White Night Dress.
“I knew you would come, Brother.”
The Darth deactivated his blade and looked at The Bride To Be.
“It seems despite my powers I cannot hide from you.”
Anya smirked,
“You always were clumsy, when we played hide or shriek, I always found you.”
The Towering Elf drew closer to her.
“That was a long time ago..”
Anya placed her hand on his cheek.
“Dear brother, everything is a long time ago.”
With that he began to chuckle and take her hand, kissing it and lifting her into air beneath the stars.
“My dear sister! At last you are getting hitched! So many poor Elf lads shall mourn they missed their chance!”
Anya smiled, his sanguine nature had come to the surface.
“Will you give me away?”
Daimen removed one hand and stroked his clean shaven chin.
“Are you a gift?”
He was being facetious.
“I am serious! Father is gone and you are the eldest, its your responsibility. Do this for your favorite sister!” She said in a very charmful tone.
“Your my only sister.”
He sat down on a felled tree trunk.
“If it will make you happy..”
Anya threw her hands around his neck and kissed his cheek.
“That’s enough! I already said yes.”
He then fell over on the ground as she tickled him in his arm grooves.
“Stop it! I am a dignified Sith.. agh!”
He then sat up on bended knees and saw Anya was solemn.
“Now what is this my precious sis? Why do you look as on the moon of Father’s passing?”
She shed some tears that he caught with his gloved hand.
“What draws the sacred drops for your eyes?!”
Anya looked at her Brother,
“I had a dream.. a terrible dream, it was about you.”
Daimen drew close to his Sister and placed his arm around her.
“Dreams are just dreams..”
Anya looked at him,
“No.. I saw you in armor and laying in a pool of your own blood.. sinking.. sinking until..”she swallowed deeply before saying, “A great shadow rose up in your place, but it was not you! It was not you!”
She leaned into his shoulder and wept.
“There.. there Sister, the stress of tomorrow is probably just manifesting in these dreams. I’m right here, I am still the same.”
She looked up at him,
“Promise me you will not leave before the New Moon..”
His red eyes fixed on her,
“I promise.”
She then leaned into him and closes her eyes. He placed his chin on her head.
“Everything is going to be alright Anya.”

The Next morning the forest was astir with preparations, as a long and table in the shape of a S was placed around the trees where the wedding party would dine. All manner of people had been invited across the galaxy. Daimen knew that there would be old friends, new ones, and of course some enemies to make things interesting.
He was dressing in his war armor, the finest plate forged by Dark Elves, with glowing bled crystals marking the chest plate, pauldrons, and belt. His Staffsaber he touched with his ebony colored gloves. Two Elves approached,
“Well look at this, the Mighty One looks so strong in his armor, doesn’t he Gruwel?”
“Yes indeed Tuthen, a formidable sight to be sure.”
Daimen smirked as he turned,
“You two should be chained in the Well of Forgetting! You rascals!”
The Three converged, hugging and placing their foreheads on each others foreheads.
“We thought you’d still be with you cultist friends, what did you call them Gruwel?”
“The Sips, on account that they seemed to drink a lot more than conquer anything.”
Daimen shook his head and rolled his eyes.
“You two are fortunate I am the only Sith here.. because if they heard you talk thus they’d..”
“Gruwel he’s gonna do it! Come on man! Show us that wizardy!”
Daimen called forth red bolts of lightning that arched around his hands and plate armored arms.
“Cool!” Said Tuthen.
“Look at that!” said Gruwel.
Daimen then made it stop and looked at his old friends.
“I wish you were here when Cavar stumbled into some pirates. They’d have been no match for our Anandar!” said Tuthen.
At that name Daimen hissed, his eyes of blood rippled, and two fangs emerged. This frightened them both as they stepped back.
Daimen regained control of himself and said,
“I suggest you not use my Borne Name.”
Tuthen nodded,
“Sure.. whatever you say.”
Gruwel shook his head up and down, “Absolutely.”
Feeling his head begin to ache, The Darth bud his two friends adieu for now. He went to a fountain and looked into the water, his eyes growing larger into saucers of blood.
“Anandar! Anandar!” a voice shouted in muffled tones.,
He bore his teeth in a snarl, and made a fist, when the flutes began to play indicating the ceremony was soon to begin. He stood there, looking into the water, hesring his words,
“I am still the same..”
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The Ceremony was commencing, all gathered on the white wood Terrace, Anya was dressed in the finest white with gold trimming her viel, and sparks in her train that looked like stars. She srood at the back waiting for Daimen, who arrived in a sober mood.
“Where were you?”
Daimen looked at his Sister, his face not jovial and lax like the nigjt before.
“I’m here..”
Anya turned to her Brother as the Elf Priestess stood with a text and The Bridegroom looking their way.
“Are you alright? Your chilled.”
Daimen nodded his head.
“Concern yourself with the ceremony, not me. This is your day sis.”
She squeezed his hand and looked at him,
The name made his body quake,
“Sis.. I beg of you.. do not use that name.”
The flutes began to play the Bridal Approach, and the two began walking towards The Priestess. When asked, “who gives this woman to the Binding Covenant?”
Daimen replied,
“I do..”
He then stepped back, all around him were whispers, Tuthen and Guwel forced smiled”s, but yhey could sense it, how could they not. As the oaths were exchanged, the party began to descend doen the spiral golden stair cases to the forest floor where the great table and chairs were assembled. Daimen decided to slip away as he hid in shadow of the Great Tree, there he heard the voice,
“Anandar..” It was a masculine voice, deep and forboding.
The Dark Elf placed his hand on the great bark and the tips of his fingers immolated a deep blood red, making marks as he poured out the anguish in his soul.
“I should have never returned..”
He began marching away towards one of great circles that ships docked on, when he heard a soft voice that stopped him in his tracks,
“Your leaving? Without even saying goodbye.”
He turned around, his eyes great saucers of blood.
“I must sis.. I am.. not..”
She drew closer to him,
“Brother.. what has so shaken you that you have left us for Them?”
She placed her soft hand on his cheek. He took it in his, his skin darkened with purple.
“I.. I cannot..”
Anya looked at him with deep concern,
“What can you not?”
Daimen coughed,
“No.. not on this day.. you should be rejoicing.”
Anya shook her beautifully knotted hair which came down through a silver clasp.
“How can I rejoice when you are in pain? We have always have taken care of one another ever since Father died.”
At that he nearly collapsed as if shot by a blaster bolt.
“What is it?! An.. Daimen, tell me!”
He summoned what strength he could and tried to regain his composure. Rising back uo he smiled,
“It can wait.. let’s party!”
She could see he was putting on a brave face, and avoiding the question.
“Promise you will tell me.. someday. Promise me.”
Daimen nodded,
“I will, I promise.”
The two then walked back to the Reception where already Tuthen and Gurwel were having a drinking game. The tone of the party was refined, with enough antics to keep it from boring. Daimen helped his Sister to tye Seat of Honor beside her Husband who smiled when she rejoined him. He was letting her go, she had a new protector. Using his power he levitated a goblet to his hand of blood wine, and raised it,
“My Sister is the fairest star in the kingdom, I guess that makes you a star chaser Unwald. I must confess that I dreaded this day.. not because of the absence of our parents, rest them, but that I must surrender the mantle of Big Brother and let another safeguard you Annie. To you Unwald I say this, take care of my Sister.. or I will bring a legion of Sith and hunt you down!”
With that all the Party let out a chuckle.
“Now let us feast and blow the tops of these trees! Hagwar!”
They all shouted, “Hagwar!” as each drank their preferred vintage.

Trayze Tesar

Well-Known Member
CURRENT MISSION - What a Beautiful Wedding
Immediate Goals -
1: Ascertain Darth Daimen Darth Daimen 's Loyalty
1.1: Ascertain Darth Daimen Darth Daimen 's Potential
2: Enjoy the wedding!

BLUFOR - Unknown

OPFOR - Unknown

TARGETING ACTION(S) - Darth Daimen Darth Daimen

Weddings involving co-workers were always awkward affairs, one Trayze couldn't quite figure out how and why he managed to get an invitation, but he did. He came dressed, giving an assortment of hopefully-not-redundant kitchen utensils as a wedding gift, and of course toasted "Hagwar!" and of course, silently wished many years to the newlywed couple.

It was times like these he dreaded being Trayze Tesar, Lieutenant Inspector, Captain Under Marque for Asset Collection of one Darth Xyrah's Sith-Imperial Banking Clan, and on the payroll of Darth Carnifex. It kept him too far from his family, his true family, both those who raised him on Besberra, and the family that gathered together under his cousin Malum on Alvaria. Yet that was why he was truly here, as he in truth never met Darth Daimen's nor the groom's family in his life - the Kiffar stuck out of the elven enterouge like a sore and olive-skinned thumb. In truth, he was "officially" acting through several degrees of seperation and connection to the Kainate, of which the Elven Sith was allegedly a part of.

In practice, Trayze was ascertaining how connected and invested this small-time Darth was to the Kainate - and if the Darth could be swayed to his true cause...

As such, he approached the "stars" of the wedding, the Kiffar wore a slick three-piece suit with only the barest of emblems denoting his rank and origin to those who were keen eyed. Yet even those who did know of his employ would be surprised by his frankly "bumpkin" accent - though if he believed his cousin, his "bumpkin wiles" could be rather effective.

"Many years ta' the happy couple!" came the opening greeting, a full-lipped grin as he gave a practiced bow to the two newlyweds. "Missus Anya, Mister Unwald, if Ah could but borrow yer Lordly Brother's ear fer but a moment..." he gave an almost apologetic look to the newly made "Brother-In-Law". "Ah'm afraid that since pleasure is concluded, business must be attended to." Unseen by most, the delicate testing and counter-testing of auras began, as was habit of Sith and Force Users to do. Concealment, and how much is known about concealment, was an unseen back-and-forth that proved almost as dramatic as open warfare.
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Location: Serenno
Attire: X
Dialogue Legend: <<Ghoul-Speak>> │ “Galactic Basic”
Tag: Darth Daimen Darth Daimen Trayze Tesar Trayze Tesar

CI-6660 had never been to a wedding. Such affairs were normally forbidden to her and in truth, she had little desire to attend one to begin with. Not to mention, the idea of getting married was far too outlandish for her to give such a possibility any serious consideration.

Nevertheless, 666 had been invited to such an event by none other than Darth Daimen—the Aetharian-Elf hybrid Sith Acolyte she had met during her mission to Krayiss II. In spite of her obligations to the Saaraishash, she was in no position to refuse a direct invitation from a Sith. And so, 666 had dutifully prepared herself to attend. To that end, she had purchased a gift for the couple and picked out a dress to wear. In order to cover the somewhat obtrusive implant on her upper back, she had treated her hair with Eternis InstaHair. Now, her mane fell all the way down to the small of her back, where it normally only went down to her shoulders.

However, in spite of her best preparations, nothing could have prepared her for the all too social nature of the event and the fact that she suddenly found herself thrust in a mingling crowd of Aetharians and Elves.

With her gift box in hand, 666 made a beeline towards the couple, who were at the Seats of Honor. In doing so, she ignored the glances shot her way, some curious, others cold, and some that were seemingly hostile. It was only then that she registered a familiar, olive-skinned figure who stuck out from the crowd even more than she did. 666 watched as Trayze Tesar Trayze Tesar addressed the couple in his distinct yokel accent, before moving to speak with Daimen.

666 paused then, before quickly pulling her attention away from the two Sith upon realizing that both bride and groom were looking at her with anticipation in their eyes.

“Miss Anya and Mister Unwald, may the Eternal Father bless this union with purity and productivity. I wish you both a lifetime of love under the shadow of His grace.” 666 said, before offering a low bow. “I would like to present this gift to you both.” The short-statured strand-cast continued as she offered the box to the couple. A droid to assist in the maintenance of your new home together. I hope that it will aid you both in the years to come.” She finished.
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Damien was rising from his seat to speak with Trayze Tesar Trayze Tesar when he saw her.. those sparkling teal eyes and moist matching lips, her golden locks extended like the rays of the sun over her shoulders. Phaelissia Phaelissia outshined everyone there in his estimation, and yet he could sense her presence had captivated not only himself.
The Aetharian had to circumvent his trance at seeing The Synth, and walk over to Trayze.
“Come, Sith business can be discussed over here.”
The Dark Elf lead the way over to a great tree that had a massive trunk and a spiral staircase around it leading into the sky. Ascending, he bid the Man follow him up the flight to a deck that overlooked the forest, torches molded in fine silver burned. The Darth was curious what was of such urgency to draw him away from His Sister’s reception and 666, who he wanted to spend some time with. Damien had recently pledged allegiance to The Eternal Father and The Kainite. This was to the chagrin of Lord Malum and Lord Strosius, and many others. The factionalism in the Sith Order was expected, the path to power was by many roads and traditions, Rule of Two, Rule of The Strong, and Rule of One. While the divergent paths did chaff against each other at times, they all were under one banner of the Dark Side. The question was who Trayze was, was he Kainite to come and determine if Damien was a worthy acolyte, or what he from a rival tribe seeking to seduce him to its fold? The Aetharian remained at ease, these intrigues were part of the path, even now others were being tested and found if “they weight in balance or were found wanting.”
Looking at the olive skinned Man who spoke with an accent that on the surface indicated an upbringing on a farm perhaps on Tatooine, or a mercenary that had no time to refine their tongue, Damien knew better. He knew to never assess things at face value, the Sith were about shadows and even if it was not a ruse or veil, he knew this man was not to be trifled with whoever he represented.
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Location: Serenno
Attire: X
Dialogue Legend: <<Ghoul-Speak>> │ “Galactic Basic”
Tag: Darth Daimen Darth Daimen Trayze Tesar Trayze Tesar

CI-6660 had never been to a wedding. Such affairs were normally forbidden to her and in truth, she had little desire to attend one to begin with. Not to mention, the idea of getting married was far too outlandish for her to give such a possibility any serious consideration.

Nevertheless, 666 had been invited to such an event by none other than Darth Daimen—the Aetharian-Elf hybrid Sith Acolyte she had met during her mission to Krayiss II. In spite of her obligations to the Saaraishash, she was in no position to refuse a direct invitation from a Sith. And so, 666 had dutifully prepared herself to attend. To that end, she had purchased a gift for the couple and picked out a dress to wear. In order to cover the somewhat obtrusive implant on her upper back, she had treated her hair with Eternis InstaHair. Now, her hair fell all the way down to the small of her back, where it normally only went down to her shoulders.

However, in spite of her best preparations, nothing could have prepared her for the all too social nature of the event and the fact that she suddenly found herself thrust in a mingling crowd of Aetharians and Elves.

With her gift box in hand, 666 made a beeline towards the couple, who were at the Seats of Honor. In doing so, she ignored the glances shot her way, some curious, others cold, and some that were seemingly hostile. It was only then that she registered a familiar, olive-skinned figure who stuck out from the crowd even more than she did. 666 watched as Trayze Tesar Trayze Tesar addressed the couple in his distinct yokel accent, before moving to speak with Daimen.

666 paused then, before quickly pulling her attention away from the two Sith upon realizing that both bride and groom were looking at her with anticipation in their eyes.

“Miss Anya and Mister Unwald, may the Eternal Father bless this union with purity and productivity. I wish you both a lifetime of love under the shadow of His grace.” 666 said, before offering a low bow. “I would like to present this gift to you both.” The short-statured strand-cast continued as she offered the box to the couple. A droid to assist in the maintenance of your new home together. I hope that it will aid you both in the years to come.” She finished.
Anya and Unwald both smiled, Anya had heard that her Brother was bringing someone, a date to her Wedding and until now they had not materialized. She had began to think he was just telling one of his tall tales.
“Thank you for your gift! It shall be a treasure in our home. Come.. sit! I have longed to meet you. My brother has never invited anyone here, you must be really special.”
Unwald thanked 666 as well and carried on a conversation with another Elf, he could see they had things to discuss.
Anya reaches out her hand to touch the hand of The Synth.
“I can tell he cares for you. He bardly could being himself to leave with that human.”
Anya’s heart was relieved, her brother’s bout earlier had made her worried, but seeing 666 and the effect she had on him gave her great hope.

Trayze Tesar

Well-Known Member
CURRENT MISSION - What a Beautiful Wedding
Immediate Goals -
1: Ascertain Darth Daimen Darth Daimen 's Loyalty
1.1: Ascertain Darth Daimen Darth Daimen 's Potential
2: Enjoy the wedding!

BLUFOR - Unknown

OPFOR - Unknown

TARGETING ACTION(S) - Darth Daimen Darth Daimen || Phaelissia Phaelissia

Trayze now began to wonder if he was being subjected to some sort of bet, to see how many times he and the Cipher could meet. The two worked together against the Kathol Resistance a while back, and a different strand cast before that - which drew a pattern in the Kiffar's mind that despite his mirth he couldn't dissuade. Was it by luck, design, or his own subconscious charisma that he would seem to draw the most fanatical Kainites to him? He was, after all, a mere asset collector for one of the Butcher-King's numerous affiliates, and treated the occupation as a means to an end, with only the barest toleration to Kainite thought and philosophy.

So when the host of the wedding made obvious eyes at the petite elven woman, he felt torn. On one hand, if the two felt a bond, good for them - romance and genuine camaraderie was in short supply in the Order; on the other, why'd it have to be someone who was literally knit to be a servant of the Twice-Failed Emperor?

But now to business, and he needed to be quick - perhaps several covert insertions over the course of this evening, and a few follow ups after that. He knew what the Tsis'kaar could offer the small time "Darth", and his work on Kraysis II - but he would keep his cards close to his chest.

"Milord Daimen," the Kiffar began, the bumpkin visage unbreaking even as his mind whirled through calculations and correlations. "Ah jus' so happen ta' overhear yer desire ta'... keep Mr. Unwald in line, should he disrespect yer sister." of course he bloody "overheard it", it was in Daimen's speech - but he kicked his disdain for the maintenance of euphemism. What remained unspoken was as important as that which was said. "On a scale of one ta' ten, one bein' it's jus' a laugh 'tween friends... an' ten, well..." he let the imagination trail off ahead of Daimen, before clearing his throat and continuing. "Ah may be able ta' help with that, should seriousness be required." Courtesy of his long work, his stalemate on Yavin 4 and the crushing of the Kathol Resistance, the SIBC decided to bequeath to him a Section of starships, meaning that Darth Daimen was looking at Fleet Captain under Marque, Trayze Tesar.
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TAG: Trayze Tesar Trayze Tesar

The Aetharian crossed his arms. He was curious at what this man’s intent was. He took his wedding speech to denote more than a jest to amuse the receptionists. And yet, Daimen saw opportunity unfolding like a bud.
“Are you offering me an army?”
The dangled fruit of empire was hard for any true Sith to resist. His loyalty lie with The Kainite, but in truth every Sith was suppose to assert the self, hence the Creed and the line about breaking chains. However, Daimen was a creature of tradition and loyalty was a tenet of Blood Elven chivalry. Rather than commit treason or make a grand gesture of loyalty, he inquired further,
“I think it would be helpful if you told me who you represent so that I may know the identity of who is offering such a gift..”
Hem moved his piece on the chess board, and considered his next move if this man remained clandestine, refusing to divulge his liege lord, if there be any.
The Blood Elf found his mind drift to Phaelissia Phaelissia , she was ever in his thoughts. He was astounded how quickly he bonded with her, all these years and not one maiden drew his fancy, and now he found himself often shaking within, a fever of passion that he concealed for now, but grew in potency when apart from her. He wanted to take her and taste those teal lips and caress her golden locks. And.. well he had other ideas that would remain in the shadow of his mind.
Location: Serenno
Attire: X
Dialogue Legend: <<Ghoul-Speak>> │ “Galactic Basic”
Tag: Darth Daimen Darth Daimen Trayze Tesar Trayze Tesar

666’s features remained visibly unaffected as Anya spoke of her brother. The strand-cast immediately felt a sense of relief come over her when she offered her a welcoming smile, along with a seat. In response to the gestures, 666 nodded and offered a soft smile in turn, before lowering herself down into a seat next to the bride. All the while, the Aetharian briefly cast a brief glance towards the disappearing forms of the two Sith as they moved their discussion to a more private area. However, she quickly turned her attention back to the bride, a curious glint in her synthetic eyes as she did.

“I can tell he cares for you. He bardly could being himself to leave with that human.”

“He does?” 666 asked, as she glanced down at Anya’s hand on top of her own. “I didn’t realize I had that effect on him.” The strand-cast continued. And indeed, it was the truth. Daimen was a Sith after all. As such, he occupied a ruling position, as was his right. While she knew that Sith often maintained intimate relationships, in her mind it made sense that they exclusively shared such bonds with other Sith. What qualities did she possess that Daimen considered so worthy that could not be found in a fellow Sith in even greater, more potent quantities?

A fellow Sith like Trayze Tesar Trayze Tesar , perhaps? In spite of his wayward heresy, he was still a Sith, after all.

“If you do not mind my inquiry," 666 began, briefly contemplating whether or not what she was about to ask might be too probing. Nevertheless, she continued, her own curiosity eventually winning out. “How do you know that he…” The Aetharian paused, finding it hard to believe the words forming in her mind. “Cares for me?” She finished.
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TAG: Phaelissia Phaelissia

Anya let a soft giggle come from her mouth. Had this sweet creature not been aware of Daimen’s affections? Had had her twin brother once again failed to be direct?

She sensed something with her empathic abilities, that this Synth was doubting her worth. Which then was confirmed by what zhe said next.
“I know my brother cares for you because I can feel what he feels, its part of our Lunati Twin bond. He cares for you a great deal. I wish he was more communicative of his affection. When he returns I’ll elbow him.”
She gave a smirk and then offered 666 a slice of cake. It was yellow with lines of red, and the top had a drizzle of sugar that was torched.
“Do you know anything about the man that sought a private audience with my brother?”
Location: Serenno
Attire: X
Dialogue Legend: <<Ghoul-Speak>> │ “Galactic Basic”
Tag: Darth Daimen Darth Daimen Trayze Tesar Trayze Tesar

They were twins. 666 had failed to register that fact on her own, but upon hearing the revelation the similarities in their features were immediately apparent. Not only were both a reflection of the other, but they also shared a deep emotional bond that allowed both brother and sister to read each other’s dispositions. In that regard, 666 remained impassive as she processed the information. However, she could not help but to envy them, in a way that it was natural for the weak to envy the strong.

However, upon hearing Anya refer to elbowing her brother, 666 tilted her head to the side, confusion evident across her pale features. It took her a moment longer to understand that it was intended as a joke, at which point the Aetharian offered a slight, yet playful smile.

“A Lunati Twin bond? Is that a bond between Aetharian twins? Or is it more pertaining to elfish twin bonds?” 666 asked, her voice taking on an inquisitive tone as she graciously accepted the offered slice of cake. “Thank you.” She added, before setting the plate on the table. While her spinal implant made it so that she did not need to eat in order to sustain herself, the Aetharian took the slice in spite of it, knowing that it might be considered offensive to refuse.

And yet, confronted with the singular slice of cake set before her 666 batted her lashes in confusion, as it suddenly dawned on her that it had been a long, long time since she had ever eaten anything, especially in public.
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Trayze Tesar

Well-Known Member
CURRENT MISSION - What a Beautiful Wedding
Immediate Goals -
1: Ascertain Darth Daimen Darth Daimen 's Loyalty
1.1: Ascertain Darth Daimen Darth Daimen 's Potential
2: Enjoy the wedding!

BLUFOR - Unknown

OPFOR - Unknown

TARGETING ACTION(S) - Darth Daimen Darth Daimen || Phaelissia Phaelissia

"Ah, introductions - my mistake," the Kiffar gave a practiced bow, and offered a slip of a business card. "Trayze Tesar, Fleet Captain Under Marque of the Sith-Imperial Banking Clan." Trayze introduced himself with a cheerful smile. "But perhaps not an army, per se, a ship for starters?" A deliberate lowball, as he could easily give him more... should he prove competent. "But if Ah were ta' know more about whatchya want, or what ya'd do with said army, Ah could pull a couple strings."

Damien so far, despite his titulature, Lord Damien seemed... inexperienced. Naive and eager to please, and despite the on-paper disparity between their respective statuses, Trayze counted himself the more experienced of the two parties in the delicate art of wheeling and dealing. Experience outranked everything.
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Anya turned to Phaelissia Phaelissia
“Aetharian blood, like our Father…” He face was caste with a shadow at the mention of her father. The circumstances surrounding his death had been a mystery and the reason Daimen had gone to The Sith. Anya felt she had lost both a parent and her close sibling since that day.
Looking at 666 stare at the cake she made an inquiry of her own.
“I sense Aetherian blood in you, and yet you possess a unique quality and beauty. Tell me of your people. Do you have a family?”
Anya was asking our of genuine interest and to divine more about this Synth that had stolen her brother’s heart.

TAG: Trayze Tesar Trayze Tesar

Daimen bore his teeth in a half smile.
“A ship? I have no interest in a singular ship. Besides gifts are snares, you will undoubtedly want something in return. I learned long ago you have to take what you want, not wait for it to be offered on a silver platter.”
He took a few steps torwards the torch, his eyes shrouded by a viel of darkness. His voice shifting to a deeper rasp,
“You offer me gifts when you hardly know me, and I have never heard of The Sith Banking Clan. Which leads me to the question, why are you really here?”
He turned with his eyes burning as if tips of his saberstaff where protruding from his pupils.
“I am loyal to the Kainite. To The Eternal Father. Does your offer benefit them?”
Daimen was questjons upon The Fleet Captain like bolts of Turbolasers. He wanted to see the true motive cloaked inside this Bumpkin, which he even suspected was a ruse. It was clear Blood Elf had come to the l attention of someone, now was the task to determine who and why. The truth is The Darth found these intrigues and political chess. While it was necessary to weave into aristocracy of the Order, the truth is he preferred to delve into the arcane mysteries of the dark side. And yet if one wanted to make a mark, you had to play the game. The truth is his loyalty to the Kainite hasn’t been tested. He had spoken dogma to see how this Captain would respond. All of it was tactics, “moves and counter moves.” (Lord Snow).
Location: Serenno
Attire: X
Dialogue Legend: <<Ghoul-Speak>> │ “Galactic Basic”
Tag: Darth Daimen Darth Daimen Trayze Tesar Trayze Tesar

Anya’s downcast expression did not escape 666’s notice, with the mention of her father being the catalyst. In that regard, she immediately registered that it was a sensitive subject for the bride, to such an extent that it seemed to sour her mood even on her wedding day. Nevertheless, Anya quickly recovered, at which point 666 felt the elf’s eyes on her as she glanced down at the cake set before her.

“I sense Aetherian blood in you, and yet you possess a unique quality and beauty. Tell me of your people. Do you have a family?”

Anya’s words echoed in her mind. She, a creature of unique quality and beauty. It was a descriptor that 666 could have never applied directly to herself, but rather, to the one who had cast her into existence and thereby imbued much of His quality and beauty into her. Nevertheless, the compliment gave 666 a small flash of pride, not only at herself, but at her pure, untainted blood.

However, in strict terms of genetic pedigree, she had no family to call her own.

“I have people, but I do not have a family in terms of blood.” 666 answered, seeing no reason to disguise the truth. “I am an Aetharian Rajakzân.” She continued. “A child of the Eternal Father by virtue of the labor wrought by His hands.”

Then, a pause.

“If I were to ever refer to a group as my family, it would be my brothers and sisters in the Eclipse.” She finished.
Anya smiled,
“It is good to have family.. tell me. the Eternal Father, my Brother has mentioned Him, what is he like?”
Her question came from a deep concern. She was not at ease with Daimen joining The Sith. Their wars had fractured so many worlds and many of their warriors did not come back at all.

As The Bride spoke with 666, a flute was played and an area between great tree trunks with candles strung was cleared. Musicians assembled on a daias, as an announcer said,
“As is custom, the tradition of solemn dance commences!”

Back at the overlook, Daimen turned to Trayze Tesar Trayze Tesar and said,
“I must give my leave, the Valtz is something I promised someone.”
The Blood Eld gave a slight bow as he headed to spiral staircase and descended. The great square was filling with dancers, Daimen saw Phaelissia Phaelissia beside his Sister and approached in his fine attire. Looking at the gorgeous Synth, he offered his hand,
“Would you like to dance?”

Inside Daimen was fuming, he was beginning to realize that he was a peon, that actors in the shadows were pulling strings. He knew joining The Sith came with obligations and intrigues, but these shadow solicitations made him nervous. He had yhrown in hus lot with the Dark because of his history and talents; he wanted to depve into the arcane mines of the Sith, not make shady deals with strangers. He was fine with mystery when it came to The Force, but not with people. The Aetharian was beginning tp wonder if his sister had been right, that he should have gone about combing the secrsts of the dark side alone. But then there was 666, who he would never have met save joining The Kainite. Sometimes he wondered why he felt such a strong draw to her. Was that their shared blood or something else? The truth is he did not care. The Sith tenet about passion was there for a reason.

Trayze Tesar

Well-Known Member
CURRENT MISSION - What a Beautiful Wedding
Immediate Goals -
1: Ascertain Darth Daimen Darth Daimen 's Loyalty
1.1: Ascertain Darth Daimen Darth Daimen 's Potential
2: Enjoy the wedding!

BLUFOR - Unknown

OPFOR - Unknown

TARGETING ACTION(S) - Darth Daimen Darth Daimen || Phaelissia Phaelissia

Trayze felt an internal scowl, but he now knew of a few things about Lord Daimen. He didn't know about the Sith-Imperial Banking Clan... despite Kaine's beau of Darth Xyrah Darth Xyrah being the head of the eponymous Clan - but he did know enough about the general game that no Sith comes with a gift. So if it is honesty that the "Blood Elf" wants, then it is honesty it will get.

Exhaling as he moves back into the throng of people, Trayze noticed his old acquaintance, Phaelissia Phaelissia ... and how very unsubtle the brother of the bride was in his enamorment of the strandcast. A small smile graced his lips - a friend of a friend would help him convince him on a few points, since loyalty to the Kainate trumped common sense in Daimen's man.

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