Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Wasps of The Sith

When he had gotten his promotion, Krayzen had thought that his power and influence would grow in the army, and in a way, it had; the Anzat had become one of the highest ranking individiuals of the One Sith Army, having served under his former master, and now High General, Konrad. He however now had many hours of paper work to do, etc; his promotion however did allow him to use more One Sith resources effectively, and that was how the "Iron War" Project had occurred, a project that was only known to the people that worked on it, as well as the highest elechons of the One Sith, like [member="Isamu Baelor"].

The Anzati powerhouse had examined the weapons of the One Sith army, knowing there technical specifications extremely well; when he had done that, Krayzen so that other factions -unfortunately- had better weapons. With enemies like the Galactic Alliance growing more powerful, Krayzen needed to perform his duty as a Lieutenant General, and work on improving the quality of One Sith weapons. That was the primary reason why he had created this project.

Krayzen in an unknown starfighter model landed in an unknown model in One Sith space. As he got out of the exit hatch, the Anzat performed a military salute, looking at his second-in-command.

"Sir, welcome back to Coruscant." he stated

"Thank you; I expect today willl be a good today." he replied, smirking at the officer.
As he looked around Coruscant, he good see that things had changed from the attacks that had occurred; many military personnel were here. He himself wondered if [member="Isamu Baelor"] was here, and felt like contacting him. Krayzen however knew that doing such a thing would be stupid, considering the fact that the Grand General most certainly had better things to do than to speak to Krayzen about an unimportant matter.

As always, Krayzen had his mental barriers activated, a practice that he had used ever since he was a kid, and could practice Teras Kasi. The mental barriers would protect Krayzen from mental intrusions, and it also allowed him to build a formidable form of mental resistance. Ultimately, it was a barrier that protected Krayzen from his true force assisted thought shield, a power that he had mastered.

The dark-sider got on a speeder, and he went to the meeting place where he could see what designs had been created.
When he got out of the speeder, he so soldiers at every entry point of the building. Armed with a Sil-50 sonic pistol, a lightsaber, among other weapons, the Anzat performed a military salute to the soldiers, and they performed a military salute in return. Krayzen then walked toward the building. He also made sure to -like he usually did- gather the dark side energies of Coruscant to aid him if needed, effectively making his force signature mirror that of Coruscant. It didn't make him any more powerful , but it was a form of stealth that made people who wanted to detect him difficult, and after the raid of Coruscant, one couldn't be surprised at what he was doing.

Krayzen entered the building, and he could see a large amount of scientists, and engineers work, multiple holographic displays of new weapons that were under development. He so the head scientist, a Muun come to him, stating: "My Lord; welcome. We have finished working on some designs, and are ready to have one of them be developed as soon as you approve them. We sincerely believe you will like them, and find them to be effective."

"Excellent." Krayzen stated.
The Anzat made sure to remember what he so while he was here; he extended his reach through the force, looking for any emotions or small signs of a lack of loyalty to the One Sith. He didn't find any, and was happy to see that. It seemed that he had done a good job picking the scientists. Now at a position of power, and influence, Krayzen knew that he needed to use his power with responsibility, and that was why he had carefully, and analyzed each candidate that would be allowed to work on the "Iron War" Project. The people he had chosen were intelligent, trained in their respective fields, and were most importantly, loyal to the One Sith, and their war for galactic domination.

Unlike at Drakos Systems, this project didn't have a lot of barriers; the One Sith had numerous resources, including the fact that they controlled Kuat, the largest shipyard in the galaxy. Overall, the resources -from his experience, and analysis- weren't being used innefeciently, but with the momentum they had gained, including the fact that the One Sith had done there 11th consecutive victory against the once(from his belief) powerful Galactic Republic, they needed to prepare against many enemies. Their were a lot of ideas in his head that he wanted to make a reality, and this project would hopefully do that.

Soon, they entered the room, where the top heads met

"Sir, we have a number of designs; for instance, we have a multi-purpose frigate. We also have a new Star Destroyer. Thirdly, we also have a anti-starfighter frigate, and lastly, we have a new starfighter known as the Avenger-Class Interceptor which we belief will be able to help the One Sith Navy."

When they had finished spoken, the Anzati didn't respond; in stead, he stood there silent, keenly looking at the designs.
The Anzat first went to look at the multi-purpose frigate. The former Zeison Sha Warrior looked keenly at the design. It seemed that it was going to fill a role of being an anti-starfighter, and scouting frigate, something that he found to be interesting. The armaments were standard for the frigate, but ultimately, Krayzen didn't see it as something that was promising.

He then looked at the Star Destroyer. The Anzat liked the name, and so that it's most prominent feature was a HIMS device. Looking at the classification section, Krayzen so that it was going to be a carrier for the One Sith. He could see other specifications, and the Anzat ultimately found it to be interesting.

Lastly, Krayzen so the new starfighter. He had felt the scientist's emotions when he spoke about the starfighter, and it seemed that the scientist supported the design the most. Krayzen so the interceptor design, and he could see that it featured the standard stuff, but it also presented some unique qualities that were not in other interceptors. As the head of the project, Krayzen had to ask himself what would be the most useful, and in the end, he found the interceptor to be the most useful.

"Explain to me why I should choose this interceptor." the Anzati stated, waiting for a reply; he knew that the scientist knew that Krayzen knew that the scientist supported the project the most. When Krayzen had offered him a chance to speak about it, the scientist displayed that he was somewhat happy, and eager to give his reasons.
"Sir, our interceptors don't seem to do a good job, at least in our opinion of effectively fighting our opponents. That was why we choose to develop this fighter. Firstly, it comprises of a durasteel, and at Titanium Hull, with duraplast reinforcing critical areas like the engines, weapon systems, targeting systems, and shield systems. The armament is comprised of 2 Dual Light laser canons, as well as a missile launcher.

It features two advanced systems, an ion scrambler, and an advanced targeting computer that allows our fighters to be able to target our enemies well. Unfortunately, there are also some weaknesses. Ultimately, the hull is weak; moreover, it also doesn't feature a hyperdrive, and is therefore highly dependent on a carrier to be able to transport it.

The major galactic superpowers however, like the Priemval for instance feature a starfighter that doesn't have a hyperdrive. This starfighter ,we feel, will be able to help the One Sith improve their quality of naval fighters, and help it ultimately be better." he stated.

When he finished speaking, he waited for the Lieutenant General to respond.
Krayzen looked at the design, and still found it to be interesting. There were a lot of things that the scientist didn't mention, such as the maneuverability being better than the speed; Krayzen however always found that manuevrability was always more important than the speed of a fighter, depending on the class of course.

He thought of a few questions, and a few seconds later, Krayzen was able to think of some few things to ask the head scientist.

"I have some questions." he stated.
"I like the design. It presents some unique features that I haven't seen in the One Sith interceptors. Ultimately, I would like to have some questions answered." Krayzen stated. The questions ranged from the hull of the ship, to the targeting systems of the fighter, to questions about the mass production of the starfighter

As he waited for their answers, Krayzen telepathically spoke to the head scientist. You have done well he stated, for the first time -in a while- speaking in a kind tone. Normally he spoke with a calm tone, not displaying any emotions whatsoever, but even a Sith could be happy, and this design made the Anzat dream bigger of what this project could turn the One Sith Navy.
"To answer some of your questions, the titanium hull will make the ship lightweight, and yes, the targeting systems can do that." the scientists replied.

After the presentation finished, the Anzat prepared himself to leave. He got out of the meeting room, and went to the commander of the unit that guarded the unit. Krayzen expanded his reach of the force, making sure that no one, or any device/thing could be able to listen to their conversation. "Excellent job on your work here commander; continue to monitor their activities. They haven't done anything hostile, but we must monitor them." Krayzen stated. He was always cautious, and being a cautious person had saved his life more times than he could count. Ever since the attack on Coruscant however had occurred, Krayzen needed to make sure that no one would conduct an act of treason.

When he had finished speaking, he nodded at the commander, and left the area.
Krayzen then went back to the hangar that his ship was housed in. He went inside the ship, activating the engines. After that, the hangar opened, and Krayzen soon left the hangar. Soon, he was out of Coruscant's orbit, and therefore out of it's gravity well; the Anzat then jumped out of hyperspace, and went to Anaxes.

While he jumped through hyperspace, Krayzen remembered the presentation, as well as him telling the scientists(after the presentation) to give the reports to [member="Isamu Baelor"]; additionally, all other records were to be given to him. The Anzat had looked at them, and so no hostile offense of any manner. He then remembered the attack on Coruscant, and the death of the Dark Lord. His death had caused ripples in the force, ripples that the Galactic Alliance, Republic, and there other enemies would most likely have head; nevertheless, the One Sith were strong, and their stability was even more powerful than before. While he recognized his failure for not protecting the Dark Lord, he knew the One Sith in a way had ultimately gotten stronger, and the fruits of their exploits would soon show.
A Few Months Later
Krayzen had been deployed on multiple planets in order to make sure that security was being maintained. He mostly preferred this over staying at the Sith Academy Temple on Glee Anslem. His staff members handled his daily projects, the most important one being the "Iron War Project". As one would expect, Krayzen would get a call a few months later in order to observe the production of the formidable interceptors.

"Sir, we have received a request from the reaserchers. They wish to have you see the production of the interceptors in Kuat Drive Yards."
Krayzen was briefly surprised, mostly because he had never been to Kuat Drive Yards in the first place. He was well aware of its prominence in the galaxy, and it was an important asset to the One Sith. Well, I guess I can also go an inspect the defensive forces as an agent of the Grand General. Krayzen though silently.

"Prepare the fleet, and tell the fleet at Kuat about my arrival."
Getting ready to go to Kuat was much more easy than he had thought; he had thought that their would be a big amount of annoyance since he had told the Kuat Defense Fleet that he would be arriving in such a short notice. Then again, perhaps Krayzen was underestimating the people of Kuat. They handled millions of ships going through, and living the planet every day, especially consiidering the fact that it was one of the "crown jewels" of the galaxy.

Krayzen entered his ship, an Immortal Class Star Destroyer. He admired their design, but he preferred the Dark Blade Dreadnought to be better, due to its defensive focus. As the "Iron War Project" continued, Krayzen hoped that he could hopefully replace the Immortal Class Star Destroyer with something that would be better for the One Sith. He envisoned the One Sith having the best quality weapons, the best devices, among other things, and this project would help the One Sith achieve Krayzen's goal.

The Anzat got to his ship, and began commanding it. "Form up in a defensive formation; escorts guarding Star Destroyers, and other capital ship's flanks. Move in closer to maximize on defensive firepower. Triple check all the systems, and make sure they are ready. Have all pilots be ready for deployment." Krayzen stated. He liked naval combat, and his understanding of it had increased when he had been promoted to Lietuenant General.

"Send transponder codes to the Kuat Defense Fleet, and jump to hyperspace in 1....2...3." After uttering that statement, all the ships jumped in synchronization, their destination being Kuat.
After the jump to hyperspace, Krayzen's fleet soon jumped out of hyperspace in synchronization, the Anzat's fleet working together, and communicating with Kuat Fleets. From what he knew, Kuat had one of the largest fleets in all of One Sith space, and they had some of the finest crews. The Anzat looked around, and he knew that in one of his next projects, it was going to help Kuat defensively speaking, and that was a good thing.

"Admiral, work together with the defensive fleet, and coordinate movements. If there is an attack, contact me immediately." Krayzen ordered. "Also, prepare a shuttle for myself." Krayzen ordered. He soon got out of the bridge, and proceeded to the shuttle. After that, the Anzat jumped on the shuttle, and left to one of the production facilities of Kuat Shipyards.
Krayzen soon arrived in one of the production facilities of Kuat Shipyards, and then left. He did a military salute, the Anzat wearing his normal armament, then proceeded to go to and meet with the head scientist, and engineers. As he went to their location, Krayzen so the efficiency of the production facilities in Kuat. He expanded his range of force sense, and he could sense many people here.

"Hello sir. We have began working on the Avenger-Class starfighter. Production is going ahead of schedule sir, however we have a few proposals in order to make the ship more effective sir, at least in our opinion."

"Excellent; proceed to this location." Krayzen stated, pointing at a 3D Map of the production facility. "I will meet you there in one hour."
In the next hour, Krayzen spent time coordinating movements with the Admirals' fleets that guarded Kuat. He knew that as an agent of the Grand General, they would listen to him, which was good, because if he were doing this alone, they would most likely not obey him, or obey him with relutance. In the next hour, Krayzen then approached the meetnig room, where he so the head scientist.

"Sir, we would like to propose the ship having dual deflector shield generators, and remove the ion scrambler. Would that be fine with your sir?"

Krayzen thought about it for a brief moment, weighing the pros, and cons of such a move. It made sense in both a tactical, and strategic sense, since the ship needed to make up for its weak hull in some manner. After two seconds of an internal debate in the deepest depths of the General's mind, Krayzen approved such a move, evinced by his nod.

"Excellent sir. " the scientist stated.

After that, Krayzen left the production facility, and returned to his fleet, where he continued to coordinate movements with the fleet that guarded Kuat.

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