Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private The Voices of the Past

At one point in time. Jairdain had called this planet home. Voss was where she had started her life with the Jedi and later continued it with the Sith. Having cast off the traps of them, she had traded her property here for an obelisk of untold knowledge. That item was still on her estate on Commenor and would likely remain there. Jax had been present when the trade had been offered, and she wondered if he had ever looked into it.

"Do you remember that obelisk? Did you ever discover what its secrets are?"

They were permitted to board the satellite and find a shuttle to take them down to the planet. This was a standard procedure on many worlds. It allowed the governments that ruled to know who came and went. Jairdain provided the information that was asked for and took the lead in finding where they needed to go. Voss used to be her home, and she was far more familiar with where to go.

Finding the small shuttle, she boarded and made room for her husband to join her.

"Do you remember coming here before? Trying to find the mythical beast of immortality?"

That adventure had been one of the first ones they had been on together. Today, they would return to the Nightmare Lands to destroy a piece of her past.

Jax Thio Jax Thio


Location: Voss
Equipment: Regular Clothing, Jax's Prosthetic Arm, Jax's Third Lightsaber, Promise Ring to Jairdain, HF-94 Heavy Blaster Pistol
Tag: Jairdain Jairdain

Voss is a lot different the last time Jax and Jair had visited the planet. Once a temperate planet filled with dangerous wildlife and Gormak tribes who set aside their thousands year war amongst each other to worship the Living Force. Though Jax and Jair faced a lot of trials and tribulations in an attempt to find the rumored creature that could grant a person a wish. The two had encountered it and Jair made her wish though she never told Jax what it was. Right now though, Voss was a planet taken over by a faction. An Imperial one based on the symbols that Jax saw when they landed.

"I remember that you never told me what you wished for when we found that beast," Jax said smiling sitting next to his wife as the shuttle door closed in front of them. "That journey taught me to never question myths and legends again because every story has an element of truth."

He looked around seeing new buildings around the library where Jair and Jax did their research on the mythical beast. "Imperial designs," Jax said. "Like the Sith, the Empire doesn't know when they're defeated."

Was coming back to Voss the right decision? Especially with the imperial encampment, they conquered Voss, and it wasn't like the Imperials were friendly to the Alliance over the years especially the Jedi. "The obelisk is still in Alderaan," Jax said. "Haven't been there in a while and I haven't heard the planet blowing up again so it's probably doing nothing."

He stared at Jair's stomach and slowly rubbed his fingers against it. Jax still couldn't believe he was going to be a father, which was why he was concerned that Jair would insist on coming to a potentially dangerous area. "I don't like putting the baby in a place that nearly killed us Jair," Jax said. "What are we even looking for?"

Even if Jairdain walked confidently through the satellite and spaceport on the ground, she still did not see the symbols and designs placed by the Imperials. When Jax told her of these things, she wondered if she should have falsified the information she had given on the satellite. There wasn't a way for her to change it, and she mentally shrugged.

Flipping her behind her shoulders, she listened to her husband's words.

"You never told me your wish either, so we're fair."

That was a condition; the wish must never be spoken to another soul. And she kept it to herself, and he did the same. Laughing as he expressed concern about her pregnancy, she allowed him to touch her stomach.

"I'm putting myself in here, and I just happen to be carrying the baby. Besides, anything would have to kill me to get to it."

She called the baby it because she did not know if it would be male or female. Then he asked what they were looking for, and Jairdain grew a bit somber and far more serious—probably the most serious he had ever seen her.

"There is a mask here in the Nightmare Lands that has recently been calling to me again. Maybe it activated again with these Imperials settled, or maybe because it senses this life in me. It's the Mask of a Dread Master. Can you get us a speeder again? It's a bit of a distance from here."

She would tell him more on the way, but she didn't want certain things to be overheard while in the city. Just mentioning the Nightmare Lands might have been too much.

Jax Thio Jax Thio


Location: Voss
Equipment: Regular Clothing, Jax's Prosthetic Arm, Jax's Third Lightsaber, Promise Ring to Jairdain, HF-94 Heavy Blaster Pistol
Tag: Jairdain Jairdain

Funny enough, Jax didn't have a wish when the two saw the mythical beast. Unlike Jair, he assumed that such a creature did not exist so when the beast left, Jax was perplexed and angry at himself for not telling the beast his wish. "Truth be told," Jax said. "I didn't have the opportunity to make a wish but If I did, it would be that you and I will remain together forever."

He leaned in and pressed his lips against Jair's kissing her with fierce passion. Jair may be a quiet and reserved person, but Jax could always when she was elated to see him. "I just don't like the thought of you throwing yourself in danger," Jax whispered placing his head on Jair's shoulder. "Especially now that you have a baby inside of you. I know you told me that the Dark Hand is back and you're the band back together but....."

Jax sighed. "I think you and I need to slow down and catch up," he said not believing what he was saying. "So much has happened and I realized in my self-exile the one thing that I desire the most right now: Is a happy family. Not just for you, me, and the baby but for Dreidi Xeraic Dreidi Xeraic and the others as well. A good family is the staple of a great life.

The Jedi Master raised an eyebrow when Jair mentioned the mask of a Dread Master. Why would a Dread Master take an interest in Jair? "The Dread Masters were killed during the Old Republic era," Jax mentioned. "Their spirits should be extinguished from our world, how did one cross the netherworld to commune with you?"

As the shuttle came to a complete stop, Jax and Jair exited the shuttle with Jax holding Jair's hand. "Just give me the directions and I'll drive us there," he said. "But I'm not liking this Jair, if the Dread Masters are returning, then I need to inform the Jedi Council about this. We're gonna need more Masters than just you and me."

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When Jax answered her question, she smiled and nodded.

"I think that was my wish as well. So if we both had it, then maybe it'll happen. As you know, I'll live 1000s of years unless I die in battle or an accident."

There were other ways Jairdain could die, but she decided there wasn't a reason to discuss them with him. Returning the kiss, she said it was always nice to have these kinds of moments with her husband. Listening to his concern, she shrugged it off.

"This isn't the first time I've gone through this, Jax, and I hope it's not the last. I promise I will not always put myself in extreme danger."

Jairdain had been a diplomat in the past and knew how to phrase things to come out ahead. Her thoughts were on this as she said her statement. Then he said he felt they should slow down and catch up. Shaking her head at this, she could, to a certain degree. Some things need to be taken care of, and this part of her past was one of them.

Letting out a sigh when he asked how one of them could be reaching out to her.

"I was once captured and held prisoner by a Sith. He kept the Force from me until he could corrupt me. Once that happened, he tried to turn me into a new Dread Master. One of my missions was to gather a mask of a Dread Master. So I did. For a short time, I wore and used it. Eventually, I came to my senses and cast it away here."

Here being Voss and the location of the mask.

"Just how do you expect me to be able to give you directions, Jax? I can't see!"

Touching his hand, unless he pulled away, she attempted to give him the directions he asked for. However, it wasn't a map, and her feelings were the guides.

Jax Thio Jax Thio


Location: Voss
Equipment: Regular Clothing, Jax's Prosthetic Arm, Jax's Third Lightsaber, Promise Ring to Jairdain, HF-94 Heavy Blaster Pistol
Tag: Jairdain Jairdain

Even though Jax always felt that he couldn't measure up to Yuroic, Jair always said that he was in many ways like her ex-husband. Jax doubted that considering he was a hero in the Alliance and that Dreidi adored him. Yet Jair insisted that they were similar. "I know that," Jax responded to Jair as he reached out and rubbed her stomach again. "But you're not the only one putting yourself in danger."

With the Alliance at war again, Jax wondered if Jair would fight against the Sith. She would always worry for Jax throwing himself constantly in battles but it seems this time she wants to enter the fray...... while pregnant. "You mentioned falling to the Dark Side," Jax said while they approached an Imperial Protocol Droid who awaited them near the entrance of the Forest. "Never told me that you were a Dread Master."

Jax only heard scant rumors of the Dread Masters return though he dismissed them thinking that was no evidence for their return. "You really surprise me Jair," Jax said smiling. "I still need to elaborate on my fall as well."

Even though Jax had returned to the light, he still felt tainted. All the people cheering him on and he let him down. While Jair, Dreidi, and Caltin insisted that they still cared for him, Jax still felt a considerable amount of guilt. "Do you have Sage?" Jax asked nudging her on her elbow. "Do you have the Force? You can see just clearly Jair!"

As he gave her a kiss, the Droid approached the two of them. It was a typical protocol droid model complete with silver durasteel alloy. However, his lenses were dark red instead of the usual yellow. Such a look caused a small shiver to go down Jax's spine. "He's not looking at me," Jax thought. "It looks like he's scanning us, taking in our information."

<This area is off limits.> The Droid said. <Leave.>

"We have business here," Jax said. "Why can't we enter?"

<Leave> the droid stated. <Or by order of the Emperor, you will be eradicated.>

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"Yeah, I know. You're putting yourself in danger as well."

Pulling away from his touch slightly, Jairdain wanted this conversation to end. Someday, they would need to talk about it again, but she dropped the subject for now. She realized her worry wasn't one way. Jax had the same concern for her, likely for different reasons, but she would either accept that or not. Given time, she might. This wasn't why they were on Voss, though.

Shaking her head as Jax started to speak, she allowed him to finish his second statement before addressing it.

"I was not entirely a Dread Master—just LIKE one. The attempt was a failure, and the Phobis Device was destroyed. My mask, though, was not, and it might have contained the essence of an actual Dread Master. That is why we are here—to finally destroy it, hopefully."

He pointed out that she could use Sage's eyes and see to give him directions. Once again, she shook her head, but before she could correct him, a protocol droid approached them.

Listening to what it said, Jairdain nodded.

"Turn around and find the nearest place to hide. I have an idea."

Whispering this so only Jax could hear, she also placed a barrier between them and the droid. No need to get eradicated yet. If it weren't careful though, she would eradicate the droid first.

Jax Thio Jax Thio


Location: Voss
Equipment: Regular Clothing, Jax's Prosthetic Arm, Jax's Third Lightsaber, Promise Ring to Jairdain, HF-94 Heavy Blaster Pistol
Tag: Jairdain Jairdain

"But I'm not a carrying a child Jair," Jax responded. He kept forgetting that beneath that calm demeanor, was a woman who was willing do anything to achieve her goals. Jair even went in the middle of a battlefield to revive Jax, since then Jax learned that it was pointless to convince Jair to get out of whatever she had her sights set on. He only wished that she would be more careful with his child.

"At least you weren't turned into one," Jax said in regard to Jair almost being a new Dread Master. Jair was one of the most powerful Force users in the Galaxy. Her being part of the Dread Master would have unspeakable consequences for the Galaxy. "She could blow up a planet if she used her full power," Jax mused.

Raising an eyebrow, Jax nodded before walking towards a tree and hiding behind it. As Jair summoned a barrier, the Droid flailed his arms in disbelief. "<Alert!> The Droid said as a blaster rifle materialized in his arms. <We have intruders! Recommend lethal force!>

"So much for a quiet stroll," Jax sighed as he waited to see what Jair was going to do next.

"You helped cause this child."

Saying this with a smile, her body language should indicate Jairdain was set on this course they were on. Nothing was going to keep her from accomplishing what she wanted. Only death, and even that might not stop her. Death wasn't on her mind, though. Completing her goal was. If the mask was reaching out to her several systems away, she dreaded thinking about what it might do to those closer.

"Is there a Jedi equivalent to what the Dread Masters were? Maybe one could be created, and I could get involved with them. Then again, there's always the chance we would still turn evil. Those with that kind of power...well, were the Dread Masters. Did you know they didn't think they were evil?"

When her hasty plan with the droid didn't progress as she had hoped, at least she had a barrier between them. Another thing Jairdain was thankful for was their solitude. Except for Jax, there was no other living soul nearby. Any noises and suggestions this droid was making went unheard.

Using this to her advantage, she attempted to fade away like a shadow did in light. A few heartbeats later, she would reappear behind the droid, and a white lightsaber blade would hopefully go through its head. There was always the chance her attack would miss. All she could do was hope her move worked.

Jax Thio Jax Thio


Location: Voss
Equipment: Regular Clothing, Jax's Prosthetic Arm, Jax's Third Lightsaber, Promise Ring to Jairdain, HF-94 Heavy Blaster Pistol
Tag: Jairdain Jairdain

Jair rarely engaged in combat, she preferred to stay at a distance and boost her ally's morale and battle prowess using the Force. She did this before in one of the battles of the Great Hyperspace War which helped the Alliance gain the upper hand over the Mawites. Being born blind and gifted with a large amount of Force reserves, Jair didn't see the need to get physical unless it's absolutely necessary. Yet with this Droid impeding their progress, Jair used the opportunity to take it out. However, Jax wondered if it was the best course of action there was definitely something off about that Droid.

When Jair teleported behind the droid, the white blade of her Lightsaber pierced through the Droid's head. <Alert!> <Alert!> The Droid cried out before it crumpled onto the floor. "Nice work," Jax came out from behind the tree and looked at the mangled body of the Droid. "The thing is," Jax said kneeling over the Droid. "Those photoreceptors were likely cameras by the Empire. They've used that on their protocol droids before which means......"

The Jedi Master felt a brief disturbance in the Force. "We'll have company real soon," Jax said extending his hand to Jair. "Let's get deep into the forest before reinforcements shows up."

When Jairdain felt her lightsaber sever the wires inside the head of the droid, she was genuinely surprised. She didn't usually use physical combat to solve anything, and it was even rarer for her to use her lightsaber. The not-so-familiar hum faded as she turned it off and faced Jax as he came out of hiding.

"Do you trust me?"

Barely waiting for his answer, she grabbed one of his wrists and dragged him into the forest. This was the Nightmare Land, where she used to live. Nobody else living she could think of knew this place better than she did. Even if that was the case and another person did, they probably weren't on Voss.

Using the Force to enhance their speed, she finally stopped at the edge of a small lake. Pointing toward a boulder, she caught her breath before speaking.

"Can you swim?"

This time, Jairdain did not take off her clothes. She waded out into the water and started swimming to the rock she had pointed to moments earlier.

Jax Thio Jax Thio


Location: Voss
Equipment: Regular Clothing, Jax's Prosthetic Arm, Jax's Third Lightsaber, Promise Ring to Jairdain,HF-94 Heavy Blaster Pistol
Tag: Jairdain Jairdain

Jair was acting strange what did she mean but trusting her? "Of course I trust you," Jax said bewildered at that statement. "What do you-" Just then, Jair grabbed Jax's prosthetic wrist pulling towards the Nightmare Lands. Jax felt the familiar invisible tendrils of the Dark Side surrounding them. He did not miss the Nightmare Lands at all.

Barely keeping up with Jair, Jax tapped into the Force to increase his speed just to keep up with her. He wasn't born with massive amounts of Force Power as Jair so trying to match her was a fruitless endeavor. The loving husband skid to a stop as they approached a small lake deep into the Nightmare Lands. "Of course," Jax said catching his breath. "We met while you were going skinny dipping in the Room of Thousand Fountains but where-"

He sighed seeing Jair already swimming towards the rock. "Always on the move," Jax chuckled as he swam right after her. "I really like to know where we're headed," Jax said. "Are we going to another dimension or something?"

For the first time in a long time, Jairdain seemed to relax. This is where she used to live, where the Silver Jedi had their main Temple...before the Sith moved in and took it from them. She met Yurioc and fell in love with him. It was here that she was a Padawan who got kidnapped by cultists and then by the Sith. She had a home here, and maybe she wanted to be buried here when she died. A glow almost surrounded her as she swam further into the lake and climbed beside the boulder.

"I was the one swimming there; you were meditating. Yes, we are going into another dimension."

Waiting for Jax to join her, she gave him a hard hug and kiss when he did. Pulling away, she tilted her head to listen to the wind.

"You need to meditate at this rock, and I will join you when I feel you have been transported. Hurry, or we will be discovered."

Trying to shove him into position, she kept her hand on his shoulder.

Jax Thio Jax Thio

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