Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private The Voice of the People



Tag(s): Luca Donskoi Luca Donskoi | Faye Malvern Faye Malvern | Cameron Akaran | Anaire Senno

Months had passed now since the Confederacy had driven the Crucible off Eiattu. Months had passed since the crown had found itself a home once more. Months since the Priamsta had found themselves set with a direction and purpose. And months since the voice of the Eiattuan people had found ears to fall on that weren’t deaf once more. It was a step in the right direction, however there was still far more left to accomplish. It wasn’t enough for the Royal family to have returned to the planet and to their people. Anyone could assume the appearance of such. But now it was time for there to be action. Now was the time the Eiattu would find itself restored to its rightful place of prominence among the stars.

And that was all to start with but a single step.

The Grand Hall of the Eiattu Royal Palace was not simply for decoration, but for the governance of everyday affairs. For the convening of the Priamsta and the hearing of the plights of the common man. Of the Eiattuan people. Whether those voices were heard through written messages or in person themselves. It was today the Priamsta and the royal family would convene. To direct towards a new future. One far brighter and better placed together than the world’s rather recent history had come to know.


The flair and ambience of the Royal Palace was something that still felt rather odd to the King. Sure, there were vague memories of a childhood spent here prior to the family being forcibly uprooted and shifted to the core amid growing galactic turmoil. Of the sheer force and will to exude one’s lusty aspirations over another whether such was welcomed or not. An event and time in Alden’s life when for so long he had been forced to hide who, or rather what, he really was as the dignified title of ‘heir to the throne’ had painted an enticing target upon his back. And the back of his brother, Cameron Akaran. But even so, those memories from days of a bygone past paled to prepare him mentally for the extravagance of what his return would decree.

When the Confederacy had come to sweep the Crucible off the planet, the palace had practically been in ruins. Its people torn and scattered to the winds, with but a few left to stand and fight. However, with an influx of resources having come in through the pipeline of the Confederacy, Eiattu had begun to show signs of its former self. Glimmers of hope began to break over the horizon like the sun’s rays in the same manner in which it rose this fateful morning.

Wispy clouds shown in a myriad of colors as the sun painted them. Winds kissed at the ocean waters drawing waves that rolled in toward white sand beaches, giving way to only the city and the greens of lush vegetation that bounded beyond.

Alden sat at the head of the long table that had been placed to service the requirements of the meeting. The fanfare innate in his royal garb was still alien to him; he’d much rather have been in a simple suit or perhaps more comfortable attire. But such changes fell in line with the customs he was attempting to embrace. And if it meant wearing such elaborate outfits that he would do so. After all, the tailor had put his own blood, sweat and tears into its construction. And it was a very fine assortment at that. Just wasn’t anything like what Alden was accustomed to wearing.

He took in a deep breath, allowing his eyes to fall upon each individual that stood in the chamber. Those of the Priamsta, the Royal Family and from outside of it.

“Shall we begin?” Alden’s voice carried through the room far better than he had initially intended; he only hoped it did not come across as a yell or beration. Such things were not of his character unless the situation absolutely demanded it. Which could have been a number of different reasons. “The order of business today is the future of the Eiattu people and the continued rebuild after a lifetime of hardship and struggle.”

He paused, giving time for any in the Priamsta, or the Royal Family to chime in as they saw fit. Whether by introducing themselves, sharing news received of the troubles of the people that trusted in them to see to a better future and any other of a plethora of reasons.

Anaire Senno


Viscountess Anaire Senno
Faction: House Senno-Voss
Location: Eiattu 6, Royal Palace, Council Chamber
Objective: Discuss the future.

Tags: Faye Malvern Faye Malvern Cameron Akaran Luca Donskoi Luca Donskoi

The room's marble floor was simply exquisite and in its' centre stood a long rectangular shiny oak table its' veneer likely reapplied to protect the wood surface from stain or blemish. Anaire's boots squeaked proudly as the woman made her way across the reflective patterned floor she strode proudly beside her parents took up positions about mid-way down the table from King Akaran while Anaire seated herself very close to its' end being a Viscountess she was certainly of a mid-rank among the nobility. In the heart of the King's power only heavyweights played though and it made her look small politically by comparison.

Anaire's grey spheres inspected her hands as they were perched on edge of table, the woman had dirt under her translucent nails it was a subtle distinguishing feature of Anaire's when contrasted with many other of the nobility. The House of Senno were not adverse to getting their hands dirty in the fields truly enough they made their fortune from exporting agricultural goods and thus found themselves looked down upon by some others as "glorified farmers" Though none with sense could possibly deny the family's business and political acumen. It made the others dependent on them to eat.

She listened to the King's opening remarks and Anaire waited patiently for her parents to voice the concerns she knew they held and no words were forthcoming. Anaire's gray eyes now took stock of the others sitting down at the table and she read.....fear and anxiety. For the king? For the future of their stations it was impossible to conclude the reason but the parochial nobility were silenced. Shifting in her rather plain black uniform Anaire first cleared her throat. "Your Majesty, I am Viscountess Anaire Senno of the Blackhall Viscounty." Anaire's voice is firm and her pronunciation is consistent with an Eiattuan's accent.

"My viscounty is responsible for producing approximately seventeen percent of all Eiattu's agricultural exports each standard year." Anaire began in a sincere attempt to impress upon the King the quantity of foodstuffs produced, as Anaire saw it while the other houses were busy politicking and squabbling with each other Anaire's family tilled and nurtured the land to reap its' plentiful bounty for the people. "With this 'Confederacy of Independent Systems' taking control of trade with foreign powers the Barons who represent their citizens tell me that our exports have plunged by approximately fifty percent." Anaire's hands were moving in sharp gestures, frustration could already be heard on her voice.

"It doesn't end there though, foreign governments are placing retaliatory tariffs on our goods for being a member of the Confederacy due to the Confederacy's strict border and trade policy that has seen it levying taxes and restricting movement by foreign-flagged vessels on crucial hyperlanes that move through confederate space." Stopping herself from slamming a closed fist into the table's surface, she could feel both of her parents' glares now and it gave her pause. Anaire took in a deep sigh through her nostrils and composed herself. "The crown will not be able to rebuild our economy if the houses' incomes fall and participation in employment drops. Political rhetoric will only get us so far."

Anaire leaned back in her chair concluding the tirade, a firebrand no doubt and it earned a few agahst looks and invasive leers with her short tangent about the situation in her Viscounty. If nothing else Anaire proved in that moment to be no sycophant, she would not tell the King what he necessarily wanted to hear but rather held the concerns of her subjects close to heart. It could be found as an endearing quality that she would dare to place first impressions at jeopardy to impress upon King Akaran the importance of an issue close to her heart.


Alden eyed the young woman carefully as she spoke and introduced herself among those gathered. She was youthful and proud, and carried about herself a tide of exuberance. Something the Eiattuan King could relate to in its rawest form. Trying to impress upon others and simply be the best they could be, while also demanding that their voice would be heard.But unlike most monarchical dignitaries, Alden didn’t wish to be an imposition upon the common man. He didn’t see himself as anything beyond them in value or heraldry. Instead, he chose to fall back on the position that everything should, and would, be earned. Not inherited. Sure, his bloodlines had christened upon him the mantle of King, however he had fought every day of his life to deny his elevation for those reasons alone. And perhaps that is why it took the man so long to return home. Perhaps that is why he found himself always trying to grow his own merit based upon his own deeds and accomplishments and not simply for the name he held.

He gestured a hand in @Anaire Senno’s direction, recognizing her and inviting her to speak. He even confirmed as much with a simple approving nod of his head. As she spoke, Alden could feel the emotion and conviction she held for her stance. It seemingly palpitated forth from her. And she was confident in the words she spoke. Even as the eyes of others within the Priamsta narrowed and leered in her direction. The words would not fall on deaf ears as Alden sat fully engaged in what it was she had to say. After all, she spoke for a number of Eiattu’s people, whether others within the chamber had sought to accept that truth in their hearts or not.

As she would give pause, likely caught afoot by the virulent reception she was receiving from many of the others gathered here, to include the two Alden could only assume were the young woman’s parents, Alden waited. He could sense she had more to say, but had succumbed to a momentary recoil amid the flaring egos within the room. He took note of mannerisms and how poorly she had been able to control her body language with balled fists and exaggerated motions and gestures. There was no denying that she was a novice to this kind of arena. Most likely invited by her parents to sit by passively and observe. To take the opportunity to both learn and grow. But when nothing was being said of a plight among the people, she simply could not contain what needed to be said anymore. And Alden would not fault her speaking. Nor for the truth innate in the words that brushed by her lips.

He took a moment of pause, his eyes narrowing on the others of the Priamsta, sending a clear, unspoken message that he was paying just as much attention to their conduct as he was to the viscountess. And that attacks against the young woman, or anyone else would be in no way tolerated. This meeting would remain cordial and attempts to derail such would be swiftly met and put to rest.

“Let me assure you, Anaire,” Alden said, refusing to apply titles, much to the personal distaste of many of the Priamsta, “Your words have not fallen upon deaf ears. Nor should you fear to speak among those here.”

His gaze and words would open up to the entirety of those here. “We all seek the best for our home and its people. And words spoken at their behest will never be shunned and placed under heel.” He paused momentarily, taking a second to shift in place. “That being said, we would all do well to speak with proper punctuality. To not let our emotions overtake and smear the intent behind words spoken. We are all aware of how intents can be poorly misinterpreted when emotion is allowed to take over.”

He turned his attention once more to Anaire, his sapphire eyes falling to her own. “Our people have been hit hard in recent years and anything and everything we can do to return our home to prominence will be done for the good of our own.” He glanced around the room once more before returning his attention to Anaire once again. “I have invited the delegations of a number of systems here to discuss various avenues of trade. I will ensure the flow of our agricultural exports is also included in our talks when we convene. And I am certain Cam will also bring the voices of Eiattu to the ears of the Viceroyalty as well.” He raised a hand, gesturing to his brother, Cameron Akaran, who stood as the Viceroy of the system. A role the Confederacy would not allow him to hold himself in conjunction with his appointment among the organization’s Ministry of War.

“Does this assuage your concerns? Or perhaps do you have more to say?”

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