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Approved Species The Valkyrja | Chooser of the Slain

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The First:



  • Name: The Valkyrja | Chooser of the Slain
  • Designation: Sentient
  • Origins: Ingrid L’lerim-Vandiir (Lady Stuztala aka Lady of Progress, Night Queen)
  • Average Lifespan: ~ 1.000 years
  • Estimated Population: Rare
  • Description: It was Ingrid L’erim who accidentally created this species. Using Artificial Soul, she wanted to create a team for guard duties that could guard Adrian Vandiir’s soulshards, taking care of them. Eventually, however, he managed to create an entirely new species while experimenting. She wanted creatures with physical figures, but like the Shadows (which Adrian created), they became immaterial. Although they were made with the help of the Artificial Soul, they had a full complete personality and a real soul, as a matter of fact, they were just “souls”, they were more such spirits, but they had an advanced personality and were able to change and adapt. They are incapable of occupying other bodies, however, they are able to take physical form for a short time, they perceive death, the desire to die, and are attracted to the great battlefields where they invisibly wait to accompany the souls of the dead to the afterlife into the Netherworld. They are able to transform the souls of the bravest, most determined persons into members of this race after their death. They have very small and special shape-shifting, but they have great constraints and they can’t choose a shape as they like, but they can easily travel between the Netherworld and the Realspace.

  • Breathes: N/A | Variable (depends the physical form)
  • Average Height of Adults: 1.90 – 2.20 metres | Variable (depends the physical form)
  • Average Length of Adults: N/A | Variable (depends the chosen form)
  • Skin color: Pale gray / yellowish / pale white / bluish | Variable (depends the physical form)
  • Hair color: Golden / Black / White | Variable (depends the chosen form)
  • Distinctions: The Valkyrja are quite tall, averaging around two meters in height. Although there are no genders in the race, they can choose to look male or female or remain neutral. Because their original immaterial form is completely humanoid, the difference between male and female forms is the same as for an average humanoid (externally). Basically, they are always in visible shape in the Netherworld, with luminous golden, black or white hair, greyish, yellowish, bluish or whitish skin. In the Realspace, they are all basically invisible and thus unnoticeable, even with the Force they are difficult to perceive. Because the Force keeps them alive, through, they are actually souls, so they don’t age unless they are destroyed, they can exist for eternity. In any case, at whatever age the transformation takes place, the members of the species will look young. That is why there are no children and the elderly among them. At idle, they are neutral in the Force, but it is up to the individual whether Valkyrja will be the representative of the Light side or the Dark side. They are capable of minimal shape-shifting (like changing female or male traits in their original form, or remaining neutral), but if they appear in front of others, they are able to put on the appearance of the other’s religion, what the person thinks of death-related beings in their own mythology, such as about death gods, mythological figures, if there is none, Valkyrja is incapable of shape-shifting. They perceive death, the desire to die and it attracts them. At Netherworld, they are able to take a more physical form at any time to act more easily, and there is no disadvantage to eating habits at this location, only in Realspace. Because of their “physical” nature, they communicate mainly with telepathy and not with ordinary speech. Most of them tend to prefer the female form, there are not many of the men.
  • Races: The Valkyrja can be divided into three parts: High-Born, Battle-Born, and Low-Born. There is no physical or other difference between them, only what makes them different is how they were created.
    • High Born: They are the ones created by Ingrid L’lerim from artificial souls, the original members of the race. Only those created by the woman are included in this group.
    • Battle Born: There are many more of them, they make up most of the species. They are once-lived individuals created by the High Born or other Battle Born. Souls who proved worthy were great warriors and members of the Valkyrja found them worthy to elevate these persons among themselves.
    • Low Born: They are the ones no one wanted. If members of the Valkyrja show up on a large battlefield where countless deaths occur and they transform souls in greater numbers, it may happen that in addition to the many transformed persons, this also happens to those who were not designated. They are the accidental “children”.
  • Force Sensitivity: All; since they are, in fact, souls who have retained themselves or formed a new personality in Netherworld, so that by their creation / “birth” they are all connected to the Force and have Force Sensitivity. At the right of their birth, they have only telepathy, which they can use through and without the Force; because of the strangeness of their existence, the manipulation of the Nether is easier for them, it is easier for them to learn this later. Of course, members of the species need to learn everything they want.
    • High Born members are created automatically with Force Sensitivity but no abilities (except the Force independent telepathy).
    • Whoever is Battle, or Low born, and did not have Force Sensitivity before their death, after becoming Valkyrja will definitely be.
    • Whoever is Battle, or Low born and were a Force User before their death, might be able to retain their old power and abilities even after they become Valkyrja. Note: This is only true if the characters are PCs and become members of the Valkyrja species on the board, during threads, or an expansion / bio update.
  • Two Worlds: They can easily travel between the Netherworld and the Realspace. They can move from one to another at any time, after a short concentration. They are able to do this alone, they cannot bring anyone with themselves if the person is living and they can bring souls only from the Realspace to the Nether. Note: They can only do this in immaterial form. They can easily find portals, rifts and other gateways between the two worlds/dimensions.
    Long life: Because they are actually spirits, or souls, they basically have no physical body and the Force keeps them alive. As a result, they do not age on a property image and cannot die naturally. Note: of course, they can be killed or neutralized in countless ways. See below.
  • Telepathy: Because communication would be difficult for them, they also have an innate telepathy that they can use independently of the Force.
  • You can’t see me: By default, they can’t be seen when they’re in Realspace, so like Shadows, they’re hard to spot. They may not be able to influence their environment, but they are also hard to find. And because of the immaterial form, conventional weapons do not hurt them. True, they can't hurt anyone either. Note: If they want, they can also appear in the visible range in immaterial form.
  • Physical Form: They are also able to take physical form, but in this case, if they want to speak, they must also breathe; they also feed in this form because it takes a lot of energy to maintain physical form. However, in this form, they are capable of anything that a living being with a physical body can do. Their physical form is always their own immaterial form. This means that they will not possess other bodies, but their immaterial form turns into a physical form, their immaterial, spirit state takes physical form.
  • Deception: They are capable of minimal shape-shifting (like changing female or male traits in their original form, or remaining neutral), but if they appear in front of others, they are able to put on the appearance of the other’s religion, what the person thinks of death-related beings in their own mythology, such as about death gods, mythological figures, if there is none, Valkyrja is incapable of shape-shifting. Note: The downside is that they can adapt to one person, if there are many people of different religions in one place, they will be unable to do so and will remain in their own shape. However, if they are among many people of the same religion, the disguise will remain up. They are able to do all this with telepathy, in a way that they look into the mind (if possible) of the person for whom they want to appear in physical form. If they can’t find anything about in this topic, they will appear in their own shape, if they find it, they will be able to take the form of the image seen in their mind.
  • Immaterial: Although this protects them from damage, they are not able to use objects or affect their environment in an immaterial form, they can only use the Force to a very limited extent. Note: only abilities that affect nothing but themselves, possibly telepathy and empathy are allowed.
  • Weakness of the Flesh: The physical body has the advantages of being able to affect their environment, touch things, but the huge disadvantage is that they are as vulnerable in this form as any living thing. In this case, the physical injury hits their souls. Thus, if they are damaged in this form, they remain in the immaterial form. Not to mention that they die in the same way as anyone else from a fatal injury to a physical body. Not to mention that they also have to breathe and eat at this time.
  • Energy Shield: They are not able to penetrate energy shields in any form, even in an intangible/immaterial state. Thus, under such conditions, they can be easily trapped.
  • The Force: Whatever their shape/form, the Force is their greatest weakness, it can affect them. And if they are unable to defend against it, they can be destroyed by it.
  • Exotic Weapons: Exotic weapons such as lightsaber, disruptor, or sonic weapons/attacks can harm them in any form, be they physical or immaterial.
  • Force Nullification: Valkyrja responds to such an environment in a very special and perhaps completely unique way. Whatever form they are in at the moment, intangible, or physical form, they are petrified in such an environment. In essence, they become a statue. Neutrals will look like crystal-like sculptures, Light Side members will look like marble, and Dark Side members will look like black granite-like sculptures. They do not perceive anything in this state and in all cases they have a physical form. They are the most vulnerable in this form and the easiest to kill.

  • Diet:
    • Immaterial form: In this form, Thaumovore / Forcevore is their form of nutrition. Which essentially means they don’t have to eat or drink because the Force itself keeps them alive. That’s why they react in such an extreme way when they get into a Force-free zone.
    • Physical form: However, if they are in physical form, on the one hand they have to breathe (see below) and maintain that shape with energy. Which is why in this form they qualify as Omnivore and feed on Force Energies. If they do not, their physical form will disintegrate and return to immaterial form.
      • If they are in physical form in the Netherworld, this is not a burden on them, and since the Nether is their original habitat, they do not have to feed in any form here, only in the Realspace.
  • Communication:
    • Immaterial form: Because in this form, communication is limited to one possibility, telepathy. That is why all members of the species have telepathy so that communication can be easily solved.
    • Physical form: In this form, they are also able to speak normally, in which case they also need breathing to have sound formation. However, most of their people also prefer telepathy in this form.
  • Technology level: N/A | As it is a very young species, it is not yet possible to say anything concrete about it. It is easy to imagine that over time they will have their own technology. But in the meantime, they use standard general technology in physical form.
  • Religion/Beliefs: Their views are not too complicated, they feel it is their job to help the dead souls through, to escort them to the afterlife, to provide them with support to understand what has happened to them. They watch the great warriors who fight (not necessarily just warriors); they fight in any way for their goals, their lives, and if they fail, they can fall into the ranks of Valkyrja. In their eyes, this change means more than anything. On top of all this, they feel it is important to protect the weak beings and souls in need of protection who are in the Netherworld. This is why they also feel obligated to fight the demons. Others consider caring for injured souls important and generally feel a duty to help those who turn to them for guidance. In their duties, it helps a lot to feel death and it attracts them. Many see their creator, the Night Queen, as a godly creature, though she has asked countless times not to do so. For them, the holiest and noblest thing is to die in battle, so they are never afraid to interfere in battles.
  • General behaviour: The Valkyrja, although a fairly young species, are nevertheless quite complex in their general behaviour. It is possible that they show a pattern of behaviour similar to other societies or beings, but this is also due to the fact that individuals entering the species can bring with them different forms of behaviours from their lives. Nevertheless, its own independent culture and society have also developed.
    • Social Structures: In the past, there have been indications that members of the race are neutral and it is up to individuals to choose what shape / gender (male, female, neutral, other) they want. Nevertheless, they are most akin to a Matriarchal society. The First is the one who leads society; she is the oldest, wisest of them. Not to mention that she was a little different from the others and was created differently. Every member of society takes their share of the work and merges into clans. They are very cohesive and it is one of the greatest sins for someone to attack their own species.
      • The First: Or the Matriarch; the first member of the species. She is the oldest, wisest, which is why her species chose her to lead them. She enjoys immense respect and knows almost everyone in the species. The cornerstone of Valkyrja, many turn to her for guidance or support. And First is happy to help anyone in need.
      • The Eight: They act as a kind of council, a government, they are the leaders of the clan. In fact, they are the ones who oversee the daily life of the Valkyrja and decide on issues affecting the species. The Clans usually do not question their decisions because those serve the people, but if they do, they vote on something democratically so that the will of the majority prevails.
      • Clans: The members of Valkyrja are grouped into different clans after their “birth” / creation. Everyone gets there that suits them best. This is not a caste system because everyone has equal rights, everyone is equally important. It really serves the purpose of allowing everyone to deal with what they understand or want best. There is the possibility of migration between different clans, although this is not often the case. The position of clan leaders is decided by competence so that the best can represent the clans on the council. As this is a warrior culture, combat training plays an important role in every clan.
        • Leita | The Seekers: Among the members of Valkyrja, they are the ones who leave the Netherworld most often and go to the Realspace. Their clan is the ones who travel the worlds in the Realspace, explore, watch the battles and look for individuals, souls who may be worthy to be members of Valkyrja later. Usually they are the ones who also do the transformation on souls after their death.
        • Smiðr | The Builders: They are the ones responsible for the construction. As the Netherworld is a very dangerous and harsh place, adequate protection needs to be put in place. They help not only their own species to build as needed, but others as well if they need it. In addition, they also deal with weapon design, armour design, and fabrication developing. In addition to these, they also design military-industrial things and do all the necessary engineering things.
        • Völva | The Seers: Perhaps the most complex clan of all. They are the ones who, on the one hand, deal with religion (although this is not so typical), they do the education and teaching of new members, especially in the case of the High Borns. In addition to these, they deal most with the mysteries of the Force, such as Force Alchemy, Sorcery and magic, and other Light Side sciences. They also deal with all kinds of sciences, scientists typically. Many times, they use Force Vision to predict their people or others, and to help the work and life of others with the Force.
        • Hvati | The Warriors: They are responsible for educating everyone in combat, in addition to protecting others (although they are also able to defend themselves). When military intervention is needed, they go and fight for their people, or for others, typically against demons. Although all members of the culture are warriors, they are the most prepared, the most skilled. In an army, they would be called a special unit, or an elite squad.
        • Heill | The Healers: They help injured souls and individuals heal. They nurture and care for those in need. They do this with either Force or traditional therapies. They also offer physical and mental healing, they can help in these areas as a doctor or psychiatrist, just in the Netherworld. Note: they do not understand how to put together or merge the shattered or torn souls.
        • Rýnstr | The Crafters: Since Valkyrja don’t have to eat, but they like to be in physical shape at Netherworld, they need items of use. They make household items, clothes, and items needed in everyday life. And the artists are also here. Since the Nether doesn't really have money and a lot of species, the group prefers barter (like Shadows), so they mainly make porters and products for such a trade. Either they produce special plants for exchange / sale, or they breed animals.
        • Kaupmaðr | The Merchants: It’s also in their name, in addition to the Seeker clan, they most often leave the Nether to trade in the Realspace, but they do the same in the Nether. They are trying to sell / exchange these. They have a great feeling for the trade and don’t have a problem even if they’re on the road for months many times.
        • Sveit | The Men: The name can be misleading because there are more than just male identities in the clan. They are mostly mercenaries and such individuals who work for others at any time, whether in the Netherworld or outside of Realspace. They accompany caravans, protect people, or pass others through Netherworld, protect settlements here, etc. Possibly the more evil ones may even work as assassins and kill others in Realpsace.
    • Hǫrgr | The Sanctuary: The Sanctuary is their home, a vast silvery-bluish area with trees and gardens in the wasteland of the Netherworld. A significant portion of the species live in this place, moving elsewhere only for important reasons such as merchants, mercenaries, or even scouts. This is where their buildings and homes are located and they know this area best. Anyone is welcome at this place if it arrives with no harm. If someone attacks them, they will protect this place until their final death.
    • Reproduction: All members of the Valkyrja are immature, which is why they are not able to reproduce in the traditional way, as most species do, but there are still three ways to reproduce:
      • High Born: They are the ones born of the Artificial Souls, that is, created by Algremy and Sorcery by Ingrid L’lerim. Since she is the only one who knows the process, not to mention that she can only make Artificial Souls perfectly because she invented it, so in this way only the woman is able to create additional High Born. This only happens nowadays when members of the race feel the need for new members and they ask the woman to expand their ranks with High Born members. That is why all of them were created by L’lerim, there is no one who was not created by her. Later, the First may be able to do it, but she’s not so proficient in the Force yet and doesn’t have the strength to do it.
      • Battle Born: In fact, this is their traditional mode of reproduction. Members of the race go to Realspace and look for great warriors who are fighting above average for something, for someone. These are singled out and later, after the death of the target person, when the soul leaves for the Nether, the Valkyrja will be there and by touching the soul they will be able to shape them as they are, the target person will be one of them if they wants to. All this can be done only with the souls of the dead, not with living persons. If someone doesn’t want it to be like that and can refuse the process. Nothing happens then. Valkyrja does not transform anyone against their will, in which case they just escort the soul into the Nether and let them go.
        Note: For PC or NPC, it is entirely up to the user to accept this or not. Transformation can only take place immediately after death, if someone refuses and later changes their mind, they can no longer become one.
      • Low Born: They are the ones no one wanted. If members of the Valkyrja show up on a large battlefield where countless deaths occur and they transform souls in greater numbers, it may happen that in addition to the many transformed persons, this also happens to those who were not designated. They are the accidental “children”. They have not been selected, only thanks to the play of the Force will they be what they are. Like Battle Born, they can deny this process and then nothing happens, but if they accept it, change will happen and they will become part of the species.
      In any case, at whatever age the transformation takes place, the members of the species will look young. That is why there are no children and the elderly among them.
    • Childhood and Maturity: Once created, everyone is considered a child. High Borns don’t really have knowledge, just a general one, so they have a lot to learn. Everyone else has the ability to preserve the knowledge and memories they have acquired throughout their lives. Still, they also need to learn what life is like in the Netherworld and how to fight. Anyone who wants to can start learning Force at this age. Childhood varies from individual to individual in each case. To become an adult, they must take tests who successfully pass them, after which they will become an adult and a full member of society. The rehearsals mainly assess combat knowledge as well as general knowledge of the Netherworld to recognize the dangers. After becoming an adult, they join various clans and can begin their actual lives. Adults always protect the young ones and support them in everything. Note: This childhood is not to be understood in a physical sense, but in a spiritual sense.
    • Choosing a form: This is an interesting question because every member of the race is human-like, it remains, they cannot take on the appearance of another race. However, they can choose the gender. Some people insist on the gender of their lives, others choose neutral. However, the majority still choose the female gender because in many mythologies, angelic creatures (or valkyries) are associated with women. High Born members almost all choose the female gender; but it depends entirely on the individual. No one is discriminated against because of their choice. After all, this is just a symbolism.
    • Relation with the Dead: This, in most cases, means demons with whom they have quite a few clashes and fights. If someone is hostile to them, or to someone they protect, they will attack them. There are species and souls who, however, are weak and have difficulty surviving; they are protected and taken care of by members of the Valkyrja. They see all this as their duty. However, whoever is friendly with them, they are with them and are happy to trade with others or learn from them.
    • Interact with Others: This is especially true for other species, or those that come to the Netherworld. Here, too, the same applies to them as with the native species, but it also includes those they meet in Realspace. Here, too, much of the same is true as with the dead and souls. If someone is hostile to them, they will be like that too, if they encounter the weak, the defenceless, they will try to protect them. From the rest, they have a willingness to learn and trade, and try to build good relationships. In Realspace, they are usually observers and do not reveal themselves, but this can vary from person to person because someone may want to keep in touch with people they have met in their previous lives.
      Nevertheless, it is worth mentioning three main groups with whom they have a good relationship:
      • Ingrid L’lerim and her Creations/Demons: By definition, they have a good relationship with their creator and respect the woman. They say no to almost any of her requests (it has never happened before), which is why they have a positive attitude towards every creature or demon that serves her, not to mention that they have a close and good relationship with Ethereals as well. And for demons, Death’s Claws and Shadow Knights should be singled out with whom they interact and try to learn from them.
      • The Shadows and the Greystone Mercantile: They are happy to work and trade with Shadows or Greystone Mercantile, some members of the race also work for the company. They are happy to spend their time with this species or just in their city. If necessary, they will protect them and help them without request. All this in such a way that, with the exception of the First, almost no one knows that the Shadows were made by the husband of their species’ creator. In all cases, they have a positive attitude towards them.
      • The Sith Empire’s Valkyries: Although the Valkyries work at Realspace and rarely visit the Netherworld, they deal with souls in the same way. Although the Valkyries with the living and kill them to get to the Nether, and the Valkyrja by escorting the souls; they essentially complement each other. Because their creator and TSE have good relationships, the Valkyries are also friendly with Valkyrja, and vice versa. They also appear in physical form at any time, if necessary they also work with them.
    • The Two Worlds: They are able to exist in both worlds, but as long as they are essentially immaterial in Realspace and have to devote great energies to being in physical shape; in the meantime, at Netherworld, it goes easily. In this, they are similar to demons and other creatures in the Netherworld. Of course, there may be immaterial here as well, but the physical figure is still more comfortable, especially if they want to live a normal life and influence/change their environment.
    • Battles and Duties: It is a combat-centric society, so they primarily seek to teach combat skills. All of this is necessary for them to be able to see their duties and responsibilities. They are not afraid of fighting, nor are they afraid of having to die again (cowards can occur between Low Borns), so they can go into battle at any time. According to their beliefs and views, the noblest thing is to die in battle. Weapons that look archaic are closer to them, such as swords, bows, spears, axes, and so on. (vibro weapons as well, not just archaic ones) But it depends on the individual whether blasters or disruptors are also used. They see it as their duty to select new members, as well as to escort souls to the Nether, as well as to protect the weak.
    • The Choose: This is a very important thing in society and for members of the race. For in this process it is decided whether a living person, a mortal, will be worthy after his death whether he can be a member of the Valkyrja. They are not just looking for actual warriors at this time, but anyone who is a warrior in nature. This is why a great warrior can be selected, or a child who is unable to fight in the traditional way, who in turn is terminally ill and fights for the best of his life. Actually, one with a huge fighting spirit (for anything) can be selected. They are usually searched by scouts, but because there are few members of the species, few are selected. Not to mention that conversion can be denied. They also contribute to the fact that there are few members of the species. The choice is aided by telepathy and a special sense to look for something similar to themselves.
    • Arts and Sport: Arts and sports are also important and are loved by many. Their arts typically reflect their militancy, such motifs are found in the objects they make. Mainly handicrafts, sculpture, writing and singing war songs, and making weapons are what are dealt with in such fields. In addition to these, they also make ornate goblets and cups, often from the skulls of their enemies. They love black humour partly as a ghost/spirit like species. Fighting and practicing are considered competitions and sports. They like to fight each other and thus develop, this is completely accepted among them. If they have disagreements with each other, they also often hold fights, often competing with each other to inaugurate a champion. Both customs are important parts of society and everyday life.
    • The Force and Death: They cannot exist without the Force, since this keeps them alive is that if they reach an area without the Force, they will become a lifeless statue, unaware of what is happening. They respect the Force and strive to become as good as possible in its use. They are able to feel death and its approach in someone through the Force, so they know when to be nearby. And they are attracted by the large number of deaths, so you can be sure to find some of them on the battlefield, watching and waiting. They wait for the worthy ones so they will elevate them among themselves. This is why they are tied to death, which in their own case is accepted as a natural corollary of life. And, of course, they believe that the most beautiful and best death happens during a fight.
    • Religion: It was mentioned above that they are not really religious, although they use religious elements of other races when trying to take on just the shape to make it easier for someone to accept what is going to happen to them. Within the race, the attitude is neutral, there are those who keep their old faith, others are atheists, there are those who believe in the Force and some respect their creator as a Goddess (She really hates it). It is also entirely individual dependent.
    • Name Choose: There are many who keep their old name, but most choose Nordic-sounding names for themselves, according to their chosen identity. But on top of that, there are many who choose a marker/indicative for themselves that describes them. For example, First, Rage, Protection, etc. They may just use this indicative for themselves, but even then they have a regular, chosen name, such as First’s real name Eina, but everyone only refers to her as The First.

One of the new races created by Ingrid L’lerim, which she created while looking for a solution to how she could bring Adrian back to life. She also read the works of the late Lord Prospero, thus gaining inspiration from the Shadow race. True, she had known them before. In any case, since then, and since the creation of the Ethereals, the woman has learned a lot about the Netherworld; she also used this knowledge in creating the Valkyrja.

She basically wanted to create a species or several Sithspawn that could help her in the Netherworld to take care of Adrian Vandiir’s soulshards. However, the experimentation slipped aside somewhere and the woman created a much better and more great thing than she originally wanted. A complete new species of thinking and intelligent beings instead of obedient but not very intelligent artificial beings. After the first individual, the “mistake” took weeks to recreate, as it was a random mistake; she had to find the method again.

However, when she did, she was already able to lay the foundations for the new race without any problems. Incidentally, it all happened partly in the Realspace and partly in the Netherworld. It soon became apparent that they were dual beings, that is, they were able to exist in both worlds, over there and in Realspace, although Nether is closer to them.

She was the one who started teaching the first members of Valkyrja, who, after acquiring the basics, set out to acquire new knowledge as well. The latter members already had an easier time, as most of the souls later transformed had the knowledge they had throughout their lives. As time passes differently in the Netherworld, the foundations of society and culture may have developed as a warrior ethnic group.

So much so that they are attracted to death when they are in Realspace, looking for and researching those who would be worthy to be members of the species after their death. They are also fond of getting to know other warrior cultures, although many prefer to be observers only and deal only with spirits.

So far, they are not much has been done in Realspace, it has occurred around the great wars, especially the NIO, GA and TSE wars. The First was created / born under the siege of Byss when Ingrid allowed herself to be killed, that is when she tore her soul apart. The First was a side effect. That’s why it was hard to find a way until the Artificial Soul was created.

At the moment, their goals are to get to know themselves better, deepen their culture, and find new members to join their ranks so that they can continue to develop and multiply.
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skin, bone, and arrogance
Hi Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim ! Thank for your patience as I reviewed your submission. I have the following feedback about feedback required to comply with site rules:

1. Average Lifespan: Ageless. Because anyone can write a species submitted to Chaos' codex, this is not consistent with Site Rules that indicate that no one can be immortal. It is permissible that the species can be possessed of incredibly longevity, but they must have a finite life span. Per the Species template, please enter an average lifespan in years here.

The rest of the feedback I have is recommended to improve the clarity of your submission:

2. Under "Distinction" it indicates that there are no children, but under "Low Born" it states that 'They are the accidental children'. If this is idiomatic, perhaps it can be stated another way. This phrase is also present under "Low Born" in the "Reproduction" section.
3. Under "Physical Form" please clarify what 'Their physical form is always their own immaterial form' means.
4. How are they able to determine what death gods or other death-related beings are appropriate to the culture of a person standing in front of them? I would recommend some additional clarification of how this works, as it is a very interesting idea but slightly unclear.
5. Under "Social Structures" it says 'They are a matrial society'. I haven't found this word in an online dictionary. Could this be 'martial' or 'matriarchal'?
6. There are references to childhood and children, which appears to contradict earlier statements about there being no children. Additionally, you draw distinctions between "young" and "adult" which does not appear to really work with a species for which there are no different age groups. I think clarifying this in other language would be helpful, to be consistent that you are referring to those who have recently been created vs. veteran Valkyrja.
7. Under "Interactions with Others" > "Ingrid L'lerim and her Creations/Demons" it states: 'They say no to almost any of his requests' but it's not clear to whom this refers. Can you please clarify this?

Please tag me when you're ready for this to be reviewed again! Thanks!
Natasi Fortan Natasi Fortan

1. They are not immortal, they just do not grow old, as they are not really living things, so they cannot die in old age. Ageless referred to this part. This condition is really difficult to determine for an average age. I have also seen the ageless definition in other accepted submissions, so I chose this because it better describes their status. Nevertheless, I rewrote it to ~ 1,000 years.
2. I put the child/children in quotation marks. It sounded more nice as a “random byproduct” of the process that accidentally transformed others. And I added a note to this part. Edited.
3. Oh, you’re right, I left the explanation. Edited.
4. Edited.
5. Matriarchal, thank you, automatic spell checker… <sigh>
6. I thought that although I don’t physically have a child’s age because they are physically adults. Older individuals, however, consider the younger ones as children, those who have not yet passed the test of adulthood. And they are considered them as mature / adult only after they have learned the basics of society, so it is not a physical childhood but a spiritual one. I added a note as an explanation.
7. Her, I don’t know why I wrote him. Edited, thanks for the remark.

Everything is edited.
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