Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The unusual case of hatred


King of Pumpkins

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Location: Noverskaa Mirdirmorut HQ

Tom was sitting in his office when Genesis appeared on his desk. "Sir I have something to talk to you about and so does someone else." The hint in her voice was serious there was none of the sass the AI was known for. Tom sighed "Very well what is it?" The AI looked as the doors opened and The Owl came through. "Tag teaming me. That's not like you Genesis, what did you kill my dog or something?" He was trying humour he knew what ever it was it was serious for them.

The Owl sat across from him as Genesis started "Sir, we checked your records within the companies logs and we notice although you employ a number of people from your home galaxy you appear to distrust your race as a whole." Tom dropped his smile giving the AI a glare. "That's my personal files, you need expressed permission to enter them." Then The Owl piped up "I gave her permission sir, I needed to know why you never returned to Eshan ever."

Tom's glare shifted. "And why is that? You might be my best analyst and unreplaceable but that doesn't mean you should enter into my affairs or business." Genesis spoke again "With all due respect it is about time you returned home and got over your imaginary grievances." Tom's shoulders dropped. "Neither of you are giving up till I go are you?" He didn't need an answer he could already see where this was going. "Very well then."

Location: Eshan somewhere

The Owl and Tom landed on the planet as the Owl used her real name of Natalie Fen. She smiled relaxed as Tom was tense as if he was about to go into a battle in full armour. She laughed as Genesis said in his ear "Come on big boy relax these people won't kill you nutty." She was back to normal as well. Tom guessed he could pretend for these two at the very least.

"Alright, alright" He responded with relaxing before turning to Natalie "Who are we meeting again. You said you had me booked to meet someone important." "That's right sir, I had you booked to meet with the queen of Eshan herself @Spenser Jacobs you should get along with her no problems." Tom tensed slightly again "Did it really have to be that high up on my first visit back?"

Natalie shrugged "Well she might know about your folks or she may not either way she will show you how echani's actually are and how your placement of hate is just against a misjustice that no one had control over." Tom sighed "Alright I guess lets go meet her." As they wandered off together going to see the queen.
Random Government Building #1123 – Courtyard

A woman stood with another, the one that wore the white shawl stood waiting for something, someone, the other doted upon the woman with care. “Calm down.” The blonde spoke sharply, as the taller white-haired woman paused and sighed heavily. “He’s known to not like us, you shouldn’t have agreed to meeting him.” Spencer shrugged, she was never one to live in fear of another – there were far more terrible things in this galaxy than one man. Yellow hazel eyes stared back into silver, “Its for the good of Eshan if her children return home.” It was all that needed to be said and the body guard stepped back and nodded.

It was good to hear the woman’s real voice and know that her heart was with Eshan, for far too long Spencer had wandered the galaxy ignoring her duties with Eshan. Civil war had broken out because of it and she returned to help bring order. Some still were unsure about her, but for others she was finally home. Exhaling slightly, Spencer turned and faced the woman. “Noma, go ahead and set up some tea, I’m sure our new friends will want something to drink and eat.” The woman nodded and moved gracefully to obtain things. Spencer had learned diplomacy with her dark Jedi Master, but diplomacy was diplomacy – at least she didn’t pounce around like the other side of her heritage waving magical spells.

Spencer scoffed slightly, she should make a visit to her mother. The woman was probably dreadfully worried after all this time. Another thought for another time, she waved seeing that the man [member="Tom Taff"] was soon arriving.


King of Pumpkins

He saw someone waving and looked at Natalie beside him asking. "Is that her?" Natalie smiled "yes it is boss, now come on." She continued forward as Tom followed alone. He had to admit he wasn't sure what he had expected for the queen of Eshan since he hadn't been here in an age anyways. Natalie approached the queen first bow slightly "my queen."

Tom however approached rather awkwardly as if he was sure he had 40 guns trained on him that he couldn't see that would fire at any time. That's what he would do given how publicly he made it that he didn't like his own race. But since working with the owl miss fen by his side he had managed to soften on his hatred and even began wondering if what he thought was right given he had been young and those he had spoken with were generally decent people.

He went for a rather diplomatic bow moving from his mid-drift down to a point where anyone near by could quickly end his life if they decided to before coming back up. "Queen Jacobs, I apologies for any time we may have taken out of your schedule from today. I hope to clear up my issue with my race in one way or another." He was rather hoping it would end well but it could end poorly still.

What tom didn't know about his family on Eshan however that he still had an aunt, uncle and cousin alive. However no one knew where the cousin had gone after going off into the galaxy. Perhaps he had gone looking for tom, perhaps he had died or perhaps he had simply disappeared. No one was quite sure which one it was and wouldn't be till he or his body reappeared.

[member="Spencer Jacobs"]

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