Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The trouble with first impressions.

You only get to make one, obviously.

I'm rookie. I tend to think both writing and Star Wars are pretty cool so I'm looking forward to see what I can offer the forum. I have some thoughts swimming around my head for what to write already so hopefully it won't be long before I get to tell some stories with ya'll. If anyone has any recommendations on how or where to get started, feel free to let me know.
Hey there! Welcome to Chaos. ^_^

A good place to get started would, obviously, be reading the rules and timeline, getting yourself familiarized with our take on the setting, and so on. We're post- like three or four galactic apocalypses by this point.

If you have any more questions, don't be afraid to ask. Our doors are always open.
[member="Fabula Caromed"]

Lots of history, I see.

I figured out a question to ask so here goes - Is it possible to make applications (technology, planets, etc) before creating a character? I ask because it seems sensible for me to figure out whether my ideas (say for things I'd like for a storyline, particular equipment or something) are feasible and approvable before creating a character whose story they'd appear in. Does that make sense?

Cheers for the welcomes all.
It is now. We used to have a 50-post minimum on Factory posts, but it's since been lifted for that exact reason you just mentioned. Go right ahead and submit any and everything you want to the Factory and Codex. Within reason of course. Don't need any more catgirls running around than we already have. >.<;;

However, a word of advice. Basing an entire character on a piece of tech is generally a good way to lose interest in them about two months down the line, when that single trick gets boring. Planets and custom species are slightly less prone to this, but even then, a character should be more than just one material component. A well-rounded character will survive any loss of tech, planet, or species that the Factory/Codex can throw at you.
Fabula Caromed said:
Don't need any more catgirls running around than we already have. >.<;;
If there is one thing you can be absolutely sure of, it's that I have no intention of writing a catgirl.

Fabula Caromed said:
However, a word of advice. Basing an entire character on a piece of tech is generally a good way to lose interest in them about two months down the line, when that single trick gets boring. Planets and custom species are slightly less prone to this, but even then, a character should be more than just one material component. A well-rounded character will survive any loss of tech, planet, or species that the Factory/Codex can throw at you.
I tend to favor a rough idea of the sort of story I'd like to tell about a given character and a literary theme I'd like to explore when writing them. So I'm more likely to want to put up multiple connected applications as components for a story I'd like to tell over a long period of time. I'm pleased to hear I can do that at my leisure.

[member="Fabula Caromed"]
welcome to Chaos, if you are interested in working for mercenaries, piracy, bodyguards, and/or shipping, feel free to contact me at Justice Shipping, we would love to see you get your character up and running and I personally love character-driven rp a lot! Happy posting. :)


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