Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Tournament of the Gods Festival

Champion’s Hall, Kinooine
Just Prior to the Commencement of the Tournament of Gods


The Priestess of Hali looked around the Hall of Champions and nodded in approval to one of the Goddess Hali’s followers holding a data pad.

“This will do.” Crystal smiled and headed to the bar to get herself a glass of champagne. She was most pleased with the results of their labours. The Hall had a very high ceiling and was deceptively large. The acoustics were absolutely perfect. The lighting was appropriate, not too bright but not too dim, and it would not interfere with viewing the events. The decor was tasteful, with the colors of the Gods represented.

The Tournament was an event full of firsts. The first time that outsiders were invited to the Crusade’s space and planets, most importantly. The will of the Gods would reach more beings than ever before. As such, a celebration was in order.

A live feed had been set up in the Hall of Champions for all to enjoy. After all, one could not be on more than one world at a time and the battles were spread throughout the Crusade’s planets. It was unlike anything she’d personally experienced in her four hundred years of existence. Sure, she’d attended tournaments and the like, but they had always occurred on her home planet for her and the royals to witness in person.

Taking a long sip from her flute, she waved the doors to the hall open, so that followers and guests alike could enter.

A Fight for the Gods of the Moross Crusade. Now that was dandy.

Standing just inside dressed in a rather tight crimson corset, and black leather pants, I held a glass of red wine to my lips. Drinking in the sweet, sweet liquor that was made from various fruits within the borders of the Crusade. A very find drink indeed. The next few days would be very eventful. Contestants would come to fight on the planets that I had fought for. Only, they were here for my enjoyment. As the Blade of Kalee, I needed to keep my image up and help to sponsor this fight. While the Aesirs would be running the actual tournament, I would be here just as the face of the Moross Crusade in this little get together.

On various screens behind me were the faces of the contestants. Men, women, one looked particularly favorable with the young man's long black hair and crimson eyes showed me the fury that he held. Another was of a Four armed man. Very large, and would clearly be someone that challenged every being here. Be it if they were a Master of the Sword, or the Force, this being was one not to be trifled with.

Many more faces were about. I took a look of each of them in turn before the doors were opened by @Crystal. I smiled turning around with the wine glass in my hand. Smiling, and prepared for those to enter.

And yet, why was I here? To be entertained.
Ket Van-Derveld was not one to be trifled with. He actually found this entire tournament to be a farce, something insipid and utterly useless. The point of the matter was this: For all that were fighting within this so-called "Tournament of the Gods", not one of them could hold their own against him. Not a single one. He'd stake not only his reputation on it, he'd stake his LIFE on it. If one of them could position themselves in a fight with him to get the killing blow, he'd LET them have it, as no one he'd met in this timeline or the past had EVER been able to do so. So there he sat, waiting silently for the outcome. He didn't enter this tournament for one, simple reason:

Whoever won, would face Ket Van-Derveld in single combat whether they liked it, nor NOT.
The great gates of the Gods had opened...

"It is not my place, mistress," Macayela began, fingers nimbly working the back of a corset, "but perhaps this is not the best of times for a visit."

A slender, paler than normal digit was held up expressing to her lifelong accomplice to pull a shade tighter. "The more, the merrier, Miss Black." Just like that, it was so and Anesia smiled through the last suffocating tug before being tied into it. "My visit to Kinooine is to observe and when better to when everyone's attention will be..." ebon brow craftily lofted above a deceptive gray eye, "otherwise occupied." A gentle touch not known to many came to take Macayela's own for a short time, "Don't fret, love. My presence there will not be felt. I do not have any intention of drawing attention to myself."

The more petite of the two nodded and knelt, "Do you wish to have anyone to attend with you?" flimsy, deep violet garb was drawn up and Anesia stepped into the confines of the skirt offered, then into a pair of black heels.

"That will not be necessary." The Sith Master responded, smoothing the almost white hair from the woman's face and turned toward the exit. "I must be going, cher."

Not another word was exhausted before the door slid open with a metal whisper and the notable woman stepped past, visage not quite her own. A private corvette had been procured for this event under a different guise. Anesia Jy'Vun really did not have the intention of giving herself away and the journey there would give her more than enough time to prepare for such a travesty. After all, some of the guests were of a past that stretched almost as far back as the Blacks. This was not a time for reminiscing, nor was it a time to be entertained.


The craft was ordinary, perhaps reflecting that of certain wealth, but nothing exuberant. As such, her appearance matched. Ferrius had manipulated her entirety to match that of half her genetics- the previous inhabited species of the planet: Nagai. Upon her arrival and even so long as an hour prior, the Sith's signature was diluted and she fell in step with a throng of visitors to the grand entry way of Champion's Hall.

With little of the Force to aid in her survey, she had only her cool gray eyes that wandered from one to another. She was just another attendee, dark haired and pale like a handful of others. Natural curls were braided in four thick rows against her scalp, two to either side and leafing over thin, drawn back shoulders. Like most Nagai, Anesia carried herself with a mild temperament that closely mirrored her natural one, martial with light hints of confidence and feminine flare. After acknowledging the woman [@Crystal] at the gate with a subtle nod, Ferrius branched off in search of a decent area to spectate. Even now the woman was unsure who would be present. Alina? The probability of that was low. Surely a God or two? Only time would tell.

...perhaps they should have stayed closed.
[member="Anesia Jy'Vun"] [member="Ket Van-Derveld"] [member="Pyrrha Nikkita"]

Crystal returned the gestures of Zoey and Anesia by dipping her chin. “Welcome,” she greeted her, before leaving her to settle in. Many beings had flooded in, and still more trickled in. The Priestess was pleased. She emptied the contents of her flute down her throat before moving back toward the bar.

The feeds began to broadcast for the viewing pleasure of those gathered. For the moment, she was more interested in those that were gathered to spectate. Every being had a different motivation. It was difficult to tell simply by looking at a being what that motivation was, but that didn’t keep her from amusing herself with the speculations.

She leaned backward against the bar, with her elbows on the bar.

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