Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Time Has Come [Faction Leader Changes]

Hello, everyone! ^_^

Some of you have by now already put two and two together, but we figured it best to make it official and alleviate any fears you might have:

[member="Coci Heavenshield"] and myself are in the process of stepping down as Master of the Order and Grandmaster respectively. We feel the time is right, with not too much going on at the moment that demands our presence. We thought about it long and hard who among us would make a good successor, and these things are never easy; do we go for the most OOCly popular member, the most active member, the most powerful member? The oldest, longest serving member? Who will be the new face of an entire Order of Jedi?

Luckily for us, we have someone who me and Coci feel is the perfect candidate for the job, and who will provide a fresh face for the faction. We have chosen [member="Sorel Crieff"] as the new bearer of the title of Grandmaster of the Silver Jedi. Her writer is already on board with the idea, and her character is about to receive the news in a thread you can find here on the faction forums:

I'll tell you, it's been a long and wild ride! In fact, it's been exactly two years on this very day according to this announcement I made back in 2015. That is an insane amount of time in terms of faction leadership positions! And when you take into account Coci's writer, she's been in a leadership position since the very start, founding the faction back in May of 2014. We've both performed our duties as best we could, doing what we thought best for the faction as a whole, ICly as well as OOCly. Whether we did a good job or not, I leave for you guys to decide.

I probably should go into the reasons why we've chosen to step down, and there's a couple of them: If we look at it ICly, Thurion and Coci are both feeling incredibly weary from their long years as heads of the Order, having put their all into their duties as Jedi for over two decades. Now with Coci pregnant again, they feel it is time to take a step back and devote themselves to the raising of their child. Whereas the last Grandmaster, Iella E'ron, served the Order until her tragic death at the hands of the Sith, the Heavenshields are merely stepping out of the limelight and 'riding off into the sunset', so to speak. They'll still very much be part of the Order, only as regular members.

OOCly, I can only speak for myself. It's been evident to me for some time that my heart is no longer in it, having had to balance being a Staff member as well as Faction Owner, and coupling these two with actual roleplaying and maintaining an active presence it has taken its toll on me over the years. I'd much rather devote myself to roleplaying and being an active member of the Admin team than have to deal with faction politics every other week. I think it was the mess on Korriban that finally broke me.

Of course, as per the site rules we'll also need to hold a vote for the position of Faction Owner. With the fact that IC and OOC leadership positions are not necessarily linked in mind, we've decided to hold off on the vote until Sorel has well and truly assumed the duties of Grandmaster in official capacity. So I'd say expect a vote sometime next week!

Phew, that went on for way longer than intended! Sorry if I got a bit rambly. :p

Even now at the end me and Coci take our responsibility to the faction very seriously, and we want to do right by you guys when we step down, rather than just wave our goodbyes just once already out the door. We didn't want another Galactic Republic or One Sith situation where the leaders suddenly just vanish without a trace due to OOC shenanigans, and actually have a reason for our characters stepping down.

If anyone has any questions, do not hesitate to ask! We want this transition to go as smoothly as humanly possible, so if there are any concerns we will address them accordingly.

Thank you, everone!
Well congratulations on your retirement, I'll have Vitha set up a party with plenty of booze. Now that you aren't in charge you can easily look past any rules that may be broken and any spice that may have been smuggled in. Will also be a potluck so even better and you won't have to rely on Vitha providing the food.

As for Sorel congrats and make sure to go full Lord Hoth. I foresee no issues with that or any thought bombs that may happen.
Thurion has said pretty much everything that needs saying. Gosh it has been a long journey with you all from start till now. 12 May 2014, I have been leading this faction in some form or other and it is most definately time to step aside.

I never thought the faction would grow this much, and to be honest, last this long, but SJO had, and still has a very strong membership base and fantastic writers that love to be here which helps to maintain a good environment in which people feel comfortable to come and have fun with us.

ICly Thurion has outlined the reason for the Heavenshields to bow out, OOCly for myself, is that I am just tired. I am sure you all can appreciate this, running a faction, a major one is hard work at times. Having said that, this faction is the best!

Although I will still be about, as Jedi character for the SJO, there are some people I would like to make mention of and thank for their long endurance from the start of the faction. [member="Rasu Gan"], [member="Sochi Ru"] had been my souding boards from the start and helped with advise and support. There were many writers that came to SJO at the start and some of those include [member="Xander Carrick"], [member="Maya Carrick"], [member="Aika Kawakami"], [member="Jericho"], [member="Hawk Solo"], [member="Marek S'hadar"], [member="Vexander Graves"] (who sent me the link of the Silver Jedi to start the ball rolling) and of course [member="Matsu Ike"], and our dear friend [member="Connor Harrison"]. *shakes fist at him*

And these are the ones I remember, and I am sure I am forgetting some people. I thank you all!

Anyway, I shan't continue onward, except to say thank you to you all!

[member="Sorel Crieff"]


My homie, congrats. <3

Sorel is an excellent choice for Grandmaster as she embodies the ideals of the Silver Jedi Order. [member="Coci Heavenshield"], [member="Thurion Heavenshield"] thank you for trying to make this transfer run as smoothly as possible. Also, thank you for being so nice when I was still bouncing around the board after the fall of the old GR. If it wasn't for the SJO, then I probably would have left the site like my predecessors. I hope to still see you two around, and perhaps thread some in the future. Whatever roles you two take moving forward, I'm going to do my best to help the SJO move forward in this new era. This has always been such a chill faction in a sea of salt, and I don't want to see it go down.

Stephanie Swail

Look what they've done to my dream
*reads the news hidden in the background so nobody sees him*


I wish [member="Sorel Crieff"] - I know they are more than capable of carrying the Silver torch and will do wonders.

Good luck out there [member="Thurion Heavenshield"] and [member="Coci Heavenshield"] - I hope we still touch paths out there as I miss you dearly as writing partners, and have loved your journey from the start to where you are now.

Long live the Silver Jedi.

Long live un-salty Factions!

*presses hand against the window from the outside*

I will always love you.
[member="Coci Heavenshield"]

[member="Thurion Heavenshield"]

You guys will be missed. Your leadership of this faction has been awesome. I understand being tired. I haven't been around as much for the same reasons. OOC real life reasons. Always enjoyed hanging out here.

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