Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Third Option

I have noticed with Dominions and Invasions it is usually, for the most part, Faction A attacking Faction B or Rebels or whom ever has the planet/Hex prior. And that is usually it, baring the thread and it being judged afterwards. This suggestion would not change the judging aspect of it, and it would not change the current norm of Faction A invading/attacking Faction B concept.

The Submission as follows:

Rebels/Defiance/Third Option
  • Pirates/Rebels/Third Faction participating in an invasion with clear obviously stated objectives that they could very well run counter to the defense and/or assault of the location/planet/hex, or could be attacking both parties (the invading force and the defending force).
  • These numbers of writers can be limited, my suggestion is Five (5), and without the consent of the two warring parties.
  • Pirates/Rebels/Third Faction still must conform to the rules of the board and thus the invasion/dominion, and thus have clear objectives.
[member="Lao Tzu"] Such an option already exists. Non-allies who wish to participate as third parties (regardless of whether they are pirates, rebellers, or anything else), may do so if both factions (invaders and invadees) agree to it.
Bunker-level Normal
Lao Tzu said:
I have noticed with Dominions and Invasions it is usually, for the most part, Faction A attacking Faction B or Rebels or whom ever has the planet/Hex prior.
Just to add to what [member="Scherezade deWinter"] mentioned along those lines, it's also possible for factions to create a dominion or invasion story without actually having an attack. There have been dominions in the past (CIS and SJO in several recent months in particular) where there was no fighting involved at all, and since none of the invasion rules actually require combat anymore (PVP and objective completion are no longer direct requirements for judging a victor) it would be entirely possible to even have an invasion that didn't require any shooting.

So it's not like these stories are limited to attacks here.

As to allowing third parties to attack during a dominion or invasion, I'd firmly disagree. This is why we have ally slots for invasion, rebellions for dominions (I'll reference the stickied post in this board for future changes I hope will come to pass there) and skirmishes for every other time.

What you're suggesting sounds like something already covered in our current rules (or existing changes proposed to them as linked).
If it is already covered in the existing rules then please link. The only reference or rules I've seen have been what [member="Scherezade deWinter"] referenced. But that requires both parties to agree to it.

This suggestion could be modified to only happen during or pertain to Invasions or Dominions that are violent when there are opposition forces trying to take objectives by force. That makes sense.

This suggestion is different because it adds an option of a third force participating in combat with the potential of attacking both parties in an invasion without it being agreed upon by both parties. Thus, essentially, eliminating the fact that both parties have to come to an agree about other people being there while still capping the number of participates (I'm leaving this number up for people to decide on the amount).

[member="Captain Jordan"], its splitting hairs in short when it comes to more violent invasions and dominions.
Bunker-level Normal
Lao Tzu said:
[member="Lao Tzu"]

Invasions are meant to be a story between the factions involved and allies chosen by respective staff members on each side. That is why, in my understanding, faction admin approval for a third party needs to come from both sides. It helps to streamline things and allows both sides to work the third party into their narrative so as not to disrupt their ability to tell a coherent story.
[member="Kurayami Bloodborn"], So it sounds like your saying that the STORY aspects of a invasion is more important than the actual invasion. I could be mistaken, I am married.

If the story aspect of things takes precedence then the various worlds don’t matter, and various other things don’t matter or are second to the Story. And thus can be treated as such, secondary aspects to the story regardless of its effects on said story because the story takes prevalence.
[member="Lao Tzu"]

Yes, it is. As it mentions in the rules for invasions and the criteria by which they are judged. OOC drama, STORY consistency, working WITH your opponent(s) to resolve issues when/if they arise. These criteria can be easily found and reviewed at any time. Within the invasion rules there are sections that clearly state that PvP and duels have no impact on the winner of an invasion. In short, yes, the focus is on the way the STORY is written between the opposing factions, not how many duels are won or how many enemies you kill.

Hard to believe that on a site focused on writing stories that storytelling plays a large role in deciding the victor of an invasion. The name of the site may be 'Chaos', but that does not mean it needs to be more chaotic.
[member="Kurayami Bloodborn"], working with people really doesn’t convey chaos when it can be played out and doesn’t have an impact on the greater invasion/dominion regardless of the pvp, espicially when it’s judged but that’s a different issue.

This Third Option is to add a third group of people that don’t have to decided upon by faction leads and as mentioned above they would have to fit into “story” (dominion and invasion).
Factory Judge
[member="Lao Tzu"], The Chaos Website is ironicly named by Humans who have a desire to have everything in orders, columns, files, and forums.

Invasions are a faction based map game product. Dominions are as well.

If you provided this idea with Skirmishes? Then yes. I would be all for it. However, Invasions where the rules dictate that a good coherent story written by both sides for the sake of having fun, where individual battles mean little to nothing in the grand scheme of things, Your idea would not work.

Maybe if the idea was that whomever won the most PvP, or won over the most objectives, yes. However, that is not the state of the game we are playing with.

If you want to join in as a neutral party, You have to ask. There are reasons that rule is put into place. Its to prevent people who could otherwise derail a thread, or troll a thread just for the sake of it.
Trying to find something wrong with derailing a thread or trolling for the sake of trolling. This is the internet.

And there is a desire to have everything in perfect form but that is not indicative of life which has a fair degree of uncertainty. One might even go so far to say chaos.

But, again, I have explicitly stated that this third party has got to have explicitly stated objectives. Now I could add a justification for being there or in the immediate area, and both could be seriously limited.

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