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Private The Thing That Should Not Be

Brunas Drace

Deep in the depths of some long forgotten tomb, an equally forgotten man toiled before a corpse so forgotten that it had no name; there were no records of it, no relatives to pass down its legacy, for all intents and purpose it was little more than fragments of bone barely held together by what little matter remained between the joints. And yet in that moment, to the man who toiled, that nameless body was everything. All that had been, all that could be, it held a universe of potential within those yellowed bones. It transcended all, if only for a second.
That forgotten man was set upon his knees, his lips moved with archaic tongue that too had nearly been lost to the throws of time. Throughout the buried tomb, inside that chamber he knelt within, faint wisps of smoke danced through the air from the tips of several incense sticks, the air was heavy with it, and various scents adorned the space between them. Some floral, some sickly, some which reminded one of death, and others of a bright summers morning. They twisted and entwined with one another to form a smell so strange it was decidedly alien, and impossible to truly put one's finger on.
But the forgotten man paid it no heed. He just continued to chant with head held high, and eyes fixed upon a point near the ceiling. His arms reached out, fingers splayed toward the heavens, and the room grew heavy and darker as candles dotted around the room began to extinguish one by one by one...
And then, all at once, all was still.
She had no one to blame for her current predicament. No teacher had given her an assignment, no fellow acolyte had put her up to it, no friend had dared her to go in alone. She had made this decision on her own, to venture into the tomb by herself and see what it held.

Was it a stupid decision? Definitely. A dangerous one? Most likely. A fruitful endeavor? That remained to be seen.

So far she’d found the ruins strangely empty, the only occupants being skeletal remains and the occasional mummy. A pair of Hssiss had harried her near the entrance. They were annoying, nasty little beasts, to be sure, but their cloaking tended to fall apart once you managed to get a hit in. Apart from slaying them, she had encountered no other animals or enemies within the tomb complex.

This fact unnerved her. Not only because it seemed strange that an opened tomb, its seals long since broken, would be undisturbed even by wild animals wandering in seeking shelter, but because it instilled a false sense of… if not peace, then stillness. The halls echoed with her footsteps, but she heard no other sound. It was as silent as… well, as the grave.

Maybe that was the way things were supposed to be. Although if a Sith’s tomb fit under the category of “the way things are supposed to be” then that was probably a sign something was very wrong. She had every incentive now to turn around and go back, but something kept her going. Curiosity, maybe? The will of the Force? The influence of a more immediate and malicious entity? Eh. Let’s find out.

Brunas Drace
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Brunas Drace

It was on creaking and scraping bones that the corpse rose; all else was still, no light illuminated the moment, there was no ceremony to be had despite the millennia it had faced entrenched in the earth. The chanting had ceased as the last candle was snuffed, and he who had uttered the words remained with his arms aloft.
His chest rose and fell something fierce. How long had it been since last he'd dabbled? Certainly prior to his venture and settling here on Korriban. Had he expected it to work? True he had done this more times than he could ever possibly count in his youth, and again throughout his years tutoring youths, but with such a hiatus came a certain rustiness.
With a wave of his hand the room blossomed once more under the light of countless candles. With it he looked upon that which had been reanimated, and his still expression became one of pride. A smirk-filled grin lit up his face, and he stepped forward to meet the shambling skeleton as it took not one but two steps into undeath.
"Welcome back," he breathed, his heavy accent playing with the words in an almost melodic fashion. In response the corpse groaned and moaned words unintelligible, a series of gargled nonsense from the lack of tongue or lungs or... well... much of anything, really. The Force held it together, the Force brought forth some form of a consciousness, yet it could not regenerate that which had become dust and food for worms.
It did not matter, this one wasn't for speaking...
At last, after what seemed like hours, her surroundings changed. It wasn’t much—just a faint whiff of something on the musty air, like a perfume. No, not perfume. Some sort of incense? Oh great. She was intruding on somebody’s occult ritual.

Not long after her nose caught the scent, she heard voices. One spoke, though she couldn’t quite make out what they said, muffled as it was by stone walls. The second was more of a guttural noise than speech, as of somebody or something moaning. Even better.

Pursing her lips, Ishani turned off her light to avoid drawing attention to herself—and heard yet another sound, this one much closer to where she was. It was a scraping, scratching noise, followed by a wet slap or splatter. Ew, what the hell?...

Her skin crawling, Ishani made a snap decision. There was a door directly ahead, and the person talking and his groaning friend were almost certainly behind it. The disgusting thing making the other racket was somewhere in the opposite direction. Looking at the odds, she found that she preferred the company of a person to something that made noises like that.

The door rattled open at her bidding and she darted inside, quickly shutting it behind her. She was now in a room full of candles and burning incense, with what looked to be an older man standing over a reanimated skeleton on the table in front of him.

A reanimated skeleton?



Brunas Drace

Brunas Drace

No sooner had the ritual been complete then a new presence interrupted the strange, sickly peace which had settled over the room.
He had felt her presence moments before she barged into the room and slammed the door shut, snuffing out a handful of the candles closest in the process. Even so, even sensing that she was near, he wasn't quite prepared for it. The forgotten man turned and stared at the doorway, at the girl with her back pressed against it and no small amount of fear in her eyes. At what lay on the other side, at what she'd closed herself into.
Brunas wondered which was the worst side of the door in her eyes. Certainly he couldn't deduce it from her expression alone.
The groaning, gurgling skeleton had turned too, it ambled toward him and stood at his side. Its hollow eyes stared emptily toward her, though when it made to take another step in her direction the forgotten man raised his hand. The reanimated form halted then, no words had been uttered and certainly it had not been able to see the gesture yet it had responded all the same.
"Who are you?" he asked, curiosity manifesting within his strangely accented voice, 'And what has you so fearful?"
The skeleton started to amble towards her, but the man stopped it with a raised hand. Thank goodness. Although Ishani was under no illusions that she was out of the proverbial woods just yet.

Though it was hard to see under only candlelight, she got a better look at the man. He was middle-aged rather than truly old, though his features were striking and enigmatic. It gave him a decidedly eerie, haunting look. She stayed rooted in place as he fixed a dead-yet-expressive gaze upon her and asked two questions. He had an odd accent, equally as inscrutable as his face. Granted, she wasn’t from around these parts either, but even she could be easily lumped into the category of “somewhere in the Inner Rim”. This guy might as well have come from nowhere.

Uh… I’m Ishani. Sibwarra.” There was a slight delay between her pronunciation of her first and last name as she swallowed, wetting her suddenly dry throat. “There is a, um… a thing out there, making strange and very unpleasant noises. I figured I’d better try to avoid it.

She eyed the skeleton thrall and wondered if she had made the right call.

Brunas Drace

Brunas Drace

Glossing over her fractured name, he switched his attention from her to the door and then lifted his gaze ever so slightly as he focused his hearing on what lay beyond it. "Is that so?" he inquired, straining for a few moments more before he too caught wind of whatever it was that had made this tomb its home.
Then he nodded, reaching out to pat the skinless shoulder of the skeleton, and took a few steps toward girl and door.
"Well then, Ishani Sibwarra, what say we meet this unpleasant thing?"
As the girl was still stood in front of the door he simply stood there expectantly, waiting for her to move so that they could go back into the darker abyss of the rest of the tomb in search of Force-knew-what. There were plenty of things which existed in a place like this, it was part of the appeal in truth. Something told him this young Acolyte hadn't really thought ahead.
Had she expected it to be sunshine and rainbows? Well, he supposed that was in the eye of the beholder.
Meet it?

Uh, that doesn’t seem like a very good idea…

But rather than being pushed aside, as she was used to, she found herself staring at the man, who stood before her waiting patiently for her to move out of his way and let him pass into the unknown beyond the door. Not that she could feasibly prevent him, but… at least he was giving her a chance.

Inevitably, she moved. The door opened.

Outside, it had fallen suspiciously quiet, as though whatever had been making the noise had retreated back into hiding. Ishani lingered as close to the man as she could manage, all while keeping her distance from the skeleton. It smelled funny.

Brunas Drace

Brunas Drace

"Nonsense," came his immediate retort, as he approached her, "It's a perfectly fine idea, Miss Sibwarra. Hiding in here, fearing the unknown, won't get you very far. Best we face it, no?"
He reached out with his other hand and this time patted her shoulder. It was an odd gesture to be sure, but hopefully she'd find it at least a little bit encouraging.
Either way, after a little added thought, she did step aside and allow him to open the door. Before they left he gestured his hand and watched as three candles drifted toward them. One he handed to the girl, one he settled within the grasp of his skeletal construct, and the last he tended to.
Then they were out into the hall.
Even with three candles for light it was rather murky and dark. He heard nothing for a while, though he did walk away from the tomb they'd been stood within all the same. When his foot touched something strange on the ground though he paused, and directed the flame downward.
An oozing trail of slime, not unakin to that which a slug or snail might leave behind, lay upon the ground going the same way they were. Only this slug must have been eight feet wide at least, for it took up most of the corridor.
"How intriguing," he remarked, crouching down to observe it further. He reached out, but before his fingertips touched it he pulled back, noticing in time how it seemed to bubble and boil. Certainly not something he wished to touch.
Back to his full height, he looked to the girl curious if she had the stomach to continue on.
She sincerely hoped this guy wasn’t crazy, although she had a sneaking suspicion he was ever so slightly nuts, although in a relatively benign way. On the other hand, he did sort of have a point...

Taking the candle he offered even though she had a flashlight, Ishani grimaced at the sight of the bubbling slime trail. Was it acidic? Her companion certainly seemed in no hurry to find out.

Let me guess,” she muttered. “There’s a giant killer snail on the loose, eating people for their water content and going crazy due to the dry heat of the desert.

Never mind that there were no people in the tomb besides them. Only dried, desiccated husks of what had once been people.

She wasn’t quite curious about whatever had generated the slime (at least, not to the extent this dude seemed to be), but she was motivated to not die from it. For now, survival seemed to necessitate that she follow the strange man and his bony friend as they sought to discover the source, despite the dangers therein.

Brunas Drace

Brunas Drace

"A giant snail?" he mused, a dry chuckle accompanying the words, "Perhaps... Vibrant imagination, that's good..."
Whatever it was it was heading away from them.​
His skeletal companion ambled on, slowly moving ahead of them as they went. The air became heavier the deeper they ventured, until the corridor opened up into a larger chamber. There was much more of the slimy substance in there, and various braziers stood here and then. Holding the candle aloft, he lightly breathed air upon the flame yet instead of extinguishing it seemed to bolster then leap forth from its source.​
One by one those braziers ignited, peeling away the black cloak which had settled over the room and revealing its contents.​
There, before them, a giant gelatinous cube awaited. Held within its thick, translucent form were various skeletal remains, some more digested than others. Various rodents and animals and even some of the more predatory beasts of Korriban were suspended within it.​
"So much for a snail..." he remarked, tilting his head curiously to one side as he observed it for a moment. Then slowly but surely he became aware of the presence of others, further on from where they were. Deeper in the tomb, but more tangible now than they had been before. They were certainly not alone, but for now only the cube stood in their way.​
Entering the room behind the man, Ishani took in its contents and heaved a sigh.

Giant carnivorous cube of jello. That would’ve been my second guess, I swear.

Seriously though, what the hell was that thing? Some kind of Sithspawn? Who had made it? What was its purpose? Why was it here? Was it going to kill them?

The answer to that last question was almost definitely yes, as evidenced by the half-digested remains locked within its jiggly mass. If they gave it a chance, it would no doubt try to add them to its collection of snacks. Wait a minute… was this what had happened to Bendik when they couldn’t treat him with bacta? They turned him into literal slime to reflect his personality? Kidding, of course, though she genuinely had no idea what had become of the rich brat after he took a tree trunk to the spine.

Ishani noticed the other presences nearby at around the same time the gentleman did. Frowning, she scratched her head.

So should we, uh… try to kill this thing? Or capture it?” She wasn’t sure how they would go about doing either. “By the way, I didn’t catch your name, sir.” She was getting tired of referring to him only as man, guy, and dude.


Brunas Drace

"I don't doubt it," he said as the girl tried to make light of the situation, no doubt to downplay the severity of the situation to herself. Looking upon the vast mass of slimy goop, and that which lay within it, the forgotten man was certainly glad he had refrained from touching the trail with his bare hand. No doubt it would make a fine specimen for study, in some capacity, but in its current state - 8 feet in each dimension - he knew that the chances of them taking it alive were slim.
"I don't see how we'd be able to capture it, I didn't bring my slime-net..." Whatever humour he was trying to bring about was severely subdued by the bluntness of his tone. He scratched his head slightly, before looking to the girl.
"Brunas Drace," he informed her with a slight flourish and a tip of his head, before he settled his attention back to the cube. It hadn't moved much since they had entered, perhaps it could not hear them. Certainly it did not look to have ears. Or eyes. Or much of anything which could process senses. Truly it was remarkable... It was a shame they had to put it down.
"We could always avoid it for now, Miss Sibwarra, hope that it does not engulf one of us, figure out a way to contain it." He strained a moment, listening out for the others he'd sensed. "But that might be foolish, for we are not alone. What say we heat things up a little, hm? I can't imagine a beast made of such moisture would appreciate the touch of flame."
Once more he lifted the candle in his grasp, and breathed upon it to blossom the flame. From the corner of his eye he watched, curious if she would attempt anything herself. The Force worked in many, mysterious ways if one knew how to harness it. But young ones such as this girl were less likely to dabble and attempt things that lay outside of curriculum. Would she follow his example?
Well.. He supposed he'd find out. If not, well, every moment was a teachable one if you allowed it to be so.
Slime-net. Heh.

Now the man had a name, Brunas Drace, and they had a plan for how to deal with the bouillon cube from hell.

She watched as he lifted the candle and blew on it. Rather than snuffing it out, it caused the flame to expand and blast outward. The fireball hit the slime, which began to melt and break down into a puddle of good and gore. It made no sound, though it did wriggle and undulate, trying to get away from the heat.

Ishani realized that Brunas expected her to do the same. She raised her candle almost to her lips, took a deep breath, focused on the Force, and exhaled… successfully blowing out her candle. Her nose wrinkled as the trail of smoke from the wick went up her nose, coughing into her elbow. When she had recovered from this undignified failure, she sighed.

I’m afraid I don’t know what I’m doing, Mr. Drace.


Brunas Drace

The man stepped back just a touch as the cube of acidic slime melted down into a much more fluid form, keeping from getting any of it on his boots. From the corner of his eye he watched as the girl tried and failed to conjure up a similar effect as he, succeeding only in extinguishing the flame from existence.
While the creature writhed and tried to piece itself back together again he moved his candle towards hers and ignited it once more.
"The Force is capable of a great many things, Miss Sibwarra," he informed her, returning his attention to the slime puddle, "Mostly it requires a clear intention, and a little imagination..."
Though the slime had begun to retreat backwards from them, it was once more building itself back up into a more substantial form. His head tilted the other way, he found it rather difficult to keep the appreciation from his expression.​
"What is it you're hoping to achieve here?" he asked her, even as he set aside his candle and held his arms aloft once more. "To stave it off with flames also? Then picture it, will it. Bend the Force to your will, Acolyte, do not let it try to dictate your actions..."​
Then he began to chant anew, similar to how he had before. This time it was not some dusty old forgotten being that was the target of his attempts though, no, if the girl was paying any attention she'd notice that the bones held within the slime itself were beginning to shift and tremble, slowly forming together within the core of it.​
She pursed her lips in annoyance. Bend the Force to her will. That was what she had tried to do, wasn’t it?... Well, either way, he had relit her candle so she could try again. That was nice of him.

He was busy now, trying to reconstruct the bones inside the slime from the looks of it. Ew. She tried to ignore what he was doing in favor of focusing on the flame trick. Centering herself, she geared up to try again. It was almost as if she had grabbed the flame and manipulated it, feeding it, dictating its movements, where it burned, what it burned, even how hot it burned.

A finger of flame arced out at her bidding, stabbing into the wriggling mass of slime. She sighed and smiled a little in the orange glow, cautiously pleased with her efforts. Or at least satisfied with what she'd accomplished.


Brunas Drace

She doubted him, grew frustrated with the words he'd used, and his methods of teaching, he could feel it bubbling up to the surface even as several different skeletal figures began to expand outward from the slime, each taking with them a different piece of the puzzle which seemed to wrap around and engulf their bones, tearing away at it until only a small puddle of the original remained.
He did not feed into her process any further than he had, because for all of that frustration she still focused and tried. An attempt which paid off. She struck the remaining slime pool with a ball of flame, and its significantly smaller size at this stage had it far more receptive to the heat. It fizzled and bubbled and melted away, until it no longer moved and grew far thicker than it had been, it's moisture removed.
"Just like that," he told her, with a nod, observing as his slime-laced undead ambled around the room independently of one another. The dusty skeleton from the tomb looked on rather emptily at its brethren, and Brunas wondered if he too wished for such an odd skin. "Jealousy is unbecoming of you," he remarked, as he walked forward and patted the remnants of some long gone Sith on the shoulder. There was a strange level of affection in the way in which he interacted with the risen deceased... Of course he would not be doing similar to those who were coated in acidic slime.
"Now then, shall we see what the source of all this was?"
He turned in place to look upon Ishani, gesturing with his head further into the room, toward a set of stone stairs built into the foundation. From there was where the other presences seemed to culminate.

Brunas Drace

By this point Brunas had quite the strange smattering of skeletal figures following in his footsteps. The original one led the charge, so to speak, and quick its heel were three slime-soaked creatures that weren't entirely intelligible as to what precisely they were. Perhaps the bones which made them up did not even originally belong to one another, who knew.
All that mattered was that they were animated once more at at his beck and call.
Up the flight of stairs they ventured, and into a darkened room beyond. A handful of candles dotted the space, though their flames were strange, far more red than orange. They let off an odd scent too, similar in nature to the incense Brunas himself had been burning. Though not the same scents directly.
Four sets of eyes turned to stare at them as they breached the room, and all at once what had been strange chanting ceased to be. The room around them lit up fiercely for a moment, as though the flames had inhaled all of the air, and then it was dark.
Even the candles he and Ishani carried were snuffed out.
And then a skittering of multiple feet could be heard.
Candles, then darkness and shuffling feet. Either there were a few four-legged beasties in the room with them, or a whole bunch of two-legged people.

Summoning her sword from the Nether, Ishani held it at the ready even as she fumbled to turn on her flashlight. It was dead. Damn. While she couldn’t see them, she could sense the other presences nearby through the Force, getting closer. She wasn’t taking any chances.

Hello? Who’s th—

Her admittedly weak attempt at diplomacy was quickly stopped by the activation of a purple lightsaber, which then swung at her out of the darkness. She narrowly managed to block the sudden blow. The glow of the weapon dispelled some of the shadows, and she got her first look at her attacker. A female Twi’lek clad in a white… catsuit? Presumably alchemized to take the place of traditional light armor.

The Twi’lek didn’t give her much of a chance to gawk, initiating a vicious duel. Other lightsabers flared to life, revealing similarly clad figures, all of them female, rushing forward to battle Brunas and his reanimated skeletons. Had they interrupted a witches’ sabbath? It certainly seemed so. But there was no time to ask questions about what ritual they were performing or whether they offered good healthcare. An all-out fight had begun.


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