Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Terminus Facility (Ground)

(For background and how to join, see here and here.)
[member="Wes Redtree"], [member="Darth Venefica"], [member="Seanna Vel"], [member="Soliael Devin Talith"], [member="Rael sul B'an"], [member="Yusan Fenn"], [member="Kei Amadis"], [member="Maya Whitelight"], [member="Chiasa Kritivaas"], [member="Jericho"], [member="Draco Vereen"], [member="Raziel"], [member="Orick T'ane"], [member="Dair Cotarin"], [member="Darth Kentarch"], [member="Xieza Blade"], [member="Ali Hadrix"], [member="Perla Pirjo"], [member="Jaster of clan Awaud"], [member="Nima Tann"], [member="Kiyron"]

The steamy jungle of SX-192 hides your target, a large facility protected by shield generators and featuring a factory and research area. Currently the nature of the defenders is unknown, but you know they are numerous and waiting for you to emerge….

  • You may join at any time! Simply PM me your army choices (200 point limit).
  • Note the rule changes below in red.
  • [member="Darth Kentarch"] is my assistant here, controlling the NPCs. Any questions you have be sure to tag both of us.
  • Team 1 (One Sith, Lord of the Fringe, ACA, Primeval) enters through the top row (row 1).
  • Team 2 (Republic, Protectorate, Mandalorians, Rebel Alliance, SJO, Levantine Sanctum, Vitae Alliance and Red Ravens) enter through the bottom row (row 34).

  • (Main) Defeat enemy defenders and rival factions.
  • (Main) Take and hold the facility. (20.18 and 21.19)
  • (Side) Shutdown the shield generator to allow aerial strikes. (Hexes 22.16 and 23.17)
  • (Side) Disable the factory to prevent reinforcements. (21.18)
  • (Side) Move troops off opposing team’s entry side.

  • Only factory submitted technology, vehicles or units may be used. A faction may only use its own submissions, or those which are open market.
  • Each writer may select up to 200 points worth of units from the following list. All base units cost 10 points, multiplied by 3 for unique units, 2 for rare and 1.5 for limited. No more than 3 rare and 5 limited units can be used per writer.
    Infantry Company (80 infantry)
  • Mechanised Infantry Company (40 infantry in 4 transports)
  • Artillery Battery (10 guns)
  • Anti-Air Battery (10 guns)
  • Light Armour/Walker Company (20 vehicles)
  • Heavy Armour/Walker Company (10 vehicles)
  • Bomber Run (Bomber Squadron, one use only)(3 per writer max)

[*]Bombers can only be used on the facility once the shield generator is disabled.
[*]The NPC defenders will have 300 points. One additional unit (except bombers) is produced each turn until the factory is disabled.
[*]Writers should take account of the terrain when moving. There are no enforced movement speeds, but vehicles will move slowly in jungle, fast over open ground etc.
[*]Respect the NPCs! The sheer number and firepower of units makes personal heroics unlikely to have a decisive impact. Strategy and tactics are what’s important here.
[*]Only artillery has the range and trajectory to fire at targets it cannot see. It has unlimited range, but poor accuracy against targets it cannot see. Infantry, anti-air and light armour has a range of 5, heavy armour has a range of 10.
[*]Superweapons of any sort are not allowed.
[*]All regular SWRP rules must be followed.
[*]One character per writer.
Moving from one battle to another requires a post leaving one battle and another in the new thread arriving. This may only be done once per writer. A writer may not move into a thread where they have another character.

Tw̨ò ̸D̵ays҉ ̛P̛ri͠o͞r
With every calculated intake of breath the Sith Lady from the swamp world of Dagobah took, she inhaled the unseen energy of the Dark Side that radiated off the Dark Lord; her lips spread in a menacing smile. Most feared to stand in the presence of their leader but not her. The hunger she craved from the Dark Side was never sated except for when she stood before the power of the Dark One; her Dark One. So fear was obsolete to her. Still, a part of her was more than curious as to why she had been summoned from her project to stand before him. Not kneel but stand. She had refused to kneel before anyone and though the Dark Lord had punished her repeatedly for her insolence, she stood once more in defiance of him.
"Darth daughter of the Dark Side," the Dark Lord began locking his cold and venomous stare upon her, "I have chosen you child for an important mission of great urgency."
Her black and red flecked eyes returned the poisonous stare as she replied, "A mission? You have already tasked me with a mission that is in it's delicate phase...that is where I should be. Not standing here miles away from..."
Her words were cut short as she felt the familiar pressure coiling around her throat. Her eyes lit up as she watched a rare smile slowly creep across the face of the Dark Lord. It was not the source of the smile that made her eyes glow with satisfaction but the swirling energy of the Dark Side that was being manipulated by the Dark Lord himself; and the pain. They both understood this was what she wanted, to feel pain and the Dark Side mingle together. An unholy blessed union that remained unsaid between them both.
"Your defiance will one day be your undoing," he hissed as he slowly released the Sith Lady from his grip. "Your new mission takes precedent over your current one. We have reports..."
"Of a cloned army deep in unknown space. The Terminus Facility or something like that."
"Your ability to unravel secrets that only my Council has knowledge of never ceases to amaze me. Yes, Terminus. Armies from both our allies and enemies are assembling for the purpose of securing the facility. That facility should be mine. And you my dear child will see to it that it does. Use whatever means at your disposal to see that this occurs. Trust no one. Kill any that stand in our way.
Pr̛esent͡ ̵Da͏y
Darth Venefica stood on the fringe of the jungle surrounded by the five battalion commanders and the lone brigade commander from the dreaded Dagobah Knights. They had landed quietly and unnoticed, quickly securing the area for the others to rendezvous with her. Strategy and tactics would be the diet for this upcoming battle. The full force of all the enemies in play were unknown to her but it was situations such as this that she excelled at.
Khomm, Rendilli, Balmorra, and countless other planets had fallen under the banner of the One Sith. She had matured and developed into a great master tactician; a fearless leader that knew what it took to win battles. She achieved success not by taking chances but through methodical planning and the fortitude to win. The lives of those that served under her were nothing more than statistics, bodies that could be easily replaced. But she also understood throwing away lives needlessly gained nothing but defeat.
Slowly she closed her eyes and waited.
Faction: One Sith
Team: Team 1 (One Sith, Lord of the Fringe, ACA, Primeval) ... [member="Tmoxin Temi"]​
The Dagobah Knights, Infantry (Unique), Strength (6), Hex Location: 01.01, Orders: Awaiting Reinforcements​
The jungle is a dank and soggy place. Covered with dense foliage and the areas that were sparse were now filled with the hulls of my tanks. As Master Chief and senior enlisted for the battalion I had been given direct command while the officers transferred orders and updates from space. The battle up there must have been pretty rough as well, because static was about the most I had gotten since we approached the engagement zone. I knew that the Separatist holdout from antiquity had already permeated the area, no doubt having set ambushes and traps a plenty. In an effort to keep my forces together I had my infantry begin scanning the jungles around my armored units, pressing forward towards the facility. Within a few minutes my tanks would be within range and I could bring down the shields.

I had Spear Company holding my left flank while Glaive company supported my right. Pulling up behind us was my Mechanized Infantry convoy, a unit I hoped would be able to cross the open area between my forces and the factory without being molested to badly. Halberd and Polearm Companies protected these units on either side, planning to draw fire away from the APC's and troops within. Once we got to the field my tanks would act as shields for my infantry to advance, and hopefully any allies I had out here as well.

I wasn't a stranger to battles, but they always aggravated me when they weren't straight forward. I didn't like have to hunt my enemies through a jungle, but I did like that their base was right out in the middle of everything. “Come on boys let’s keep ‘em coming,” I called over the comm channel, “This is Papa Dragon, all hulls ahead. Boys on the ground keep your heads down and an eye out.”

Faction: Republic
Team: Team 2
SABER, Heavy Armor- (10 Skocha-class Main Battle Tanks), 21:31, Push forward and eliminate any enemies discovered
SWORD, Heavy Armor- (10 Skocha-class Main Battle Tanks), HEX, Hold off battlefield
GLADIUS, Heavy Armor- (10 Skocha-class Main Battle Tanks), HEX, Hold off battlefield
RAPIER, Heavy Armor- (10 Skocha-class Main Battle Tanks), HEX, Hold off battlefield

SPEAR, Heavy Armor- (10 R-10 Reliant-class Main Battle Tanks), 20:31, Hold the left flank and provide support for infantry
GLAIVE, Heavy Armor- (10 R-10 Reliant-class Main Battle Tanks), 22:31, Hold the right flank and provide support for infantry
HALBERD, Heavy Armor- (10 R-10 Reliant-class Main Battle Tanks), 20:33, Protect Mechanized Infantry
POLEARM, Heavy Armor- (10 R-10 Reliant-class Main Battle Tanks), 22:33, Protect Mechanized Infantry

AUREK, Mechanized- (4 LLV-1 Myrmidon APC, 40 Troopers [Armor, Equalizer SAW]), 21:32, Provide Support for Armored Escort
BESH, Mechanized- (4 LLV-1 Myrmidon APC, 40 Troopers [Armor, Equalizer SAW]), 21:33, Provide Support for Armored Escort
CRESH, Mechanized- (4 LLV-1 Myrmidon APC, 40 Troopers [Armor, Equalizer SAW]), 21:34, Provide Support for Armored Escort
DORN, Mechanized- (4 LLV-1 Myrmidon APC, 40 Troopers [Armor, Equalizer SAW]), HEX, Hold off battlefield

FALCON, Anti-Air Battery- (10 R-10-AA Tempest Anti-Aircraft Tanks), HEX, Hold off Battlefield
HAWK, Anti-Air Battery- (10 R-10-AA Tempest Anti-Aircraft Tanks), HEX, Hold off Battlefield

ALPHA, Infantry- (80 Troopers [Armor, Equalizer SAW]), 22:30, Sweep jungle for enemy ambushers
BRAVO, Infantry- (80 Troopers [Armor, Equalizer SAW]), 22:32, Sweep jungle for enemy ambushers
CHARLIE, Infantry- (80 Troopers [Armor, Equalizer SAW]), 19:31, Sweep jungle for enemy ambushers
DELTA, Infantry- (80 Troopers [Armor, Equalizer SAW]), HEX, Hold off Battlefield
The Scourge, an ISD-II under the command of Captain [member="Hans Vaiden"], had been abruptly pulled back from Byss, the current operation halted. But there was no time for relaxing it seemed. The 182nd was immediately called in to lead another military operation for the Imperial Inquisition from the sky and ground respectively. Apparently a long-secret facility had been found in a system called SX192 with a treasure trove of droids and minerals. But this type of news travels fast in the galaxy and there were also reports that One Sith enemies had also caught wind of these wealthy reserves and were on the way to contest it.

Tmoxin didn't want to interrupt the Captain as he prepared to repel said enemies. She sat in one of the Scourge's planning rooms and poured over holomaps and whatever of type of intel they had on the Terminus Facility. Once they had their foundational strategy, Tmoxin moved into the port hangar bay and surveyed the bustling activity to get stormtroopers into shuttles and Imperial Walkers into the enormous Y-85 Titan dropships. The massive scale of it all made her head slightly spin.

"It's time, Commander," said Sgt. Major Ulysses, her right hand man in battle and administrative needs.

Unlike Byss, Tmoxin wasn't going to be on the front lines and there was no reason to be with the amount of firepower the 182nd would be bringing to the planet's surface. She and the Sgt. Major would be directing the operation from a PX-4 Mobile Command Base behind the troops. She nodded to Ulysses and they strode to the landing craft which would take them and the mobile base to the surface of SX192.


Location: Beside Darth Venefica's Battalion

The Sith Lord [member="Darth Venefica"] had already secured a spot on the outskirts of the jungle and once Commander Temi's dropship landed, she climbed into the mobile command base and watched as one by one, small shuttles and large came out of the sky to gently land nearby and begin the deployment. It wasn't the time or the place, but she thought about two things as she watched the preparation. She wondered if there were going to be reprisals for her and the Captain's recent activity on Byss. Second, she thought about the Captain himself, where he was right now on The Scourge. Was he pacing on the bridge, whirling with action and energy, giving orders and shoring up the ship's defenses? Or was he quietly in his quarters, pensive and reflective. Probably the first if she knew him well enough. Tmoxin felt an ache in the pit of her stomach thinking of anything happening to him. But that just will not occur, thought the Commander. We will be victorious here and reap the rewards of Terminus.

OOC: had to make a slight edit because I karked it up the first time
Light Armour/Walker Company – 2 (20 Imperial Walkers) (Light), some with Ion Cannons, includes 40 infantry and crew in each (80 infantry total)
Heavy Armour/Walker Company – 3 (10 Imperial Walkers) (Heavy) includes 40 infantry and crew in each (120 infantry total)
2 Infantry Companies (120 soldiers) of Scout Troopers on Bikes
Xieza was sitting on top of one of the troop transports reading a magazine. It was a hot and moist day, which made quite the annoying combo. All the men below him were sweating as they waited for the signal to push forwards. The sight of his army around him was quite nice. The M1s and M2s were in the front of the army, keeping a watch over the land ahead of them. Xieza had placed them there in case of an attack while they waited. The Infantry were stationed directly behind the Walkers and the Mechanized Infantry were in the back. Xieza lowered the magazine when he heard a man shout to him.

"Sir! Allied forces have begun advancing towards the facility!"

Xieza tossed the magazine aside and hopped down from the transport vehicle.

"Thank you, inform Lord Aulart that I wish to see him."

"Yes Sir!"

The infantryman, then, darted off through the sea of tents and soldiers. Xieza looked up at the sky. The sun was almost directly above them. This meant that the heat wouldn't be dying down anytime soon. Xieza checked his side to make sure his lightsaber was there and it was. He was definitely going to need that at some point today. He was just about to inform the entire army to prepare to push forward when he heard a voice behind him.

"Time to move up, huh?"

Xieza turned around and saw Lord Aulart in his battle armor. The man was always determined, but today, he looked even more determined. Perhaps it was the excitement of going into battle again. It had been years since Lord Aulart had been in a large battle.

"Yes... it is time. This facility must not go into the wrong hands. Aulart, I would like you to move up with me in Army A. Inform General Rickard that he has command of Army B and the artillery."

Lord Aulart stepped aside and began speaking into his radio. While he did this, Xieza decided to go ahead and inform the entire army to prepare for combat and to move forward. Xieza spoke into his radio.

"All troops, prepare for combat and to move out, I repeat, prepare for combat and to move out."

After he did that, tents began to collapse and get packed up. Troops were grabbing their gear and preparing. The walkers were already prepared, as they have kept watch this whole time. Sounds of engines starting up could be heard behind Xieza as the mechanized vehicles were getting prepared.

"Rickard has his army set and ready to advance. On your word, sire."

"Let's do it. Inform Rickard to advance and follow the plan. As for us, we will follow the river."

Faction: Silver Jedi
Team: Team 2

Army A

I-1, Infantry, 80 Vinden Infantry Troops, 23.34, Advance along the river
I-2, Infantry, 80 Vinden Infantry Troops, 24.34, Advance along the river
I-3, Infantry, 80 Vinden Infantry Troops, 25.34, Advance along the river
I-4, Infantry, 80 Vinden Infantry Troops, 26.34, Advance along the river
I-5, Infantry, 80 Vinden Infantry Troops, Off Field, Awaiting Orders

MI-1, Mechanized Infantry, 40 Vinden Infantry Troops and 4 transports, Off Field, Awaiting Orders
MI-2, Mechanized Infantry, 40 Vinden Infantry Troops and 4 transports, Off Field, Awaiting Orders

LW-1, Light Walker, 20 M1 Light Walkers, 23.33, Advance along the river
LW-2, Light Walker, 20 M1 Light Walkers, 26.33, Advance along the river

HW-1, Heavy Walker, 10 M2 Heavy Walkers, 24.33, Advance along the river
HW-2, Heavy Walker, 10 M2 Heavy Walkers, 25.33, Advance along the river

Faction: Silver Jedi
Team: Team 2

Army B

I-6, Infantry, 80 Vinden Kingdom Troops, 28.34, Advance along other side of river and defend artillery
I-7, Infantry, 80 Vinden Kingdom Troops, 29.34, Advance along other side of river and defend artillery

MI-3, Mechanized Infantry, 40 Vinden Infantry Troops and 4 transports, 32.33, Advance and defend artillery

LW-3, Light Walker, 20 M1 Light Walkers, 30.33, Defend advancing artillery

HW-3, Heavy Walker, 10 M2 Heavy Walkers, 31.33, Defend advancing artillery

AW-1, Artillery Walker, 10 M3 Artillery Walkers, 30.34, Advance along the river
AW-2, Artillery Walker, 10 M3 Artillery Walkers, 31.34, Advance along the river
AW-3, Artillery Walker, 10 M3 Artillery Walkers, Off Field, Awaiting Orders

Lurcano Car'dann

"Kark you, I won't do what you tell me."
Everything was quiet. If someone was to be observing the treeline, it would seem as if there wasn't a soul in the world. The tranquility of the jungle was soon interrupted however. The ground began to shake. It was unnoticeable at first, but the tremors slowly grew. The silence that had seemed to cover the planet was soon broken. Sounds of Heavy Walkers and Artillery Units making their way through the thick undergrowth reverberated across the landscape. Then, all hell broke loose.

A large military convoy broke through the treeline. It was spearheaded by Crushers. Taking down anything standing in their way, a path of sorts was paved for the rest of the convoy. Hundreds upon hundreds of Droids filtered in. In the core of the Convoy were advanced UWD and AP-ATW Heavy Walkers. They were surrounded by the tough Super Clankers and would be hard to reach. The back of the Convoy consisted of Mobile Artillery Cannons well protected by several companies of War Dogs. And one could not forget the Sappers which were almost as adept as the walkers in taking down artillery units, heavy armor, and buildings. Though they were a lot less protected.

Standing in the middle of it all was Lurcano Car'dann. The Sergent-At-Arms of the Ravens. And his intention was to make a statement. Many people did not respect the true power that the Ravens held. Lurcano was here to remedy that. The Ravens were a multitrillion credit operation and no one in their right mind should take them lightly. The facility that they were going to be assaulting was several clicks Northeast of them. Lurcano was not alone in this military operation. Several human officers and commanders had been dotted all across the convoy and would be relaying orders to the droids as they got them.

Speaking into his comm unit, Lurcano addressed the officer at the head of the convoy. "Captain. Give me a status report on our situation. How far are we from our destination and have our radars picked anything up?" There was static on the line before a mans voice was heard. "Our progress is good sir. We are making our way through the jungle rather nicely and we should reach our destination soon enough. We've also received some messages from the ships orbiting the planet above. Apparently we are not alone in this little excursion of ours. Forces from both the Republic and the Silver Jedi have landed nearby. Though we do not know the exact whereabouts of their destinations."

Lurcano thanked the man and cut off the feed. He mulled over the information that had been relayed to him before deciding on the proper course of action. A message was broadcasted out to play on a loop and it would be picked up by both The Republic forces and the Vinden Kingdom forces. -static- "To all enemies of the Sith. We are working to make sure the facility falls into the rightful hands side by side along with you. I propose that we coordinate our efforts against our common enemy and work together. End Message. -static-

Done with the message, Lurcano spurred the convoy forward and their pace picked up once again.

Military Forces
Ground Forces

- 8 Units of War Dogs (Infantry Company) 640 Total
- 1 Unit of War Bugs/Sappers (Infantry Company) 80 Total
- 1 Unit of Super Clankers (Infantry Company) 80 Total
- 3 Units of UWD (Heavy Armor/Walker Company) 30
- 3 Units of AP-ATW (Heavy Armor/Walker Company) 30
- 2 Units of Crushers (Heavy Armor/Walker Company) 20
- 2 Units of Mobile Artillery Cannons (Artillery Battery) 20

The Convoy has started on the cell 9.34. They are heading Northwards and are moving to emerge on the westernmost section of the clearing which contains the Terminus Facility.

[member="Xieza Blade"] [member="Tmoxin Temi"] [member="Draco Vereen"] [member="Darth Venefica"] [member="Valiens Nantaris"]


Princess of Baalia and Senator to the Galactic Sen
Accompanied by two of my staff, I walked along observing as my troops were deploying into position behind and mirroring those of [member="Draco Vereen"]. The soggy, muddy ground and dense foliage made their progress slow and the hot mugginess of the air hung over everyone present as if a heavy veil.

I also had the Infantry troops under my command begin scanning the area while moving slowly and cautiously forward. Then I have HALBERD Company take up position on the left while POLEARM Company took up position on the right while the Mechanized Companies took up position behind.

My troops were to provide support during the assault on the Shield Generators and I would bring more support in the Diplomatic Arena as well.

Over the comm channel I called out."Ladies and gents, you heard the man."

Faction: Republic
Team: Team 2
SABER, Heavy Armor- (10 Skocha-class Main Battle Tanks), 15:31, Push forward and eliminate any enemies discovered
SWORD, Heavy Armor- (10 Skocha-class Main Battle Tanks), HEX, Hold off battlefield
GLADIUS, Heavy Armor- (10 Skocha-class Main Battle Tanks), HEX, Hold off battlefield
RAPIER, Heavy Armor- (10 Skocha-class Main Battle Tanks), HEX, Hold off battlefield

SPEAR, Heavy Armor- (10 R-10 Reliant-class Main Battle Tanks), 16:31, Hold the left flank and provide support for infantry
GLAIVE, Heavy Armor- (10 R-10 Reliant-class Main Battle Tanks), 14:31, Hold the right flank and provide support for infantry
HALBERD, Heavy Armor- (10 R-10 Reliant-class Main Battle Tanks), 16:33, Protect Mechanized Infantry
POLEARM, Heavy Armor- (10 R-10 Reliant-class Main Battle Tanks), 14:33, Protect Mechanized Infantry

AUREK, Mechanized- (4 LLV-1 Myrmidon APC, 40 Troopers [Armor, Equalizer SAW]), 15:32, Provide Support for Armored Escort
BESH, Mechanized- (4 LLV-1 Myrmidon APC, 40 Troopers [Armor, Equalizer SAW]), 15:33, Provide Support for Armored Escort
CRESH, Mechanized- (4 LLV-1 Myrmidon APC, 40 Troopers [Armor, Equalizer SAW]), 15:34, Provide Support for Armored Escort
DORN, Mechanized- (4 LLV-1 Myrmidon APC, 40 Troopers [Armor, Equalizer SAW]), HEX, Hold off battlefield

FALCON, Anti-Air Battery- (10 R-10-AA Tempest Anti-Aircraft Tanks), HEX, Hold off Battlefield
HAWK, Anti-Air Battery- (10 R-10-AA Tempest Anti-Aircraft Tanks), HEX, Hold off Battlefield

ALPHA, Infantry- (80 Troopers [Armor, Equalizer SAW]), 14:30, Sweep jungle for enemy ambushers
BRAVO, Infantry- (80 Troopers [Armor, Equalizer SAW]), 14:32, Sweep jungle for enemy ambushers
CHARLIE, Infantry- (80 Troopers [Armor, Equalizer SAW]), 17:31, Sweep jungle for enemy ambushers
DELTA, Infantry- (80 Troopers [Armor, Equalizer SAW]), HEX, Hold off Battlefield
“All units and AT-ATs are on the ground, Commander,” said Sgt. Major Ulysses examining the holographic tactical displays inside the command base. “The Walkers and VIPER are closer to the facility, just inside the jungle to the east.”

“Send surveillance droids to their location. Can you pick up any enemy transmissions?"

The Sgt. Major pressed a few buttons on his console to deploy the droids. “Not yet but we’re working on it.”

Tmoxin radioed Scout Trooper Lieutenant Leeda and said, “Send out 25 scout trooper on reconnaissance to report enemy positions. Once positions have been relayed we’ll have some immediate targets.”

“Yes, Commander.”

At the Commander’s order they would soon see scout troopers on Kybuck speeder bikes roaring out from a staging area near to the landed shuttles. She knew those boys had been itching for exactly this type of mission and it would be hard to hold the rest of them back for long. The bikers were armed with E-11 collapsable sniper rifles, holdout blaster pistols and Baradium core code key thermal detonators. To the untrained eye the bikers would appear reckless and almost out of control, moving at upwards of 500 km an hour as they zoomed through the rough terrain, but they were incredibly well-trained to handle any kind of environment.

However their assignment was not to attack just yet. They maneuvered through the jungles zipping in and out of cover with the intention of spotting the enemy. And their search was fruitful. After a minute, a scout trooper radioed the command base with: “Republic Skocha-class Main Battle Tanks spotted within range of the facility.” The biker scouts sent back the coordinates to mobile command as well as to nearby allies who would be listening into the transmission.

The second squad of biker scouts also radioed the location of the Silver Jedi HW-1 Heavy Walkers which were making their way up the river to the east of the facility.

"Next send out the walkers and have them advance to the facility. I want the Viper closely behind. The Viper can take out the shields once we secure the area.”

Commander Temi and Sgt. Major Ulysses would monitor the battle through surveillance droids which had been deployed as well through communication with their field officers, some of which were now in battle positions.

15 bike scouts sent to hex 21:31, to spot Republic Skocha-class Main Battle Tanks/10 bike scouts sent to hex 24.33 and 25.33 to spot Silver Jedi HW-1 Heavy Walkers along the river/1 Heavy Walker on hex 05:05: advancing/1 Heavy Walker on hex 05:06: advancing/1 Light Walker on hex 05:07 advancing/1 Light Walker on hex 05:08 advancing/1 X-1 VIPER on hex 04:05 awaiting orders/2 Infantry Companies (95 soldiers) of Scout Troopers on Bikes on hex 01.01, awaiting orders

[member="Valiens Nantaris"] [member="Darth Venefica"] [member="Draco Vereen"] [member="Xieza Blade"] [member="Lurcano Car'dann"] [member="Karrie"] [member="Darth Kentarch"] [member="Seanna Vel"] [member="TJ-1467 Jay"]
Major Orick T'ane stood around the small briefing table with the other officers of his strike force, Major Gem Lautghton was just starting his order of march before the push to the factory began. " Alpha company, you are leading to the left of the formation with Bravo to the leading right. I want a A spread of two squads wide for each company. Delta company will follow closely behind with it's two walker units. If you engage, make sure to relay targets back to Delta for fire support. Echo company will range out to the left and provide flanking support and a mobile base of fire should we have to react left. Foxtrot will likewise provide cover on the right flank. Both units are to stay close to the main body of the strike force in case support is needed." The major stopped and looked up at the armored walker captains. " Gentlemen, I shouldn't have to tell you that heroics don't win you anything other than a nice funeral. Support the plan and we will win the day."

He turned to the two lightly dressed captains standing in the back, " Support company, your two units of artillery will stay towards the rear of the column. You will have two squads from Charlie in front of you and two behind you. They will provide security for your units while we move and will be out strategic reserve when the battle begins in earnest. Captain, you're company is invaluable in this roll, keep those guns safe and your men ready to counterattack." He turned but stopped, " Also Captain Quinn, there's a Republic agent, one Captain [member="Ali Hadrix"] that will be joining us. Give her whatever she needs out of your reserve force, but inform Major T'ane if anything is beyond your ability to give."

He grinned widely and turned to Orick T'ane who nodded, " Mount up gentlemen, lets go kick the kriff out of some Sith."

Faction: Republic
Team: 2

Alpha company
4 X Mechanized- (4 LLV-1 Myrmidon APC, 40 Troopers [Armor, Equalizer SAW]) 06.29

160 troops 16 vehicles

Bravo Company
4 X Mechanized- (4 LLV-1 Myrmidon APC, 40 Troopers [Armor, Equalizer SAW]) 08.29
160 troops 16 vehicles.

Charlie company(half company)

2 X Mechanized- (4 LLV-1 Myrmidon APC, 40 Troopers [Armor, Equalizer SAW]) 07.31

160 troops 16 vehicles.

Delta company
2 X AP-ATW heavy walker units 07.30

Echo company

2 X AP-ATW heavy walker units 05.30

Foxtrot company
2 X AP-ATW heavy walker units 09.30

Support company
2 X LLV-2 Baldr-class Assault gun batteries. 07.32

Charlie company(half company)

2 X Mechanized- (4 LLV-1 Myrmidon APC, 40 Troopers [Armor, Equalizer SAW]) 07.33

160 troops 16 vehicles.

[member="Tmoxin Temi"] [member="Karrie"] [member="Lurcano Car'dann"] [member="Xieza Blade"] [member="Draco Vereen"] [member="Darth Venefica"]
The troops pushed forward through the jungle like environment of the planet, the river right next to them. They had covered some decent ground since they departed from their last camp zone. There seemed to be nothing out of the ordinary in the area. Everything was quite calm, though, some troops claim they heard the sound of speeder bikes nearby, but nothing was found under further investigation. A little later, Xieza received a comm message from an ally which asked him to fire his artillery in the area south of the facility, so he got on his radio and contacted General Rickard.

"Rickard, rain some hell at 21.25, 20.25, and 19.25!"

"Get ready for the fireworks, sire."

Suddenly, loud sounds of artillery fire could be heard. Xieza looked up in the sky and saw the rounds. They soared through the sky before coming back down to the ground. It was a spectacular sight. The land at which they landed burst into explosions and flying terrain. Anything in that area would likely have been destroyed, or at least damaged in some way.

"That's good enough, Rickard. Proceed your advance along the eastern side of the river."

"Yes, sire."

Lord Aulart approached Xieza.

"That was one hell of a show. It seems to have gotten the men's fighting spirit up. Hell, even my spirit has gone up after seeing that beautiful sight."

"It was our first shots of the battle, Aulart. I'm sure it would get any man eager to get into action."

Xieza and Army A continued to move alongside the western side of the river, as Army B had slowed down their push on the eastern side of the river in order to fire artillery.

The artillery hit hexes: 21.25, 20.25, and 19.25

[member="Valiens Nantaris"] , [member="Darth Venefica"] , [member="Draco Vereen"] , [member="Tmoxin Temi"] , [member="Lurcano Car'dann"] , [member="Karrie"] , [member="Orick T'ane"]

Faction: Silver Jedi
Team: Team 2

Army A

I-1, Infantry, 80 Vinden Infantry Troops, 23.30, Advance along the river
I-2, Infantry, 80 Vinden Infantry Troops, 24.30, Advance along the river
I-3, Infantry, 80 Vinden Infantry Troops, 25.30, Advance along the river
I-4, Infantry, 80 Vinden Infantry Troops, 26.30, Advance along the river
I-5, Infantry, 80 Vinden Infantry Troops, 25.31, Advance along the river

MI-1, Mechanized Infantry, 40 Vinden Infantry Troops and 4 transports, 24.31, Advance along the river
MI-2, Mechanized Infantry, 40 Vinden Infantry Troops and 4 transports, 23.31, Advance along the river

LW-1, Light Walker, 20 M1 Light Walkers, 23.29, Advance along the river
LW-2, Light Walker, 20 M1 Light Walkers, 26.29, Advance along the river

HW-1, Heavy Walker, 10 M2 Heavy Walkers, 24.29, Advance along the river
HW-2, Heavy Walker, 10 M2 Heavy Walkers, 25.29, Advance along the river

Faction: Silver Jedi
Team: Team 2

Army B

I-6, Infantry, 80 Vinden Kingdom Troops, 31.31, Advance along other side of river and defend artillery
I-7, Infantry, 80 Vinden Kingdom Troops, 32.30, Advance along other side of river and defend artillery

MI-3, Mechanized Infantry, 40 Vinden Infantry Troops and 4 transports, 33.30, Advance and defend artillery

LW-3, Light Walker, 20 M1 Light Walkers, 31.30, Defend advancing artillery

HW-3, Heavy Walker, 10 M2 Heavy Walkers, 32.29, Defend advancing artillery

AW-1, Artillery Walker, 10 M3 Artillery Walkers, 31.32 , Fire at 21.25 and then proceed advancing
AW-2, Artillery Walker, 10 M3 Artillery Walkers, 32.31 , Fire at 20.25 and then proceed advancing
AW-3, Artillery Walker, 10 M3 Artillery Walkers, 33.31 , Fire at 19.25 and then proceed advancing
War was hell. Whoever said they weren't afraid of going into battle and dealing with the death, screams of agony, and the horrendous sights were either lying or stupid. Jay was neither. Of course he was afraid. Even being one of those seemingly faceless mooks in service of a galaxy-spanning Empire was afraid. It wasn't of death and surely wasn't of being wounded or losing men - it was of failure. He couldn't afford to dishonor the reputation of the Empire and especially not the 501st legion.

Oh hell no.

"Move out. Zonal defensive pattern, spread out and entrench yourselves."

Like his other fellow Imperial commanders, Jay was seated within a PX-4 Mobile Command Base. It possessed enough scanners to spot the nearest rodent through dense foliage and trees along with enough communications gear to satisfy the needs of an entire small town. It was a useful little command vehicle and the Stormtrooper Commander just adored having it around. It made things so much easier, such as relaying bombardment coordinates to his cannons.

"Orders, sir?" One of the officers quipped, peering out of the viewport to watch as seventy units of Self Propelled Medium Artillery situated themselves in a pattern, making sure to spread out enough to reduce collateral damage should return fire be an issue. Alongside them at set intervals sat ten All Terrain Anti-Aircraft weapons platforms, loading up their flak pods and readying the rest of their anti-personnel armaments.

In front of them and around them boasted an entire three infantry companies of the elite 501st. These weren't just your average run-of-the-mill stormtroopers. No, these were men and women who had faced the hardships of war for centuries on end, nearly perfecting the art of warfare in all aspects. Instead of that dreadful white armor, all of them had traded their standard armor in favor of something more suited to the environment. The scout troopers of the infantry sat themselves in trees with motion sensors, heavy infantry erected E-Web blaster emplacements and even more sat up their T-21's on tripods. As for the rest, they either sent out stealthy patrols or reinforced the current line.

Last came the direct action force. A single company of forty Scout troopers and their speeder bikes, augmented by forty AT-ST walkers to spot targets for the artillery or otherwise assault the enemy and make their day even more miserable than it was already becoming.

That same officer, who happened to be named Jeffries, piped up again: "Commander, we've got coordinates and laser spots from Commander Temi's unit. It's Republic heavy armor, sir. As long as we've got them lasered, they're dead."

Jay nodded. "Go ahead and redo our payloads. Reading has it that these targets are too far, and we're gonna need those scouts to get closer."

"Yes, sir."

And with that, seventy artillery cannons changed their payloads to armor piercing rounds and awaited further orders, or the lazing specifications. Whichever came first.

  • 3 x Infantry Companies (240 Elite Stormtroopers) [Stationed at 22.03, 23.03, and 24.02]
  • 1 x Mechanized Infantry Company (40 Scouts on Bikes) [Advancing from 23.04 to 31.11]
  • 7 x Artillery Batteries (70 SPMA) [Divided evenly at 22.01, 23.01, and 24.01 - Preparing to fire on Skochas at 15.31]
  • 1 x Anti-Aircraft Batteries (10 AT-AA) [Stationed at 23.02]
  • 2 x Light Armor/Walker Companies (40 AT-ST) [Advancing from 23.04 to 31.11]
[member="Tmoxin Temi"], [member="Darth Venefica"], [member="Karrie"], and [member="Draco Vereen"]
The facility was silent. For centuries it had remained in stand by mode, most galactic governments had avoided it completely. With proximity detectors and an emergency stand-by system, it was better to simply mark the area off limits and prevent civilian traffic form distributing the factory itself. After the plague and a period of six hundred years of darkness it remained either forgotten or neglected out of fear. Until Now. In a galaxy torn apart by constant conflict, galactic forces came rushing to plunder the facility, hoping to loot the stash of military supplies and technology that survived the test of time.

Proximity Alarm. Warning unauthorized forces detected. Activate Protocol Alpha. All Units to standby. A mechanical voice chimed to life instead the facility. The darkness was cut by lights switching on, assembly lines and automated systems broke the centuries old silence as they in a frightening rate began assembling droid units to defend the facility. In an orderly fashion the B2 Super Battle Droids marched to the main exit, the great doors groaning open as the droids poured out into the field before them. Inside the facility Multi-Troop Transports (MTTs) were loaded up with B-1 Battle Droids and Droidekas.

Multiple hostile forces detected. All Units assume defensive positions, protect field generator and facility. Deep within the facility an advanced AI controlled and directed the droid forces. Likewise its advanced systems and support droids had kept the armed units well maintained for a fight. These units were in no way dated. As the AI gave orders the B1 and B2 squawked back with the famous "Roger! Roger!". The facility scans revealed the armies to be largely organic. The AI without a though issued the internal assembly lines to production of small canisters. These small canisters had a small label on them, a 'hyperactive CL2' in small print. Just as the AI was competent in making tactical decisions, it was also given unrestricted operational discretion in the elimination of enemy forces approaching the facility.

As the battle droids themselves marched out of the facility and into the field, behind the heavy armor prepared to roll out behind them. OG-9 homing spider droids, IG-227 Hailfire-class droid tanks, A-DSD advanced dwarf spider droids, and supported by J-1 semi-autonomous proton cannons were ready and following suit. They would have to wait, rushing out so many units was dangerous. The AI would keep a more orderly flow of battle in early defensive phases. After several centuries it had after all developed a personality.

x14 Infantry divisions: Advancing from 21.18 to 20.17
x6 Mechanized Infantry Companies: Advancing from 21.18 to 20.17
x3 Artillery Batteries: 21.18 Preparing to advance to avoid over-stacking.
x2 Anti-Air Batteries: 21.18 Preparing to advance to avoid over-stacking.
x2 Light Armour/Walker Company: 21.18 Preparing to advance to avoid over-stacking.
x2 Heavy Armour/Walker Company: 21.18 Preparing to advance to avoid over-stacking.
GM NOTE: All units at 21.18 are inside the facility are unseen, undetectable, and unable to be targeted. FOW applies heavily.

[member="Wes Redtree"], [member="Darth Venefica"], [member="Seanna Vel"], [member="Rael sul B'an"], [member="Yusan Fenn"], [member="Kei Amadis"], [member="Maya Whitelight"], [member="Chiasa Kritivaas"], [member="Jericho"], [member="Draco Vereen"], [member="Raziel"], [member="Orick T'ane"], [member="Dair Cotarin"] [member="Xieza Blade"], [member="Ali Hadrix"], [member="Perla Pirjo"], [member="Jaster of clan Awaud"], [member="Nima Tann"], [member="Kiyron"]
She crouched down staring into the jungle as she pulled small blades of grass up from the ground. Jungles, forests, and swamps were obstacles to most people, droids, and aliens but to her it was home. She had survived, alone, living in such terrains back on Dagobah, a planet steep with some of the most dangerous and unique predators to haunt the galaxy. She could hear and read the signs they provided when danger was near or understand the lack of sounds that lead to impending dangers. In the forest, jungles, and swamps she was the apex predator. And one only needed to glance at her outfit to know the truth of this.
The two dragonsnake teeth woven into her hair rattled slightly as she rose to her feet, watching the main force under the command of [member="Tmoxin Temi"] begin their advance toward the facility. With a small gesture from her right hand, her six troops began to fan out keeping no less than ten (10) feet apart from each other, three flanking each side of the Sith Lady. The time had come to find and conquer the facility in the name of the Dark Lord.
Her senses stretched to their limitations, she silently led her small band through the foliage keeping the trees and other natural defenses in sight; moving behind them for part-time cover allowing the troops to sweep the area for the enemy before advancing to the next stage of cover. The old battle droids were not well known for their intelligence but their numbers more than made up for this; so seeing them first was important to the survival of her and the six troops.
Countless vibrations began to ping all throughout the Force, alerting the Dagobah Sith that droids were in their proximity. She dropped to her right knee, her troops following suit, as she took cover behind a moss infested rock. Using the Force, she brushed the minds of her boys whispering, "The enemy is close. Keep your eyes peeled for them and do not hesitate to open fire."
The first sounds of explosions in the distance could be heard just as she removed her weapon, The Dagobah Curse, from it's resting place on her right side. Her left thumb hovered slightly over the activation stud as she used the sounds of the explosions to cover their movements as they ran in double time through the forest; steadily keeping aware of their surroundings.
Faction: One Sith
Team: Team 1​
Force: Dagobah Knights: strength 6​
Moving from 01.01-09.19
[member="Tmoxin Temi"] ... [member="TJ-1467 Jay"] ... [member="Darth Kentarch"]​​

The Droids were moving. We had wondered how far were we going to make it before they came out and started shooting. A mass of Infantry and Mechanized infantry left from the Factory, enormous numbers, no doubt even more so elsewhere. They were clustered close together and were still massed, vulnerable to artillery fire, but sensors showed Sith forces and their allies well on the move as well. Alright, time to get ready for the long haul here. "Boys, this is Papa Dragon, form me up a wall of armor with SPEAR and HALBERD on the left flank and GLAIVE and POLEARM on the right. Keep loose get those shields up, boys its about to get hairy." I said calmly watching my tanks' hulls pull to their designated positions. They were fairly well spread out, keeping the distance between companies fairly open in the hopes to minimize the damage from artillery strikes and bombing runs later down the line.

I could hear more tanks in the rear, pulling in behind the wall that was preparing to emerge from the jungles into more open ground. I heard an officer over the comm-channel "Keep low boys, stay to the jungles and keep under cover." He wasn't wrong, the infantry would be vulnerable advancing on the facility through the massive clearing.

To the far right friendly artillery used air burst on several locations ahead of my column, trying to oust any would be saboteurs and ambushers. "Good job on the right SJO. Hold fast and see if you can do a sensor sweep for enemy artillery. Boys in the back form up and get ready, I want Mechanized in line two, and Skochas in line three. Infantry and Anti-Air hold the rear guard and flanks." They were good soldiers, not the best trained, but certainly the most stalwart I had had the pleasure of serving beside. Sensors indicated Sith allied walkers far to the north of the facility and other forces east of them setting up. "Be on the look out Left flank you have company out there." I called over the comm-channel.

As we pulled into the less dense brush the comm buzzed, "Polearm One in position, Halberd One in position, Spear One in position, Glaive One in position, Saber One in position. All clear for command Papa Dragon, full assault on your go." Good they were ready and iching to get in the fight. This would be a good one if there was such a thing as a good fight.

"All hulls, full advance on target." I called over the comm hunkering a little lower in my seat, waiting for the shells to start screaming.

Tag Box
[member="Darth Venefica"] [member="Darth Kentarch"] [member="TJ-1467 Jay"] [member="Xieza Blade"] [member="Orick T'ane"] [member="Tmoxin Temi"]

Troop Commands
Faction: Republic
Team: Team 2
SABER, Heavy Armor- (10 Skocha-class Main Battle Tanks), -->20:28, Center of Armored Line, Continue Advance
SWORD, Heavy Armor- (10 Skocha-class Main Battle Tanks), -->20:31, Advance all forces
GLADIUS, Heavy Armor- (10 Skocha-class Main Battle Tanks), -->19:32, Advance all Forces
RAPIER, Heavy Armor- (10 Skocha-class Main Battle Tanks), -->21:32, Advance all Forces

SPEAR, Heavy Armor- (10 R-10 Reliant-class Main Battle Tanks), -->19:28, Advance, Form Armored Line
GLAIVE, Heavy Armor- (10 R-10 Reliant-class Main Battle Tanks), -->21:28, Advance, Form Armored Line
HALBERD, Heavy Armor- (10 R-10 Reliant-class Main Battle Tanks), -->18:28, Advance, Form Armored Line
POLEARM, Heavy Armor- (10 R-10 Reliant-class Main Battle Tanks), -->22:28, Advance, Form Armored Line

AUREK, Mechanized- (4 LLV-1 Myrmidon APC, 40 Troopers [Armor, Equalizer SAW]), 20:29, Provide Support for Armor Line
BESH, Mechanized- (4 LLV-1 Myrmidon APC, 40 Troopers [Armor, Equalizer SAW]), 20:30, Provide Support for Armor Line
CRESH, Mechanized- (4 LLV-1 Myrmidon APC, 40 Troopers [Armor, Equalizer SAW]), 21:31, Provide Support for Armor Line
DORN, Mechanized- (4 LLV-1 Myrmidon APC, 40 Troopers [Armor, Equalizer SAW]), 19:31, Provide Support for Armor Line

FALCON, Anti-Air Battery- (10 R-10-AA Tempest Anti-Aircraft Tanks), -->21:33, Hold Rear Guard
HAWK, Anti-Air Battery- (10 R-10-AA Tempest Anti-Aircraft Tanks), -->19:33, Hold Rear Guard

ALPHA, Infantry- (80 Troopers [Armor, Equalizer SAW]), -->18:31, Secure Flanks, Keep in cover, Advance
BRAVO, Infantry- (80 Troopers [Armor, Equalizer SAW]), -->18:32, Secure Flanks, Keep in cover, Advance
CHARLIE, Infantry- (80 Troopers [Armor, Equalizer SAW]), -->22:30, Secure Flanks, Keep in cover, Advance
DELTA, Infantry- (80 Troopers [Armor, Equalizer SAW]), -->22:32, Secure Flanks, Keep in cover, Advance
Grozurra of Kashyyyk.

Wookiee. Mandalorian. Heavy armor expert. Heavy weapon expert. Force Recon Specialist. Novice force adept and one time Jedi Padawan.

These things were common knowledge to any who have met the hundred and twenty eight cycle young wookiee.

What was not common knowledge, was that Grozurra was also an avid fan of the entertainment industry and was competent with many types of musical instrument. Not great, not good, but competent.

Heroic Mando Music

The sound of traditional Mandalorian marching music filled the air and the Mandalorian's encrypted comms network as Grozurra held a large, inflated cloth bag under his left arm and held a long, beskar pipe to his lips (leaving his helmet unsealed to do so).

As the massive Mammoth's head, upon which Grozurra stood, swayed back and forth in rhythm with the music, an army of Mandalorian Protectors took the field. Massive engines of war rolled, clanked, or hovered forward alongside the clinking and clanking of armor on armor as Mandalorian Heavy Cavalry trotted ever closer to battle upon the backs of massive war droids and huge, armored beasts from Wayland.

From the backs of the giant mammoth creatures, encased in armor similar to the Mandalorians that rode them, massive energy shields projected upwards and outwards to encase the armored column. Similarly, but less visible, a collection of 800 Ysalamiri contained within four stygium cloaked Bral vehicles bathed the Mandalorians in an 8,000 meter wide field of nope.

For the moment, Grozurra was without the aid of the Force. But for the moment, his brothers and sisters were safe from it.

The column of Mandalorians continued to advance at a slow march.

And Grozurra continued to fill the air with the sound of bagpipes.

Mandalorian Protectors Army
Team: 2

Army One (85 points)
Light Armor/Walker Company (15 points) >>> 03.31
(20x) Bes'uliik MkIi Wardroids + Protector Infantry
Light Armor/Walker Company (15 points) >>> 02.30
(20x) Cerberus Wardroids + Protector Infantry
Light Armor/Walker Company (15 points) >>> 04.30
(20x) Cerberus Wardroids + Protector Infantry
Light Armor/Walker Company (20 points) >>> 02.31
(20x) Bev'uliik Ramikade
Light Armor/Walker Company (20 points) >>> 04.31
(20x) Bev'uliik Ramikade
Army Two (55 points)
Heavy Armor/Walker Company (10 points) >>> 02.32
(10x) Canderous Tank Company
Heavy Armor/Walker Company (10 points) >>> 04.32
(10x) Canderous Tank Company
Mechanized Infantry Company (15 points) >>> 03.33
(4x) Bral Anti-Sith Support Vehicle
(4x) Hyperion Security Special Forces Platoon (40x)
Heavy Armor/Walker Company (20 points) >>> 03.32
(10x) Ori'akaan Shukure Company + Shield Platforms
Army Three (60 points)
Artillery Battery (10 points) >>> 02.33
(10x) Tracyaat Artillery Walker Battery
Artillery Battery (10 points) >>> 04.33
(10x) Tracyaat Artillery Walker Battery
Artillery Battery (10 points) >>> 02.33
(10x) Akaan'ade Kyr'amude Battery
Artillery Battery (10 points) >>> 04.33
(10x) Akaan'ade Kyr'amude Battery
Anti-Air Battery (10 points) >>> 02.33
(10x) Kebii'tra Aranar Flak Turret Battery
Anti-Air Battery (10 points) >>> 04.33
(10x) Kebii'tra Aranar Flak Turret Battery
Tmoxin listened carefully to the Imperial radio chatter and turning to Sgt. Major Ulysses said, “I thought the 501st Legion’s cannons were ready to fire. Why haven’t they?”

“They can’t. We need the scouts to get closer. Lieutenant Leeda, have the squads already out on the field get as close as they can and relay the coordinates again to the 501st Legion.” He turned back to Tmoxin and said, “There will be no delay on artillery fire this time. All targets will be lazed."

“I want a fresh batch of bikers out there reporting more positions,” the Hapan officer continued. “Also send one squad out to do a quick drive-by of the facility and gather more intelligence.”

“Time for the X-1 Viper to deploy?” asked the Sgt. Major.

“Yes and the rest of the troops as well.”

“Yes, Commander.”

All AT-AT pilots had their orders now, the VIPER was activated and the biker infantry units north of the walkers and still entrenched in the jungle had been ordered to move out. Now they would watch and wait, Commander Temi obsessively checking the surveillance droid feeds.

15 bike scouts sent closer to hex 21:31, to spot and laze Republic Skocha-class Main Battle Tanks/10 bike scouts sent closer to hex 24.33 and 25.33 to spot and laze Silver Jedi HW-1 Heavy Walkers along the river/1 Heavy Walker on hex 06:08: advancing/1 Heavy Walker on hex 06:09: advancing/1 Light Walker on hex 06:10 advancing/1 Light Walker on hex 06:11 advancing/1 X-1 VIPER on hex 05:06 advancing/25 scout troopers sent to the north of the Terminus facility on hex 21:14/25 scout troopers sent to hex 19:28 to spot and laze Republic 10 R-10 Reliant-class Main Battle Tanks/25 scout troopers sent to hex 7:30 to spot Delta company 2 X AP-ATW heavy walker units/20 scout troopers sent to hex 9:30 to spot Foxtrot company/2 X AP-ATW heavy walker units

[member="Valiens Nantaris"] [member="Darth Venefica"] [member="Draco Vereen"] [member="Xieza Blade"] [member="Karrie"] [member="Orick T'ane"] [member="TJ-1467 Jay"] [member="Darth Kentarch"] [member="Grozurra"]
Upon reaching their destination, Darth Venefica ordered her men to form a small perimeter around their make-shift camp in the middle of the swamp. It was an ideal place to hold up temporarily, for she knew that any mechanized machinery that stumbled through the soft and wet terrain would eventually end up being stuck and becoming a prime target for her and her boys. Defensively, they were quite safe minus any artillery barrages, but the enemy was unaware that they were there for the moment. And if they did find them, it was game over for any that trampled through the swamps.
Slowly she pulled her communication device from one of her pouches, typed in the security code that would allow for any attempts by the enemy to try to "overhear" her conversation receive a nasty dose of static and feedback. She needed to communicate with [member="Tmoxin Temi"] and rely her coordinates to the commander of the Sith ground forces.
"Hapan Princess...this is Swamp Child," she began using their designated call signs for the mission. "We have arrived at our destination. Bolts and fleshies unseen. Transmitting coordinates to you now."
Quickly and efficiently she transferred her coordinates to the Stormtrooper Legion Commander. Her eyes darted around the camp briefly resting on each of her troopers while she awaited a reply. She ordered her boys, via a mental link, to begin laying mines and other explosive surprises twenty (20) feet out around the camp's perimeter to thwart any attack by ground forces. She knew they were quite safe for the moment but she was leaving nothing to chance.
Faction: One Sith
Team: Team 1​
Force: Dagobah Knights: strength 6​
Trenched in at 09.19
[member="Tmoxin Temi"] ... [member="Darth Kentarch"] ... [member="TJ-1467 Jay"] ... [member="Xieza Blade"] ... [member="Orick T'ane"] ... [member="Grozurra"] ... [member="Valiens Nantaris"]​
Hakora had gone to the Silver Jedi when he heard of the battle they were about to enter. While he didn't know much about them, he knew the Vitae needed them as allies and they needed to protect a planet or something. Hakora was a fighter so he would assist in that way. His plans were to make connections with them and help them bring justice and then maybe that would bring them to the Alliance cause to bringing justice everywhere. He had told them that his rank didn't matter and he would follow their orders to the best of his ability.

Hakora stood in a transport ship catching a ride with the Silver Jedi. He was the presence of the Vitae Alliance, but hoped others would come to the aid of the planet. He watched as their army readied and began their assault and then looked at the Padawan [member="Xieza Blade"], "Hey, just give me commands that you want me to follow through to aid you guys. I am merely a Knight, not much on tactics so stratagy is not my area." Hakora grabbed his double bladed lightsaber and put on his helmet awaiting orders from a member of the Silver Jedi.

[member="Xieza Blade"]
Orick already hated this planet, the jungles were thick and hot, the first making it hard to maneuver the vehicles and walkers through, the second just pissing him off. The Warden battle armor wasn't the most comfortable thing to wear on the best occasions and a hot thick jungle was far from the ideal. he had his helmet on was was listening to the chatter from the radio operators as they updated Major Laughton on the situations.

" Sir, Sith forces are advancing on our locations. Reports of scouts coming in now, we are unable to verify locations or strength of scouting forces at this time."

Orick shook his head, the jungle was playing havoc with their line of sight, and he wanted to curse the officer that decided that a protracted ground offensive in this terrain was a good idea. This is skirmish territory, anything bigger than light infantry is going to have hell to pay when trying to maneuver. He looked over at one of the Heavy walkers and smiled, at least those were managing the uneven jungle floors without problem, he could only imagine the hell that the tracked artillery guns were having.

" Sir, new reports of activity at the objective, magnetic resonance scans from orbital satellites indicate that there is heavy activity within the building, no positive scans on life signs."

Droids... It has to be droids. He thought as he opened his com channel to Major Laughton, " Hurricane Actual this is Troublemaker, those forces at the objective must be droids activating. We're a bit off to the left of the objective to engage those forces fully, I'd advise continuing forward as we are now and letting Papa Dragon engage them with his heavy guns. We can sends a small force to roll the flank on the droids when we get into position. I still think the Sith forces are the most dangerous thing on the field today."

" Troublemaker, Hurricane Actual, acknowledged and agreed. I'll radio Foxtrot 6 and advise him to prepare to move in support of Papa Dragon."

Orick wished he had a better picture of where the Sith forces were, they would miss those heavy walkers if they got too tangled up in a fight. He hoped that [member="Draco Vereen"] could handle the facility quickly so they could bring their full force to bear on the Sith before they got reinforced.

Faction: The Republic
Team: 2

124th Mechanized ' Hurricane Battalion'

Alpha company
4 X Mechanized- (4 LLV-1 Myrmidon APC, 40 Troopers [Armor, Equalizer SAW]) 06.26

160 troops 16 vehicles

Bravo Company
4 X Mechanized- (4 LLV-1 Myrmidon APC, 40 Troopers [Armor, Equalizer SAW]) 08.26
160 troops 16 vehicles.

Charlie company(half company)

2 X Mechanized- (4 LLV-1 Myrmidon APC, 40 Troopers [Armor, Equalizer SAW]) 07.28
160 troops 16 vehicles.

Delta company
2 X AP-ATW heavy walker units 07.27

Echo company

2 X AP-ATW heavy walker units 05.27

Foxtrot company
2 X AP-ATW heavy walker units 11.27

Support company
2 X LLV-2 Baldr-class Assault gun batteries. 07.29

Charlie company(half company)

2 X Mechanized- (4 LLV-1 Myrmidon APC, 40 Troopers [Armor, Equalizer SAW]) 07.30
160 troops 16 vehicles.

[member="Draco Vereen"] | [member="Karrie"] | [member="Grozurra"] | [member="Xieza Blade"] | [member="Darth Venefica"] | [member="Tmoxin Temi"] | [member="TJ-1467 Jay"] | [member="Darth Kentarch"]
Xieza decided that it was time for his army to get set into formation. He sent the command over the radio to each division leader of his forces as they continued to move up. It was still hot and tiring. This weather always got Xieza exhausted. Suddenly, Xieza's sensors started to go crazy with activity. It showed signs of activity in the facility and moving out of the facility.

"Looks like the information was correct about this place. There really are walking war relics..."

"You mean to say that the scrap that used to operate this facility are still functional? No matter, we'll put them in the garbage for good."

They continued to push towards the facility. [member="Hakora Feanor"] approached Xieza and spoke to him. Xieza responded.

"We are currently pushing forward right now. You can assist us once we get engaged in combat, which could be soon. Just move up with us in Army A."

The army was in formation now. All walkers were at the front of Army A and the infantry were right behind them. All the men's morale was high. The recent artillery strike really got them pumped for combat. This was good. It meant that the men would fight more effectively and have a lower risk of getting killed. Xieza didn't want to lose any of his men, but he knew that was near impossible. He was just wanting there not to be many casualties.

Army B and General Rickard had pushed up, as well. They hit a small open plain and moved at great speed. They covered a good amount of distance in short time over that small field. The artillery walkers had their first shots earlier and were quite ready to fire again at any time. General Rickard had his men set up right beside the river, ready to fire more artillery when needed.

[member="Orick T'ane"] , [member="Darth Venefica"] , [member="Tmoxin Temi"] , [member="Grozurra"] , [member="Draco Vereen"] , [member="Darth Kentarch"] , [member="TJ-1467 Jay"] , [member="Valiens Nantaris"]

Faction: Silver Jedi
Team: Team 2

Army A

I-1, Infantry, 80 Vinden Infantry Troops, 24.24, Advance along the river
I-2, Infantry, 80 Vinden Infantry Troops, 25.25, Advance along the river
I-3, Infantry, 80 Vinden Infantry Troops, 26.24, Advance along the river
I-4, Infantry, 80 Vinden Infantry Troops, 26.25, Advance along the river
I-5, Infantry, 80 Vinden Infantry Troops, 24.25, Advance along the river

MI-1, Mechanized Infantry, 40 Vinden Infantry Troops and 4 transports, 25.23, Advance along the river
MI-2, Mechanized Infantry, 40 Vinden Infantry Troops and 4 transports, 25.24 , Advance along the river

LW-1, Light Walker, 20 M1 Light Walkers, 23.24, Advance along the river
LW-2, Light Walker, 20 M1 Light Walkers, 27.24, Advance along the river

HW-1, Heavy Walker, 10 M2 Heavy Walkers, 24.23, Advance along the river
HW-2, Heavy Walker, 10 M2 Heavy Walkers, 26.23, Advance along the river

Faction: Silver Jedi
Team: Team 2

Army B

I-6, Infantry, 80 Vinden Kingdom Troops, 31.27, Defend artillery
I-7, Infantry, 80 Vinden Kingdom Troops, 32.26, Defend artillery

MI-3, Mechanized Infantry, 40 Vinden Infantry Troops and 4 transports, 33.26, Defend artillery

LW-3, Light Walker, 20 M1 Light Walkers, 31.26, Defend artillery

HW-3, Heavy Walker, 10 M2 Heavy Walkers, 32.25, Defend artillery

AW-1, Artillery Walker, 10 M3 Artillery Walkers, 31.28 , Set up position and be ready to fire
AW-2, Artillery Walker, 10 M3 Artillery Walkers, 32.27 , Set up position and be ready to fire
AW-3, Artillery Walker, 10 M3 Artillery Walkers, 33.27 , Set up position and be ready to fire

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