Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Stakeral Awakens

Satyania breathed more as she kept spinning her saber, twitching a bit trying to keep concentration. She bit her lip trying to stay calm, but it was very hard and consuming. She shivered a bit as she kept trying to spin the blade a bit more. She glanced at her masters saber and tried to carefully turn off the saber before it dropped to the floor. She slowly breathed heavily as she was getting worn out from this, and gasped as she finally touched the button with the trick and heard the saber dropped. "Damn... That is very hard..." She grumbled as she forcegrabbed her saber towards her and glanced at it.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Satyana Rameshai"]

"It will get easier with time, all abilities within the force require practice. The more you practice, the more you train and the mor eyou understand the easier it is to do. THat is one of the other things people forget about, the understanding how the force flows betwen you and the saber is just as important as the ability to move it around. You must move with and control the flow of energy while not trying to bend it to you will like others. The more open to the force you are the easier it can become." She sat down in the grass while pulling the saber back to her belt as the pale purple blade deactivated. She motioned for her padawan to join her as she breathed in deeply letting out the force energies. "This is a good place to relax and feel the force around yourself as well as learn to manipulate and control it."
"Time ALWAYS makes things easier, doesn't it?" She groaned and shook her head and placed her saber down and lay down on the grass as she got up and heard that. She gave a nod. "Indeed, master." She said enjoying the planet. It was quite peaceful. She couldn't of asked for a better planet than this. "Much less sweatier than Coralius or Cold as Rhen Vun." She said shaking her head and glanced at her sigil. She glanced at her master. "Say... Why did you gave this to me? I mean... This item looks extremely valuable, and important to you..." She didn't understood really the exact reason. It's quite valuable and feels rare and beautifully well crafted.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Satyana Rameshai"]

Offering her a look and nod with some thought while she leaned back a little. The grass was much more refreshing then laying in the snow or sands and well it was much much cooler to work with some of the things. "Because it will protect and help you, it is a symbol of the jedi as well as a symbol of being my padawan." She usually gave the sigils to her padawans who stayed around like Sorel or Satyana, her children of course had them as well before she stretched out. Hands behind her head a little as she looked up. "It is something that ovver time I have learned to make, crystals collected from across the galaxy into a truly special sigil able to protect those who serve the lightside of the force."
Hearing that it was a symbol of that, she smiled softly and leaned back and yawned. "To be honest, I am glad that you are my master." She said. "From the first moment I've met you, I liked you. You are a great master, and honestly, I want you to have just only me as your padawan. With your training, I will become the most powerful Jedi ever, and save many lives." She looked at her sigil and softly grasped it. "It's a beautiful thing you've done for me to give me such a beautiful sigil. I am honored to be your padawan, master. I feel more stronger than I first started out." She felt more confident about herself and her confidence into having more power growing within her under Mastus training. She felt that she will one day, liberate Coruscant. She had that vision in her head. She still wants to be apart of that mission.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Satyana Rameshai"]

She looked at her padawan with a small nod when the girl was there and she wrapped an arm around her shoulders. They had grown up together, grown stronger and well Matsu was more then happy to say she was one of her top padawans... She couldn't only have one, there was to much to teach to one but [member="Sorel Crieff"] was talented and one who like Satyana had skills others didn't. The two of them had drive and she could only imagine what it would be like to have both padawans on a mission or adventure and that could become something amazing or dangerous as both had their strengths and weaknesses. "Well I can't promise you will be my only padawan there are a lot who need masters but I can promise to train you in all that I know and as much as I can." She smiled while the girl had the sigil in her hand and seemed very happy with her situation now.
Satyana practically saw Mastu as a mother at first, but as time went by, a sister. She glanced at her as she heard that she might not only have one padawan and such. "But you'll always think of me as your best one, right?" She wanted to make sure of that... Satyana did not wanted to feel that she was just a reject only to have Matsu's standing come out. "I mean... to be honest, you're allot like a mother to me. If anything, a sister. I mean, I don't even doubt that you would not favour me over another. If anything, I'm stuck with you, and together, we shall be forever sisters. Nothing will ever stand in our way in that regard." she gave a smile. "Master, if you taught me everything you've known, I might even someday surpass you in strength! Just you watch out when we train when that time comes" She laughed softly as she said that and rolled in the grass a bit. "Ahh... It feels kinda nice to be on a grassy planet again that has a temperature that feels... calm and cool enough. Not too cold or hot... but relaxing too. It's a break from all of those hostile planets we've been to."
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Satyana Rameshai"]

Matsu looked at her with a nod of her head to that. "You are my longest trained padawan. I have taught some others who wanted to move along faster and they did just that. Forgetting what happened." She said it with a small grin though offering her arm so Satyana could come and sit with her as she looked out. "Perhaps you will become stronger then me but you will have to learn the wisdom to go with the experience. That is an important thing and some of what I know only a few in the galaxy know. I have studied with groups few can really think of or have been able to see across the galaxy." She offered a smile though seeing her padawan while she looked out at the water on the planet.
Satyana heard that she was her longest trained padawan and such. She rose a brow and growled. "Well, if I find them, I'll make sure that they'll stand trial for their crimes..." she said shaking her fist. She then breathed softly and got near her master and such. She smiled softly and glanced out at the water with her. "Mmm... I only hope that day will come. Training of course, will take much longer, right? I mean... just thinking about how much potential there is to learn all of what these is from you, to become one of the greatest warriors the galaxy had ever seen, must be pretty hard work..." she glanced at her hands and clenched them a few times. "Maybe soon, Corealius will see me for who I am, more than just a poor uncivilized girl from a tribe of all females. Living on Corealius was already hell enough for me. Loosing my father, my entire clan and living in the poorest parts of the capitol? Yeah... it really get's a strain on me the more I think about my childhood. I mean... it wasn't bad, but it wasn't the best. There would usually be thieves, and creepy people whom would approach my mother and such. There's even a few disgusting Tatooinians who tried to take us slaves once. I really hate Tatooinians... I really do... But I suppose many Stakerals do not like Tatooinians. There's a longtime rivalry between the Corealians and Tatooinians that dates back years before I was born. We just never got along. I think it has to do with our culture frowning on slavery big time." With that, should they ever visit Tatooine, she would have to remind Mastu to be careful due to this reason. "If we ever did had to go to Tatooine, just... stay close to me, just encase." Satyana would love to snap some heads off of those bastards, but she knew she would... which is why a calming hand like Mastu can be a use.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Satyana Rameshai"]

Matsu listened to her while she had to give it a few thoughts. Tatooine was a place she had been to several times and there were secrets there from many of the things. She'd be able to find a purpose for them to visit again more then likely and it would involve something fun for their work and exploring. "I will work to keep that in mind if and when we go there. From my experience that world draws interesting things to it because of its history and location." She said it with a small smile though while looking out on the water prepared for any of the things they could work with and handle. She was thinking about what series of forms and abilities to work with her padawan to teach her after she got some relaxation.
"Hmph. Just don't leave me alone there with the locals. The hatred between us and them are still strong, master." She knows that hatred is quite dangerous for her. She glanced out at the sea and closed her eyes. "Say... Master... What inspired you to become a Jedi? Is there a really well known Jedi you liked?" She asked glancing at her with her eyes open now. She was curious of what her master was inspired by, as she was someone who shows great interest in and such for the Jedi arts. Jedi seem to have their inspirations from several factors. She wondered where her masters came from.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Satyana Rameshai"]

Looking at her with a look on her face though as she thought about it. "I was raised in the temple and brought to the jedi shortly after i was born." She said it and well her inspiration for being a jedi was less seeing one then just growing up with them. She dind't really know anything different in the end but she had went to the other jedi and force sects across the galaxy to learn from them. it gave her a chance to really expand her mind and educations as a jedi knight, even more so as a master when she was thinking about a few of the larger things. "I became a jedi once I was able to stand and take the lessons to understand them.
Glancing ather master, she heard she was born in a Jedi temple and looked at her eyes. "Is this why you are more or less calm and collective? I sense much purity within you." She said glancing at her eyes. She looked down and sighed. "Attest you had a better life. " she said as she glanced up and meditated her thoughts a bit. "What about your master? Who taught you the ways of the force?" She always wondered who that individual was... Whoever it was, they sound very wise and patient.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Satyana Rameshai"]

"I have had many masters, different ones when I was little including the gradnmaster at one point but that is very common for jedi younglings. Even as a padawan I drifted between masters until i passed the trials and became a knight. Then on my first assignment I was sent to handle these pirates and raiders on this planet where I met this young girl who offered me some food." She said it with a grin on her face though while sitting there and pointing now. She had some of the skills for things here and there. She withdrew her saber while she was holding. "Now which saber form have you worked with and liked the look of."
So she had many masters and such? Interesting. She heard her and got up as she stretched a bit. She heard the question about what saber form that she had worked on and such. "Form Six." she said as she threw her saber up and down glancing at it. "It gives me better mobility, something that is better suited for me in the long run. I'm quite fast and such, and it fits my genes as a Stakeral. After all, I am quite fast when I fight." she held her pale hand up at the sun trying to see if she actually felt her skin burn a bit. Nope... from the looks of it, it feels quite fine. The circlet is working, but she bet that even without it, it probably wouldn't be too bad. She made sure that it was more hidden and her hair was flowing past it. "What? Were you expecing me to be more defensive using a form like Soresu? Sorry, but that isn't my style." she said sarcastically and laughed.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Satyana Rameshai"]

Form six huh. Matsu rose up with a single motion like she was move boneless and spoke. "Form six is one of the more advanced forms, you need to understand the other five forms to draw from it Which is why there are not many who practice it." She said that but didn't say she didn't practice it, the jedi master preferring to know the techniques that were needed to teach or to change it up when in a duel or fight with others to really mess with some of them. "But there is more that can come from it." Matsu stood there for a moment and holding her saber as she slid it in her hand. "We shall just have to see what you can do while she looked over it turning some of the attention.
"I don't care. I wish to completely master form six." She didn't care how hard it was, and how many times she would have to train, she wanted to be strong, fit and powerful for that form since it was much like how she would see herself fighting. She took out her saber. "Teach me, master, and I will promise you, you will not be disappointed." She was ready to learn this form. Even if it was dangerous, the Stakeral was a knowledge fiend, and is willing to take in new skills to adapt to her body, especially her saber forms. She glanced at her master as she ignited her saber and gripped it.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Satyana Rameshai"]

matsu bowed her head while she stood there looking at her, her hands going out while she pulled her sabers to the palms with the duel snap hiss. The silver and blue blades bringing the jedi around a she motioned to the padawan to stand ready. "Very well then, your stance with the form is made to be neutral and natural. You do not present yourself as highly defenses or aggressive, your blades at the ready while you stand there. A circle of defense you can work with but also a circle of attack to switch as needed with the other forms."
Satyana glanced at her as she held her saber in front of her. "Two sabers? Are you really afraid of my training, master?" She said with a sassy tone but had a smile on her face. She pointed her saber and glanced at her eyes listening to her masters words. She held her saber close to her and glared at her master trying to get concentrated. Standing in a pose that seems neutral, she concentrated her glance on her as she begun to make her first move.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Satyana Rameshai"]

Matsu watched her with a raised eyebrow. "Would you want me to not take you seriously?" She said it standing there and watching her padawan come at her before she moved a little within her circle. She brought the sabers out to counter and push back with the force energies at her padawan so she could keep her going. "Maintain your footing, Niman is about being able to move and stand your ground as needed. You attack but you do not use aggression, you use power but there is no emotion."

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