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The Spheres of Brotherhood


Image Source:
Affiliation: Brotherhood of the Crimson Lotus
Manufacturer: Hikage's Shadowyard
Model: N/A
Modularity: No
Production: Semi Unique
Material: Tungsten Skeletal Frame, Durasteel Inner Hull, Turadium Outer Hull
Classification: Orbital Defense Platform/Droid Manufacturing Station

Length: 700 meters
Width: 400 meters
Height: 400 meters

Armament: 15
5x Turbolasers
10x Heavy Guns
5x Quad Laser Cannons
Defenses: 10 (heavy shielding and hulls)
Force Dome - see special features
Back up Ion Shield

4 Squadrons of Flies
Special Features:
Force Dome
Com Scans
Sensor Globe 2x
Conning Tower
Prisoner Cells (enought to hold fifty prisoners)
Life Support
Lifeboat Bay
Tractor Beams X4
Ray Shields

Maneuverability Rating: 20
Speed Rating: 20
Hyperdrive Class: 10

  • Strong Hulls
  • Strong Shielding
  • Droid Manufacturing Facility
  • So Slow it almost does not move
  • Large Target
Description: The Spheres of Brotherhood are a testament to the growth of the Brotherhood, with only four being made, each are placed in the Rishi System's four planets to provide defense to them. They have state of the arc tracking/targeting systems that can help them link up with Flies similar to the Brotherhood carriers, sensory systems, and shielding. But what is probably the coolest thing about these space stations is their Droidmakers. These facilities make it possible for the Brotherhood to begin building armies. These large stations, though albeit not the largest in the galaxy, can dock two Lotus Corvettes, and four squads of Flies. Nearly four hundred people, including crew, can reside on these stations, and twice (eight hundred) that of the droids that can be stored on them.
Development Thread: If Needed
Intent: To create a special space station for the Crimson Lotus faction.
Who Can Use This: Only the Brotherhood's top ranking members are permitted to control these stations, brotherhood members can roleplay on them.
Primary Source: N/A

ADM. Reshmar

Directorate Officer Fleet Admiral SJC 3rd Fleet
Star Wars Canon:
Pending initial review
Starwars Chaos:
Pending initial review
Pending initial review
Pending Initial review
Pending Inital review

ADM. Reshmar

Directorate Officer Fleet Admiral SJC 3rd Fleet
[member="Romeo Sin"]

Romeo Sin said:
Manufacturer: Hikage's Shadowyard
please hyperlink the manufacturer

Romeo Sin said:
2X Lotus - Class Patrol Corvettes
you can leave the part in the description about them being able to dock but this needs to be removed from the hanger capacity.

Romeo Sin said:
No Anti Fighter Placements (i.e. flak cannons) No Defensive Placements (i.e. Point Defense Cannons)
these need to be removed because it has defensive weapons in the quad laser cannons.

also I would add ray shielding to it since the force dome is weak against energy weapons.
Darth Crucifere said:
Strong Shielding

Darth Crucifere said:
Strong Hulls

Darth Crucifere said:
Defenses: 10 (heavy shielding and hulls)
Class 10 defenses is a typical defense rating. Because you want heavy shielding & hull, I would raise this to 12 or maybe 14.

Darth Crucifere said:
Weaknesses: So Slow it almost does not move
Large Target
I need 3 total weaknesses for this submission, as all military space stations require at least 3 strengths and 3 weaknesses.

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