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The smell of slavery...It smells like....Victory [New Order Dominion of Bosph]

Other Space Kaiden

Better than other-other space Kaiden

War, endless war would be waged until the New order had brought upon the justice it deserved. The Bosph had dishonored the very name of the Sith by their treachery and they would pay for with their freedoms. The government of Bosph had betrayed not only the New Order but their entire species and that fact would be known throughout the cities of the planet. Vulcnaus wouldn't even need to execute them, simply throw them into the slave pits and have them torn apart by their own people. Of course, the Bosph were force sensitive and if slavery failed they would all need to be exterminated.

Vulcanus had arrived ahead of the main invasion force and now stood in an office overlooking one of the three massive ships being built by the Sith at this location. The project had been completely undertaken by the Graug forgers and thus, when the word of war broke out, there were no Bosph in the factory to sabotage the project. Unfortunately, there were still power cores that needed to be delivered and due to the AA defenses of the planet, they needed to be transported via surface vehicle. A minor setback and nothing they couldn't handle.

[SIZE=8pt][member=Darth Ayra][/SIZE]

[SIZE=8pt][member=Darth Veles] [/SIZE]

[SIZE=8pt][member=Darth Vornskr] [/SIZE]

[SIZE=8pt][member=Nick Gamastar] [/SIZE]

[SIZE=8pt][member=Rawrg] [/SIZE]

[SIZE=8pt][member=Erebus Vivant] [/SIZE]

[SIZE=8pt][member=Kerrega] [/SIZE]

[SIZE=8pt][member=stardust] [/SIZE]

[SIZE=8pt][member=Vereor] [/SIZE]

[SIZE=8pt][member=Ajona] [/SIZE]


[SIZE=8pt][member=Isley Verd] [/SIZE]

[SIZE=8pt][member= Tye Kelly] [/SIZE]

[SIZE=8pt][member=Melakoth Tyrin] [/SIZE]

[SIZE=8pt][member=Horror] [/SIZE]
[SIZE=8pt][member=Kalen Esmara] [/SIZE]

[SIZE=8pt][member=Paega Anginous] [/SIZE]

[SIZE=8pt][member=Maleus] [/SIZE]

[SIZE=8pt][member=Paris111] [/SIZE]

[SIZE=8pt][member=Vincent Jusik][/SIZE]

[SIZE=8pt][member=Trioc ‘Quickshot’] [/SIZE]

[SIZE=8pt][member=Azalus] [/SIZE]

[SIZE=8pt][member=Commander Rykal] [/SIZE]

[SIZE=8pt][member=Graoth Do’Urden][/SIZE]

[SIZE=8pt][member=Darth Arcis] [/SIZE]

[SIZE=8pt][member=Evicar Angrus Ascendant] [/SIZE]

[SIZE=8pt][member=Graxin Rade] [/SIZE]

[SIZE=8pt][member=IC-3471 Logan Harkins] [/SIZE]

[SIZE=8pt][member=Ishmael Verd] [/SIZE]

[SIZE=8pt][member=Jek’ai Cyin] [/SIZE]

[SIZE=8pt][member=Kai-Sin] [/SIZE]

[SIZE=8pt][member=Ludolf Vaas] [/SIZE]

[SIZE=8pt][member=Shana May] [/SIZE]

[SIZE=8pt][member=Sokrai Ronaro] [/SIZE]

[SIZE=8pt][member=Solrune] [/SIZE]
With little to keep him busy for more than a fortnight, the man named Darth Narakada stood aboard the bridge of his ship, examining the fires that rained down upon a planet whose name was unknown to him. But this was only fun for a little while. He needed an objective. Something to occupy his time and, perhaps, help himself. Heading to the holocom room, he looked around with a quite appreciation for the advances that technology had made since his time. Pressing a few buttons, he turned and knelt. "My lord. I am looking for work. For an objective. Have you anything that would help the Order?" He stayed kneeling, without looking up.

[member="Darth Vulcanus"]
Resistance... How troublesome. And futile, of course. Full-on betrayal, on the other hand... Ugh, what were these foolish lifeforms thinking? Surely these beings had the ability to process rational thoughts? Ignoring the power of the New Order was idiotic at best. Those on Bosph would learn that soon enough. Oh how glorious it would be to watch their pathetic bodies be torn to shreds by their own subjects! But then again... it would be better to deal the blows myself... Making sure none on death row escaped would have to be enough to satisfy me for now. Eventually new orders would come in. Or at least that was the hope. Standing around all day could get pretty tedious. Even with the screams of misery filling the air. "N-No! P-Please, d-don't hurt me! AGHHHHHH!" On second thought, this wasn't to bad.

Bjornveld Skjoldsen

Issue #1 of Tales of the Fire Extinguisher, The Arrival:

Walking towards some building was Bjornveld with two peculiar red cylindrical Objects. There was no particular reason he was walking to this big and impressively built building, he was most likely just there to ask the people inside for directions. Bjornveld looked around. There were no guards guarding the place, most likely all either already slaughtered or otherwise dealt with and Bjornveld hadn't encountered much resistance up to this point either, so the Sith had done a pretty good and thorough job of cleaning the streets of scum, but that was incidental. No one really cared about those faceless and soulless, unwritten people who were always mentioned in throw-away lines. Everyone always wants to know what the guys do who don't just get mentioned in throw-away lines, who actually get to do things and with that said, let's get back to Bjornveld and his two peculiar red cylindrical Objects that he's carrying to the door of the building. He seemed to be rather calm, though that was only what could be seen. In reality, behind his shadowed out cloak he was smiling a twisted sick smile of e-vile. A smile that meant that something awful was gonna follow soon. Bjornveld positioned himself next to the door, as if he was doing some tactical maneuver.

That's it for now, but tune in next time for Issue #2 of Tales of the Fire Extinguisher!
The seemingly empty streets around Kerrega didn't help. He came here to kill the worthless scum that had denied the rule of the New Order, and he wanted to play his part. His footsteps echoed as he made his way past the wartorn buildings. Just as he thought himself useless here, a strange whimpering sound came from within one of the buildings to his left. Kerrega approached the building, a small one with a giant hole where the door used to be. Upon entering through the hole, he saw them. What seemed to be a family of Bosph cowering in fear. They were right to cower, as Kerrega activated one of his red lightsabers and approached them. The wall behind them blocked their escape, as the Kaleesh cut them down with two swift strikes. It was starting, his bloodlust. He needed more Bosph to kill...

Bjornveld Skjoldsen

Issue #2 of Tales of the Fire Extinguisher, The Door-Breach:

With Bjornveld in position next to the door, the man probed the inside of the building with the Force to check for how many people were inside. Four, five, eight ... yup. There were thirty-nine people in there. All about to meet a certain fate people in a certain different dimension on a certain thing called television on a certain thing called a channel on a certain show like to call 'The K-word'. Bjornveld got ready, he drew upon the Force to strengthen his ... well strength and to make it easier to perform this certain door-breach thing. He took a step to the side, placing him in front of the door and kicked forward with his massive foot. While doing that he also swung one of the peculiar red cylindrical objects forward, to throw it at one of the men he had sensed with the Force. The peculiar red cylindrical object flew forward as the door exploded forward, ripped from the hinges. Everything seemed to be in slow motion during this as the peculiar red cylindrical object flew forward, through the air, towards an unsuspecting group of victims.

Wow. This was one exciting issue, folks! Come back next time for Issue #3 of Tales of the Fire Extinguisher, The Hero!
The Zabrak found himself in a similar position to [member="Darth Narakada"] , bored. He moved over to [member="Darth Vulcanus"] , both of his hands clasped behind his back. "Narakada is not the only one Master. But, I know of a Sith cult that was once here. They called themselves the Sith Council. While they followed a false Dark Lord, they're base was well hidden, and held a wealth of knowledge. Allow Narakada and myself to retrieve this knowledge for the New Order."

Bjornveld Skjoldsen

Issue #3 of Tales of the Fire Extinguisher, The Hero:

As the one peculiar red cylindrical object flew, Bjornveld readied himself to fight his way through the group of people that was standing in front of him. Only some of them seemed to know what was going on, since the rest only stared with confused looks on their face. Then the peculiar red cylindrical object hit the ground and suddenly exploded as foam shot out of it, knocking over the small group of two that was standing near it. The object, now revealed to be a Fire Extinguisher had been manipulated with the Force by Bjornveld during its flight so that the foam would build up higher pressure and explode once it hit the ground. It was quite the heroic act in Bjornveld's mind. The Fire Extinguisher would be remembered, if only by him, but he would be, as a hero, as a warrior, as a Fire Extinguisher. With the Fire Extinguisher's sacrifice, Bjornveld moved in to hit the two guys lying on the ground with his Fire Extinguisher. Their heads CENSORED CENSORED CENSORED when Bjornveld hit them with the now CENSORED as CENSORED Fire Extinguisher which CENSORED CENSORED CENSORED.

Holy smokes, that Fire Extinguisher was heroic. We will forever remember him. No join us next time when it's time for: Issue #4 of Tales of the Fire Extinguisher, The Beating!

Wilhelm Rykal

Commander Rykal would be sat on a large chair in the center of the shipyard command room, smiling with glee as the new ships were near completion. Oooooh, what havoc he could bring down upon the enemy with Star Destroyers like these. He reached for his cup of tea, gently sipping it as he would be a good day.

[member="Bjornveld Skjoldsen"]
[member="Darth Ferus"]
[member="Jek'ai Cyin"]
[member="Darth Narakada"]
[member="Darth Vulcanus"]
Kerrega's lust for killing had ended as quickly as it had started. The others seemed to have handled it well enough, for now... In the mean time, he thought it would be best to return to where the ships were being constructed. So, he made his way back the way he came, keeping his eyes open for any opportunity to kill more Bosph. Upon reaching the shipyard, Kerrega took up a position by its entrance, figuring he could guard the area while he waited for orders. Not like there was much to guard it from, he knew the Bosph were no match for the new order...

Grand Admiral Darke

The moment Darke had been waiting for had finally arrived, his massive fleet of assorted Fel Imperium, Sith Empire and a few Chiss Ascendancy vessels, remnants of the past, had gathered just outside the Bosph system, and were preparing to make their first appearance on the galactic stage to aid this ''New Order'' the Grand Admiral had kept hearing about. He rose from his command chair, before strolling into a room behind the bridge where the long range holo-communication device was placed. Grand Admiral Darke sent a signal to the Emperor's command ship, attempting to hail him and open communications...


[member="Darth Vulcanus"]
[member="Bjornveld Skjoldsen"]
[member="Darth Ferus"]
[member="Jek'ai Cyin"]
[member="Darth Narakada"]

Other Space Kaiden

Better than other-other space Kaiden
[member="Darth Ferus"] [member="Darth Narakada"]

Darth Vulcanus looked down at the ships as the Graug worked tirelessly on them, the back breaking work was for a greater cause and they all knew that. They would work until they dropped, they would gladly die in labor for their warlord and that is what made the Graug hordes so much more superior to the rest of the galaxy.

As the warlord continued to look on, his two enforcers walked up to him and spoke. Vulcanus replied, "Yes, go to their old temple and strip away all the knowledge that the heretics held. Leave nothing behind."

Bjornveld Skjoldsen

Issue #4 of Tales of the Fire Extinguisher, The Beating:

With the first two killed it was time for the rest of the crew inside. They would all suffer a lot. Bjornveld would beat all of them with the other Fire Extinguisher. It was a blunt weapon, so it would cause a lot of damage, which would be very, very painful for whoever got hit by it, which was a guy with a toupée and a false mustache which flew off of his head when it received the fatal blow that cracked his skull and made him scream out in pain. Blood was now everywhere on Bjornveld's clothes and he was laughing like a mad-man. It was glorious violence with a frakton of gore, but they loved it. They loved every second of it, the readers. They loved reading how blood was flowing and they loved their violence. It was sort of disgusting liking to read people get killed, but then again, the person who wrote this must've been ever more disgusting for even writing such stuff and- back on track. Bjornveld had killed his first victim, soon, more would follow.

This was Issue #4! Let's continue this in Issue #5 of Tales of the Fire Extinguisher, The Cores!
[member="Darth Narakada"] [member="Darth Vulcanus"]

He bowed to his master, then turned to look at his fellow enforcer. He nodded once, then turned to leave for a shuttle. Under the assumption that Narakada would follow him he would set the shuttle to the only place he knew on the whole planet of Bosph. A grass field untouched by the war. The trip would be a short one, and he would keep quiet on the whole of the trip, not so much as glancing to his fellow.

Other Space Kaiden

Better than other-other space Kaiden
[member="Bjornveld Skjoldsen"]

As his Enforcer walked away, Vulcanus looked back down to the ship and then noticed that the teams were ready to begin preliminary tests on the ships systems. Of course, the power cores had yet to arrive so each system had to be checked one at a time with the factory's power source. It was a bother, but Vulcanus would see to it that the situation was remedied.

"Skjoldsen, move to the drop off point for the power cores and await there to accompany the escort. Do not fail me, the New Order demands that these ships be operational."
Bosph system, arriving.

Darth Ayra lifted a hand to her mouth and coughed into it. When she retracted her fist, it was not slime, mucus or even the crimson colour of blood that reflected in the overhead light, but a steel, grey like substance that nearly made her yell in fright. But she was better than that and she wouldn't let [member="Stone Hermes"] have the satisfaction, which epitomized the current plight of the Sith Marauder. How could the Resu that poisoned her have the satisfaction, when he wasn't even there?

Taking control of the joystick of her shuttle, she watched through the transparisteel screen ahead change from purple lights to the dark void. Ayra's ship dropped out of hyperspace and into real space. Using the navigational computer to plot her course, she made her way towards [member="Darth Vulcanus"]'s position...

Bjornveld Skjoldsen

Issue #5 of Tales of the Fire Extinguisher, The Cores:

With the first couple people dead, Bjornveld was starting to go into a killing frenzy. The blood was slowly clouding his vision and it was certainly clouding his mind and filling it with thoughts of murder. So he continued, one by one he killed them and not mercifully. Some of them were had just dropped from all the pain, they weren't dead yet. They were just wincing on the ground, praying for something to save them, but there wouldn't be anything. Most of them were dead, but about twelve had survived with very, very heavy and gruesome injuries. Those would be picked off by the Blackblade Infantry Corps under Bjornveld's command. They would either be restrained and brought back for public execution later or would be killed on the spot with a blaster or a vibroblade. The Blackblades were carrying a couple ship cores with them which would be delivered to Darth Vulcanus who had just spoken to Bjornveld over comm.
''I won't.'' Was his simple answer.

Such plot, very story, much wow. Next time: Issue #6 of Tales of the Fire Extinguisher, The Transport!
[member="Darth Narakada"]

Upon landing the Zabrak would move out of the shuttle, pointing to the left. "One half of the temple is over there. The other side I will handle." He took off in a flash, his form a dark blur. He was running to his destination, his goal. The temple he was looking for came into view, and he slowed down to a walk, approaching the temple slowly. The Sith Council would have it's tricks, that was for sure.

Other Space Kaiden

Better than other-other space Kaiden
As Arya approached, Vulcanus monitored the situation down below. The first system to be tested was the ship's shields and the Dark Lord could see them being brought up from his position. Slowly the air around the ship began to shimmer a light blue and the heat radiating from them gave even Krag's cabin a warmth. The Dark Lord grinned and that's when the shields suddenly ignited with dark blue electricity and the sound of a Graug getting a ship's worth of electricity transferred into his body could be heard throughout the facility.

Angered, Vulcanus slammed his fist into the glass "Captain! Get in here!"
Bosph system, heading to the Bosph factory.

The shuttle began to break through the atmosphere of Bosph. The heat outside of the hull created an orange hue as it began to move down a trajectory allocated by the navigational computer. If Ayra didn't follow the exact coordinates given by the device, then she would burn up. In time, she found herself coming out of the stratosphere and into clouds. Hailing the nearest frequency, Ayra brought up a transmission. "I am Darth Ayra. I am in search of the Emperor, [member="Darth Vulcanus"]. Where can I find him?"

When her codes were authenticated by the New Order's forces, the Sith Marauder turned her shuttle to the new coordinates. A factory in the horizon come into display through the transparisteel screen ahead. She coughed again, but no grey this time, which she was thankful. Setting the shuttle on autopilot, she began to dress heavily in thick, black garments to hide her facial features and body from the light. She didn't want anyone to see her in this state. It made her feel weak.

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