Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Sky Temple (invite)

[member="Matsu Ike"]

"Alright that sounds great, well for now we can keep searching this place. Still so much left to look at." George was pleased with the news of where he could get the remaining materials for his lightsabers. But for now he would concentrate on searching the rest of the palace. He had plenty of time to create his lightsaber, but he wasn't too sure how long he had left here. "You are brilliant Master Ike, anything anyones ever needed I am sure you have it somewhere." He laughed a bit, it wasn't completely untrue, she had a huge range of items whether it be on herself, in her ship or back in her laboratories.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="George O Rourke"]

"I do, that part and thing about jedi not needing things is very untrue. Jedi need support from either people or some gear. I work towards getting good force techno wizardry for making some of the things." She was moving around though and looking at all the things in the throne room aside from the large chair. "Though here we'll also have some of the coolest stuff you can find, extravagant hilts some like to make from even more rare materials." She had her hands running over several of the things in there as well as the cloths over the windows.
[member="Matsu Ike"]

Listening to Master Ike speak about what she believes in was quite interesting. "I guess that makes sense doesn't it. Everyone needs support to better themselves, either equipment or otherwise. Jedi or not its all needed." He replied as he ran his hands on long the wall of the building, it was rocky but somehow quite smooth. The jaggered edges were curved over avoiding any large spikes. It was an interesting design, but also very nice to look at. "That sounds quite awesome Master. Extravagant hilts, I like it."
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="George O Rourke"]

Yes the different hilts she could think about were perfect and she had worked on some fun ones, the design for her daughters sabers, the ones se had made for the one jedi master that could function as a flute and beskar rod.... Then there was the saber shield gauntlets or the more organic design of the hilts created for the one sephi.... Still one of her favorites was creating a saber whip designed to incorperate a healing crystal shard. "Yes they can be quite fun and when made for the right jedi compliment them more then anything else. I know we have made some special designs for masters and padawans.
[member="Matsu Ike"]

"That is awesome. Master Ike, you are definitely a wonderful person. Thank you for this trip and everything." George genuinely felt great gratitude for the wonderful Jedi Master that had taken him on this journey, she had taught him a great amount of things from this journey and had helped him begin his lightsaber creation. The smile George had on his face was huge, grinning from ear to ear. But there was still much of this place that they had to discover and George was excited to see what was around the corner.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="George O Rourke"]

Matsu continued to explore and bowed her head to the padawan that he was putting some faith in her was high praise but more then that she was looking in some of the rooms now with a small grin on her face. There was space for them to do things and she was looking over some of the charts on the tables. Journals written in ink over datapads which came in handy when you knew the languages out here in the unknown region. Her thoughts and equipment were going onto some of the things while she was checking the charts on the wall and looking for different things. "You are welcome but it isn't over yet, you never know what else might eb out here. After I take you back to the Sanctums space. I'll likely be setting for another expedition here, we have a great deal more to search through."
[member="Matsu Ike"]

It seemed like only the tip of the iceberg. They had only just began searching the temple and the expedition was well into it. Master Ike believed that they would be back to explore the temple once more as the time permitting just wasn't enough.

They continued to search through the temple, room after room before finding one quite interesting, tables lined the outside of the room along with maps, graphs and other pieces of paper pinned to the walls. There was a huge space in the middle of the room, sort of like an open research area, just without the tests. A place to write up detailed drafts and learn write down their experiences. Unfortunately for George he the writing was unknown to him, he had never seen such like it before. As he moved over to the tables and looked at the different symbols that inked the paper. "Master Ike, what language are these written in? I've never came across this before." It was interesting for George, but somewhat useless, he would need them translated before it would make any sense to him. "Any idea on what they could have been doing in here before their departure?" He asked across the room looking at the different diagrams and graphs a like.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="George O Rourke"]

She moved over to look at the script while roving her eyes over it. "It is ancient Sudaki script they were part of a religious order out here... some three hundred thousand years ago along with the taung the Silver Jedi fought several years back. They were very skilled at using hypergates and waging war with the Kanzer and then..." She trailed it off. "SOmething happened and the ancient codex was destroyed... or at least broken enough that it couldn't be used to summon things from elsewhere anymore." She said it matter of factly and had the recording and translation of the codex from Rave and Ayden. A gift sure but it was a powerful thing she was glad to hear Rave had hidden somewhere in the galaxy not to be touched. "They disappeared and we have found ruins."
[member="Matsu Ike"]

"Ah wow, that is quite interesting. Never heard of Hypergates before." George replied as Master Ike holding the script walked around the room further reading the text and speaking about he knowledge of the subject. "So you're saying that the hypergates were broken to avoid anyone from transporting to that one?" He replied, it was an interesting subject, but he would have to do all the reading through Master Ike as he had no idea how to read it.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="George O Rourke"]

"They were destroyed because you could use them to transport an army onto a planet faster then a fleet could move. Essentially you could bypass planetary shields and raze a capital while their men are distracted in space." She kept moving and with the books, tomes and information here they could all work hrd on getting some of the things found here in the unknown regions. THere were better charts here detailing some of the different area's and a smirk was on her face now while she was moving forward. "We should head back, I'll gather all of these up and tell the others. At least for the night. We might have a great many new adventures to go and see things with."
Kha'ro sat and meditated once more, focusing on nothing in particular. Suddenly, he sensed a creature running at him, and it was hungry. He quickly attempted to entangle it in plants, but it was too fast. It dug its teeth deep into his arm; the pain was delayed, then Kha'ro felt it. It was too painful to scream, he gasped and spluttered, getting into a wobbly defensive position. Before he could strike, Kha'ro felt a secondary burst of pain and screamed in frustration as he used the force to push the creature into a tree, injuring himself even more. He glared at the creature, his mind overtaken by the anger of being humiliated so much. As soon as the lightning shot from his hands Kha'ro panicked. He had let anger overtake him! He stopped the lightning immediately and looked at the creature. Dead.

He didn't want to worry anyone but himself about his wound, so he grew the grass into a sort of mattress and lay on it. He executed all of the basic medical procedures he had learned and also assisted himself using the force a bit.
[member="Matsu Ike"]

"Ah I understand, that would be very dangerous things to have. I can understand why they would destroy it." George followed Master Ike around looking at what she was collecting before realizing that she was collecting as much of the books and paper as she could. It would be easier to go through it all in her labratory with multiple people doing it than by herself in this temple as the night comes. "I'll help you grab some of these." George replied as he moved around the room collecting tomes, books and pieces of paper. Until his hands were full and his bag was overflowing.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="George O Rourke"] [member="Kha'ro"]

She was looking at him and nodding her head while she was heading back with what they had. The temple here was a good place and heading down to the camp as she was putting some of the things in the empty crates. Setting the stuff they needed and preparing for the new task of exploring more and more the dark worlds. There were a great many things here that merited coming back with her researchers and a padawan more then a group. She waited for them all to return and spend the rest of the days exploring and researching. Finding their own place and things to do.

Alright thread is mostly done, you have crystals and your experiences. Part 2 shall be an amazing one for you guys.
[member="Matsu Ike"]

As George followed Master Ike back to camp hands and bag full of books and other items Master Ike was going to use for research he believed it was time for a rest. As he placed the items into one of the crates provided for discoveries. "Master Ike, do you need me for anything else before I go off and wind down for a little bit?" George had a busy day, he had found two lightsaber crystals and even managed to get hit in the head with one. He had decided that he would go into his tent and mediate on what he had done to day. Retracing his steps and going over it, sort of like a self debrief before meditating on the crystals he had found tapping into them and connecting with them.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="George O Rourke"]

"No it is quite alright, go and enjoy yourself." She was sitting there and waiting at the tent while her attention was on some of the things. Matsu checked what she had and was getting a good look more at the equipment she had found. The books and charts leading to other worlds within the unknown regions. That was making her happy while she let the others go to sleep before sending the messages off for the researchers to be able to arrive and work on many of the different places.
[member="Matsu Ike"]

"Thank you Master." George replied with a nice bow before heading off to his tent for some much needed relaxation. As he made his way into his tent he sat down in the middle of the tent on the floor. Closing his eyes he connected with the force around him meditating on the day that was. He went over what he had done, who had seen and what he had collected. It was a large amount of information to process George felt it was necessary to remember clearly what had happened.

After reminiscing the day he pulled out the Kyber crystal from his bag and placed it on the floor in front of him. Meditating on the crystal it lifted into the air. He let the force within him to reach out and in print itself on the crystal connecting them as one. He felt the jade blue crystal run through him, he knew this was the crystal for him. His main blade would hold this crystal and they would become one.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
(at the request to make it clear)
Several hours later after the padawan went to sleep and the messages were sent. Matsu stood there when the ship arrived with the research teams and ones with her. The padawans would be going home and she looked at the leader within the team. "Ensure the base camp is secured and defenses erected, have the throne taken to Cazador to be smelted down into lightsabers for something special we shall be able to do later." There were nods from the jedi teams as they were heading in with the repulsor sleds and lifters to get the throne that was being loaded into the hold of the ship by the time the padawans got in and returned to Voss with Matsu stopping off on Cazador with her notes and gear.

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