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Approved Species The Sirens of Rattatak

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Lira Dajenn


Credit:In The Image
Name: The Sirens of Rattatak
Designation: Sentient
Homeworld: Rattatak
Language: No Spoken Language, Sign Language
Average height of adults: 5'7''
Skin color: White
Hair color: Brown/Black
Breathes: Earth Norm


  • [+]Bonded: The Sirens of Rattatak were created with special tasks in mind. Unlike many other clone and super soldier programs which were bred to create One man Armies(Arc Troopers) the Sirens were never meant to work alone. Instead the Sirens work in teams of two. Each Siren is bonded to another. This bonding begins from birth, with both subjects being created within the same clone tube and each one essentially being flash trained with the exact same memories. Then when training begins the Bond mates are never separated. This training process creates a unique relationship between the two Sirens, with the two forming an almost telepathic nature. This is what makes the Sirens of Rattatak so special, when two Sirens work together in a single objective, especially a fight they are extremely difficult to stop, mostly because its two people working as a single cohesive unit. It does however have its drawbacks(See Bond-Weaknesses)
  • [+]Strength, Intelligence&Speed:Like many clone and genetic modifications programs the Sirens have been enhanced both physically and mentally. Their bone density has been made stronger and muscles and tendons have been improved. The Average Siren is in peak physical condition at all times, matching that of a modern day Olympian. Sirens can run for dozens of miles, fight for hours, and even compete with some force users. Their intelligence and capacity for learning has also been increased, meaning that more often than not Sirens adapt to situations better than the average bear(clone).
  • [+]Eyes&Ears: Along with their more noticeable physical enhancements the Sirens have also gifted with enhanced vision and hearing. This means that when a normal person may see a completely pitch black room a Siren may only see one slightly dimmed. The same goes for a noise, if a regular person hears a low whisper from across the room a Siren may be able to hear the words with absolutely no problem. The issue this brings of course is that several types of weapons are far more effective against the Sirens(Flashbangs, Sonic weapons, etc...).

  • [-]Bonded:The Bond that makes the Sirens so unique and so special is also one of their greatest weaknesses. Because of the nature of the bond the Two Sirens share a unique codependency on one another to an almost physical need. This more often than not can be very detrimental when one of the bond mates unexpectedly dies. When this occurs in combat(as it oft does) the remaining bond mate will most likely go into a heartless rampage, throwing herself at her sisters Murderer with suicidal bloodlust. If no enemy is around(Say a Sniper killed the bond mate) The Siren will attack friends and allies(Even Other Sirens). If a Siren loses her bond mate out of combat either due to disease, clone degradation or any number of reasons the result is far more depressing. The surviving Siren will fall into a deep clinical depression. She will starve herself, cry, and more often than not, kill herself within three days of her bond-mates death. All attempts to prevent this from happening have been completely unsuccessful.
  • [-]Lifespan: Because of the way they were grown, the Sirens of Rattatak have an average lifespan of at best Ten to Fifteen years. The quick Cloning process that was utilized in their growth means that they degrade much faster than the average clone(The Fett Clones averaging about 25-30 years). Though in the short term this is not really noticeable it does make them slightly less cost effective than other clone forces in the galaxy.
  • [-]Mental Degradation: For the same reason as stated above the Sirens can at times become...unhinged. Their training, their quick growth rate, and their Unquestioned Leaders(The Queens of Rattatak) are all reason as to why the Sirens tend to at times go a bit...bonkers. These Mental cracks can form in both individual Sirens and in the unique pairs, though more often than not both Sirens break at the same time due to their unique bond. These mental cracks can take on a variety of unique forms. Sometimes the Sirens begin to think on their own, disregarding orders and doing as they please. Other times they begin to slaughter and murder everything in sight, and still other times the Sirens seem to regress into a child like state of mind, which Nemene and Evelynn find to be most disturbing.
  • [-]Increased Metabolism: Due to their enhanced Speed, Strength and Intellect the Sirens have massive metabolisms. They go hungry and become thirsty far faster than the average human being, often leading to starvation on long field missions where food is not easily available without blowing their cover or compromising the mission objective.

Distinctions: The Sirens of Rattatak don't really have many distinctions from the rest of Humanity. The major changes are more internal than anything else. They are stronger, faster, have better eyesight and hearing than regular human beings. They also have their vocal cords surgically removed, leaving harsh scars on their throat.
Average Lifespan: 10-15 years
Races: None
Diet: Omnivorous
Communication(Clerical note, this seems redundant with languages):Sign Language
Culture: Siren culture is complete and utterly unique. Like many Clones the Sirens of Rattatak have formed their own special little society, though theirs has been carefully crafted for them.

To begin with, no Siren despite their name ever speaks, though they have the ability to do so until a certain age they are never taught how. Instead the Sirens are taught a unique form of sign language known only two them, and the Two Sister Queens of Rattatak. When they are old enough and deemed suitable enough to be inducted into the Sirens pair of bond-mates is taken to the Palace of the Two Queens of Rattatak. There the two Sirens undergo a series of tests. Physical and mental acumen are tested in a variety of ways. If the Sirens make it through all of the tests, the pair is separated for the first time in their lives.

This separation is the final test. Nemene and Evelynn give each candidate a choice, You can either kill your sister and be allowed to live, or be killed. If a subject refuses(which more often than not they do) then Nemene and Evelynn torture the Siren for three days and three night. If at the end of the torture they still refuse, they pass the final test. At this point Evelynn removes their Vocal Cords and they become true Sirens of Rattatak.

When the Siren Pair finishes their induction, it is that bond that becomes the second most important thing in the life of a Siren(The First being Serving the Queens of Rattatak(. The Bond-mate is absolutely sacred. She above all is what matters to a Siren. Siren Bond-mates fight, eat, sleep, and generally do absolutely everything together, never spending more than a few moments apart from one another. None of the Sirens are individually named, nor are they addressed as individuals. Each pair chooses a name after their first successful mission, this name is then used to refer to both Bond-mates, even when they are not together.

This unique relationship tends to breed rivalries among the Siren pairs. Since there are about five hundred pairs of Sirens in the galaxy each pair competes with one another to be the absolute “best”. Usually this means that different pairs excel in different areas, Some becoming excellent sharpshooters while others become expert bladesemen, while still others become explosive experts. These constant competitions are encouraged by the Queens of Rattatak and those who excel are usually given rewards.

Technology level: Galactic Norm

General behavior: The Sirens general behavior can be described in one word, Loyal. Above all the Sirens are completely and utterly loyal to the Queens of Rattatak. Anything that Nemene or Evelynn say goes, no matter how crazy or suicidal that order may be. This function has been bred into them since their creation, and thus they follow it to the law.

Despite this loyalty however each pair of Sirens still develops a sort of individuality(as allowed by the two Queens). This individuality can take many forms, haircuts, nails, tattoo's, and sometimes even self scarring. Though many outsiders consider this strange to the Sirens of Rattatak it is simply normal every day behavior.

Like most clones the Sirens are loyal soldiers, they lead simple lives and want for nothing. Because of their low numbers unwanted passions such as wanting to not be a soldier or other more philosophical thoughts are usually stomped out.

History: The Siren history is not a long one and can be summed up in two simple words, Science Experiment.

After their arrest by the Jedi Covenant on Zygerria and their subsequent escape from Republic Prison Nemene Talith decided that it was time for the Two Queens to receive a proper bodyguard. Finding Slaves and Gladiators to be completely and entirely unfit for the task Nemene decided to look into other options. Cloning came to her attention through the memories of her Tournament of the Cauldron and a certain contender. She decided to use her already extensive medical knowledge to look into the subject.

Over the next few months Nemene learned more about cloning. She experimented, played with, and created clones of all sorts, from Human to Andolith. Though she obviously could not match the Kaminoans for their craft of mixing Vong and Human DNA Nemene did have the skill to clone regular humans and improve them somewhat...though with drawbacks(See;Weaknesses). Deciding that her skill had become good enough she attempted to create the first batch of Sirens.

The genetic sample utilized was that of a Corellian woman named Lilliana Selyan. Lilliana was a gladiator within the pits of Rattatak who surprisingly had never lost a match. Though Lilliana had never made it to any of the major fights due to her unknown name she showed more than prowess in combat. Deciding that such a strong and obviously confident woman would make the perfect subject Nemene plucked her from the rings of the Cauldron and used her as a genetic baseline for her new clones.

The first Trial of clones was a complete failure, the clones degrading almost as fast as they were grown. The Second trial was not much better. It was on the third try that Nemene and Evelynn received their first Batch of successfully Sirens, though only sixteen pairs.

These Sirens were the first of many, and it was they that underwent the training process for the first time. These sixteen Sirens miraculously all managed to pass and even soar through all tests placed on them by Nemene and Evelynn. These thirty four women became the personal guard of the Two Queens, being sent on the occasional mission to hunt down run away slaves or retrieve something or other for the two Sister Queens.

With the success of the breeding of the first few Sirens Nemene became emboldened, and soon began to create more of her creatures. Because of the difficulty in their training and the cloning process however the Sirens numbers are still well below a thousand.
Notable Player-Characters: None yet but the option is there.
Intent: To Create a personal guard for Evelynn and Nemene and create a unique military unit for the Fringe.
[member="Nemene Talith"]
I have a question regarding this. If they communicate only with sign language, how can they effect communication remotely, IE, at distance when they can't see the other person? Obviously commlinks are out, so is there some other way they can communicate?

@mention me when ready.

Lira Dajenn

90% of the time they stay within visual distance of one another. More often than not they don't work with more than just their bond-mates, and usually they stay together or within a few meters of one another, its just how they fight. However i realize this problem does exist for that other 10% and once they are approved i'll be creating a custom armor for the Sirens that solves this problem via their helmet systems :)
[member="Nemene Talith"]
I assume this applies to if they needed to communicate with the queens whilst on a mission or with allies/enemies they are dealing with? Some sort of mechanical vocaliser or text based messaging system would be needed.
I understand you’re going for the whole mute thing, but practicalities can’t be ignored!

I’m assuming they can read and write?

Lira Dajenn

Thats what the tech submission would include. I was thinking a device that much like with paralysis patients now a days reads the blink of the eyes and turns it into certain vocals. I would imagine they wouldn't need more than a few statements so such a thing wouldn't be hard to make.

And yes they can definitely read and write. New plan, all of them carry fold-able dry erase boards and a marker.
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