Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Silver Lining [Empire's Dominion of the Lyran IV System]

"The Empire is at War."

The commanding voice of the Emperor cut through the silent communication channels like a lightsabre. "Regimes not unlike our own sacrifice their chance at prosperity to deny us our birthright; a Galaxy free from conflict, embedded with order. Thousands give their lives and the lives of others to attempt to halt the inevitable." The voice of Kardal continued, a heavy truth in his words, "Even today, a mere remnant of the Silver Jedi, the Antarian Rangers, combat our dominion of this grovelling world."

A small pause, before carrying on with his speech.

"No more."

"No more will these dissidents continue to act as a bastion of chaos. We were generous, we gave them an opportunity to turn themselves in, for the city to vilify them." Reginald spat, a small hint of malice evident in his eyes, "To those that wish to challenge the Empire's strength, their answer will be this!"

The entire battlefield for kilometres was drenched in a hue of radiant green, signalling a smiting from orbit as a proton beam reached down from the stars and impacted into the centre of the city. The fluorescence disappeared as quickly as it arrived, the end of the green laser replaced with an all-consuming explosion as skyscrapers were obliterated, chunks of the region's lithosphere sent flying in all directions.

This was the true power of the Empire.

[member="Adron Malvern"] | [member="Baron Morcus"] | [member="Aram Kalast"] | [member="Seto Du Couteau"]
​Adron had been listening to the Emperor's speech, it was inspiring to say the least. Yet as the speech came to a close, Adron's eyes were forced to adjust as a bright green flash flew down from the skies above. Almost like a ray from the heavens, the beam sent a brief glow over the battlefield. Yet only moments later that glow was replaced with raw destructive power. Raising his hand to shield his eyes from the flash of light to follow, Adron could hear the thunderous boom as the power of the Empire was unleashed.

​Dust was kicked up for miles, so much so that even the forward command post had become drenched in a thick fog of dirt and debris. "Amazing." Adron muttered, before glancing over to the Empire, whom he half expected to be grinning ear to ear. "So this is Caalgen's latest project?" He asked, looking his eyes yet to penetrate the fog of dirt brought on by the weapon.

[member="Reginald Kardal"]

Taa Nul

CEO of Kamigen Incorporated
Post: 2
Capital City, Lyran IV

The Grand Inquisitor and his forces had made outstanding progress, their morale boosted when news of the Emperor's arrival had reached them. They had cut a swathe through the Antarian Rangers, who were desperately trying to retreat from the Imperial advance. Such proved difficult for the enemy, however, as they were brutally pepped and cut apart by fire from the persuing Imperial Stormtroopers and the hulking AT-ATs which had arrived to support them.

Morcus had continued to lead from the front, cutting down as many rangers as he could with his mastery of the dark side. Force lightning poured forth from his fingertips as he decimated a squad of rangers who'd tried to buy the rest of their retreating allies time to escape, their charred corpses dropping to the floor like rag dolls. Morcus turned, to speak with his Major who'd been following behind him. "Our attack proceeds excellently. Take the troops forward and scour the remaining Rangers from the area. I shall go to the Emperor and inform him of our victory.", he said confidently. The Major saluted. "Yes, my lord."

[member="Reginald Kardal"]
[member="Adron Malvern"]
[member="Aram Kalast"]
Location: Fields of distant Farmlands, Sector 236
Actions: Engaging remaining Antarian Rangers

The doors opened wide as Seto's gunship continued to fly over the vast farmlands beneath them, another pair of gunships acted as escorts on either side of Seto's own. His hands clasped together as he sat calmly, mediating on his senses trying to increase area of awareness to catch emotions of fear and anger. Resentment and dread, determination and bravery. Fools these Antarian Rangers might be, but emotional fools and one sensitive enough to the Force, impossible to hide and disguise. Small sparks illuminated in Seto's mind, the Force revealing to him tiny bits of emotions ranging far and away from the common Stormtrooper and any Imperial Force located on the planet's surface.

These several tiny lights in his mind sparked up, most likely due to the sound of approaching Imperial gunships. A pair of TIE Fighters loomed closer to Seto's gunship and accelerated quickly forward before returning back upwards to higher altitude, the scream of the TIE's sent another wave of fear and nervousness that Seto had intended of creating. Nothing left but flush them out and pick them apart.

"Lower us and prepare to search the immediate vicinity of three kilometers, have the other two LAAT's drop their Stormtroopers and patrol the area," Seto ordered through his Commlink, slowly he rose from his seated position. He felt the ship lower itself to the ground, its engines continued to hum as Seto jumped off, lightsaber in hand. Breathing in deeply, closing his eyes, Seto exhaled with his lightsaber now ignited. The bright ruby red blade lit up and with a single swipe Seto gestured to his Stormtrooper company to move forward.

"A small group of three to our three o'clock, your sensors should pick up their power sources, and there is a large group escaping to our nine o'clock position. Let the gunships herd them to your weapon sights, keep loose formations and aim to kill," Seto ordered, moving along to head directly for the group of three hiding beneath freshly harvested grain. Tunnel rats it seems, "-We don't need any more prisoners," Seto added.

At least we don't have to worry about ruining any crops out here. . .
Max moved through the smokey streets alongside Imperial troops further into the city. A large-scale sweep was in progress, and every crevice was subject to scrutiny. The resistance that had occurred had quickly stiffened some of the soldiers, not seeming to anticipate such. But the Antarian Rangers had experience in these situations, as he could attest to, remembering when they were once allies.

Broadcasting to his troops, he spoke "Ensure you set up security in the cleared areas. We don't want any nasty surprises afterwards."

The odd civilian brave enough to poke their heads out was sternly urged back inside as they searched the remaining areas of the city. Max would be greatly relieved if this was over quickly enough; there needed to be as little delay in the pause of production as possible. That was what they were here for, after all.

A trooper hurried towards him from behind, eagerly coming beside Max to deliver a message "General, it's the Emperor. He's here planetside."

"The Emperor? Here?" His brows furrowed under his helmet. "I will see to him when we are finished. For now, we shall redouble our efforts."

[member="Aram Kalast"] [member="Seto Du Couteau"] [member="Baron Morcus"] [member="Adron Malvern"] [member="Reginald Kardal"] [member="DT-2319"] [member="Isaac Stover"] [member="Corric Tassadar"] [member="Travis Caalgen"]
The battle was a firestorm beneath them, massive pillars of fire that meant nothing more then an end to insurrection against the Empire, however it was not this that carried Aram’s attention. The flames of war had increasingly spread across the eastern reaches of the Imperial territories and at its very heart was a realisation that the Empire itself, the very heart of order…was dying.

Yet repeatedly the Empire stood firm against the threat of exterior invasion, never failing to force their own intentions upon those who wanted them destroyed. For Aram it was not enough, he had seen the the true threat, the resounding knowledge that the Empire would not be killed from without. It would be murdered. From within.

“Sir we have a formal surrender from the governor, plus locations of several of the terrorist scum. Shall we abort the attack?” The officer said with every part of tough upper-Imperial lip.

“Continue to raze the city. I want a severe reminder of Imperial might scared upon this world forever.” Aram said before turning away from the view screen. “Do you serve the Empire Admiral?” He would ask, gaining a confused look from his second who nodded and replied with confirmation.

“Yes sir.” It was enough, Aram knowing that his path was now set before him.
“Then you will want to listen very closely to what I am about to say…”


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