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Faction The Siege of Castilon Five (Underground Operation)

Roth Tillian

Castilon Five- Supertanker Fuel Depot


If there was one thing the Underground needed, it was pilots committed as equally to its ideals and values as they were to flying. It wasn't an easy balance to find. There were many people who cared deeply and selflessly about the causes of freedom and fearlessness, but couldn't fly, and there were just as many pilots who only cared about flying. Roth understood those people. He had been one of them for a long time in his youth, but he'd found his way again, and come back to his roots.

The Castilon Five racing circuit. A planet outside the borders of space, mostly forgotten and left more or less alone. With the official foundation of Liberty Wing, Roth needed to find pilots. And there was nowhere else better to find them than here. The tricky part was finding the ones with the guts to put their lives and their ships on the line for the betterment of others. So, he'd gathered a contingent of Underground personnel and brought them to Castilon Five to seek out new recruits. Racers, ground crews, anyone with a genius for machines and a heart for the cause.

Except everything had gone wrong. Call it the Force, poor luck, whatever it was. Now the team was trapped on the supertanker, with their transports burning on the docks and a flotilla of raiders surrounding them, going after the fuel supplies. Comms were jammed and their rendezvous with the rest of the Underground ships not for another week.

They were on their own.

Roth rubbed his temple and stared up at the shapes floating on the horizon. The thrum of their repulsors sent waves lapping against the ship's hull and waves of heated air rising above the watery surface. The grimy life aboard the station had come to a halt while the siege continued. It was only a matter of time before the raiders launched their attack and with no rain coming, they might have to dip into the ship's supply reserves after a few days. So many were crammed into the center of the ship to stay away from any turbolaser blasts or torpedo explosions that might hammer against the hull.

The Underground team was a mixture of pilots and ground operatives, which gave them the skills and training to counter both the boarding parties and the surrounding flotilla. The problem was the lack of supplies and numbers. Outnumbered. Outgunned. Outplanned, but never outfought. That's what it would take from them to get out of this and save all the people living on the ship.

Roth pushed himself up from the bulkhead and strode back into the quarters where the rest of the Underground team had assembled.

"Gather round, Undergrounders," he called over the chatter, "It's time to put our heads together and find a way out of this mess. What you got in mind?"

So, here's the next thread for the Underground! Inspired, both by request and idea, by the Magnificent Seven and Seven Samurai. A small group of talented, experienced individuals and a civilian community facing overwhelming odds with no chance of escape and no cavalry coming to the rescue. So, make a plan! Create the NPCs! Make this an epic Underground story together

Jeekan Da

Castilon Five

Galtea went through the gear she had packed in her bag with her. It wasn't much. No explosives. No high-tech comms. Nothing that could reach out beyond the area. Those were kept in the shuttles whose smoke she could still smell coiling up from the landing pad. All she had were a few pistols and a disassembled carbine. Those she pulled out and set next to her.

"Rogue Team, check your kits. What have we got?" Her voice was calm and focused as she sifted through the possibilities. To get a good plan, they'd need to know what they were working with. Save time from guessing at wild plans without knowing what they had. It was something she had learned as an undercover Sector Ranger.

Not that this was too different, although she did everything more directly now. And usually with a different badge emblazoned on her jacket. The ancient red starbird of the Rebel Alliance. An iconic symbol adopted by organizations across time and space and she intended to wear it proudly and with the honor it deserved.

If that meant facing down an army of fuel-raiders with only a handful of people until they're overrun, she would do it.

Peyton Steele

As she was working with her Cell, and doing what she could to assist the Home Guard as the proxy for Coren on day to day missions, Peyton Steele was always watching for different missions from the Underground, both to keep informed as to the goings on of those watchmen who were defending the galaxy. Peyton may have a very specific purpose for herself, helping people get into places that they shouldn’t, and protecting their cover. She was a field agent as well, but lately she had been assisting with the leadership of those agents.

That was, until she saw the mission requests and calls for aid.

Castilon Five. A racing circuit with pilots as crazy as those in the Underground. Working with her Cell, Peyton elected to be the face of this mission and set off to meet Roth Tillian on the planet. Cuan Kunn and the unit’s FarStar were going to wait not too far away, in order to come in for the pick up. Hopefully they could recruit pilots, was the goal.

But of course, if wishes were horses… They weren’t. Armed with just what she had on her, her stun batons, her side arm, and a whole lot of ingenuity, she and the Underground were trapped. Comms were the first to go, then the ships. At least it wasn’t her ship, just yet another Gallofree people mover. Seeing the entries into the space above, she looked to Roth as he called for attention.

“Not part of your plan, huh?” A grin on her face. “We have a map of the tanker?”

Roth Tillian Galtea Garn
Still holding a sabacc cards on his hand from when he was playing with a few fellas just a few mins ago, Gar'n now outside the room gazing in awe at the sight of burning transport which was their ride going here. He murmured to himself "Well, there goes the sabacc game", and continued on saying "and i was just about to win that round too, damn". He then rushed back inside the room to take his stuff and prepare his medical equipment as he knows he's gonna need it to aid the ones wounded from the attack on their transport and for what's about to come.​

He start to checks his med kit to see if he bring enough equipment for the situation at hand, as he didn't knew the situation would end up like this. Gar'n readied up some medical equipment that will be needed as of right now, such as burn salve for treating burns and stimpak for injecting bacta or painkillers. Gar'n also checks if his flask is full, knowing well he gonna need a drink to get through this predicament.​

Gar'n thought it was gonna be a quick and easy task during this mision, where he won't have to do much work as a medic and he can just laze around drinking and gambling. He realizes that was such a wishful thinking, as now he is a part of the Undergrounders, a new recruit to an on going conflict where the unexpected will arise, and fights will happens. Even if he might not be prepared for this situation but one thing he knew for certain, is that he's prepared to do his job as a medic and get through this.​

As he prepares to go out to do his job as a medic, he looks outside once again seeing the smokes as he took a sip from his flask and says "I sure hope i'm ready for this".​

Roth Tillian

Peyton Steele Garand Inho Garand Inho

"Part of the plan," Roth grumbled as Peyton teased him. "My plan was to show up, race the pilots, have some drinks, and convince the ones who support us to fly with us. That was it." He pushed a datacard into a wall-terminal and pulled up all the information they had access to. Nothing of the station itself, but he was able to find and track down schematics of the ship-class from the manufacturer. "Knock yourself out."

The pilot ran a hand through his hair, found a gray strand, and grimaced. How was Veino still having his hair all dark? The Saaraai-Kaar had way more stress than Roth ever had. Perhaps it was all the dying and coming back to life. That was something he intended to avoid for as long as possible. Hae went through his own gear, limited mostly to his pockets and utility belt. A lightsaber, a heavy blaster, and a comlink, and credits, plus a hip-flask. . It would be up to the people trained in these scenarios to get them out of this. At least, until he could get his hands on a fighter that wasn't on fire.

One of the other newer recruits, a medic, wasn't far away, checking his medical supplies and the flask. That was something he could get behind. But not yet. He was still nominally in charge of the operation and that meant certain standards to uphold for himself.

"You'll do alright, kid," Roth said, stepping up behind the Zabrak. "First time you've been in one of these shindigs, I take it?"
Gar'n was about to take another sip from his flask, when someone was walking towards him from behind, which he didn't noticed. Gar'n finally noticed the man walking towards him when he spoke to him, he turned around and saw it was Roth talking to him. Gar'n immediately put down his flask and replied "Guess you can tell huh?".​

"I never been in a firefight before, unless you count getting shot at by tusken raiders on Tatooine when i was passing through their territory as one" Gar'n says with a smile as he finishes preparing his medical equipment and putting his flask back into his bag. He continued "So yeah, i guess i'm quite a bit unfamiliar with this kind of situation" while looking over his medical equipment which he is done preparing.​

As Gar'n then closes his bag zipper, he realized he hasn't introduced himself "Ohh right, the name's Gar'n S. Rumack, you can call me whatever you want unless you're injured then call me Doc so i'll know it's a medical situation" he jokingly said.​

Gar'n then took a big breath to calm and ready himself so he can do his job as a medic smoothly and get through this without getting shot, which is his number one concern doing this. He looks over his equipment for one last check to ensure he has everything ready to be used.​

"I'll start heading out and go around to check if anyone need any medical assistance" he then grab his bag and put it on him. ​

Just as he was about to walk away, he ask Roth a question "By the way, do you need me to set up some aid station?" ​


Peyton Steele

“You always bring the most fun circumstances, Roth.” Peyton laughed as she rolled her eyes. The galaxy was always alight and this world was no different. The blonde was smirking as she checked her weapons and nodded. “Yeah, like your first plan better. Much more a social call, but I suppose in this galaxy sometimes we need to be ready for the wet works.” A smirk as she looked at the map. Downloading it to her datapad initially.

Her own tech always had a few extra features, and this one was going to datamine maps to get this place secure. She was looing for security overrides and any weapons on this thing. “Seems the only weapon is really the pilots themselves…” She was musing as the klaxon came on.

Squadron, report to your fighters.

“Seems like the locals can at least launch, Roth can you get to the fighters? I can see about getting in with the Imperial comms and finding where they are landing, do some damage from this side?”

Roth Tillian Garand Inho Garand Inho

Roth Tillian

Peyton Steele Garand Inho Garand Inho

Roth grinned at the young Zabrak and gave a shrug. "Being Force-sensitive helps with these things. That and..." He paused and narrowed his eyes as he tried to count. "More years than I can keep track of when it comes to these kinds of experiences." The pilot stepped closer to a viewport and peered at the pirate vessels hovering just out of range. "Roth Tillian, of course, at your service. And trust your training, kid." Roth rapped a few knuckles against the viewport. "That muscle memory and practice will carry you through. Might take a few hits until it gets up to speed, but you'll get through it."

He felt Peyton approach and half turned, before looking back to the young medic. "Yeah. Get a triage post up and running. Get some of our other pilots to go see if people require assistance. You're in charge when it comes to all medical and first aid situations."

At Peyton's comments, he just harrumphed. "Yeah, well, I never get in fights if I can manage to avoid it. Not a problem that can't be solved with some sharp cards and strong booze."

The alarm and klaxon blared through the structure of the massive ship and he tilted his head, taking in the message and Peyton's comments. "I can probably snag an empty fighter. Think some of their pilots got hit with the initial barrage." His mind raced through the various possibilities before he nodded. "Do what you can to disrupt and keep them busy in their comms. I'll see if I can get aloft."

"All right, you got it boss man" he heads over to looks at the map first so he can decide the best place to set up. He decided to set it up on the west side, where there's a room large enough to put medical equipment and put patients there. He heads out after looking at the lay out of the area, as first stop is the docks where their ships are currently smoking, so he can check if anyone is injured and needed medical attention. Gar'n immediately runs over to the docks as quickly as he can, passing quite a lot of Undergrounders as he goes by.​

A few moments later, Gar'n arrived at the docks, where people are trying to hose down the fire as the smokes keeps on getting thicker every passing minutes. As soon as he got there, he saw medics who were already there before him tending to a few pilots and crew member laying on the ground injured from the ship the was wrecked on the docks. He immediately goes over to one crew member who was the the nearest to the smoking ships. He crouch right next to him, as he looks over his body to see his condition, where he sees he was burned on the right side of his body. He was unconscious, so Gar'n can focus on treating his burns first and begin his treatment. Gar'n starts to search and then remove any clothing, personal protective equipment, or metal accessories that continue to cause heat/burn exposure and/or are in the way of patient management. He tries to cool off the burn area first before starting to tend the burned crewman by applying burn salve on him to stops it from worsening and also treat the burned area. The crewman is quite lucky his injury wasn't to severe or that he even survived, with how close he was the to the ship, Gar'n speculates the crewman was checking on the ships.​

With seeing there's quite a lot of injured on the docks, he called out to some Undergrounders so they can help him with moving them to the aid station he was going to set up. "You two, i want you to get these injured moved to an unused room on the west side after you're done stabilizing them" as he shout to two medics who were tending the wounded near him. "We're going to set up an aid station there so it will be easier to tend to the wounded, bring every other medics available there" he said to them, "Also don't forget to bring every medical equipment and supplies we have there". Gar'n continues to stabilize the burn crewman and finishes up so he can moved him to their soon to be aid station. There's already people injured, and the realy fight haven't even started, he thought to himself, things are gonna get even bad when it starts.

After awhile Gar'n finished tending to the injured crew man and a few others, as some needed to be stabilize and given immediate treatment. "All right fellas, let's get the wounded out of here" he shouted to the medics and a few Undergrounders who was helping out on the docks. He begin to lead lead the medics and the injured towards the west side so they can lay them there and set up their aid station. Gar'n knew they need to hurry with their job, as the battle is going to start soon, and he wants to be ready before it. He have 6 medics with him, with 2 of them already sent headed to the west side so they can get started on the aid station. He muttered to himself, "Right no pressure" as he now officially starts his job as a medic for The Underground, and not only that he was put in charge with everything medical related by Roth. "Let's hurry this up lads" he shouted again as they head on over to the west side, "We gotta to this fast and efficiently".​

Roth Tillian
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