Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Shadows' Awakening (SA vs SJO)

Adega System, Near the Moon of Mim, Aegis Base
0461 Ossus Time, Present
Objective: Team B

He glared at the woman, before inevitably giving a nod to her as she stated her intent. Soon after she took off, Honas'di would similarly follow unholstering his spear from its holster and hold it passively by his side. He stood by her side, as the pair noticed the lack of guards present soon after turning his attention to the door. A growl would emit from his mouth, spit alike. He approached the door, sizing it up before leaning his spear up against it. He inserted both of his clawed hands into the crack and began to pull the door open. Small gatherings of dust would fall from above as the Nelvaanian began to pull the large doorway open. Holding it open for her to enter. He grunted while attempting to speak.

"Yes- I can... quickly, grab my weapon and go through." He growled.

Once [member="Leliana"] had lifted his weapon she would feel an empowerment wash over her, as well as the constant whispers of the dark with her mind, though once they enterred the would be faced within a vast corridor with candles lighting the walls.

Darth Abyss | Darth Lykos
Location: Power Station
Enemies: [member="Darth Banshee"] and friends
Allies: [member="Arisa Yune"] and Friends.

James rose from the ground, his clones fading into nothingness, the Sith had been halted but for a moment inside the station. She seemed to be looking for the backup generator. James wondered why she stayed here, no one ever put the back up generator next to the original. If the primary was damaged or destroyed (like it had been here) the back up would have been so as well. It's just common sense, and what she was hearing was probably the blood rushing back to her head after the Force Choke halted its progress to the necessary function.

The back up generator was across the temple grounds, underground. She'd just trapped herself inside the power station. The building was broken, James figured why not use it to his advantage. He pulled up the Force and, jumping high into the air, released a massive Shockwave onto the building. The building would begin to fall down on top of the Sith. Duracrete slabs and metal shrapnel would rain down upon the Sith woman. To add insult to injury, James would launch a subsequent assault with Force Lightning. Causing electrical fires to sprout up throughout the station.

When using the darkside, James just needed to remember his time with the One Sith. The Leviathin he'd conquered, the Jedi he'd fought, the innocent he'd killed. The pain and anger from those days were enough to bring up the darkside within him. But it would not grab ahold of his center. To James, the Force was merely a tool to be used. Light and Dark held no meaning to him, the abilities each "side" granted was all he sought. Using one such ability he'd picked up, Inertia, he stood, horizontal, on the side of an adjacent building, waiting for a sign of his opponent.
With the younglings now safe and secured, Valae let a soft sigh escape. But not a moment later, there were wounded to treat. Guarded by members of the Berserker unit, stretchers were brought into the temple, able to slip inside just before the area was locked down tight. The Silver Circle was ready to receive the wounded, and they had medical aides standing by to help. Unfortunately, the healing halls were not large enough to house all of the wounded – it was a place meant for meditation, after all. And so, the main complex would have to work as a temporary infirmary for the time.

“Y’all will need to resort to field medicine and conventional practices,” Valae reminded her healers. “Force healing just won’t do with all of the Ysalamir around.”

She recognized that the Ysalamir carried by the Berserkers was a necessary precaution, and it would protect a great many should the base and temple fall – she doubted that it would, not with all of the capable soldiers and Jedi here to protect it. Grabbing up her medical bag, she pulled out stimpaks and bacta that was ready for infusion. There were a number of folks that had minor injuries, likely caught towards the edge of the blast zone – bumps, bruises, light bleeding. However, there were some that had not been so lucky…

Valae made her way to a young guard, his face was bloody and his eyes squeezed closed. He had suffered quite a head wound, and Valae quickly knelt at his side. Immediately, shaking hands reached up to grasp Valae’s arm. The man’s eyes shot open and he pulled Valae just a bit closer.

“You better start praying for me,” He said in a raspy voice, “I won’t make it.”

The words made the Jedi healer’s heart drop.

Very gently, Valae gave the man’s hands a squeeze before she slipped them off of her arm. She pulled a few syringes from her kit, and gave the man something for the pain. He relaxed almost immediately. Though his wounds were quite serious, she was convinced that he could be treated. Valae went to work cleaning and dressing his wounds, this man would likely need surgery – but she would just have to hold him over until then.

[member="Arisa Yune"] | [member="Darren Torran"] | [member="Valkren Calderon"] | [member="Ailuros"] | [member="Yuroic Xeraic"] | [member="Mabbik"]
Objective: Team A
Allies: [member="Krest"] [member="Kaalia Voldaren"] [member="Orion Darkstar"]
Enemies: [member="James Mathison"] [member="Arisa Yune"] Slivers and Allies
Equipment: Battle Armour, Saber staff, Healing Amulet

She began to move and dodge, as the ceiling and floor began to collapse, she was also using the force to push bigger things out of the way. She figured the Jedi or Sith or what ever he was, was willing to commit suicide to kill her, as he was below her, and was bring the building down on himself as well. She eventually missed her footing, and fell to next level with a bit off a thud. As she landed she immediately rolled to prevent her from being slapped with chunk of masonry which carried on further down, to floor below. Where it killed a soldier, belong to the silver Jedi order. She then saw the Jedi, and reached out at him form the floor, she had enough, it was time to put this whelp down, before he killed them both. She reached out at the force, and began crush him, not his neck, the bit between his legs. She wanted him to lose concentration for second, before he killed them both.
Adega System, Near the Moon of Mim, Phasma Class Infiltrator
0465 Ossus Time - Aegis Base
Objective: Team B - [member="Darth Lykos"] | [member="Darth Abyss"] | [member="Honas'di"]
Equipment: Lightsaber, Daggers, Osaji Personal Shield, Hidden Blade and some explosives.

Looking at it, Leliana shouldn't have really been surprised at how easy Honas'di pried the door open. She was admittedly somewhat impressed, watching as the towering man pushed both halves of the door open, metal grinding against metal as they were forced apart.

Leliana walked over and grabbed the Nelvaanian's spear, almost wanting to drop it the moment her hand wrapped around it.

She felt the presence it immediately began to wrap around her, taking something from her and returning the favour with imbuing her with vigour and strength. Initially Leliana didn't realize what it was taking from her, but it quickly clicked in her mind that it was feeding from the dark side. It was the first time she had ever held an alchemised weapon, or item in general. Some part of her was fascinated with it, but the other wasn't exactly keen on the voices that were whispering in her mind.

Though thankfully during that time she had slipped through the doorway, allowing for Honas'di himself to follow suit, letting the door slam shut behind them.

"That's an...interesting weapon you have." Leliana didn't hesitate to hand him his spear back. "Alright, we've got a straight shot down this tunnel to the reactor. Mind you, we've got some additional hallways we'll be passing too, so keep an eye and ear out when we cross them." The initial part before them was dimly light, likely kept temporarily during construction. As they went further in, the landscape would shift to metal walls as they entere Aegis Base proper.

"Once we're in the actual base itself, be prepared. They'll likely have guards stationed outside the reactor room."
Location: Power station
Enemy: [member="Darth Banshee"] and friends.
Allies: [member="Arisa Yune"] [member="Valae Kitra"] and friends.

James, feeling the instant pressure, Concealed his signature and Phased his way out of the building as it continued to disintegrate. Once outside, James called over a few soldiers and told them to throw their grenades into the crumbling building to finish the Sith off.

James decided to stand there until he was certain that the Sith was done for. This experience had been interesting taking on a Sith for the first time in a long time. Shaking the pain from his legs, James wasn't impressed with the Sith to stoop to such a childish maneuver.
Objective: Team A
Allies: [member="Krest"] [member="Kaalia Voldaren"] [member="Orion Darkstar"]
Enemies: [member="James Mathison"] [member="Arisa Yune"] Slivers and Allies
Equipment: Battle Armour, Saber staff, Healing Amulet

She watched as her opponent manged to somehow keep enough concentration to phase, despite what she was crushing. He must not have much their to crush she thought to her self, though he was running away, she decide he was a coward, and seeing she did not really care for the fight, as she had another power source to damage. She decide to leave the opposite way, she used the force to run out of the building. She must saw a few dozen SJO troops, who tried to open fire on her. She blocked a few, and couple hit her armour, but she had a small shield generator on it. So nothing really hit home. Then she saw a window and jumped through it, then she thought she was going hear a crashing noise, as she broke the window, she heard a BANG a really loud bang. Some idiot blew up the building, with their own troops in it, their own work force. Their been no calls to evacuate it, no alarms, nothing. She wonder was her life being destroyed, so important to them they would kill or bury their own. Would they even destroy what was easily fixable power supply, hell she was sith and she would not go that far. The Silver Jedi must gone to the dark side, and unable to control their feelings. She head off using the force as cloak, she was going to take out the other power source, unless destroyed it for her. She kinda liked knowing the enemy desperation against them turned to dark side of the force. She turned and looked at smoldering pipe rubble one last time, before she hunted for next target. She realized the build exploded outward, and the flying debris had killed a few of Silvers troops as well.
The darkness lays ever near the light.
Location: Aegis Base
Objective: Investigate Smoke Plume
Allies: SJO, Civilians, Allies | [member="Arisa Yune"] | [member="Valkren Calderon"] | [member="James Mathison"]
Enemies: SA, Allies | [member="Darth Abyss"] | [member="Krest"] | [member="Darth Lykos"]

Darren was waiting at the entrance to stop them from getting in the base, little did he know that they were already inside - until he received the feed from the drone. Upon first glance, just a plume of smoke, but upon looking closer he knew that it was not that simple. Black ash floated to the ground. There was no sign of a source - it led him to believe it was some sort of Sith sorcery. He had to get over there, but he couldn't leave the entrance unprotected. What was he to do? Persevere, of course.

He looked to his second, "Harvey, you're in charge of these men. Do not let those bastards inside this base, got it? I've gotta investigate this smoke plume, something's not right." the man nodded as Darren rushed off. The Zabrak sprinted across the base, not taking into account his surroundings at all. It was very unlike him, but he needed to get to whatever the hell this thing was across the other side of Aegis. It took him a while, but he made it. Hiding in between two shelters, Darren inspected the ash further. He zoomed in on his HUD, trying to get any incline at all to what this thing was - but to no avail.

He did not wish to approach it, not on his own. He needed backup. Darren attempted to contact Colonel Calderon, "Colonel, I need backup sent to my location. Now. This thing isn't good, Colonel. I can feel it's darkside aura. It doesn't seem real..." perhaps he was talking too loud. What if this... Thing, heard him? The communication ended, Darren couldn't risk being caught. If he did... Who knows what would happen? Of course, his Ysalamir would protect him for it's force powers - but what if it could use a lightsaber?

((OOC: The ash/thing referenced is [member="Darth Abyss"]))
Location: Power Station
Enemies: [member="Darth Banshee"] and friends
Allies: [member="Arisa Yune"] [member="Darren Torran"] [member="Valae Kitra"] and friends

James could feel the Sith turn to run from the building. Any smart person wouldn't want to stay in a crumbling building, what with the power being blown and the building being used as a giant tomb, made sense. James cut the Sith off as she moved through the building. Seeing her leap through a window, James figured he'd head her off in case she actually somehow found the back up power generators. Those few who'd perished in the station did so when the Sith had initially zapped the whole facility they had been working in. As the Sith ran, the few Rangers who spotted and fired upon her called out her position and heading to the others.

<<Enemy spotted in Sector Seven headed West...Jedi in pursuit >> Troopers called over comms.

James moved straight for the station, remaining hidden within the Force, he would beat her to the entrance of the backup generator. Instead, though, he wouldn't be alone. Protocol was to fortify the key points after the initial attacks and when James arrived, he'd meet with a battalion of Rangers. Having only one way in, scanners, cameras and scouts were on alert all over the complex for any Sith Sightings. James would pull out both sabers and ignite them. Focusing on the Force, aiming for anything foreign, he'd find the Sith, no matter where she'd hidden.

"Lock the doors, no one gets in or out until Grandmaster Yune gives the all clear." He called out.
Adega System, Near the Moon of Mim, Aegis Base
0467 Ossus Time, Present
Objective: Team B

The Nelvaanian shuffled through the door, giving a nod to his partner and gesturing for them to continue. "Through the tunnels, then." He stated bluntly. They made their way through the tunnels, riddled with low lighting. Various insects and small creatures filled the tunnels as they wandered through. Honas'di would step on most of them as they passed through, eating some too. Eventually the tunnel would get expendially smaller and Honas'di would be forced the crouch through where [member="Leliana"] wouldn't. Eventually their would be a metal wall at the end of the tunnel, seemingly sealed shut. Taking a soft moment to close his eyes, he would focus for several moments. "Four people, behind this wall." He whispered as best as he could.

He pointed to her lightsaber. Flicking his finger towards the door in gesture, while he would unholster his spear again holding it as he awaited. "Quickly cut it down, then we charge in and kill them all before they can sound the alarm." He said, again attempting to whisper to her. "From there we will be able to go in quietly, which I guess is your preffered way of things."
0470 Ossus Time - Aegis Base (Shield Generator)
Objective: Team B - [member="Darth Lykos"] | [member="Darth Abyss"] | [member="Honas'di"]
Equipment: Lightsaber, Daggers, Osaji Personal Shield, Hidden Blade and some explosives.

Even though no words were shared, details were gleamed from how Hondas'di moved. Tall and broad as he was, the man was capable of moving quietly all the same. Well, side from the bugs he squished as he intentionally smushed them beneath his feet. Eating some of them; literally plucking a few from the walls as they passed by. To Leliana it was somewhat disgusting, but she didn't voice it and instead focused on traversing the tunnels.

They eventually reached a roadblock in their way, in the form of another metal door sealed shut. This one more bluntly so, with the telltale signs of a melding tool being used at some point to seal it. Leliana peered over at her partner, nodding her head at the information and silently walked up to the door. With an ear pressed against it, she tapped it with her knuckles - light enough that it was likely passed off as just the wind or some random noise.

She was in fact testing it, to see how thick the door was. If it was too much then trying to cut through it with a lightsaber would take too long and give the men on the other side plenty of time to sound the alarm. But it seemed thinner, more so than the initial door they had gone through at the landing pads. Although Leliana's main concern was the four that Hona'di had sensed. She could've done the same, but required specifics; ones of which the assassin wasn't trained well enough to pick up on. So she used more basic means, keeping her ear to the door and just listened.

Faint footsteps could be heard, the sound of two pairs of boots walking along a metal flooring. It meant that at least two of the four were presently moving and the others were either sitting or hopefully even sleeping on the job. Though what interested her most, was the slight reveberation that echoed out. Sounding as though the room they were on the opposite side of was fairly large - could they have found a back entrance to the reactor room itself?

Leliana grinned, and stepped away to whisper to Honas'di.

"Two are moving about, two stationary. As soon as I've cut through, kick it in."

Reaching for her lightsaber, Leliana pulled it from her belt and ignited it. Not wasting a moment after, she plunged it through the bottom left of the door and began carving their own doorway into it. Her assumption of the door's thickness was proved somewhat correct, as she was able to carve up one side of it rather quickly. If this had been the main door; likely a bulkhead, it would've been another matter entirely. Explosives would've been needed, but she supposed the Jedi never suspected someone could sneak into this part of the base without just straight up having to pass through the shield and subsequently being detected.

At 0470, Leliana's lightsaber finished carving through the door. Snapping her lightsaber off, she quickly moved aside allowing for Hona'di to knock the new doorway in and charge in.
Adega System, Near the Moon of Mim, Aegis Base
0470 Ossus Time, Present
Objective: Team B

After she had finished cutting through the door, the inner guards had already readied themselves for an attack. Honas'di left a few moments, slowly approaching the door then with all of his might kicking the door through. The door flinging into the room, hitting one of the guards. Completely knocking him unconcious. He charged in, grabbing one of the other men. They were of course not only surpised but completely frightened from the creature's stature. He completely ripped the man's arm off, in which he held his blaster in. Augmenting his strength to do so. Dropping the man, him shaking from shock and eventually passing out on the ground. Honas'di would turn leaving him to bleed out, making his way to the man he knocked over with the door before stabbing his spear through his skull. He had no time to waste, he was not going to let this man wake up and sound the alarm. He ended him, simply.


Glancing up to Leliana to see what she had done to the other two, he would smirk. Growling faintly as he glanced behind him to his prior work for a final time.


Under[SIZE=11pt] [/SIZE]the flickering illumination of unnatural lightning that jumped along the walls of the compound, she saw a great mass of mangled bodies and severed limbs strewn across the floor. At the center of the room was a lone red Zabrak perched atop a mound of corpses, looking quite smug with himself.

[SIZE=11pt]Still masquerading as Lee, Arisa didn’t even flinch in the face of the gruesome display, only pointing the end of her blade toward the Sith Lord as she maintained her guard position. She remained impassive even when a black wyvern-like beast reared its ugly head from behind the Sith and the body pile, a dying Jedi bisected by a snap of its jaws. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]There was nothing gained by fretting over those who lay dead or dying. How she best served the remaining survivors of the airfield was eliminating the immediate threat before her. There would be a time for mourning later.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]The Sith Lord asked a ludicrous question that could only be interpreted as a taunt, but she wouldn’t dignify him with a response - that’s the least she could do to honor his victims in the moment. Instead, she just calmly adjusted the aim of her blaster, training the barrel on the center of mass, and fired. Set to stun, the blaster spewed out rings of blue energy instead of regular compact bolts. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]At the same time, she switched her view from the Zabrak to the wyvern, focusing on the lower half of the Padawan still hanging from its jaw, gleaming lightsaber hilt dangling from the belt. With telekinesis she plucked the clipped hilt free and activated it in the same motion, sending it into a spin to cut through the serpentine neck of the beast as a brilliant blade of electric blue was produced with a snap-hiss.

There was a brow raised at the stun rounds, and War raised a hand. Limbs, torsos, and heads all raised up into a roughly made shield to absorb the shots. He was almost disappointed. With how many he had killed he expected lethal fire to be allowed. But when the snaphiss fell upon the Sith's ears his disappointment faded as quickly as it had formed. Beside him the lightsaber that had spun found it's way to the lower jaw of his 'Desease', burning it clear off. Durgen, as the beast was called, could only howl in pain as it began to thrash around. With another casual wave of his hand Krest dismantled the spinning saber, letting it's pieces fall to the ground.

"Well, this won't do." Was all Krest said as he got up from his 'seat' rather slowly, heavily leaning on his cane in the process. All part of the act. If [member="Arisa Yune"] was not affected by the grotesque scene, perhaps he could lure her into a false sense of confidence. The 'meat shield' fell before him once he stood fully, his eyes not on the Jedi but Durgen. The creatures thrashing suddenly stopped, and the elder Lord casually set a hand on it's head. "Go, now."

With unspoken understanding the beast bowed it's head, it's severed tongue dangling from it's exposed mouth. With a massive flap of it's wings it would take off through the hole in the roof it had entered in to escape anymore pain.

If, somehow, this was not interrupted the Lord would turn to the Jedi and offer a polite bow of his head. "Now we can continue."
0502 Ossus Time - Aegis Base (Shield Generator)
Objective: Team B - [member="Darth Lykos"] | [member="Darth Abyss"] | [member="Honas'di"]
Equipment: Lightsaber, Daggers, Osaji Personal Shield, Hidden Blade and some explosives.

It was a matter of seconds after Honas'di kicked in the door, that Leliana darted in afterwards. The imposing figure of the Nelvaanian served well to make the guards freeze up initially, allowing for the beast of a man to tear through his targets. Her eyes were immediately drawn to the large reactor that was churning away on the far side of the room. She had been correct in her assumption, but now was not the time to be distracted.

She moved towards the other two, one of which was aiming their rifle at Honas'di. He could only be occupied with so many of the guards, as such it left Leliana to watch his back, and that she did.

With a swift use of telekinesis, she nudged the man's gun hand away; his finger slipping from the trigger before he could fire. It gave Leliana the opening she needed to lunge forwards and plunge her lightsaber through his chestplate. But she couldn't pause for a moment, as the second man raised his rifle towards her - and there wasn't enough time to use the Force.

Instead she quickly snapped up her Osaji shield into her hands and activated it just as a blaster volley came her way. It struck the shield, but Leliana pushed forwards; counting in her head as the devices up time slowly ticked away. Just as it fell, so too did the guard's gun heat up too much. As the shield dropped, the man went for his comlink, but Leliana quickly threw a dagger at him - soaring through the air and striking the man's wrist just beneath where his armor separate into a more flexible material.

The comlink clattered to the ground and moments later Leliana sprinted towards him and slammed her lightsaber into his gut.

With the last of her two down, Leliana looked over to Honas'di who had similarly dealt with his.

"Watch the door." She ordered, pointing a finger towards not the one they had created, but the actual main door that likely lead into the Aegis base proper. Leliana clipped her lightsaber and shield back to her belt, replacing it with one of the explosives she had supplied herself with. A small smirk appeared as she moved over to the reactor.

It was time for them to shake things up and make some noise.
0502 Ossus Time
Objective: Team B
Allies - General: [member="Krest"] | [member="Darth Banshee"] | [member="Orion Darkstar"] | [member="Kaalia Voldaren"] | [member="Darth Ophidia"] | [member="Belgerath"]
Allies - Objective: [member="Honas'di"] | [member="Leliana"] | [member="Darth Abyss"]
Enemies - General: [member="Arisa Yune"] | [member="James Mathison"] | [member="Wookie Warrior Arriurra"] | [member="Ailuros"] | [member="Yuroic Xeraic"] | [member="Valae Kitra"] | [member="Valkren Calderon"] | [member="Darren Torran"]

With the shield generators being the target of the Acolyte's, their intent to shatter the shielding protecting the Temple from orbital bombardment so as to open up the door for Ophidia to direct her ship of mind controlled pirates, Lykos knew that he had no need to pay attention towards them nor the defenses that may be, in an ultimately futile attempt, protecting the generators. Admittedly, it wasn't so much that he held complete faith in the Acolytes, more that he had faith in their ambition, their fear of failure. That whisper, even if they were to never acknowledge it and leave it to fester within their subconscious, would drive them forwards and never allow them to stop the marching of their feet. It was, in the end, most perfect when the little shadows of the Assassins had that passion to push them ever forth to new heights and deeper depths of darkness.

But, even as such thoughts passed through his mind in but an instant, Lykos ignored the situation that the Acolytes would be causing and focused, instead, on what lay before him. And what lay before him was the Temple itself, nestled within the comforting embrace of the compound that engulfed it. It was too back that that security was so weak, poisoned by the stagnation that afflicted any who chose to bath within the Light and so easily distracted by the commotion occurring at the spaceport. Indeed, that weakness was lay out as if it was a buffet for the Lord of Oblivion. He fed upon the panic and worry from citizen and security officers alike that seeped into the Force, gorging himself on their emotion, emotions made all the stronger from the constant suppression they were but under, strengthening the Cloak and shell that shielded him from sight and Force alike.

Stood atop one of the mountains of the mountain range at the rear of the Temple as he was, Lykos luxuriated in the feeling of the wind tugging at the robes that wrapped around his form; their harsh chill equal to the frozen rage that stirred and roared within him. He luxuriated in the scents of nature that greeted his nose, nothing like the burning foulness of industrialisation. And, more than that, he luxuraiated in the thrill that ran along his spine as he plummeted through the air, falling forwards off of the edge of the cliff, surrendering himself ever so briefly to gravity alone as it pulled him down towards the surface of Ossus, towards the Temple bellow.

Snarling at nothing, he let the wind claw at him with frozen, bony fingers, let it attempt to tear away the scarred and worn skin of his face - the only exposed part of his body - but, what he did not allow, outside of the brief moments after he had thrown himself forth onto nothingness, was for gravity to win. Beneath the obscurity of the Cloaks, he wrapped tendrils of the Force around his bone, reinforcing them, just as thinner and many more tendrils of that ethereal power ran along the fibers of muscle throughout his body. And as his body was strengthened, he continued to call upon the Force - even with the knowledge that while the end results of his manipulations of the power would not be discerned due to the Cloaks the manipulations themselves might well be sensed - tethering it around his body fully, as if he was seeking to enclose himself in a shell, and used that very same shell to begin to slow his fall - pulling with no more leverage than what his mind could conjure up.

With all his preparations, his security measures, when Lykos impacted upon the Temple roof it was softer than what the laws of physics would demand. Soft enough, in fact, that dropping into a crouch was more than enough to mitigate any damage that he may have potentially received. And, crouching there, scenting the area to ensure that no one was around him, Lykos allowed the reinforcements imbued upon his body to slacken before releasing them. However, rather than releasing them into the Force and creating a beacon for any Jedi bellow him to see, he used those very energies to strengthen the Cloaks that shielded him, ensuring that sight, nor sound, nor his Prescence within the Force could be observed. He was the Shadow, and the Shadow would never be spotted until it was too late.

Pushing himself forwards, patience guiding his every step and disciplining the ice cold rage that always smoldered within his hearts, Lykos crept towards where an entrance to the Temple proper loomed before him. His goal lay beneath his feet and while there would come a time where he could bath himself in the blood of Jedi, satiate his primal thirst by removing such a blight from the galaxy, now was not the time. Now was that time for him to never exist in the eyes of the Jedi.

OOC Note:
I hope you all don't mind me posting to the Skirmish after it has been inactive for the past 15 days. But, with me now almost finished with the four week course I've been on, I can start focussing on posts again and I was hoping that we could continue this, if you are all okay with us doing so. If you're not, please feel free to shout at me here.

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